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Author: naen


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Post time 26-1-2010 06:29 PM | Show all posts
nih sok tiga2 skali jadi mod ni..camno nih.hahaha

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Post time 27-1-2010 08:34 AM | Show all posts
manaphy ek..
tak abes2 lg nk anto telo manaphy..
so klu dr dulu kita duk anto ke Pt, ade 3 la manaphy kita leh dpt kan..
maybe plan dia 1st manaphy dulu utk DP, 2nd utk Pt and third ni utk HGSS kan?
frankly speaking kan aku excited nk manaphy dulu sbb dia leh transfer drp ranger je..
bile dh masuk dlm DPPt aku tak pakai pun..

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 Author| Post time 27-1-2010 11:13 PM | Show all posts
nih sok tiga2 skali jadi mod ni..camno nih.hahaha
MetalFire Post at 26-1-2010 18:29

sape kutuk pokemon - kita deduct .. sapa lurve pokemon - kita bagi kredit



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 Author| Post time 27-1-2010 11:16 PM | Show all posts
1122# farixwan

aku tak transfer lagi manaphy (+darkrai) dari ranger almia

mungkin deme nak gunakan manaphy sebagai 'pelaris' kpd pokemon ranger kot

macam ranger almia - kita dapat manaphy+darkrai
(tapi darkrai kan kita dapat gaks thru wifi event platinum)

ntok ranger yg baru ni - kita dapat manaphy+deoxys

aku tak rasa deme akan wat event ntok deoxys kat game pokemon biasa,
so nak tak nak, pokefans 'terpaksa' gak main t.o.l ntok dapatkan deoxys

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 Author| Post time 29-1-2010 10:23 PM | Show all posts

sesapa yg main game pokemon versi jopun sahaja, sila aa download skang!!!
[jopun version ntuk diamond/pearl/platinum/HGSS]

MEW ni LEVEL 5, premier ribbon attached & cuma tahu move POUND sahaja!

sila dapatkan sebelum 11 february 2010!!!

p/s : metal mesti kata - "not my taste" .. hahaha

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 Author| Post time 29-1-2010 10:26 PM | Show all posts
5th Generation Pokemon Games On Their Way This Year!

The moment we've all been waiting for! The official Japanese Pokemon website has announced that a new Pokemon RPG will be released for the DS by the end of the year and that it will for sure feature brand new Pokemon. It's the "first new work" since Diamond and Pearl as the announcement states, meaning it will more than likely be a main game like Red, Gold, Pearl, etc. This will be the first time two generations of Pokemon have been released on the same handheld system, though technically, the first and second generations were both featured on Gameboy (despite one being in color). Bangiras has translated the announcement below:

An entirely new " Pocket Monsters" series is under development for release in 2010.

The Pokemon Company (headed by Tsunekazu Ishihara) has announced that the newest work in the Pocket Monsters RPG series (Game Freak, Nintendo) is being developed for the Nintendo DS for release by the end of 2010.

Since its first entry, " Pocket Monsters Red and Green" from 1996, the " Pocket Monsters" series has received high acclaim from customers around the world for its distinctive universe and gameplay that involves communicating between different versions to trade and battle. Sales for the entire series have climbed to over 130,000,000 copies worldwide.

The " Pocket Monsters" series for the Nintendo DS made use of the dual screen, touch screen, and Wi-Fi connection for play. The latest project under development is a completely new work, coming four years after " Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl" which boasts worldwide sales of over 17,150,000 copies (over 5,800,000 in Japan). It should make an innovative, fresh start by adding even more new game play and new Pokemon.

Please anticipate a later article with news about the game's content.

credits : pokebeach

:pompom: :pompom: :pompom:

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Post time 31-1-2010 05:49 PM | Show all posts
haha.korang cam taktau aku bukannye minat men ranger2 ni.power ranger aku minat la

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Post time 2-2-2010 02:17 PM | Show all posts
1126# naen

wah good news.. teruja teruja..
dorg mmg target kuar taun ni gak ek?
aku mcm rasa kat movie baru ni nnt ade 2-3 ekor 5th gen pokemon..

