i 2nd you... just heri ni bukanla naif sgt or ikut sgt kata binik..tapi da dia sendiri pon bodoh kan.. how on earth, he born as royal boleh amek gambar ala2 hairdresser kat binik dia yg tarap actress gred D tu n xde achievment lain selain dari kawen dgn dia.
Okay, here's the review on the movie. 1.27 hours. iols memang hencap every second in this movie and the one i write here is only 25% of it. warning: you might read redundant words mcm jab etc and i recommends you to watch the movie to understand why. haha
It started with harry having a nightmare about mekgan eksiden cam maknya di. That morning selebret mother's day sama ngan mak mekgan, pastu dtg i dunno pr people(?) informing them news (or tabloid) yg ada picture wallis & lakinya walking out a baby chimp in a suit dgn headline, baby royal - kira like a jab at these two, so yeah, hairy get furious and mintak bp (they specifically mentioned buckingham palace & kensington palace in the movie). and i tell you, it ain't easy to watch since feeling nauseated dari beginning! yuckkks!
this movie is obviously a jab to trf ya, kalo tengok watak will mmg look ill (af) and kate nampak cam whore. i wonder if there's any comment from trf about this movie, and my bet is they are not going to do so - as per tradition. will does look snobbish here and harry is a victim. they are crying racism from the start with the picture of chimp-baby.
mekgan nye dialog, "i was silenced" when she talked to kate discussing about coming out to the press to defend herself. yiiih. apa nama that actor yg always look like a loser, they kinda try to make will look like him!
babak nak bunuh diri tu trus flashback di terjun dari tangga.
mekgan edit for vogue masa masih with trf kene leaked pun blame on kate. she called kate about this.
mekgan mengadu ngan maknya pasal leaked sheols edit for vogue and then sheols nanges.. hairy nampak pastu flashback heols nampak maknya nanges. tahi.
masa kat africa tu hairy decide to be apart from the firm, perhaps nak tunjuk it's all hairy's and not mekgan's as depicted all this time. but who's gonna buy this. dahtu ada scene reaction w&k tengok iv masa hairy & mekgan di africa tu yg first mekgan komplen it's hard. masa ni lah deyols conclude it's a sign they want to be out of the firm sbb similar ngan di buat iv dulu tu. website sussexroyal pun kene discuss masani, they're doing it without the palace's purview. 'nobody own the word royal' is how they defend themselves on the brand. but then, kalo deyols tak gila title, they won't use the name in the first place and go bold with their name, harry and meghan.
pastu masuk deyols dpt tahu psl kes andrew, and that two monkeys decided to leave the palace as soon as possible. and i wonder why so insistent kan? kalo betul ko tak kejar brand, why the rush??? and then they decided to release photo of the queen and the heirs (pc, pw, pg). followed by queen xmas speech yg mejanya missing picture of hairy and he gets butthurt.
again, iols rasa mmg movie ni tujuan dia utk convey the message, that mekgan is absolutely got nothing to do with mekshit. whoppps. megxit. by the way, part deyols buat meeting bila deyols nak include mekgan, pw bantah. hujung2 only the queen, pc and his boys jur.
obviously nobody know how they get the scenes on pw side... saja nak bebuat to make it look real.
again, masa iols tulis ni, ada lagi flashback di buat announcement nak take a step back from trf, si hairy lah sapa lagi, tgh buat ucapan same like his mother. pity me woo woo.
ada part pw tak bagi k colour-coordinate with mekgan, to him it's a sign that she secretly sapot mekgan and adviced her to wear the exact opposite of her. masa event commonwealth yg mekgan wear green and bold lipstick! mekgan kata baju sheols ada cape sbb sheols nak jadik superhero!
sapalah royal assistant h&m masatu, mekgan kata he never makes her cry... i wonder if there is any of their royal pa yg ever say anything nice about them, good testimony.
still at the commonwealth event, ph accused pw have a hand in leaving ph out from the procession. pastu mekgan confront pw tanya apa yg heols tak puas hati ngan deyols "is it because i'm pretty?" pw is the bad guy all along. eeee utter rubbish nawww scene ni. nampak sangat h&m punya keje. pretentious couple!
"i like american royalty" is one of hairy's dialogue. it's screaming gila title!
siapa pa trf tu, they obviously didn't like her to have her in this movie.
scene deyols bjalan tepi pantai tu pun ada masuk dlm movie ni. gila cringe weyyy!!! oprah iv tu deyols depict as they are winning! flashback kejap di iv with andrew morton, back to back ngan part mekgan kata sheols jumpa hr masa sheols sakit jiwa.
last skali, sempat masukkan gambar hairy & pw tengok statue lady di masa unveiling dulu tu.
