US president? Nahhh, she even takkan lepas the basic background check. Too many skeletons in the closet. And takde manner too.
The Illuminati whistleblowers kata Meghan ni is one of their high priestesses, slightly below Beyonce. Even though she is in the club, I tak rasa she is likeable enuf for them to endorse her. Even Ellen dan Oprah pun dah ignored her, socially.
Post time 28-9-2021 11:09 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
snazzydaisy replied at 28-9-2021 01:59 AM
So kampung dot com.
DSSOS - DuchAss of Sussex
Tasteless as usual. Tengok deyols pilih sussex pun dh tau. Btw, still curious why mekgan pilih TIG, what does that mean???
Iols nak komen kaler attire sheols pakai masa ke harlem school. Ko pergi skolah yg ramai budak2 kot, dah kenapa pakai attire kaler merah like witch from the west?? Pastu baggy longgar2 lagi, nak nampak getto ke?? Sheols look ridiculous! Cam bapak ayam pun hada. And opkos, overshadow overthetop dari hairy yg originally royal…. How many times we have seen that they are trying to sell mekgan instead of hairy
Post time 28-9-2021 11:15 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
snazzydaisy replied at 28-9-2021 02:08 AM
Gossip from a hotel 'ee.
Part yg sebut psl the Harkles minta $5 cash ...
Dekat yahoo news tiber klua balik kisah queen pasal mekgan tantrum tu, i wonder why gosip tu klua balik. Yg tiara tu iols baru sedar mekgan ropernye nak tiara yg eugenie pakai masa wedding..
color tu mmg nampak witch-like kan?
baju lapis2 tu sb nak hide mic dalam baju dorang sambil visit2 sambil record utk content their documentary for netflix.
Post time 28-9-2021 05:54 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
fergie.abel replied at 28-9-2021 05:03 PM
color tu mmg nampak witch-like kan?
baju lapis2 tu sb nak hide mic dalam baju dorang samb ...
Itulah.. kesahnya iols br prasan. Siyeslah rona tu tak sesuai utk event dgn budak sekolah. Betul, mcm witch, crimson red.. stylist tak buat pape ke, kata calculative buat sesuatu tp fail part dressing
Post time 29-9-2021 12:00 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Kawan iol bersungguh la backup body post labout mekgan ni. Breast pun besor bengkak susu katanya pipi bulat sampai ada double chin.
Bila iol kata ibu tumpang pun boleh telan pil nak susukan anak walaupun tak mengandung 9 bulan apetah lagi aktres mcm mekgan nak scam brf ni. Kalau betul beranak mana anaknya, gambar kat frame pun takda. Last last kawan cakap mungkin anak tak comel tu je hujah dia.