SR, Wall Street Journal berterusan memfitnah Najib- PANAS! bukti dah keluar
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Ke memang xde lawyer nak ambil kes ni
haiii...kalo jibby bayo balik duit billion2 tu kat kita...
merasalah kita bebaju raya tahun depan..... |
Bilamana dia bergelar AHLI POLITIK tapi tataaau prosedur nak undurkan current PM tu nampak sangat cetek pengetahuan. Tp ada hati nak jd ahli politik.
atira posted on 8-7-2015 08:56 AM
najib ni pon... tak de ke loyer yg semengah sikit
X brani amik kot, peluru x ckup |
surat lawyer malaysia laku ke kat hk atau kat new york atau kat london?bukan kerani n17 boleh type ,copy paste n tunjuk.yg akak tau kalau nak saman ke surat apa-apap ke.kena lantik peguam di negara di mana suratkhabar tu diterbitkan.katalag wall street journal di nww york.so pm malaysia kena hantar surat melalui peguam di new york.kalau hk kena carik peguam di hk.lepas tu peguam hk mewakili pm najip akan bagi satu ke wakil wall street journal.wakil wall street jurnal suruh peguam wakili depa utk jawap semua surat surat dari lawyer najib? |
kalau peguam malaysia ni kena carik peguam di hk n new york.so la ni siapa peguam mewakili najp di hk n new york?soalan kerani n17. |
MH370 passenger's family sue Malaysia Airlines and government
Lawyers claim negligence in disappearance of Jee Jing Hang, one of 239 people on board plane when it vanished
No trace of MH370 has been found despite an extensive search of the Indian Ocean.
No trace of MH370 has been found despite an extensive search of the Indian Ocean where it is thought to have gone down. Photograph: Richard Wainwright/EPA
Agence France-Presse
Friday 31 October 2014 05.54 GMT
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A Malaysian family is suing the country’s government and Malaysia Airlines for negligence in the disappearance of flight MH370.
The suit was filed by lawyers on behalf of the two young sons of Jee Jing Hang, who was on board the plane when it disappeared on 8 March with 239 people on board.
Gary Chong, a lawyer for Jee’s relatives, said the suit was filed in a Malaysian court on Friday.
The family is suing the airline for breach of contract, saying the deeply troubled carrier failed in its contractual responsibility to deliver Jee to his destination.
The family is also suing Malaysia’s government, civil aviation authorities, immigration department and air force for negligence.
“Our clients are after the truth. We have confidence in our judiciary system that this suit will be heard and dealt with fairly,” a statement by the family’s legal team said.
Chong said the family would seek damages but declined to specify a figure.
MH370, a Boeing 777 airliner, disappeared en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, sparking one of history’s great aviation mysteries.
Malaysia’s government believes the flight diverted to the far southern Indian Ocean, citing sketchy satellite data, but no trace has been found despite an extensive search.
Neither the government nor airline has revealed any results from investigations launched in the aftermath of the tragedy, saying that only recovery of the lost Boeing 777 aircraft will provide full answers.
Some next-of-kin accuse the government and airline of a bungled response and cover-up – charges that are strenuously denied.
Malaysia’s air force came under particular fire after acknowledging that military radar tracked the flight as it doubled back over Malaysian airspace.
The air force took no action, saying the radar blip was not considered a security threat.
The chances of success for the lawsuit were not immediately clear. Aviation experts have told AFP that under international law it is an airline’s responsibility to prove it is not to blame for an accident.
The lack of evidence could complicate that task for the carrier.
The airline also has been hammered by the loss in July of flight MH17, shot down over Ukraine with the loss of 298 lives, and is in dire financial straits as business has dried up. A state-linked investment fund has directly taken over the airline as part of a rescue plan. |
mungkin..diorg kire concede dah yg mmg duit tu pegi dlm acc najib..so ni la kot yg terbaik nk defense, misapproriated fund. |
lawyer tu tgh minta penjelasan lebih mendalam dari WSJ supaya tindakan seterusnya boleh diambil..diberi masa 14 hari..kalau tak jawab, tak ada masalah utk jibby uruskan saman di mana fitnah dilakukan..duit ada, semua boleh..wait and see lah..tindakan undang2 ambil masa yg lama..bukan boleh main terjah je.. |
kalau dekat siam mesti dh kena coup d etat dgn tentera najibitch tits ni |
MH370 Crash: Families Take First Step Toward Lawsuit
A Chicago law firm representing the families of passengers aboard the missing Malaysia Airlines jet has taken the first step toward a potential multimillion dollar lawsuit against the airline and the aircraft's manufacturer.
