[KBS] Brain-Shin Ha-Kyun, Choi Jung-Won~ 5 Dec (Mon-Tue 9.03 PM KBS WORLD)
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dia tu cantik kan. hero dia saper? takkan jalan citer sama lak. main kat kbsw gak ke? huhu
sitihawa Post at 2-2-2012 10:51 
main kat jtbc...x tau la channel ape...tapi bukn kat kbs...klu ikutkn mmg lbih kuang..operation theater pn mcm dlm brain nye...hahaha jln cite dia mmg mcm nk sama..ada seorg doktor yg heartless ckit...hehe yg len x tau la.... |
Post Last Edit by sedona at 2-2-2012 11:26
Syndrome is a medical drama set in the neurosurgery world.
Lee Hae-Jo (Han Hye-Jin) is a first year resident specializing in neurosurgery. She didn't graduated from a premiere medical school, but she is determined to become the best neurosurgeon.
Cha Yeo-Wook (Song Chang-Ui) is also a first year neurosurgery resident. Unlike Hae-Jo, Cha Yeo-Wook graduated from the best medical school and is the grandson of the chairman of the board at the Korea University Hospital. His background to become a doctor is impecable.
Kang Eun-Hyun (Park Geon-Hyeong) is the chief resident of neurosurgery.
A love triangle begins between these three people.
"Syndrome" takes over the jTBC Monday & Tuesday 20:45 time slot previously occupied by "Padam Padam... The Sound of His and Her Heartbeats".
Han Hye-Jin - Lee Hae-Jo
Song Chang-Ui - Cha Yeo-Wook
Park Geon-Hyeong - Kang Eun-Hyun
Guys.....kembali ke Dr Lee....hehehe..Hawa..dh nk lunch nie, xde santapan ker...ko suke tepek time2 peak cm ni...
Post Last Edit by sitihawa at 2-2-2012 11:30
tak sabo nak tgk ep 19 kat kbsw ni, hahahahah

Post Last Edit by sedona at 2-2-2012 11:31
dah ade ke article ni..klu dah..abaikan..aku lupa.....
Actor Sin Ha-gyoon (38) said he's not a perfectionist.
In an interview with TV Report recently, he said, "I try to be perfect but I only see flaws".
Having played the perfectionist Lee Kang-hoon on the KBS 2TV drama "Brain", which ended on January 17th, he said, "We had Mondays off during the drama and I couldn't watch the day's broadcast unless I had a beer or two and got lose".
"I couldn't help but watch myself at the movie premier but I was so shy and embarrassed at the flaws I saw".
He also mentioned his fear of cameras. "Aside from the times I am acting, I am quite nervous and shakey when I'm just myself. Other people go on entertainment programs to promote their movie or drama but I can't do that. Maybe, if I was really good, but I am still not ready".
He said, "However, I am changing and I talk more than I did before".
Source : news.nate.com/view/20... ( Korean ) |
Reply 1023# sitihawa
hawa...ini le pengobat rindu.......a ah le..aku pon xsbr nk tgk kat kbsw ni...lg2 time dia ngan Ji Hye jek.... |
Reply 1023# sitihawa
thanks...huhu rindunye dr.lee..... |
tu le...bila la dia nk kuar ngan citer baru ni...klu brain lom abih dulu, dok tunggu jek nk tgk Dr Lee...fanatik giler.... |
shin hk dalam paper, tak paham aku, hahaha

== SHK article on Gyung Je Il Bo Newspaper Article 2-1-2012
SHK : " Even though I strived for perfection inside the drama,
I am an ordinary man if you get to know me ... " |
Post Last Edit by sitihawa at 2-2-2012 13:03

lagi blog fan shin hk kat korea nun
http://www.19740530.com/ |
Reply 1030# sitihawa
waaaa ......hensemnye.......gambr ke-2 n ke-3 tu mmg laaaaa.... |
agak la...dona...ko x de ke dgr2 rumors nak wat brain2...bkn pe aku nie x pndai godam2 inte ...
mrs.bean Post at 2-2-2012 12:53 
ade dgr le..klu ko tgk mase wrap party tu diaorg ade sebut gk psl brain2 ni le..tp diaorg ckp bg mase kat diaorg dulu...sbb brain baru je abis...rumors tu ade le..tp xtau le kan..harap2 ade ler...sbb ending dia pon cm tu jek..may be nk ade brain2, munasabah le kan.... |
Reply 1031# sitihawa
hawa...asal aku tekan link ko tu x dpt ye...alaaaa...nk tgk gak..... |
Reply 1031# sitihawa
leh cuci mata kat blog nie....best2.... |
Reply 1034# mrs.bean
ko guna mozilla ke IE?td aku guna mozilla xdpt, aku bukak guna IE...terus dpt tgk wajah2 SHK...leh lepas rindu....nk bace2 ni xpaham..hangul... |
ade dgr le..klu ko tgk mase wrap party tu diaorg ade sebut gk psl brain2 ni le..tp diaorg ...
sedona Post at 2-2-2012 13:05 
aku rasa akan ada juga brain 2, sebab tu ending dia camtu jerk. aku suka ending dia camtu, kalu ending dr lee kawin ngan yun jihye, cam klise lah sangat. cam citer2 korea lain gak. so, baru ada banyak scene lagi dalam brain 2 kalu nak sambung , heheheh....
ade dgr le..klu ko tgk mase wrap party tu diaorg ade sebut gk psl brain2 ni le..tp diaorg ...
sedona Post at 2-2-2012 13:05 
ooo..myb aku x pasan sbb dok belek muka dr.lee kot...hahahaha ok2 harap2 la ade...tapi klu ada kekalkn la suma pelakon....x nak la heroin lain or ade pelakon yg sdia ada dh x de...hehehe |
tu le...harap2 le ade brain2 nie...n pelakon same kan...klu x, mmg xleh success le brain klu xde SHK semua tu....yg xbestnye klu ade season 2 ni, ade jek tukar pelakon lain..tu yg menyampah tu, tp brain xkot...mesti maintain pelakon same... |
mesti ada yg yg jerit tgk benda ni? hahahha

hahahahah ni shin hk dalam movie apa ntah. body dia leh tahan weh, hahahahah... rambut jer tak leh tahan. huwaaaaa...
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