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Author: matmin77

Proton Prototype (before launching model)

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Post time 5-8-2009 06:57 PM | Show all posts
1152# HangPC2

Ooooo gitu ke.... maklumat menarik

Tapi.... kenapalah WAJA di-design dengan "HIDUNG" di bonnet / hood -nya?

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Post time 6-8-2009 01:38 PM | Show all posts
cantiknye design campro tuh..
camne la nak buahkan idea gitu gaya..

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Post time 6-8-2009 03:59 PM | Show all posts
cantiknye design campro tuh..
camne la nak buahkan idea gitu gaya..
dune1989 Post at 6-8-2009 13:38

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Post time 14-8-2009 10:30 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 22-8-2009 09:51 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by HangPC2 at 22-8-2009 09:53

Proreka Demo Car (Proton Waja)


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Post time 31-8-2009 03:45 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 1-9-2009 09:17 PM | Show all posts
nak tanye pendapat  korang,

semalam teman ada borak ngan member teman,
sekalituh teman cite pasal proton,
deme nih kata yang proton bikin enjin Campro nih enjin teknologi lama,
kira patern campro nih orang dah tak pakai dah,
pastu deme kata yang proton nih silap langkah,
kenapa proton pegi beli syarikat Lotus tuh hu4..
teman diam la sebab teman takde ilmu itu,
betul ke enjin campro nih tak sehebat enjin2 yang dibikin oleh car manufacturer yg laen?
atau kawan teman nih sekadar berceloteh kosong je..
tolong ceghite kat teman ni..

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Post time 11-9-2009 08:14 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by HangPC2 at 12-9-2009 09:20

Intuos Delivers Smooth Strokes for Car Design

Damian revolutionizes Coventry University with Intuos

For industrial design rendering, the beauty of each stroke is extremely important. If you were doing it on paper, then one mistake, one bad stroke means you’d have to throw away the entire drawing. On the computer you can simply undo those strokes, but before the pen tablet, rendering was very difficult. So when Damian discovered the Intuos1 and Corel Painter 5 at an Apple Center in London, he bought it immediately.

In 1997 neither students nor professors at Britain’s Coventry University had heard of pen tablets nor Corel Painter. Damian’s drawings amazed his professors because the combination of an Intuos stylus and Corel Painter allowed him to do line-drawing and color-rendering digitally, but amazingly looks natural. He taught his professors the rendering technique he developed using the pen tablet, and they began teaching the other students at Coventry. After becoming head of design at Malaysian automaker Proton, he became a freelance designer.

Now he uses Intuos2 12x12 and Corel Painter8

An unlimited number of colors

“Rendering with Intuos and Painter, you can use an unlimited number of colors and strokes. On the other hand, with traditional markers, you can use only a maximum of 400 colors. In Corel Painter, you can enlarge and shrink the brush size very quickly and frequently with ease.”

12x12 size is ideal for car and Industrial designers working with 19" inch or larger monitor

Working with a 19” inch or larger monitor, a 12x12 size tablet makes reaching tools and moving objects or points much faster in a large working space. For those who don’t use Corel Painter, the 12x12 size makes working with large Bezier curve and incrementally small free-rotation or adjustment in Illustrator an ease. According to Damian, "the 12x12 tablet is the best size for rendering and working with large Bezier curves because of it’s 1:1 relation with the tablet and monitor, giving you full control.”

Looking forward to draw with future Intuos3 12x12

larger than that of the Intuos2 which significantly improves the comfort of my forearm and thus makes my 'designer's stroke' much more natural. Furthermore, the friction between the stylus' pen-tip and the surface of the tablet has nice grain texture and weight feel to it, so it feels much more like traditional paper and pen. The ergonomic design is great! It's so natural! If sometime in the future Wacom develops a 12x12 Intuos3, I'd definitely love to use it!"


