Originally posted by miharu at 16-6-2009 13:01
macam laju.
youtube pun macam letih nak kejar.
ada download tak?
hehe... a'ah... laju giler... especially yara ngan senga... even yg quality MQ pun takleh nk catch up sgt ngan kelajuan yara... mmg bionic ker hape yara tuh... tp klu nk betul2 merase best mmg kena donlod la... klu la ade HQ, sure best giler... nnti kite upkan... ekceli kite cut dr video SC yg besar tuh gak...
Teen arrested for stealing cell phone from HSJ's Morimoto
Ryutaro Morimoto, currently the youngest member of Hey! Say! JUMP at 14 years old, recently had his mobile phone stolen. The suspect, a 17-year-old boy, was arrested on Wednesday by Kanagawa police. The boy has reportedly denied the charges.
The phone was stolen at around 11:45pm on Tuesday night. The boy, a fan of Morimoto, had followed him around on multiple occasions in the past. Last December, Morimoto's family consulted police about the problem.
On Tuesday at about 10:00pm, Morimoto went to a restaurant near his house, meeting the boy in person to ask him to stop his behavior. The boy then apparently threatened Morimoto by saying that he had a knife. When Morimoto attempted to call his family from outside the restaurant, the boy grabbed the phone and ran away. He was later found after police traced a call to another cell phone owned by Morimoto.
Morimoto's management has not yet issued an official statement on the matter.
Originally posted by Kittie at 18/6/2009 05:39 PM
Question? @ SC 13052009
arghhhhhhhhhh!!!! best giler...siyes best.. last tgk diaornag lagu mezamero yasei (betul ke?)
pastu lgsg tak tgk dh.... kittie dok citer sal diaornag 2 3 ari ni tntg lgu momoko segala...siyes tak dpt tgk....
skrg baru dpt tgk
Question? ---> スニーカーぶる~す (suni ka buru ~ sa/ zig zag zag)
Butoukan ---> C-Normal
Question? ---> Beautiful Mind
Question? ---> MOMOKO
Question? feat. Kitayama Hiromitsu ---> Kimi wo Omou Toki