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Author: chippotato

[KBS] Brain-Shin Ha-Kyun, Choi Jung-Won~ 5 Dec (Mon-Tue 9.03 PM KBS WORLD)

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Post time 7-2-2012 09:12 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1160# makdik2301 kan epi 19....epi 20..sdih sgt utk brain couple ni...jgnlupa..mlm nie...aku pon layan gak nie kat kbsw wpon dh berulang2 dok tgk....mula2 tgk dulu xsangka SHK ni boleh nyanyi..mase tu terperanjat jugak start epi 20...ingat smbung scene 19 tu..rupanye idakkk eh....

aku ade bace makdik kat fans fb, rupanye klu ikut original script....brain ni bukan epi ending, tp sbb viewers nk sgt brain cuople ni bersama, jadi diorang tukar script....back hug tu pon xde sebenarnye....

klu ending xbest, mau director ngan kbs kene hamun ngan fans korea sane tu kan.....

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Post time 7-2-2012 09:50 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by sedona at 7-2-2012 09:52

lepas rindu kat Dr Lee..mlm ni last kat KBSW


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Post time 7-2-2012 10:39 AM | Show all posts
Reply  makdik2301 kan epi 19....epi 20..sdih sgt utk brain couple ni...jgnl ...
sedona Post at 7/2/2012 09:12

dona,haruslah ko kena tgok kt kbsw..baru la leh faham....lagu yg dr.lee nyanyi 2 siap ada sub. lagi...dan liriknya mmg
sesuai sgtt dr.lee tuju kat jihye....2 yg jihye touching 2...

p/s: korang perasan x kedua2 kiss dr.lee ngn jihye,jihye nanges kan...

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Post time 7-2-2012 02:27 PM | Show all posts
Salam.... Tumpang tanya yer.
Sy tengok drama ni ni kat dramacrazy jer, ari tuh rasanya dah tengok ep last 20.
Kenapa mlm ni ada sambungan lagi? Ada lagi eh?

Bukan ker yg dia berdiri berucap tu bukan last ker.. --> Punya kelam kabut, ayat pun dah mcm apa dahhh

Malam ni kat kbs ada eh? pukul berapa??? tuluuunnn


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Post time 7-2-2012 06:13 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1164# ilya

malam ni baru ep 20.. yang dia berucap tu masa dr lee dapat anugerah research terbaik korea.. malam ni la. kul 9 kat kbsw 391..

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Post time 7-2-2012 06:24 PM | Show all posts
Salam.... Tumpang tanya yer.
Sy tengok drama ni ni kat dramacrazy jer, ari tuh rasanya dah tengok e ...
ilya Post at 7-2-2012 14:27

    Ilya, online mmg dh lama abih (2mgu lepas kot)..last mmg epi 20 kat KBSW ni final mlm nie...epi 20...ending mmg yg tu le..yg Dr Lee berucap tu...JiHye datang.....

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Post time 7-2-2012 06:28 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1163# makdik2301

    aku rase mmg 2 org ni ade fefeling masing2 xnk ngaku...tu yg dua2 kissu tu nanges...sedih+hepi (dlm ati)huhuhu

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Post time 7-2-2012 07:25 PM | Show all posts
nanti  ada  drama mcm Brain ttg neurosurgeons....

Park Geon Hyeong Pressured by Comparison with Shin Ha Kyun in ‘Brain’


Park Geon Hyeong certainly seemed to be pressured by his neurosurgeon predecessor, Shin Ha Kyun.

Park attended the press conference for the upcoming jTBC drama Syndrome on February 7 with the other stars of the drama.

Park answered to a question asking how he felt about being compared with Shin Ha Kyun, “I would be lying if I said I’m not pressured, but if I keep thinking about it I’ll get lost in those emotions.”

Shin Ha Kyun brought about a new syndrome with his highly popular role, the doctor Lee Kang Hoon, in KBS2’s Brain.

Park added, “But the Kang Eun Hyun character I act in and the Lee Kang Hoon character that Shin Ha Kyun acted in are two characters with completely different goals. [Kang Eun Hyun chooses] to become a doctor in order to unveil the secrets behind his birth.”