Damian Chia

Location: Malaysia

Automotive designer in Malaysia

Born and raised in Brunei, he attended high school in Australia before moving to the UK to get his bachelor’s in Automotive Engineering in 1996 from Loughborough University and a master’s degree in Transport Design from Coventry University in 1998. Freelance automotive designer Damian Chia is truly an international man. From the start of his journey around the world, he has been interested in one thing: cars.
Since he was ten years old, he has been drawing, sketching, imagining new cars, and now this young man is innovative Asian automotive designers.

Sources :


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Post time 12-9-2009 02:23 AM | Show all posts
1159# dune1989 kawan hang tu sapa? bekas enginer proton ? ceo ? atau mat gebang kosong kat kedai kopi tu?

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Post time 12-9-2009 08:39 PM | Show all posts
1159# dune1989 kawan hang tu sapa? bekas enginer proton ? ceo ? atau mat gebang kosong kat kedai kopi tu?
cecari Post at 12-9-2009 02:23 AM

budak serumah teman,
mentang2 teman baru dalam arena jalan raya (baru dapat lesen kereta dan motor tahun lepas),
dia ingat teman tak ambil tahu ke pasal kenderaan ni,
panas tul,

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Post time 13-9-2009 03:15 AM | Show all posts
aku bukan nak merendahkan Proton. Tapi sendiri mau ingat la.. Qualiti haprak. Dah la tu.. jual kat malaysia bukan main mahal.. kalau eksport tu quality ada ..harga lagi murah.. aku rasa macam kena tipu la.. So.. aku ambil kesimpulan.. "boleh blah  dengan proton.." Nak selamat kan Proton.. tapi apa yang Proton buat untuk kita...? Lu pk la ... Cerita lama...

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Post time 13-9-2009 10:51 AM | Show all posts
aku bukan nak merendahkan Proton. Tapi sendiri mau ingat la.. Qualiti haprak. Dah la tu.. jual kat malaysia bukan main mahal.. kalau eksport tu quality ada ..harga lagi murah.. aku rasa macam kena tip ...
Excalibre_7 Post at 13-9-2009 03:15 AM

rasa skang nih dengan pimpinan baru lebih baik la tuh,
harap kualiti skang lebih baik,

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Post time 3-10-2009 11:43 AM | Show all posts
King & Queen Visit Lotus UK

From Mahanum Abdul Aziz

NORWICH, (United Kingdom), Oct 2 (Bernama) -- Group Lotus plc, a subsidiary of Proton Holdings Bhd, today welcomed the visit by Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin and Raja Permaisuri Agong Tuanku Nur Zahirah to its headquarters here.

Tuanku Mizan and Tuanku Nur Zahirah arrived by helicopter at the Lotus test track.

On hand to greet the royal couple were Proton Holdings Bhd/Lotus chairman, Datuk Mohd Nadzmi Mohd Salleh, Proton managing director, Datuk Syed Zainal Abidin Syed Mohamed Tahir, and Group Lotus' chief executive officer, Dany Taner Bahar.

Also present were Her Majesty The Queen of England's Lord Lieutenant of Norfolk, Richard Jewson and the Malaysian High Commissioner to UK, Datuk Abdul Aziz Mohammed.

Proton and Lotus were also honoured to have the King and Queen unveiled the Proton Higher Performance Engine, a new high-torque pressure-charged engine to support future product introductions.

The engine, developed in collaboration between Proton and Lotus Engineering and with active involvement of Malaysian engineers and vendors, boasts an improved rate of emission and performance quality.

The royal couple spent the morning admiring the various exhibits of Lotus cars including a briefing on classic Lotus cars by Clive Chapman, the son of Lotus founder, Colin Chapman.

Tuanku Mizan and Tuanku Nur Zahirah toured the Lotus car assembly line, and were briefed on the latest Lotus Design projects.

Meanwhile, Tuanku Mizan also drove the award-winning Lotus Evora as well as the Tesla and Exige models.

"It is an honour to have Their Majesties' presence at the Lotus facility and this is indeed a meaningful occasion for all of us.

