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Author: cajAzhari

2PM : 1:59 heartbeat~♥ *can u feel my heartbeat??

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 Author| Post time 4-9-2009 02:02 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 4-9-2009 02:06 PM | Show all posts
ok,da tepek....rase bersalah sbb da mengabaikan nengok take care agasshi...ngeee~
mlm ni lyn wb!!!???yayyyyy:pompom:
cajAzhari Post at 4-9-2009 13:54

tgh layan ....
haha adoiii sakit perut gelak.... lom leh komen lebih2...
kene tgk abis dlu keke

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Post time 4-9-2009 02:29 PM | Show all posts
lmbt ek kali ni kuar subbed...tgh dok layan nieyh....

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 Author| Post time 4-9-2009 02:33 PM | Show all posts

tgh layan ....
haha adoiii sakit perut gelak.... lom leh komen lebih2...
kene tgk abis dlu keke
moondance Post at 4-9-2009 14:06 [url=http://eforum

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Post time 4-9-2009 02:36 PM | Show all posts
sub dah tubik....
esok bole tgk...yuhuuu

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Post time 4-9-2009 02:37 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by biniwills at 4-9-2009 14:41



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 Author| Post time 4-9-2009 02:40 PM | Show all posts

biniwills Post at 4-9-2009 14:37

yela,org tu da bz meroyan semlm.....wuwu

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Post time 4-9-2009 02:50 PM | Show all posts
yela,org tu da bz meroyan semlm.....wuwu
cajAzhari Post at 4-9-2009 14:40

Uuuuuu....caja..smlm punya kes...kalo nampyeons 2PM datang...aku takleh nk ckp apalaa nengok kan kekdah smlm tuh!sure giler havoc!!!mostly yg dtg smlm pown die hard fans sbb dtg fanmeeting SS tuh, sume pakat silent phone sbb takut dpn oppa dabel s, henfon bunyik lagu 10/10...

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Post time 4-9-2009 02:52 PM | Show all posts
yorobun, mintak tunjuk ajar, sapa tau cne nk tulis siggy pjg skit tanpa dpt warning siggy anda terlalu pjg..nk tmbh siggy lagik nieyh....

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Post time 4-9-2009 02:58 PM | Show all posts

Hottests, it has not been a good week for you. After Nichkhun revealed his ideal girl type and Taecyeon was revealed as a Yoobin stalker, more heartbreak is being served up by 2PM.

The "beastly" members of famous male idol group, 2PM, each revealed who their ideal girl is on a variety program. Amazingly, SNSD / Girl's Generation seems to be the goal for the 2PM boys, and who can blame them?

Nichkhun already revealed that YoonA was his ideal girl type, but fellow 2PM member Chansung also revealed that YoonA would be perfect for him. What a Korean drama-esque love triangle there!

The leader of the "beasts" Jaebeom, revealed that a "sexy, yet cute girl, like Jessica would be the ideal girl." The leader also serenaded Jessica with a very charismatic dance in order to capture her heart.

Just an idea, but other than her sexy and cute image, I'm sure the factthat Jessica is a fellow West Coast girl plays a part in Jaebeom'sdecision.

But that's not all! Back in early August, it looks like member Junho made a move on Sooyoung as well!

But don't think that the boys are the only ones chasing. When Nichkhunwas asked about his immense popularity with women, he modestly replied,'Honestly, there is nothing that special about me. I don't know whatcharisma is about and I don't think I have it."

Of course his brothers had to make up for his lack of swag. ClownWooyoung and leader Jaebeom responded with, "Nichkhun is so goodlooking that he takes that title in our group. What makes him socharming is that he's not only handsome, but so well mannered as well."

credit to allkpop...

KHUN....let's go!gi masjid jom!menantu idaman!!!

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Post time 4-9-2009 03:03 PM | Show all posts
caja, bgs2 ko dh tempeks ek...sini nmpok kosong jew... mlm bru nk menyedut!  komawo...

