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Author: baduglyu

Twilight (21 Nov 2008)

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Post time 5-2-2009 08:56 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1160 ladydolph's post

hmm.. menarik.. nak tgk pics begind the scene tu

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Post time 6-2-2009 01:40 AM | Show all posts
citer ni overrated

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Post time 6-2-2009 09:28 AM | Show all posts
adik aku br story citer ni kat aku smlm since aku bgtau kat dia aku tgk underworld (vampire vs wolf)..dia kata citer twilight ni pun mengisahkan konflik vampire ngan warewolf gak..dia kata aku tak sempat tgk...
dia kata yg no 2 nye nak kuar..fullmoon..

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Post time 6-2-2009 10:34 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by eco_internet at 6-2-2009 09:28 AM
adik aku br story citer ni kat aku smlm since aku bgtau kat dia aku tgk underworld (vampire vs wolf)..dia kata citer twilight ni pun mengisahkan konflik vampire ngan warewolf gak..dia kata best.. ...

huhu..correction.bkn moon!!

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Post time 6-2-2009 11:10 AM | Show all posts
hi guys....

link utk the notebook pre-order dah ada ni.... sajer je nak tepek....hehehe...nak order tgk la fulus dulu....


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Post time 6-2-2009 11:21 AM | Show all posts
Entertainment Weekly outtakes.....too bad they are tagged...


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Post time 6-2-2009 11:25 AM | Show all posts
td kan kite nampak kt twilight saga discussion board, ade org ckp

'FYI:Borders just posted that you can't preorder the movie online unless you want to wait until April 13 to have it shipped. They suggest going and ordering at the store if you want it on the release date.'

ye ke aa? kite check kt website borders x jumpe pulak notice ni

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Post time 6-2-2009 02:58 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by pavlova at 6-2-2009 11:25 AM
td kan kite nampak kt twilight saga discussion board, ade org ckp

'FYI:Borders just posted that you can't preorder the movie online unless you want to wait until April 13 to have it shipped. T ...

ehhhh...pelik nya statement ni...... mmg official ke? kalau tak official mmg aku tak caya.....


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Post time 6-2-2009 03:45 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1168 ladydolph's post

xnak caye gak.. sbb kite xnampak pon notice tu kt website borders

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Post time 6-2-2009 04:17 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1164 tembikai_bulat's post


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Post time 7-2-2009 08:42 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1169 pavlova's post

here's the statement from Borders :

dr pemahaman aku la kan...kita pre-order sebelum feb 4th kan? so... i think it'll be on time......cuma yg order lepas feb 4th yg akan dpt dvd tu in april......


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Post time 8-2-2009 06:36 PM | Show all posts
rambut rob cepat jer dah pjg balik....yeyeyeyy!!!!! walaupun belum cukup pjg la kan.... but ok la tu...just in time for NM....


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Post time 8-2-2009 06:47 PM | Show all posts
here's something for fans of Bapak Bella..


[ Last edited by  ladydolph at 8-2-2009 06:53 PM ]

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Post time 8-2-2009 06:51 PM | Show all posts
Billy Burke's article....

Billy Burke can be seen on the big screen playing Charlie Swan on the Megahit Twilight. Suave, debonair and handsome are words that describe his persona. He reminds us of a modern Cary Grant梒lassic in nature and extremely down to earth.

What is your philosophy on life?

Do not under any circumstances, get fooled into taking yourself seriously enough to think that your "philosophy on life" will ever be implemented enough to make any significant difference in ANYONE'S existence-- especially your own.

Who or what inspires you?

Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows. Seriously, I don't mean to take the piss out of this question but as I see it, inspiration is a completely subjective concept. Anyone who says that they are consistently inspired by anything, will ultimately end up a liar. Inspiration by nature, is an accident. It happens when you least expect it and with any luck, when you most need it. Shame on me if I ever put the responsibility to inspire me on anyone else's shoulders.

How did you get into acting?

I *****ed a casting director. Again, kidding. What's funny is that people actually think it's as easy as that. I wish.

To be honest, aside from high school drama class, I've never even met an acting teacher, so it had nothing to do with honing any sort of craft. (I sincerely hope that no one who reads this, takes that as advice). Early on, I felt pretty confident that if I could somehow get myself some opportunities, my abilities would speak for themselves. I'm a big believer in trusting one's own instincts.

If being an actor is something that you MUST do, there is nothing more valuable than persistence. Talent, a lot of the time, is virtually worthless. Making your own luck is paramount. Aside from that, you must be willing, for a large part of your life to sacrifice pretty much everything that's not life or death.

