Originally posted by lillet at 31-3-2009 08:30
voldemort ur friend very ugly n so do u i think
yr tummy look like chopping board to cut fish head
how come yr brainmate is bald i thot u still young?
i know u taste old man like Datuk Moustache
Perlis where u have yr first kiss with voldemort
ma food will make yr hair more colourful like rainbow
ms mandarin is back, she gonna cook for us again
he died oredi..if onli u knoe...
my tummy so sexy n so delicious....
that's what my love said
he like it bald......coz he said he looks sexy
tat datuk...yeewwwww....not my taste plisss
we never been kissed...i learnt a lot of black magic fr voldermort
no need...coz ma hair look juz fine got admirer some more
ms mandarin busy posting question now
Originally posted by lillet at 31-3-2009 08:38
pity u, can help me to sell more gas
huahua ma adam ma daydream
i know that girl..allison...very talented, just that abit too big
but sumetime they are cute just sumetime went overboard on the love hate scenes
whats that for u n me....paste the video/pict again please
u have so many assistant oredi..no need me lorr
adam..fall in lurve wif him oso
allison been in bottom 3....aim so worried...
but then...luckily..megan is the one to go
i think they both look so 'sengal'....
Originally posted by lillet at 31-3-2009 08:34
thank u for all the kind words
which u just copy n paste..ur favorite pastime
i give u this
Don't place UR
mistakes on UR head,
its weight may crush U.
Instead place them under UR feet
& use it as a platform to view UR horizon.
YW jinlord Lill..................
u alwez knoe ma peberet ehh
u must be lovin me so much
n yess TQ
for you..........
"Lean on me, when you're not strong, and I'll be your friend, I'll help you carry on, for it won't be long, 'til I'm going to need somebody to lean on."
we go together but ma battery always flat like ma tummy halfway
old story but good lesson, which u shud take example
not just rush without head or tail
ur battery flat laik ur brain oso...
i did...TQ...learn fr other's mistake....
rush rush sang by paula abdul