Kang Eun Hyun is a man who’s not interested in anything other than his patients and surgery. Eun Hyun is a fourth year resident, but is so talented that he’s already taking on major surgeries.

He’s also a perfect man who never so much as glances at women. He originally only concentrates on his work, but as the story progresses, his emotions change and he starts to enter conflicts with the other characters.

“I hope my acting will bear new light on the lives of neurosurgeons,” Park said. “In order to do so, I even try to have my acting confirmed by the neurosurgeon on set.”

Syndrome is a medical drama that tells of how neurosurgeons forgive the greed and hate they hold against each other and learn about the true meaning of family. Its first episode will air on February 13.

Photo credit: Kim Byung Kwan

‘Syndrome’ Came before ‘Brain’ENEWS

Writer Kim Sol Ji, who wrote the script for the upcoming jTBC drama Syndrome, pointed out just how her drama was different from KBS2’s Brain.

Kim attended the press conference for Syndrome on February 7 in Seoul with the stars of her drama.

Kim said to a question on what was the most attractive point about neurosurgery, “Actually, because Brain got a time slot first, it aired on television first, but I had already finished writing the first four episodes of Syndrome last spring.

Kim added, “While I lived with the neurosurgeons to write my script, I became immersed in the mysteriousness of the brain. It was great to be opening up the hidden world of the brain. I also found out in my research that neurosurgeons are able to make new lives for other people from their fingertips but aren’t able to plan their own lives in the same way.”

About how her drama was different from Brain, she said, “It’s similar to Brain in that they both cover neurosurgeons. They may also seem similar because there are brain surgery scenes in both.”

Brain was a highly popular medical drama that aired its last episode in January. It told the story of how the cold doctor Lee Kang Hoon (Shin Ha Kyun) endured the quiet power struggles taking place in the hospital.

Kim went on to point out the differences, saying, “It’s not one character that’s leading the story, but a family. The problems the main characters are concerned about, their visions and their directions are all different.”

She added that it might be interesting to compare Syndrome with Brain while it airs.

Syndrome is a medical drama that tells of how neurosurgeons forgive the greed and hate they hold against each other and learn about the true meaning of family. Its first episode will air on February 13.

Photo credit: Kim Byung Kwan

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Post time 8-2-2012 12:28 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1158# sedona

   hahaha ko nie dona...thanks....senyum sampai telinga aku..hahahaha

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Post time 8-2-2012 12:36 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1153# ctaisyah

   harap x sunyi nye suma news yg aisyah tepek...heheh klu ada lg jgn segan2 ye..sila lah tepek sebanyak mane yg ada...hehehe

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Post time 8-2-2012 12:46 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1156# chippotato

   mungkin jugak fungsinya sama dgn bekas yang keluar wap tu kot.. untuk lembapkan udara dalam bilik.. kat sana kan udara nya kering walaupun sejuk, tak mcm msia panas dan lembap.. kalau udara kering, mudah nak dehydrated.. aku agak je la..aku pun tak pasti. hehh
oh ye.. baru tengok last episod kat tv tadi.. last2 tu, kenapa lak tiba2 dr jihye balik ke hospital tu semula? dia tak jadi pindah keje kat hospital lain tu ke? kenapa dia tiba2 tukar fikiran lepas tengok scanned image otak dia tu? tak paham aku di situ.. mohon pencerahan...

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Post time 8-2-2012 01:35 AM | Show all posts
Reply  chippotato

   mungkin jugak fungsinya sama dgn bekas yang keluar wap tu kot.. untuk lem ...
manganini Post at 8-2-2012 00:46

jihye balik semula ke pangkuan dr lee, dengan kata lain dr lee tercapai semua cite2 dia la. berjaya dalam kerjaya sebagai doktor otak dan ada teman sehidup semati iaitu jihye. kalu ko persan, jihye cakap kalu dr lee gi cari dia walaupun sekali, dia akan ikut dr lee. "i'll be yours forever." simboliknya tadi mri tu pulang balik kat tuan, so bagi jihye dia patut bersama semula ngan dr lee, thats why dia gi balik kat tmpt dr lee. sebab tu dr lee senyum lebar tadi.
kalu baca komen kat fb citer brain ngan shk, ayat dr lee pujuk jihye "stay next to me" lepas jihye minta dr lee tunggu dia dan bless permergian dia tu, then dr lee kata dia tak nak tunggu dan tak nak bless, tp dia suh jihye jangan tinggalkan dia. dan dia kata "stay next to me". ikut pemahaman fan brain, tu dah macam dr lee propose jihye sebenarnya.