Truth is, I'm never NOT acting. I'm acting right now. From the moment I wake up, I'm playing one role or another, sometimes intentionally, sometimes not. I really don't know how I've managed to make a living at it. It's certainly never a breeze but it's a sweet life if you can develop the stomach for it. There must be a part of me that enjoys perpetual heartache.

If you weren抰 an actor, what would you be?

Most likely, I'd be asleep. But I would have liked to have had some success in music. Tell us about your singing background. I understand that you were part of a band before? Yeah, I spent the early years playing in a couple different variations of rock bands back in Seattle. I moved to L.A. just before the music explosion occurred up there. We actually shared a rehearsal space with the guys who became ALICE IN CHAINS. When their first album hit, I realized that the stuff my band was doing would never have been a part of that movement.

I still write and play my own songs. Mostly piano based tunes you'd hear in a shitty, downtown bar at closing time. Someday I'll get off my ass and make a record or two of my own.

Do you have any aspirations to do your own projects? If so, tell us about them:

I have a script that I wrote a few years back that I hope to someday bring to life and I'm currently working on getting a cable series that a friend of mine wrote, produced. It wouldn't make any sense to speak about either project in any sort of detail, but the answer is-- yes, I do have some aspirations along those lines.

Where do you see your career going in the future?

Listen, I would feel like an absolute douche bag trying to answer this question with too much self awareness. I just want to keep working. I'd love to continue to give myself a longer leash and enable myself to make progressively ballsier choices. I'd also like to do at least one Western, at least one musical, and definitely a screwball comedy or two like the old Mel Brooks movies.

Do you feel like you relate to your character in Twilight?

Sure, a little bit. I feel like you have to be able to find a thing or two in any character you play that you can identify with, even if those things are not necessarily admirable. The self-imposed distance Charlie keeps between himself and others, most unfortunately between he and his daughter, is an idiosyncrasy I had to cop to. It is what spoke to me most immediately as I was reading the script. I'm hoping my own newborn daughter will help me get past and grow out of that bullshit.

What are some of your favorite restaurants?-

Del Taco, Sushi Ike, Amalfi on La Brea, Lucy's El Adobe, and McDonalds for breakfast.

Who are some of your favorite clothing designers? Tell us about your sense of style:

I have a uniform. T-shirt and jeans. Various brands of each. My sense of style is an unfortunate denigration of living through the late 80's and what I remember of the 90's. I seem to have accumulated a lot of CHROME HEARTS stuff over the years and HUGO BOSS did send me a kick-ass suit for the "Twilight" premiere.

Every once in awhile I'll make an effort to put a look together. Most the time it's influenced by my rock n' roll dreams of yesteryear.

Where are you originally from? Can you tell us about your childhood?

I grew up in Bellingham, Washington. Industrial/college town just south of the Canadian border. Pretty good place to ride motorbikes in the woods and build skateboard ramps, but the day I graduated high school I hitch-hiked to Seattle to get the ***** out. Most of my youth was spent dreaming of being David Bowie and waiting for ski season to start.

My mentality and value system continue to be colored by what I consider to be the best elements of a borderline white trash upbringing.

Do you have anything to say to your fans?

Yes. Where are you? I promise, I'm not as much of an A-hole as I sound like in this interview.

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Post time 9-2-2009 03:26 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1172 ladydolph's post

handsome!! :flower:

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Post time 9-2-2009 03:30 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1173 ladydolph's post

amboi org tua nie, bkn main laiks dia eks? makin tua makin berisi!

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Post time 9-2-2009 03:36 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1160 ladydolph's post & Reply #1165 ladydolph's post

damn interesting the cover! ~ nice!! nway, last week carena (Kino) ada antor email tanya naks beli x rob's book.. I think I wanna ask her bout tis cath's book lah.. naks soh dia check the price.. ada hati lagi naks beli 2!

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Post time 10-2-2009 09:06 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1171 ladydolph's post kite pon paham mcm tu gak.. sib baik!

kite x aritu x jumpe notice ni..

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Post time 10-2-2009 09:49 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1178 pavlova's post

tu la... but akak kesian kat tembikai_bulat.... dier cakap hari tu dier baru nak pre-order.... but bila dgr berita ni terus nak cancel.. but tak dpt lak.... ntah apa lagi perkembangan tak tau la camne.....


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Post time 10-2-2009 09:54 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1179 ladydolph's post

thanks! sian kt die.. aritu mase kite order ngan yuni tembikai_bulat xorder sekali ek? xnampak kot...

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