Sagoo posted on 1-10-2012 12:22 PM
150 2 stroke power lebih kurang 250 je bro..tp still x bole defeat 250 4 stroke kaw2 la...kire sip ...
ehehehe, yeke.. tp mmg nmpk laju la kips tadi..
ohh kira bleh follow aje la eh.. tp mmg pun, penah nampak ninja 250r kena kejar dgn rxz ramai2..
kalau tgk, mcm seorang awek cun bekas pelari negara dikerja oleh lelaki2 negro dari aprika...
hehe.. ohh, takde la jauh lg.. beli tahun bile tu yeop? tapi kips takle peningkan.. 2T jimat..
norain88 posted on 1-10-2012 12:34 PM
15HB nie genap 24...
kena panggil ahkak la ni hehe
waa lagi mudeee...
norain88 posted on 1-10-2012 12:39 PM
kureng konOn poyO jee an...
hehe.. betul la.. samsung mana de brand..
asrisha posted on 1-10-2012 02:12 PM
group rempit kelas bawahan sangat kuang... kuang...kuang....
ker teman kelas bawah ...
komer motor ape yong?
teman pun motor juga, takde le beso pun..
genchi posted on 1-10-2012 02:59 PM
from south.. the ciboi flash is at KLIUC... i have been 3 times being flashed byk this but i was a ...
what is ciboi flash?
hahaha.. it is funny to call it as ciboi...
I see, I bet you were not the object taken since you at the left lane..
yeah, after knowing that.. I have to maintain speed within 90km/h as to avoid being captured by the camera,
wahhhhh sudah tgk itu gambo dune ngan phad..
dune prnh tgk... tp ini lbh clear si samping mtornyaa.. fz kan motor dune neh?
n phad adakah ekau pki Teezekkhemmm?? boleh tahan gak motor neh..
smalam tgk mamat tuh rempit lane kanan tuhhhh |
dune1989 posted on 1-10-2012 02:58 PM
kena panggil ahkak la ni hehe
waa lagi mudeee...
mmg ptt pn panggil akak an.... |
dune1989 posted on 1-10-2012 02:59 PM
hehe.. betul la.. samsung mana de brand..
rendah diri laa plak an...huhuhuu
lau samsung 2 bkn brand, dh pe.???
nak tau gak...hehehheee |
norain88 posted on 1-10-2012 03:07 PM
mmg ptt pn panggil akak an....
hehehe.. che teka teman umur berapa?
owhh wait dune.. you just have to maintain the speed limit at the area only.. when you just passing that area the hiway is yours |
genchi posted on 1-10-2012 03:09 PM
ahahhaha i have no idea the name of that ciboi flash
yeahh i hope so n think so .. because ...
ahahah, so far as I know the camera name as AES camera,
it is high definition camera which can captured even most fastest vehicle,
that is why most SBK able to be captured even they riding like hell
norain88 posted on 1-10-2012 03:10 PM
rendah diri laa plak an...huhuhuu
lau samsung 2 bkn brand, dh pe.???
nak tau gak...hehehheee
samsung tu ehehe.. henset murah je..
teman bukan pakai aipon..
genchi posted on 1-10-2012 03:13 PM
owhh wait dune.. you just have to maintain the speed limit at the area only.. when you just passing ...
ehehe, will do.. but right now I don't have proper riding gear.. The fastest I ever ride is at 160KM/H, but currently I just ride within 100KM/H-120KM/H will be sufficient..
asrisha posted on 1-10-2012 03:12 PM
melampau kau sagoo oiiiteman terlalu hebat sehingga tak mampu nak bawa er-6 la
terlalu hebat? abeh tu moto ape?...hayabusa ke
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