"I am certain it will definitely inspire us to further strive and work harder in bringing Lotus to greater global prominence and in realising Proton's vision to become Asia's premier automotive company," he said.

Mohd Nadzmi said with Lotus' proven strength in producing iconic cars such as the Elite, Europa, Esprit, Elise and Evora, the decision to acquire Lotus in 1996 obviously has been proven to be a good one.

"The acquisition was also important as it has changed the future of Proton as a car manufacturer," he said.

- Bernama -


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Post time 3-10-2009 11:44 AM | Show all posts
Proton's High Performance Engine To Be Ready By 2011

By Mahanum Abdul Aziz

NORWIRCH (United Kingdom), Oct 2 (Bernama) -- Proton Holdings Bhd expects its new high-torque pressure-charged performance engine to be ready by 2011.

Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional Sdn Bhd's Engineering Division Director Tajul Zahari Abu Bakar said Proton was developing the engine in collaboration with Lotus Engineering with the active involvement of Malaysian engineers and vendors.

" Fifty per cent of the special components of the engine is supplied and developed together with Malaysian suppliers," he told Malaysian reporters in Norwirch today.

He added that the objective of this engine development was basically to improve its capability as well as facilitate the transfer of technology to Proton and Malaysian suppliers.

Saying that 70 engineers were involved in the engine development, Tajul Zahari added the performance of the 1,600 cc engine was equivalent to that of a 2,000 cc engine.

The engine promises a high torque for enhanced driveability with improved economy, performance and emissions, he added.

Tajul Zahari said the engine, which was launched by Yang Di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin here on Friday, has been tested under all weather conditions and is compatible with the RON 95 and RON 97 fuel.

He said the engine, designed to have reduced emission level, low maintenance as well as better service ability, would be fitted in Proton's export models.

- Bernama -


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Post time 3-10-2009 11:48 AM | Show all posts
Enjin Baru Proton Siap Pada 2011

Oleh Mahanum Abdul Aziz

NORWIRCH (United Kingdom), 2 Okt (Bernama) — Proton Holdings Bhd menjangka enjin menggunakan alat pemampat tekanan kilas tinggi baru, enjin Berprestasi Lebih Tinggi Proton, akan siap pada 2011. Pengarah bahagian kejuruteraan Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional Sdn Bhd, Ir Tajul Zahari Abu Bakar berkata enjin berkenaan dibangunkan dengan kerjasama Proton dan Lotus Engineering, dengan penglibatan aktif jurutera dan vendor Malaysia.

“Daripada pelbagai bahagian unit atau bahagian khas enjin, 50 peratus komponen secara asasnya dibekalkan dan dimajukan bersama-sama dengan pembekal Malaysia,” katanya kepada wartawan Malaysia pada taklimat media mengenai enjin berkenaan di sini pada Khamis. “Ini merupakan aktiviti penting kerana objektif pembangunan enjin ini pada dasarnya untuk menambah baik enjin serta pemindahan teknologi untuk Proton serta pembekal Malaysia,” jelas beliau sambil menambah bahawa kira-kira 70 jurutera terlibat dalam pembangunan enjin.

Tajul Zahari berkata enjin baru itu mempunyai kapasiti 1,600 cc dan prestasinya bersamaan dengan enjin 2,000 cc. Engin berkenaan menjanjikan pemanduan hebat dengan ekonomi, prestasi dan pelepasan asap yang dipertingkatkan, katanya. Beliau berkata enjin berkenaan yang dilancarkan oleh Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin di sini hari ini telah diuji dalam semua keadaan cuaca dan ia sesuai untuk sebarang gred bahan api termasuk RON 95 dan RON 97.

Tajul Zahari berkata enjin itu juga akan digunakan untuk model kereta masa depan Proton serta untuk pasaran eksport. “Selain menghasilkan pelbagai paras pelepasan asap serta perundangan untuk pelbagai pasaran, enjin ini juga direka bentuk bagi memastikan ia mempunyai penyenggaraan rendah serta kemampuan perkhidmatan yang lebih baik. Ini penting untuk menjadikan kos pemilikan kepada pelanggan akan lebih rendah,” katanya.