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Post time 4-9-2009 04:38 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by se7enstarz at 4-9-2009 16:40

04 Sep 2009 Phuket trip with Nichkhun

News by Offogato

Today is the first day that Tourism Authority of Thailand has opened its Phuket trip with Nichkhun for booking. Only 100 people can join this tour with Nichkhun.

3 days 5 nights package (10/2~10/6) with Free T-shirts

1st day (10/2): Depart from Incheon airport (10:00am), arriving Bangkok airport (13:50), Departing from Bangkok Airport~Arriving at Phuket airport (at 17:20), meeting a guide and check into hotel, Dinner (Hotel will be Kata beach resort or same level hotel)

2nd day (10/3): After having breakfast, Fun day with Khun. Going to KKokai island and snorkeling in the sea.

Playing games with Khun at the beach ( winner gets the special prize) and take pictures with Khun.

Lunch, going back to Phuket, Spa (massage and stuff) and Fun!fun party (it's written like this) with khun at the hotel.

3rd day (10/4) Experience Thai cultures with Khun

breakfast at hotel- Watch Muay Thai- Step up with Khun - Kan Eang seafood (lunch)- visit Wat Chalong shrine- shop at Wang Talang store (??)

Kal-bi(dinner)- depart from Phuket- arrive at Bangkok airport-check in to Amari Atrium hotel

4th day (10/5)- breakfast, and check out from hotel- visit Wat Arun- visit Wat Phrakeo- visit Grand Palace- sightseeing at Ratchdamri st. -dinner at Royal Dragon- departing from Bangkok airport - arriving Seoul in the 5th day

the events Khun's attending are 2nd day's Beach game, pictures, hotel dinner and fun party 3rd day's Muay-Thai experience, seafood lunch.

It's for 100 people. However 10/2~10/4 is Chuseok (harvest festival), very big holiday in Korea, so many people are going back to their home to visit their family some Ch'anrakkhun members can't go to Khun tour because of this holiday.

Cr. Kor-Eng: [email protected] Coordinator: Cassina@2PM-online, Source : Mode Tour

sonoknyer klu dpt berpoyer2 dgn khunnie...bin, ko takmo join skali ka?

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 Author| Post time 4-9-2009 05:39 PM | Show all posts
Uuuuuu....caja..smlm punya kes...kalo nampyeons 2PM datang...aku takleh nk ckp apalaa nengok kan kekdah smlm tuh!sure giler havoc!!!mostly yg dtg smlm pown die hard fans sbb dtg fanmeeti ...
biniwills Post at 4-9-2009 14:50

tula...ikutkan ati ak,ak nk gak turun tp sbb x bape nk rapat ngan dabel S ni,tahankan klu 2pm datang,xm ke x,ak mmg redah je ble die nk mai...wuwu

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 Author| Post time 4-9-2009 05:40 PM | Show all posts
yorobun, mintak tunjuk ajar, sapa tau cne nk tulis siggy pjg skit tanpa dpt warning siggy anda terlalu pjg..nk tmbh siggy lagik nieyh....
biniwills Post at 4-9-2009 14:52

siggy ak yg pjg ni time die x limitkan,mmg xpenah ubahla kekdahnye...huhu
xtaola leh pjg g ke x...

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 Author| Post time 4-9-2009 05:41 PM | Show all posts
caja, bgs2 ko dh tempeks ek...sini nmpok kosong jew... mlm bru nk menyedut!  komawo...
se7enstarz Post at 4-9-2009 15:03

tula pasal..sunyi n sepi je....
mlm ni pn baru nk menengok....
sok kite moyan na~

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 Author| Post time 5-9-2009 02:33 AM | Show all posts
x larat ak gelak utk epi ni....mmg kelako abes r...
while wy men masak2 same chansung,dak2 len g men game...denda die....wahahaha
mmg xleh blah...kelaka2
mmg diorg give their true self la...suke2....da la mengong~

