genchi posted on 1-10-2012 03:40 PM
well i smell crabby patties here..
si norain neh aweksnya si phad yee
errr......mne ade...
genchi posted on 1-10-2012 03:29 PM
but why must.. they so obsessed giving summons for speeding?? i dont thing speeding on haiwei is a ...
Yes, I do agree with that.. speeding in highway is actually not a big deal.. but I do believe that, our highway road is quite bumpy...
some areas are sloppy, maybe that the reason the speed should be maintain 110KM/H.. but I still dont like it,
it is because when other car at our six, we have to steer left and push our car faster as to cope with the back car speed,
than when the camera captured images, it will be our image not them! is not fair!
yes, I hope that traffic police would revised the summon and implement other things for giving summon.. not by speeding
norain88 posted on 1-10-2012 03:29 PM
aleh dh terang lagi nyata at nme 2 tulis dune1989..
sah2 laa 23 tahun an..
halamak, sudah kantoi maaa....
hehe.. muda gak aku ni hehe..
so aku la paling muda nampaknyeee
norain88 posted on 1-10-2012 03:40 PM
well baru tau ke yg akak ko nie mmg pandai...
hahaha.. baru tahu.. nak wat cemana..
dune1989 posted on 1-10-2012 03:47 PM
hahaha.. baru tahu.. nak wat cemana..
wat pndai jee laa lau baru tau...hahahaa
norain88 posted on 1-10-2012 03:51 PM
hahahaa..perasan laa plak an...
bkn nye jauh sgt pn lau setakat beza setahun...
ko xyah nk per ...
hehehe, jauh tu..
dekat 12 bulan.. dalam 12 bulan mcm2 leh jadi heheh..
ala tua setahun je.. muda lagi la tu
(ayat pujian tau!)
norain88 posted on 1-10-2012 03:52 PM
wat pndai jee laa lau baru tau...hahahaa
hahaha, ahkak ain buat apa skrg? belajar ke study ke kerja ke?
dune1989 posted on 1-10-2012 03:54 PM
hehehe, jauh tu..
dekat 12 bulan.. dalam 12 bulan mcm2 leh jadi heheh..
ala tua setahun je.. mud ...
uish, i mmg sentiase muda...hahahahaaa...
bosannyeee |
dune1989 posted on 1-10-2012 03:35 PM
ermm, it is because ZZR was Ninja 250r predecessor, if I am not mistaken, ZZR 250 is available at ...
wow... it is for real.. that bike for 1194-1996 market?? it seems like a brand new..
than i know.. why is sagoo feels so irritating when i said your bike is FZ.. because.. ur bike is a brother to his bike.. ninja 250r.. ahahhahaha
dune1989 posted on 1-10-2012 03:36 PM
oh ya, I have post something at thread borak regarding CKD and CBU, please read it dear madam genc ...
alright thanks
asrisha posted on 1-10-2012 03:55 PM
yer yer... teman ada dengar deme ada Fz...
tapi idok ler teman bawa motor itu.... teman jdi aw ...
hehe.. aih, jadi FZ tu komer punya ke pakwe komer punya? klu awek mmg hebak ler..
jarang tau ada awek2 men motor besar ni huhu..
Sagoo posted on 1-10-2012 03:37 PM
tgk body dia kan beso...nk teka len kali teka la elok2 sket....eee sakitnye hatiii
yelahhh yelahhhh... teman neh tak reti moto2 neh... teman tersilap le tuh.... nmpk mcm serope aje smernya punnn
Sagoo posted on 1-10-2012 03:38 PM
g tgk kt mudahh laaaaaa oii...
tp teman rase dlm 60k plus xpon 70k.xpon 100 jotaa
tgk kt mudah ekk okeh teman g jengok huhu
ishh mike neh bebetoi lew.... 60K mahai gak tuh.. mcm nak beli persona H-line dah gamaknya
dune1989 posted on 1-10-2012 03:40 PM
yeah, pretty fast.. I was afraid within that speed, then I slowdown withn 110KM/H which I prefer a ...
huhuhu.... that's why when i was thinking bout the speed.. i feel that gtr is to ridiculous for me to buy.. so that's why i'm aiming for versys.. but i only dream of it.. the sym been so new.. it's only one month i got it.. ehhehe...
well... i'm just bored.. i prefer forum n blog more
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