- Bernama -


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Post time 3-10-2009 11:54 AM | Show all posts
Seri Paduka lancar enjin baru

3 Oktober 2009


Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin diberi penerangan oleh Syed Zainal Abidin Syed
Mohamed Tahir berkenaan enjin terbaru berprestasi tinggi selepas berkenan
melancarkan enjin terbaru serta kereta Lotus Evora, Tesla dan Exige di
Norwich, semalam. – Bernama

NORWICH, United Kingdom 2 Okt. – Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin hari ini berkenan melancarkan Enjin Berprestasi Tinggi Proton (EBTP) yang dibangunkan di kilang syarikat pengeluar kereta sport dan lumba, Group Lotus Plc (Lotus) di Hethel di sini.

Projek pembangunan enjin yang mampu menghasilkan kuasa antara 30 hingga 40 peratus lebih tinggi daripada enjin Campro 1.6L bermula awal tahun ini dan dijangka siap dalam tempoh 24 bulan.

Pelancaran itu diadakan sempena lawatan baginda ke kilang berkenaan yang merupakan bekas pangkalan tentera udara Amerika Syarikat ketika Perang Dunia Kedua.

Turut berangkat melawat kilang yang terletak di bahagian timur negara ini di Wilayah Norfolk dengan jarak kira-kira 180 kilometer dari London ialah Raja Permaisuri Agong, Tuanku Nur Zahirah.

Ketibaan baginda berdua kira-kira pukul 10.30 pagi (5.30 petang waktu Malaysia) dengan menaiki helikopter yang mendarat di litar ujian kereta syarikat itu disambut oleh Pengerusi Lotus yang juga Pengerusi Proton Holdings Berhad, Datuk Mohd. Nadzmi Mohd. Salleh dan Pengarah Urusan Kumpulan Proton Holdings, Datuk Syed Zainal Abidin Syed Mohamed Tahir.

Turut hadir Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Lotus yang baru, Dany Taner Bahar; Wakil Ratu England, Leftenan Diraja Norfolk Richard Jewson dan Pesuruhjaya Tinggi Malaysia ke UK, Datuk Abdul Aziz Mohammed.

Dalam ucapan alu-aluan menyambut keberangkatan Seri Paduka ke kilang syarikat berkenaan, Mohd. Nadzmi berkata, lawatan itu akan dapat merangsang semangat kakitangan Lotus untuk berusaha lebih keras dalam memperluaskan keluaran syarikat itu di peringkat global dan menjayakan visi Proton untuk menjadi syarikat automotif utama Asia.

‘‘Lotus sudah membuktikan keupayaannya dalam mengeluarkan beberapa model ikonik seperti Elite, Elan, Europa, Esprit, Elise dan terbaru, Evora, maka keputusan Proton mengambil alih syarikat itu pada tahun 1996 adalah langkah tepat.

‘‘Syarikat ini telah memberikan sumbangan yang banyak kepada pembangunan teknologi dan keupayaan kejuruteraan Proton.

‘‘Dan untuk masa depan kedua-dua syarikat sedang bekerjasama membangunkan kenderaan hibrid dan elektrik serta menghasilkan enjin yang lebih efisien,” ujarnya.

Dalam pada itu, ketika lawatan selama kira-kira tiga jam berkenaan, Tuanku Mizan telah berpeluang mendengar taklimat mengenai pelbagai model klasik yang dihasilkan oleh Lotus yang disampaikan oleh Clive Chapman.

Beliau merupakan anak mendiang Colin Bruce Chapman yang telah mengasaskan syarikat berkenaan pada 1948.

Baginda juga telah melawat dan melihat sendiri proses pemasangan kereta yang dilakukan sepenuhnya dengan menggunakan tangan.

Seri Paduka kemudiannya turut meluangkan masa selama 30 minit untuk memandu uji Lotus Evora, model terbaru syarikat berkenaan yang memenangi pelbagai anugerah, selain model berprestasi tinggi, Exige dan model kenderaan elektrik, Tesla.