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Post time 8-2-2012 01:42 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1172# haisanor

   ye ke.. adehhh tak paham betul aku dgn ayat dr lee ni.. mcm tu kira propose ke {:4_241:} sungguh sukar difahami.. nasib baik la hubby aku tak cakap berkias camtu.. kalau tak lambat la nak paham {:4_241:}

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Post time 8-2-2012 01:47 AM | Show all posts
actually aku jeles ngan kulit dr lee.. diorang ni memang jaga kulit tul la. suci bersih tanpa jerawat sebiji pun. kulit aku pun tak selicin tu. dah ler dr lee tu putih melepak kulit dia. tapi memang korean pentingkan penampilan sebenarnya. lelaki korea suke gi gym, aku jenjalan cuti mata tepi apartment diorang masa gi korea hari tu, kat gym penuh ngan orang walaupun dah malam.

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Post time 8-2-2012 08:15 AM | Show all posts

puashati puas hati, best best tengok ep 19 & 20
suka dan sedih
suka bila dr lee kh boleh cakap suruh jihye ikut dia ke hospital hssyeong
suka bila dr lee kh boleh tanya, jihye nak dia ikut jihye ke hospital yg dia nak pergi tu ke
suka bila dr lee kata, dia tak nak tunggu jihye, tapi nak jihye just ada disisi dia

tapi sedih...
bila jihye cakap dia suka dr lee
bila jihye cakap dia cintakan dr lee
bila jihye kata dia tak pasti dr lee suka, cintakan dia sama tak mcm dia suka/cinta
bila jihye kata, tapi dia dapat rasa dr lee ada perasaan pada dia
bila jihye harapkan dr lee pujuk dia kot, mayb jangan pergi

suka gak bila,

dr lee tahu perasaan dia sebenar
tahu dia berterima kasih pada prof kim
tahu bila dia sebenarnya perlukan jihye....

suka ending dia, walau nampak juga akhirnya jihye juga yg berkorban untuk cinta mereka
suka suka....

harap ada brain 2




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Post time 8-2-2012 08:23 AM | Show all posts
bgs le ko ni hawa..pepagi bg mood ceria Dr Lee...fighting!!....aku pon layan kat kbsw...mlm td ngan pagi td.....hehehe...
dulu mase tgk yg xde sub tu...aku leh paham mase dr lee ckp ngan Ji Hye..."stay with me" tu...sbb aku ingat ayat tu ade dlm Princess Hour.....

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Post time 8-2-2012 08:26 AM | Show all posts
actually aku jeles ngan kulit dr lee.. diorang ni memang jaga kulit tul la. suci bersih tanpa jerawa ...
haisanor Post at 8-2-2012 01:47

    a ah ler....mmg licin betol kulit Dr lee ni kan...tu lelaki tu...kalah jugak aku ni....agknye psl pemakanan diaorg sekali kot...

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Post time 8-2-2012 08:40 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by sitihawa at 8-2-2012 08:43

our beloved shk

miss u...


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Post time 8-2-2012 08:53 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by sitihawa at 8-2-2012 08:59
bgs le ko ni hawa..pepagi bg mood ceria Dr Lee...fighting!!....aku pon layan kat kbsw...mlm td ngan  ...
sedona Post at 8-2-2012 08:23

pepagi terkejut terus bukak tb. nasib sempat tengok scene dr lee masuk bilik jihye dan jiwang2 tuh, hahahah...
kesian kan jihye, sedih pai nangis time makan mee segera tu. aku rasa dia harap dr lee kembali dan pujuk dia. dr lee pun harap jihye datang pujuk dia cakap dia nak ikut dr lee kan?
sedikit geram aku ngan dr lee masa ni, tapi kena terima sebab mmg dah jenis dr lee, bukan jenis lovey dovey kan, hahahahah


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Post time 8-2-2012 09:25 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by sitihawa at 8-2-2012 09:31

shin ha kyun?
jeng jeng jeng!!!

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