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Post time 5-9-2009 09:37 AM | Show all posts
1096# cajAzhari

haha mmg gelak tul part tu... pnye le jay dh give up x mo masak...
skali patut die kene kn.... adess goyang2 leher skali reset... khun gelak smpai terduduk
wy lg le seksa.... kene kt armprit... haha dioeg g tape die nye armprit tu smpai ke leher... sian tul tgk.... dh berkepak2 nk goyang

time msk tu mmg lawak ar... nk potong ayam pakai gunting ekke...
last2 magnae amik alih... pastu x leh blah muka wy yg x sanggup tgk ayam tu kene potong..
khun lak bek tul ... siap oper nk tlg tu...
haha ntah pe le stew yg magnae msk... smua mende die mskkn... pastu sndiri terkejut bila try wakaka
die ngan wy siap jauhkn diri agik time khun try keke...
yg khun lak ... PD tnya tau x nama ikan tu... die bleh g ckp ngan ikan tu tnya nama ikan haha
yg taec, jay n junho x sedo diri men game ekke...

lyn tenet lak... kunun2 nk tgk mnet countdown... skali kuar 18sx daa... ekek taec suh edit part tu
men game lam air tu pn best.... gile kentang tul diorg ni....

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Post time 5-9-2009 12:51 PM | Show all posts
1097# moondance

mmg lawak arrr time chansung ngan wooyoung masak...wy wat klako potong kepala ayam ngan guntingmengong tul....sayang giler kt khun:pompom:dia ni mmg baik ati,suka tul tolong org...drg x tunjuk pun masa dia siang ikan tuh...tup tup dah siap masak sume...part taste masakan tu muka chansung mmg x bole blah..WY lagi arr siap pegang neck lagi tuh...yg khun ni rasa pelik tgk korea mmg suka stew ekk sbb dlm show yg kita tgk slalu sgt drg wat masakan ala2 tomyam...

time mandi kt swimming pool tu best....sumenya dah cam kanak2 ribena tgh sonok bermain air walaupun sejuk...

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Post time 5-9-2009 01:54 PM | Show all posts
Who would you be like to be with on a stranded island?

Therehad been a recent polling asking many netizens “who would you choose tobe with if you had been stranded on a island?” The result was the idolstar 2PM Nich Khun with 45% of the votes. Here is how the polling went :

2PM’s Nich Khun -  45%

Big Bang G-Dragon – 25%

SS501 Kim HyunJoong – 12%

Super Junior LeeTeuk – 10%

Shinee JongHyun – 8%

C: KBites

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Post time 5-9-2009 02:48 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by se7enstarz at 4-9-2009 16:40

04 Sep 2009 Phuket trip with Nichkhun

News by Offogato

Today is the first day that Tourism Authority of Thailand has openedits Phuket trip with Nichkhun for booking. Only 100 people can jointhis tour with Nichkhun.

3 days 5 nights package (10/2~10/6) with Free T-shirts

sonoknyer klu dpt berpoyer2 dgn khunnie...bin, ko takmo join skali ka?
se7enstarz Post at 4-9-2009 16:38

UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuuu......bestnyerrr!!!!!ikutkan hati mmg laa nk jo-in kang kekdahnya dia ngidang sam gyup sal...mampus keras aku kat situuuu...aku nk cdgkan kat depe wat trip ala-ala halal utk peminat khun...

wah....dh tgk WB...uuuuu sgt terserlah caringnya khun...tlg wy n cs masak sobab leadja curik tulang takmo masak....pastuh dia teman lak JH gi bli barang....sweettttt sgt aaa dia tuh....baik tol si khun tuh!

xle menahan part dak2 tuh maen game..pergh magnae panjat tangga bagai terjun sana sini....eeee....risaw kot kang patah tulang jatuh!ganas betul!

part jay maen game i love you tuh hidu2 kaki taec....mmg leadja ni sumthing wrong somewhere!!!

next wik last episode...sedeynyerrr....x sabar nk tggu album pes derang! :pompom:

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