- Bernama / Utusan Malaysia -


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Post time 3-10-2009 11:56 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 4-10-2009 06:44 PM | Show all posts
The birth of a vision

By Daniel Wong

His decision to buy Lotus Cars has drawn a fair share of praise and criticism from the motoring world. His tenure in Proton Holdings Bhd has left an everlasting mark that will continue to divide the opinions of Malaysian motorists. According to former Proton CEO Tengku Tan Sri Mahaleel, his decision to buy Lotus Cars was done in the greater interest of Proton’s future. A decision that has brought Proton into the world’s spotlight and Malaysia’s into the limelight with the entry of the 1Malaysia Lotus F1 team, making it Lotus’ first appearance in Formula One in 15 years.

The story started at 10am on April 13, 1996, in the Prime Minister’s office. Present were the late Tan Sri Yahya Ahmad, himself and Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, then Prime Minister of Malaysia. “There we evaluated how Proton was doing as a car company, as well as our current strategy of rebadging cars,” said Tengku Mahaleel, who was then the vice-chariman of strategy and operations for Proton.

“Mahathir had this vision of the industrial master plan, the first phase involving assembly. However, we discussed about moving on to phase two which involved design and engineering our own cars, which was targeted to be done at the end of 2005. “Imagine we were talking about achieving this second phase nine years ahead of schedule, and I was presenting it to the Prime Minister on the eleventh day on the job.

“We knew that with the current arrangements of rebadging, we were paying – hidden costs and all – to the tune of RM500 million for just one platform. “Then based on our calculations with the additional technical fees, we were paying RM25,000 worth of parts that only cost RM18,000 if we were to make them ourselves. Furthermore, we couldn’t export such products and expect to turn over a profit, as with the then arrangements, Proton’s exports were bleeding the government to death. “The only solution was to create Proton’s own car and engine. What followed next was five minutes of absolute silence. “Then Mahathir turned around and said ‘We will have to make our first car by the year 2000 then’.”

In 1996, the Japanese ranked Proton as 20 per cent capable of producing its own car.Without any hope of drawing support from other companies and four years given to design and build a car of its own, Proton came to two decisions – either work with a consulting firm or enter a joint venture to design a car, or acquire a design and development company. “If we worked with a consulting firm, we could only get designs that were as good as we paid them for. We won’t have full access to the talent and skills behind the design that we need for a sustainable future,” said Tengku Mahaleel. “If we bought a company instead, we will have the rights to all of their engineering skills, blueprints and knowledge we could use to take that leap forward as a car maker.” Tengku Mahaleel had to settle for the second option of company acquisition. Eventually, a list of potential companies were drawn up, including AVL, Cosworth, Pininfarina, Porsche and Lotus. The criteria was an engineering company with the experience in building cars.

Tengku Mahaleel flew down to Germany for a secret meeting with Dr Radman, a representitive from Porsche. “I can remember the conversation, when I asked him if we can have a stake in Porsche, he asked if I had a return ticket, to which I said yes, and his answer was ‘Good, because Porsche is not for sale’,” he said. “That brought Proton to the second choice on the list, Lotus Cars, which in 1996 was up for sale. We then acquired Lotus Cars for a sum of RM503 million, and with that Lotus Proton finally had the expertise, knowledge and engineering drawings to build cars of its own.”

From there, Proton bought an old Mitsubishi platform, and with the help of Lotus engineers, started work on redesigning, modernising and developing the GX41, which would become the Waja. Launched in 2000, right on schedule, the Waja was the first Malaysian-designed car. If one would think that RM503 million was too high a sum, Tengku Mahaleel said that Lotus paid its price through cost-saving in just two years of Proton’s operations.

“When a Campro 1.6 costs RM4,500 per engine and you are paying close to RM6,500 each from a Japanese manufacturer, you can save nearly RM2,000 per engine,” he said. “If you sell 150,000 engines a year, you will be saving the company nearly RM300 million a year. Do the maths and the investment in Lotus would have paid for itself in just two years.”