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Post time 2-2-2010 02:24 PM | Show all posts
br baca..
wifi event utk deoxys kt dlm game ranger yg baru tu memerlukan multiplayer utk tangkap deoxys.. huhu.. naen, nnt jgn lupekan aku

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Post time 2-2-2010 05:44 PM | Show all posts
iklan jap.. ni taste aku.hahahah

the big war dari all 10 heroes dari kanto,johto dan hoenn


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Post time 2-2-2010 05:45 PM | Show all posts
gamba atas: the 10 pokedex owners


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 Author| Post time 2-2-2010 09:09 PM | Show all posts
1128# farixwan

aku rasa tahun ni jugak

kalau ikut nintendo nye pattern - movie pokemon out bulan 7
game baru pokemon bulan 9 (jpn version) & bukan 3 (us version)

so .. aku rasa 5th gen game ni akan keluar tahun ni gak

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 Author| Post time 2-2-2010 09:10 PM | Show all posts
1129# farixwan

aiyoooo .. dah confirm ke multiplayer? kalau solo takleh ke?

ini satu masalah! adehhhh!!! jom jom nanti kita multiplay catch deoxys

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 Author| Post time 2-2-2010 09:11 PM | Show all posts
1131# MetalFire

mana gambo? mata aku kah yg kero atau memang takde gambo?

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 Author| Post time 2-2-2010 09:34 PM | Show all posts
quote from serebii :

However, the pamphlet noted that the WiFi mission that gives you a Deoxys to send to your Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold & SoulSilver games can only be completed over the multiplayer mode with 2 or more people, meaning you'll need to do it with a friend whom has the game.

tapi dia kata at least ada 2 orang - ok aa tu kot .. jom jom farexx!!!! :pompom:

p/s : metal tamo join kaa? angkut aa ds seketul .. angkut aa .. angkut aa .. (racun)

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Post time 3-2-2010 12:06 PM | Show all posts
1132# naen

yup.. so harapan aku nnt dlm Phantom Ruler Z yg kuar july nnt ade la 5th gen nye pokemon..

klu betul, mmg 1st time la dorg kuar 2 game utk konsol yg sama..
maybe next console masih dlm pembikinan n amik masa yg lama utk release kot..
so team2 pokemon lak takde keje skrg, tu yg terus develop 5th gen..
bodo nye teori aku..
and aku rasa la sbb dorg dh all out sume game pokemon leh main kat NDS ni tu yg dorg prefer utk buat game baru ni utk nds gak.. klu tak, dorg kena kuar konsol baru yg blh support format baru + nds + gba kan? sedangkan gba nye slot dah mansuh pun utk ndsi..

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Post time 3-2-2010 12:14 PM | Show all posts
1135# naen tp cane la nk capture 2 org kan..
mcm kelakar pun ade aku dgr..

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 Author| Post time 4-2-2010 12:34 AM | Show all posts
1137# farixwan

tapi kan farex, kat serebii kata :

The details of this mission are not yet known. The mission ends with you having to capture Deoxys, whom challenges you in all four of its forms. Once you have defeated it, you have the ability to transfer it to your Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold or SoulSilver games

This mission also has multiplayer functionality, allowing you to redo it with friends.


kalau "challenges u in all 4 of its formes - maknanya kena lawan 4x?

kalau "this mission also has multiplayer blablabla, to redo it" - maknanya leh pilih aa nak solo/multiplay kan?

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Post time 7-2-2010 01:20 PM | Show all posts
oitt. silhoutte pokemon 5th gen dah kuar..wahahahaa

tapi rase cam fake je

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Post time 7-2-2010 10:59 PM | Show all posts
1139# MetalFire
takla.. aku rasa ni konfem..
sbb jun'ichi matsuda yg announce..
pokemon ni aku rasa legendary kot..
sbb dia la z utk movie br ni nnt..

//owh beshnya klu aku keje nintendo.. berita ni gaknya dh lama ak tau..

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