ni berapa org yg nak highlight beliau ? ini baik jugak....
OXFORD: Malaysian Dr Masliza Mahmod, 48, was recently made associate professor of Cardiovascular Medicine at the University of Oxford.
The head of Clinical Trials Group at the Oxford Centre for Clinical Magnetic Resonance Research, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, received the award in recognition of independent research achievement, along with contributions to the general academic life of the Medical Sciences Division and the department.
"This is for Malaysia. Being here at Oxford, I am in a better position to help Malaysia in Cardiovascular Medicine by opening up training opportunities for Malaysians and for research collaborations.
"I am grateful to Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, which has allowed me to pursue my career in Oxford following my PhD. It has always been my intention to give back to the country," said Masliza, of Batu Pahat, Johor.
The scientist and her team at Oxford University are working with Institut Jantung Negara to obtain a research grant for Covid-19 research in Malaysia.
Health director-general Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah, in his congratulatory message, said: "There is no stopping her now to achieve greater heights...."
Dr Masliza obtained her DPhil (PhD) in Cardiovascular Medicine from the University of Oxford, Master's of Medicine from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Membership of the Royal Colleges of Physicians from the UK and primary medical degree from the University of Otago, New Zealand.
She was awarded Young Investigator Fellowship for her work in hypertension at Malaysian Society of Hypertension in Kuala Lumpur in 2009.
In 2005, her research on newly diagnosed hypertensive won the Young Investigator Award at the Singapore-Malaysia Congress of Medicine.
Masliza is not the first Malaysian to receive the University of Oxford honour - Dr Phaik Yeong Cheah has been associate professor at the venerated institution since 2016, and is currently head of Department of Bioethics and Engagement at the Mahidol Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit in Bangkok.
Post time 19-6-2021 02:08 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
I doubted Amalina ni akak pulang since dia pun dah selesa di sana. But again, it's her choice, nobody can deny that.
My lecturer once told me, you balik serve your nation. It's not about money, it's not about opportunity, it's your responsibility. Balik and educate your people. If you won't do it, don't ask others to do for you. But again, I under MARA loan. Tapi still, selagi masih warganegara Malaysia.
Sebab tu, I tak berapa suka those Malaysian yang migrate tapi dok mengata negara kita. Instead of balik and ubah apa yang you tak suka. Become somebody here, slowly but surely, you gonna change something. I tak ubah banyak sistem, tapi apa yang I ubah, walaupun sikit, I'm proud of it. At least I have done my part, although just a bit. But again, it's your choice.
How yesteryears..... almost 30 years ago. Reminiscing the memory lane.
Post time 19-6-2021 02:10 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
CaqJora replied at 19-6-2021 01:14 PM
Kalau setakat duk obersi pastu cepoi bg komen psl Msia mmg muka x malu... So mmg layak la kena kutuk ...
anak i belajar kat luar negara
on loan duit mak pak
dan i galakkan dia keje di mana dia rasa ok
tempat dia belajar lagi byk peluang
tapi kalau dia decide nak balik tanahair
i’m more than happy
Post time 19-6-2021 02:17 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Incanto replied at 19-6-2021 01:46 PM
masa Dr A still medic student dulu, sedara aku yg jaga BNM scholarship
setahun sekali pi UK jum ...
Apa hang merepek nih??? Iols reply komen hang psl kijang emas under bnm:
Kijang Emas scholarship recipients, however, are not bonded to BNM, though they are called to contribute to Malaysia, also for double the period of the sponsorship.
pendapat i , kalau kat UK based, elok habiskan semua semu akat UK - sebab career pathway clear and exam system depa untuk developing your skills as a specilaist in certain sub - field dah tersedia ada dan teaching pun bagus.
so - lepas tu timba pengalama bila dah pass exam membership royal colleges, dan jadi registrar and consultant or eve further , then kalau dah rasa nak berbakti balik aje di malaysia.
di Malaysia - tempat dan universiti yg offer na buat placememnt kepakaran jumlah belum banyak lagi, so kalau sesiapa yg abroad habiskan semua.
why not tak rugi pun, you kumpul pengalaman and knowledge etc.
dan i ingin hiitiekan yang jgn lah dikutuk kutuk mereka ini sebab ada kisahnya
kita pun tahu hal warga Malaysia di UK tu yg pi UK pi konvo anak mereka kemudian ada kecemasan, semua, kan?
tahulah anda bahawa Warga medical Malaysia yg bergelar consultant di hopsital lain yg volunteer yg bantu stroke unit team UK tu untuk komunikasi dan uruskan hal hal berkaitan dengan penjagaan pesakit kepada family - dan related tasks. So mereka ni ade je , bukan Dr Amalina je.
