chite ni ley thn je la. nk kate besh sgt pn tak la
skadar hiburan d ujung mggu
chite ni mgingatkn aku pd chite the incredible je sbb watak JA kut  |
bagi pandangan bird..cinta ni memang best x..xla seboring citer spiderman tu.. |
bosan gila cite ni. aku nak tengok silver surfer dan babak2 action yg gila2 je. tapi dua-dua takde. scene silver surfer seciput je. action pun seciput je. hak tuih.
walaupun cite ni 1jam setgh je, tapi aku rasa cam tgk cite 2jam setgh.
3/10 |
aku bagi 3 bintang jela...mlm ni nak tgk transformer |
this story rocks big time! i really ejoyed watching it in the cinema. Memang tak boring langsung. Spiderman tu tak lah menarik sangat emang kalah lah kalau d compare dgn crite FF2 ni. ocean's 13 pun not bad coz its really funny but this movie tops my list ! nak gi tengok transformers ujung bulan ni and see if it can beat FF2 (pada haku lah).. |
love this movie..
btw, transformer nie byh sgt expectations... mesti dapat low ratings...  |
kat mana nak download english subtitle utk citer ni? dah donlod movie tp dlm bhs rusia plak.. |
citer ni best aper!!!
dah tengok dah....
tapi pelik
nape mahluk asing suke sangat serang bumi nih....
banyak lagi planet kat luar tu
bumi jugak nak.... apa daa... |
For me tak sedap langsung.  |
Citer nie nk kate best giler x de laa. Cause at the beginning the story, just the same like FF1, boring and dry. But overall, I do enjoy watching this one much more than the first one. This is a cool movie that mix with humor, action, and sad as well, just like Transformers. This kind of movie tgk klau nak chill or release tension okay are. Lain2 no!
[ Last edited by `pSyCho` at 2-7-2007 02:16 PM ] |
tak best...
tak best
tak best... |
masalah satu ajer cerita neh.. rambut si sue strom tu nampak sesangat2lah FAKE abisssss.... burookkk... yg lama masa part 1 ok lagik.. |
movie yg paling teruk aku tengok  |
Tak besst sangat aaa citer ni...Human Torch lawan sorang-sorang ngan Dr.Doom aku bagi 3/5 je. |
grove_guy This user has been deleted
silver surfer tu dia baik  |
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