RibbeckLaw Chartered, a law firm that specializes in aviation cases, filed court documents Monday demanding that Malaysia Airlines and Boeing Co. turn over evidence of possible design and manufacturing defects that may have caused the airplane to plunge into the Indian Ocean.
The petition for discovery was filed in a Cook County Circuit Court in Chicago on behalf of Januari Siregar — whose son, Indonesian-born Firman Chandra Siregar, was aboard MH370 when it mysteriously disappeared during what should have been a routine flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, according to a copy of the filing obtained by NBC News.
Image: Firman Chandra Siregar, center, posing with his brother and sisters in a family photo
Firman Chandra Siregar, center, seen here with his brother and sisters in a family photo, was one of 239 people on board Malaysia Airlines flight MH370. SIREGAR FAMILY via EPA
A spokesman for Boeing, which is headquartered in Chicago, told NBC News late Tuesday the company had no comment on the court filing. A representative for Malaysia Airlines could not be immediately reached.
"We believe that both defendants named are responsible for the disaster of Flight MH370," Monica Kelly, the lead Ribbeck lawyer in the case, said in the statement cited by Reuters.
Kelly said more additional defendants could be named over the next few days — including designers and manufacturers of the aircraft parts she said could have failed, Reuters reported.
— Daniel Arkin, with Re |
Sussahla dia sbb MT semua orang Najib.. kecuali Shafie apdal...
Lagipun I dengar dia tak mau jd PM
hakak ckp dgn org rumah pun sama...u la ni dok vote bn...tp dia ckp dia vote bn tp xvote najib utk PM...blh ke camtu?
tp klu lpas ni PM ada yg ok blh jah vote bn blik (hado ke yg ok?)..yg penting kena tgk sapa PM nya la...
pasal tentera di sana tak guna otak dalam meneliti isu
di malaysia jelas berbeza
selagi tak cukup kukuh
bukti yang dijaja dan difitnah,
tak perlu buat perkara bodo
Kak Aman silap bilik ker ni?
Bukan maksud aku untuk jadi si "potong stim".. Hehehehe.. Tapi aku rasa macam ada yg tidak kena dgn cerita sensasi WSJ ni... Too good to be true and too easy..
I personally feel that there's something not right somewhere with these purported "revelations" by WSJ.. Najib seems not as panicky as I would expect him to be.. The state of "panic" clearly seems a "drama" type of panicking.. Somehow, i have this feeling that the so called "revelations" by WSJ is staged and orchestrated between WSJ and Najib.. Given the buddy buddy relationship between the US and Najib, is it so impossible..?? Why I say this..?? Desperate times calls for desperate measures .. Don't you think so..?
1) Najib cannot be so stupid so as to transact 1mdb funds (direct or indirectly) via his personal account in Malaysia;
2) Najib is very quick to respond denying the report and state that he would initiate legal action against WSJ.. Suddenly Najib become so brave..??? On the contrary, The Edge had began reporting against 1mdb and Najib to reasonable depth and details quite sometime back and yet, until now not a word from Najib's mouth about initiatin legal action against The Edge.. In the aura of the above, I'm inclined to suspect that the WSJ report could very well be false and orchestrated between Najib and US administration wherein WSJ "intentionally" report outrageously false story and Najib take legal action and in the end WSJ apologises to Najib and blame Tun for such false reporting and Najib will happily accept the apology and be seen as the hero teraniaya.. Haven't you guys notice how quick, loud and confidently Najib is accusing Tun M being the person behind the WSJ report.. ??? Especially when it is an open secret that Tun M is WSJ's enemy numero uno..
3) If the above drama successfully executed, the result will be, Najib will be cleared and seen cleared from any mischief relating to 1mdb and simultaneously Tun M will be shamed beyond repair and thereafter, Najib and his team will be free to do whatever they want to this wonderful nation including but not limited to the execution of the infamous TPPA.. Wow.. Killing sooo many birds with one stone..