When asked about Petronas’ own P98 engine, Tengku Mahaleel said: “It was an engineering exercise for Petronas, involving an engine unit from Yamaha. When the P98 costs more than RM18,000 each, with no gears, there isn’t any economies of scale to support it.

“Furthermore, with Lotus’ expertise, we developed our own engine management system which saved us RM400 per unit, which equates to a saving of RM22.57 million in the first year alone.” Tengku Mahaleel said that with subsequent model launches, Proton lowered its development costs through platform and parts sharing.

Input in Lotus extends more than just the current range of Proton cars, with production ready projects like the ‘New Engine Family’, a prototype electric hybrid drivetrain powered by a rotary engine desgined five years ahead of Chevrolet’s Volt, and Proton’s future product range which includes a RM10,000 city car and future all-aluminium Perdana platform, all thanks to knowledge gained from Lotus know-how and technologies.

“Much of the public doesn’t realise that Lotus brought much needed knowledge and expertise to build Proton into what it is today, a proper car manufacturer,” he said. “Recently, the Japanese placed our production capability at 90 per cent in almost every field. “We spent RM500 million acquiring 50 years worth of experience in designing, developing and making engine and chassis, which in itself is impossible to quantify.”

The acquisition of Lotus wasn’t an exercise in branding, nor was it because of Lotus’ racing heritage. Instead, it was a logical decision in order to bring Proton’s production capabilities up and compete in the world stage. Tengku Mahaleel said he doesn’t dwell much on the past, and that he has moved on to take on other positions outside the motoring industry.

Sources :


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Post time 11-10-2009 03:17 PM | Show all posts
Proton tingkatkan jenama Lotus

TUANKU MIZAN ZAINAL ABIDIN berkenan meletakkan logo Lotus selepas melancarkan enjin Lotus terbaru, sambil diperhatikan Nadzmi (kanan) di kilang Lotus di Norwich, United Kingdom baru-baru ini.

NORWICH, United Kingdom - Pembuat kereta nasional, Proton Holdings Bhd. (Proton) berhasrat meningkatkan jenama Lotus dan mengembalikan kegemilangannya dengan memperkenalkan model kereta baru.

Pengarah Urusan Kumpulan Datuk Syed Zainal Abidin Syed Mohamed Tahir berkata, pada pelancaran Evora, kereta baru pertama Lotus sejak 1995 baru-baru ini merupakan permulaan untuk membawa jenama itu ke tahap lebih tinggi.

"Kami percaya potensi Lotus terletak pada penjenamaan. Jika melihat seluruh dunia, pengiktirafan jenama amat kukuh tetapi kita tidak sampai ke tahap pengiktirafan jenama itu," katanya dalam temu bual dengan media Malaysia sempena lawatan Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin dan Raja Permaisuri Agong, Tuanku Nur Zahirah ke kilang Lotus di sini baru- baru ini.

Turut hadir Pengerusi Proton, Datuk Nadzmi Mohd. Salleh.

Selain itu, Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Kumpulan Lotus, Dany Taner Bahar berkata, potensi jenama Lotus terlalu besar dan mempunyai kekuatan dan mempunyai sejarah panjang dalam perlumbaan kereta serta reputasinya sebagai pengeluar kereta sport yang menarik dan inovatif.

"Lotus sebaris dengan Ferrari, Lamborghini dan Maserati pada 1970-an hingga 1990-an. Kemudian ia berdepan dengan masalah. Kami percaya sudah tiba masanya membawa kembali Lotus ke tempat yang sepatutnya," kata beliau.

- Bernama / Kosmo -


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Post time 12-10-2009 02:41 AM | Show all posts
ape²..kite sbg rakyat malaysia kene support la produk tempatan. asal boleh nk kutuk.
kalo kite xmembela produk tempatan, sape lagi.
mat bangla dgn indon ke?

jgn mareee

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