dan kepakaran pakar ICU HKL juga yg terlibat dalam misi pemindahan pesakit malaysian dari UK ke Malaysia tu saya salute sebab dari sumber yg saya sangat percayai becase this sumber is working on that ward juga bagi tahu, yg pakar pakar HKL yg terlibat dlm misi itu buat cadangan yg sangat bijak dan actually it is so useful ( hints : HB counts ) dan cekap penjagaan pesakit mereka dalam proses pemindahan pesakit itu dalam penerbangan. yup i know guys rock !!!
cuma kita tak tahu yg kita juga mempunyai pakar yg hebat. Malaysians ni hebat , alhamdulillah.
so - dalam hal Prof Muhaya dan rentetan dari isu itu ada yang persoal kan contribution korek itu ini i rasa tak baguslah..sebab at the end org Islam lain juga yg terpalit.
so pada i , isu ini harus dilihat pada sudut positif and bukan atas sebab isu lain.
I am the Head of Clinical Trials Group at the University of Oxford Centre for Clinical Magnetic Resonance Research (OCMR), Division of Cardiovascular Medicine. I obtained a DPhil (PhD) in Cardiovascular Medicine from Oxford followed by a period of postdoctoral fellowship at OCMR. I am a member of the Royal College of Physicians (MRCP) from London, Master of Internal Medicine (MMed) from Malaysia and primary medical degree (MBChB) from Otago University, New Zealand. I am currently a member of the Steering Committee of the British Society of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (BSCMR) Heart Failure Research Task Force.
Baidewei, iols nak tumpang glamer sekaki; Dr Masliza dgn iols dari skolah sama yachh..
Post time 19-6-2021 02:43 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 19-6-2021 02:27 PM
sebab tu i kata Dr Masliza contoh yg baik juga
kereja tabur bakti and go abroad untuk timba ilm ...
Iols rasa dia contoh baik sbb dia dok fokus kat keje dia pastu balik buat workshop bagai utk mendidik.
Takde la dgr dia merempan kat medsos bagai..
Dan dia mmg dah balik utk keje sekian lamanya.. dia pi sana utk timba ilmu pengetahuan tapi pastu decide utk sambung keje sana.
Ni iols tak bias sbb kami dolu2 skolah sama yach..
Ekceli kalau amalina nih nak keje sambung blaja kat sana, terpulang tapi jgn merempan kat medsos psl hal2 mesia. Dia kena blaja zip jari jemari dia. Pastu, pastikan negara dpt pulangan balik.. tuh jahh..
ni juga contribution, so ade je career woman tak payah terperangkap dalam polemik sampingan seba isu 'bodo= bodo'= dan pernyataan bodo - bodo tu bukan fatwa pun so...u know
Post time 19-6-2021 02:50 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Ala yg komplen pun byk doktor grad uni2 kokak negara kelas bawah2 aje. Dengki lah tu. Kalau ko asyik achieve benda hebat2 dekat uk sana entah2 cakap melayu pun dah lupa dan terus taknak balik jugak.
Post time 19-6-2021 02:52 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Tinot7 replied at 19-6-2021 02:47 PM
Iols rasa dia nak bg contoh org yg dok keje sana jahh..
Tapi masalahnya semua contoh kome nih sam ...
Lepas grad dari RCS dia kerja kat Ireland dan US. Masa wat Master dia balik Malaysia. Master kat USM. Duk la kat ceruk Kelantan beberapa tahun. Pastu kerja kat HUKM. Ulang alik Malaysia-UK.
Post time 19-6-2021 02:54 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Kalau si amalina ni org tak kenal thru social media, senasib lah beliau dgn doktor2 lain yg tak dihargai tu. At least pandai juga beliau marketkan diri even office of prime minister sana pun recognize dia. Ummah sini mmg suka personal attact org tak ikut kehendak mereka mcm kena pakai so and so blabla. Acik tua nyanyuk bg motivasi merepek tu nak pulak dibela.
Post time 19-6-2021 03:05 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
sharlenetexas replied at 19-6-2021 02:52 PM
Lepas grad dari RCS dia kerja kat Ireland dan US. Masa wat Master dia balik Malaysia. Master kat U ...
Buat master kat mesia sbb voley jadi pakar.. iols speku dia mmg balik sbg pensyarah ukm, pastu sambung master kat usm sbb situ jahh buat plastik surgeri.
Ni mmg dia keje ukm la..
Masa lepas dia grad, iols tak tau la tapi mcm singkat jahh 4 tahun keje sblm sambung master.