Istana Bawang 2 : Kate Middleton vs Meghan Markle
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kate never set a foot wrong.
of coz la. sebab dia dengar kata advisors dia. wallis memang pekak badak. orang kata apa pun dia lantak pi. sebab what meghan wants, meghan gets. duh. no wonder its the reason of her downfall. sebab dia asyik buat silap. tak penah nak ikut protokol sebab suka ikut rasa dia ja. kat morocco memang berbulu abis tengok dia tak abis2 pegang tangan dengan harry pastu dia pulak greet king!! pastu perkenalkan harry jadi husband dia. my goodness. aku yang bukan royal pon tau protocol. apatah dia yang patutnya ditrain intensively 6 bulan sebelom kawen .
ajuliana replied at 4-3-2019 01:57 PM
Sebab dia rasa dia princess .. haruslah dia yg ke depan bila jumpa Morrocan king.. untung2 k ...
People’s princess la kan.... konon sama dengan princess di. Bluerk. Dia memang social climbing. Sekarang ni pun orang kat twitter siap predict kalau dia cerai dengan harry.. she will go for us presidency. Kalau tak pun, she will carik orang lebih berpengaruh. Ultimately dia akan join politic la kiranya |
n dia punya penyokong tetap lah umah black yg memuja2 dia..  
ajuliana replied at 4-3-2019 02:56 PM
n dia punya penyokong tetap lah umah black yg memuja2 dia..
HMTQ tu apa? |
Cicisweets replied at 4-3-2019 06:05 PM
HMTQ tu apa?
Her majesty the queen |
eva replied at 2-3-2019 09:42 PM
tp sian la pulak kan ex staffers tu..
Tdk bleh dluntur dah si jenglot tu macam2 game dia akan cuba sbg play safe. Tapi kalu ada pun hnya si QE and william yg boleh buat si jenglot tu tunduk cuma bukan masa skrang. |
Nice one HMTQ. Looking forward to see your plan in effect. The ‘let her gone rogue by herself let the public see for themselves’ works so far. Meggot is soooo naive trying to play down the queen. Dia dah berpuluh tahun in ruling dia tahu politic office politik at home bagai2 ni. Suami dia sendiri pun dia handle cara halus inikan bini to her cucu. Peanuts je. |
she think she's the phenomena to change the BRF.. gosh, u r nothing. maybe she think she dia dlm drama ciptaan dia, she's the actor, the director, the producer n the audience is her sugars troppers.. delusional much.. how can harry tahan to live dgn this kind of woman
adakah Sussex akn overshadow majlis??
skrg ni pun meggot rasa sheols acah2 phenomena lah, tgk la kensington royal tiba2 keluarkan rules utk social media
mcm vavi tau.. masa kate dulu xda jgk social media rules nih
normally kalau the whole family attend d same event kan, pompuan ni akan behave sket.. hahaha.. mcm ig sparklemarkle ckp lah. pompuan ni ada 2 type .. bila dia attend event sorng or dgn harry dia yg akan lebih sudu dr kuah. kalau dgn whole family dia akan behave and act like she is innocent malu2 kucing gitu..
she bukan mcm vavi tp mmg vavi.. hahaha.. well all the social media pun dia yg pgg kan.. tp kate n will x kisah pun rasanya dgn public thing ni. diaorg more private. mn ada nk show off mcm si kaduk naik junjung sekor ni
ajuliana replied at 5-3-2019 08:43 AM
she think she's the phenomena to change the BRF.. gosh, u r nothing. maybe she think she dia dlm d ...
I pun x faham cmana ginger ni bleh hidup dgn nutmeg yg pretentious ni. X genuine. Apa je yang dia sincere n ikhlas? |
bila rakyat dh naik mnyampah...
i think harry just need someone yg blh buat dia menonjol. hahaha.. thts why ok je lah dgn apa yg pompuan ni buat.
ajuliana replied at 5-3-2019 08:43 AM
she think she's the phenomena to change the BRF.. gosh, u r nothing. maybe she think she dia dlm d ...
Memang she delusional sangat kan? Like surreal unreal pompuan ni perasan gila2 dia nak change the monarchy like, education wise pun tak hebat lagi. Contribution to society pun zero except for elitis merching2 barang2 tu. Delusional gila2 perasan. Dia feeling ala2 lady D. Eeeuw. Dia narcisisist level psychopath. Poor harry. |
234126 replied at 4-3-2019 06:49 AM
Ni dah 2 weeks gone. Frust sangat. Tinggal sparklemarkle messythedcuchess dgn megxit je. Megxit tu ...
I thought temporarily jer hilang, rupanya gone for good. Theroyaltea tu memang best. Btw thx I dah follow sparklemarkle |
Pompuan ni mmg suka pakai coat eh? Ni latest event semua ada ni mcm tak kena je. Kate n camilla cantik je pakai mcm tu, ni dia sorg pakai coat hmmm |
chip92 replied at 5-3-2019 09:15 PM
Pompuan ni mmg suka pakai coat eh? Ni latest event semua ada ni mcm tak kena je. Kate n camilla cant ...
Kannnn bila orang sejuk dia tak sejuk. Bila orang lain tak sejuk dia....
I rasa dia saja nnt nak buat selak menyelak coatnyaaa |
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