William patut reply: "You ain't pretty, bitch. You're pretty fucked-up coz u need Harry & royal platform to achieve things that u couldn't on your own!"
With Meghan, everything has to be sexualized, everything is about HER. My goodness, this woman!
Actor yg played William tu mmg ugly AF, dan actor yg played Harry tu pula lebatnya rambut dia!
Actress yg jadi Meghan tu agak lembut cara dia bercakap (based on some clips yg I watched), padahal the real Meghan mcm banshee aje bila marah or dikritik.
Any mention pasal Disney/Netflix/Spotify deals, pasal Archewell foundation and how they're negotiating commercial deals diam2 tanpa pengetahuan BRF? Mesti takde kan sbb diaorg adalah dua manusia yg teraniaya.
Ada kelibat acik Doria dan Archie tak?
Thanks babe for the ETP movie review coz I mmg takkan watch punya!
ROASTED! Meghan Markle latest news – Duchess HUMILIATED at Emmy Awards 2021 as Cedric the Entertainer rips into her and Harry.
The 2021 Emmy Awards host, 57, roasted the couple over their bombshell chat with Oprah Winfrey. telling the star-studded Los Angeles ceremony: "As great as The Crown is, it pales in comparison to the real monarchy."
The comedian continued: "I mean that Oprah interview with Prince Harry and Meghan. That was the real tea right there, wasn’t it?"
"Meghan must put it on that boy because he renounced his throne quicker than Eddie Murphy in Coming to America," he said.
He went on to make jokes about baby Archie teaching the Royal Family how to dance and mocking Harry and Meghan's complaints about their time as key members of the Royal Family.
Josh O’Connor and other members of The Crown cast were seen on camera looking sheepish as Cedric joked on the stage.
Post time 21-9-2021 07:33 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by wikedsaikel at 21-9-2021 07:39 AM
snazzydaisy replied at 24-7-2021 08:54 AM
Refresher... there are certain things that still don't make sense sampai sekrg!
Credit to auntie ...
Iols baru baca sampai sini.
Masuk sini sebab lain. Menarik pulak baca semua semua ni.
I am not pro any camp. Dari yang iols baca (pernah juga ter baca few pages dari benang benang lama), iols faham yang
- okg utama ni sejenis tak tenteram jiwa selagi tak dapat apa yg dia nak dan apa yg dia nak pon tak pasti. (worst kind of people to be around with)
- okg ni macam tak ramai kawan yang kulit macam ibu dia.. (betul ke)
- okg dah ramai ex tok laki dan dah beranak 3 orang yang dah di nyahkan dari current life. Hebatnya cv.
- dengki sebab nak jadi kueen sb tu ultimate hidup dia (macam pernah dgr perangai ni)
- menggoncangkan yestana imej brf dengan segala cerita walaupun beriya kata tak mahu limelight. (Munkin kena halau)
Kesimpulan iols :
Semoga redhead hidup lama lagi dan jgn til death do they apart sebab cuma heols saje yang boleh counter balik damage ni dengan berkesan. Kalau heols mati awal nanti heols takes rahsia to the liang lahad. Lebih teruk spekulasi nanti.
A tu baggasi sebab dah ter masuk dalam Los. Betul tak?
Author|Post time 21-9-2021 10:18 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
wikedsaikel replied at 21-9-2021 07:33 AM
Iols baru baca sampai sini.
Masuk sini sebab lain. Menarik pulak baca semua semua ni.
I am not ...
Bagasi extra pon dah ada dlm LOS .. Lilibeth tu dah masuk dlm LOS ..
Mana la nak ada kawan kulit macam mak nya ...klu identiti pon declare Caucasian... Race kan di warisi melalui bapak...so mmg takde la unsur3 mak dia dlm official identiti .. sbb tu la dia marah sgt bila ada BRF ckp bakal baby dia black ...dia kan caucasian ... Padahal klu dah keturunan koliang rasta .. nak p kemana je .. ..
Macam kata uols ...
Hidup dia mmg sejenis jiwa x tenteram .. berangan nak jadik kuin tu mmg sejak azali ... Padahal suka royal family ...tapi ngaku tak pernah tau .. borakkkk sungguh ...kita dok ceruk asia pon tau citer dlm kuntit brf .. halah halahhhh berdaa'ah sgt OKG tu ...