rujuk ni :
Ninetales (Japanese: キュウコン Kyukon) is a Fire-type Pokémon.
This fox-like Pokémon is covered with a thick, luxurious golden-white fur, as well as having nine tails, each of which is tipped with orange. They also have a fluffy crest atop their heads and a similar ruff around their necks. Ninetales have gleaming red eyes that are said to give them the power of mind control. They can also live up to one thousand years.
Special abilities
Ninetales are based on the kitsune of Japanese mythology, giving them abilities to wield Ghost-type attacks such as Confuse Ray. They are also very vengeful Pokémon and have been known to curse those who mistreat them. Ninetales are highly intelligent Pokémon that understand human speech. Many legends surround this Pokémon, one of which stating that Ninetales was born when 9 saints were united and reincarnated as this Pokémon.
This Pokémon's extreme intelligence lends to what most consider Psychic-type characteristics, though Ninetales has never officially been described as anything other than a Fire-type. It also seems to hold grudges very easily and will curse humans and Pokémon alike if they touch one of its tails.
tu dari bulbapedia - http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.ne ... _%28Pok%C3%A9mon%29
kat atas tu aku ada boldkan part 'kitsune' - rujuk sini lak :
Kitsune (狐, きつね, ki·tsu·ne?, IPA: [kitsɯne]) is the Japanese word for fox. Foxes are a common subject of Japanese folklore; kitsune usually refers to them in this context. Stories depict them as intelligent beings and as possessing magical abilities that increase with their age and wisdom. Foremost among these is the ability to assume human form. While some folktales speak of kitsune employing this ability to trick others—as foxes in folklore often do—other stories portray them as faithful guardians, friends, lovers, and wives.
Foxes and human beings lived in close proximity in ancient Japan; this companionship gave rise to legends about the creatures. Kitsune have become closely associated with Inari, a Shinto kami or spirit, and serve as his messengers. This role has reinforced the fox's supernatural significance. The more tails a kitsune has—they may have as many as nine—the older, wiser, and more powerful it is. Because of their potential power and influence, some people make offerings to them as to a deity.
usha lebih lanjut part characteristic+potrayal kat sini : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kitsune
memang menarik 
& aku rasa pokemon silhouette tu adalah KITSUNE  |
Lucario tu bukan musang kan? dia jackal.. |
pokemon (codename) Z :

zorua/zoroa - evil fox pokemon (pre-evo)
dark type, 0.7m 12.5kg
zoroark/zoroaaku - monster fox pokemon (silhouette)
dark type, 1.6m 81.1kg
from serebi : These Pokémon have been confirmed as real and CoroCoro indicates there will be more revealed next month, in addition to Zorua & Zoroark's abilities! It also confirms that the 13th movie is to be called Phantom Champion Zoroark. Check back for more
upd8 pasal ranger TOL :
- special mission : manaphy egg (transfer), heatran (transfer) & shaymin skyforme (???)
- heatran transfer ke HGSS >> special move eruption
agak2 boleh tak transfer shaymin tu ke game lain? sbb almia takleh transfer kan .. huhu~
p/s : mesti metal cakap - "korang kan dah ada shaymin?" blablabla .. ahaha  |
lg pic dorg
1145# naen
rasanya tak blh...
klu dorg nk kekalkan pattern spt mana dorg kekalkan manaphy leh transfer.. my 2 cents |
1146# naen
dedua sekalik |
macam mana nak main game ni dalam PC? ada yang boleh tolong x? |
1150# yamataki
game yg mana?
klu Diamond/Pearl/Platinum/Ranger, carik rom kat internet smp jumpa..
then search plak emulator utk NDS.. pastu load rom tu thru emulator tu..
aku tak pernah main guna emulator, try2 load tu ade la.. |
yeayyy the new pokemon da reveal...aku just anxious nak tau starter diorang jek.so ape lagi jom speku |
New updates utk game Pokemon Ranger yg br:
* The Shaymin in the special mission is also said to be able to be transferred over to the main games thus showing all four of the missions give you new Pokémon
* In the Deoxys mission, only the leader of the team is able to retrieve the Deoxys. People without the mission can join in and help capture, but only the group leader can obtain it in each play through
* Latios and Latias being in the game is dependant on your character gender. Male brings you Latios and Female brings you Latias.