I may be wrong and probably am wrong and I hope I'm wrong.. But, if in the unlikely possibility that I might be right, nothing good would come out of it for this nation and its rakyat.. May God bless us all and protect us from such organised treachery.. Aminnn Ya Rabbal Alamiiinnn..
4:33 a.m.
Anonymous said... |
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TUN boleh ditangkap..dituduh belot kepada negara..dipenjara atas kesalahan..mungkin akhirnya mati dalam hukuman kerana usia beliau yang telah lanjut. Namun perlu diingat..perjuangan TUN akan tetap segar dihati rakyat..kerana sehingga kini isu yang dibangkitkan dan diperjuangkan oleh TUN hanya berkisar tentang penderitaan dan masa depan rakyat. Kisah 1MDB telah lama disuarakan oleh rakyat..tapi tidak diendahkan oleh DSN..akhirnya TUN yang perihatin dengan keluhan rakyat jelata cuba menegur dan berbincang dengan DSN secara 4 mata..namun DSN dengan konsep "buat dek je" telah memilukan hati rakyat apalagi hati TUN yang telah menaikkan DSN sebagai PM. Melihat senario yang telah menjadi barah..menjadikan TUN perlu menegur DSN secara terbuka dan lebih aggresif agar DSN dapat merenung sejenak akan KENAPA rintihan dan keperitan rakyat disuarakan oleh TUN secara terbuka dan menyakitkan DSN. DSN dan anak buahnya boleh membuat segala macam tuduhan kepada TUN..bebas membuat segala macam tomahan..dari seorang diktator..seorang yang ingin memperbudakkan DSN..menaikan mukhriz sebagai PM..jambatan bengkok..menjahanamkan negara dengan Proton..menyamun negara dengan scandal perwaja dan forex bank negara sehingga lah penderhaka dan penghancur negara kerana bersekongkol dengan agensi asing untuk menjatuhkan DSN. Namun DSN perlu inggat..dalam usia 90 tahun..hanya ketenanggan yang diidamkan oleh TUN..tapi TUN tidak mampu melihat negara yang tercinta ini hancur dibawa oleh DSN..TUN tidak mampu menahan diri dari membantu rakyat jelata yang sedang menderita..kerana TUN adalah seorang pejuang rakyat yang sejati dan negarawan ulong...walaupun kini TUN tidak selalu sihat..tetapi semanggat juang yang dibakar oleh penderitaan rakyat..telah memberi kekuatan kepada jasad dan minda serta jiwa pejuangan yang masih bersisa dalam diri TUN. Kepada semua yang membantai TUN..sedarlah anda semua sebenarnya sedang melawan arus badai gelombang api yang terbit dari hati ibu pertiwi dan dari airmata anak bangsa...
6:42 a.m.
Anonymous said... |
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Najib nie Mmg muka tak malu ek...tembok besar Cina betul... Still lagi nak pegang jawatan pm...turun secara terhormat la jib. |
based on aku nye interpretation of the letter... letter does not even amount to anything.. macam show cause letter.. or letter require more informations dari WSJ...
aku rasa lawyer najib lebih nak focus pada part where did the money go lepas masuk kat account Najib instead of how did the money flow into his account - in which aku rasa he'd be at the weakest point kalau die nak saman WSJ.. semua bukti dah ada..
WSJ cume tak de bukti mana duit tu g.. aku tak sure (since aku tak baca penuh) WSJ ada ke mention pasal 700million to untuk personal gain? some1 boleh highlight kan tak..sebab aku rasa Najib je yang mention pasal duit tu 'allegedly' bukan utk personal gain...
Najib, kalau kau nak saman.. buat malu je nanti... yes they MAY not have proof where did the money go, but kau kene ingat, to be able to prove how lavish and flashy ur family life has been...dengan wedding bagai nak rak, bini pakai beg dan jewellery jota2...cukup la...
to proceed with the suit .. would not be a good idea..
tapi .. aku yakin, surat ni actually nak membodohkan orang kampun2 dan orang2 yang naive that najib has actually taken legal action.. infact kalau bace.. NAN HADOO!! |
ooo pulak....dlm kes ni pandai pulak bagi ayat penuduh kena kasi bukti...kes anwar... yg tertuduh kena kasi bukti... lawak la pulak... sorry of topic pulak...
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