mlm td baru abeskan twilight(buku) for the 2nd time
arini nak start New Moon round 2 gak 
Reply #1084 ladydolph's post
tanye yuni nanti
ni details yg kite order aritu kan?
ni check kt Amazon
DVD features:
* Presented in widescreen format only
* Audio commentary by Catherine Hardwicke, Kristen Stewart, and Robert Pattinson
* Muse music video: "Super Massive Black Hole"
* Paramore music video: "Decode"
* Linkin Park music video: "Leave Out All the Rest"
* Five extended scenes with director introductions
* Five deleted scenes with director introductions
* Seven-part documentary: "The Adventure Begins: The Journey from Page to Screen"
* Comic-Con "fandom" piece
* Comic-Con NY sizzle reel
* Three trailers
* Penelope trailer |
Reply #1086 pavlova's post
laaaa... mcm takder jer yg red carpet interview tu.... huhhu......n the booklet.....waaaa!
n talking about Yuni.....dah lama dier tak jenguk cni yekk......

[ Last edited by ladydolph at 29-1-2009 10:02 AM ] |
Reply #1088 pavlova's post
tu la......... terliur jer kan........nak gak nak gak!!!!!!
set tu bile kuar? same gak on the 21st March ke? bape hargenye? |
Reply #1090 pavlova's post
Originally posted by ladydolph at 29-1-2009 09:42 AM 
this is the Twilight DVD special Borders edition..... now can be pre-ordered.... wow... byk features yg best....
Special Bonus Disc, Whi ...
argghhh...bestnyer, hari tu tgk yg piracy dvd, nak beli yg ori pulak utk buat special collection |
Reply #1091 ladydolph's post
Reply #1094 Yuni's post
wow... interesting... nak! mesti la nak yg terbaik kan... hehehhe....
nanti inform lagi k...
Reply #1094 Yuni's post
mesti la nak yg borders.. ade photocards ni  |
Reply #1098 Yuni's post
hmm.. kite punye tahap obses ni rase xterkawal..
kite bole ckp pasal twilight (books & movie) for hours.. bdk2 umah pon dh paham..
I'm 1 of the Twilight Freak..ngaku le |
Reply #1099 pavlova's post
you're not alone....that's for sure.....
| |