* You may encounter Celebi whom will take you in the past to clear missions. Clearing these missions opens up things in the relative future and is needed to go past certain obstacles
* You may find litographs on your adventure. When you find them, the amount of partners you can choose is increased and you have the ability to raise them. |
farex! dah tengok blom pre-released pix baru? yg mission shaymin tu?
gempak syial! lawan kat atas langit!  |
New Pokémon: Your Reaction!
Are you for or against the two new Pokémon (Zorua and Zoroark)?
Ever since Zorua and Zoroark were revealed last week, Pokémon fans on our forum have been discussing the two new fifth generation Pokémon. Although we know very little about them, that hasn't stopped fans giving their opinion! While most people have been positive there have been some dissenting voices while others have questioned whether we actually need any new Pokémon. We've also learnt that there's not a lot of love for the fourth generation of monsters. What do you think? Read what people have been saying below and let us know if you're for or against the new Pokémon...
The_Insider: The more I see images of it, the more I like it. I only hope they get more decent Dark Type moves into Generation 5 though.
ferrety111: If all the new Pokemon look as good as this, It'll be great! Unfortunately, I think they're showing the best first
GeDe: Good to see that Pokemon are being based on traditional Japanese monsters (or Yokai) again, like in the 2nd Generation. Anyone else think that Zorua & Zoroark wouldn't look out of place in Okami?
SonicFanGirlNo1: They look awesome. Zoroark kinda reminds me of Shadow.
Athrun888: A good start to Generation 5. That baby fox is just so cute I want to take it home for a pet. It's evolution - I'm not quite into it but I'll probably grow to like it and it still looks better than 90% of Generation 4.
Masteart: Small one looks slightly like Shinx. Ken Sugimori has done it again and I can't wait to see other new Pokémon
King Seda: I think they look pretty cool and are a good start to the Fifth Generation. Hopefully Pokémon design won't be as bad as the Fourth Generation.
Medevac: I'm loving the fact that it's a dark Pokémon in the spotlight this time.
NintendoAllStar: Great start to the 5th Gen. Zorua looks cool, but Zoroark looks simply awesome.
mtrd-hntr: It's just a hairy Lucario wearing make-up. <-- ni komen paling best 
Nintendo_munki: It's a bit disappointing. the colour scheme is good, but the facial features are too thin. Something meatier and less like a haunted weasel would have been better. Still, it looks like demented Vulpix in a black paint factory evolving into Weavile's fashion conscious cousin from what I can see.
Swift: I honestly cant believe how bad Pokémon designs are getting. This is truly awful. HeartGold will definitely be my final Pokemon game.
The Smithster: These guys are running out of ideas. I groaned when I saw these Pokémon, though the one on the right is starting to grow on me.
Tib-Z: PLEASE STOP ADDING MORE POKEMON!! I much preferred the original amount and at most the selection from Gold/Silver. Ever since Ruby/Sapphire it's just become ridiculous. |
farex! dah tengok blom pre-released pix baru? yg mission shaymin tu?
gempak syial! lawan kat atas langit! 
naen Post at 18-2-2010 23:43 
dah.. wahaha naen, ko pun da jatuh chenta sama shaymin ka? |
New Pokémon: Your Reaction!
Are you for or against the two new Pokémon (Zorua and Zoroark)?
Ever since Zorua and Zoroark were revealed last week, Pokémon fans on our forum have been discussing ...
naen Post at 19-2-2010 00:37 
patut dh lam xde reply..
duk buat soal-selidik rupanya..
bg aku kan, aku suke la zoroark tu..
tp dia nye ponytail tu aku kureng sket..
bg ko lak cane? |
| |