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Author: wawaKKK

BADMINTON - Season 8

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Post time 19-8-2011 11:28 PM | Show all posts
setuju!! weols sume di porem nih di blakang korang...
maya_27 Post at 19-8-2011 23:20

yeah...btol tu

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Post time 19-8-2011 11:45 PM | Show all posts
x knal zheng bo ke
miyoma Post at 19-8-2011 23:28

   tak..sape?? cer tepek gambo..burok sgt ke heolls??

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Post time 20-8-2011 12:33 AM | Show all posts
tak..sape?? cer tepek gambo..burok sgt ke heolls??
maya_27 Post at 19-8-2011 23:45

gugel image la

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Post time 20-8-2011 01:58 AM | Show all posts
kalo si zheng bo tu, xdenyer si sha nak tarik heols dari iols  

btw, drpd i p ...
maya_27 Post at 19-8-2011 23:13

no no, x bleh kalo imaginasi jatuh sorg2 atas lantai, wajib ade yg menyambut hoccayyyyy

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Post time 20-8-2011 03:32 AM | Show all posts
kalo si zheng bo tu, xdenyer si sha nak tarik heols dari iols  

btw, drpd i p ...
maya_27 Post at 19-8-2011 23:13

hua hua hua..sudah terang lagik bersuluh, konfem2 iols takkan tarik heols pergi jauh dr uols..akan ku tolak2an beliau supaya berada dekatttttttttttttt dgn uols

motip kak maya tak kenal zheng bo??nahhh


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Post time 20-8-2011 03:36 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by ShaCroft at 20-8-2011 03:41

"lihat lah maya, aku cukup gagah perkasa utk menyambut mu"....

chenta sejati giteww

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Post time 20-8-2011 03:40 AM | Show all posts
sape2 yg menyokong iols n micha utk jawatan vice president n president, timaseh byk2 atas sokongan uols...kami sgt2 mengharapkan kerjasama drpd uols suma utk memartabatkan lagik arena badminton negara kita di pentas donia..mesia buleh!!


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Post time 20-8-2011 03:43 AM | Show all posts
tak pon korang jadi pengarah taktikal...
miyoma Post at 19-8-2011 22:59

erkk..pengarah taktikal kena ade ek?..kite nk bagi uols lah jawatan tuh..sudi ke pikul tanggungjawap tu?

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Post time 20-8-2011 09:45 AM | Show all posts
aku tertinggal keretapi okay..lg pun si zheng bo ni bukan org msia, xpe la kalo aku tak bpe nak kenal..hehe

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Post time 20-8-2011 09:46 AM | Show all posts
Reply 987# ShaCroft

   sama2 dah msk BAM nnt jgn lupe weols kat porem nih taw...hahaha

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Post time 20-8-2011 12:40 PM | Show all posts
sape2 yg menyokong iols n micha utk jawatan vice president n president, timaseh byk2 atas sokongan u ...
ShaCroft Post at 20-8-2011 03:40

we ols kompem arena badminton kite akan gemilang kalo kami yg terajuii pucuk pimpinan..... kami bkn jeniss yg suke meeting2 smpi luar negara bgaii..... errkkk mati la

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Post time 20-8-2011 06:20 PM | Show all posts
erkk..pengarah taktikal kena ade ek?..kite nk bagi uols lah jawatan tuh..sudi ke pikul tanggun ...
ShaCroft Post at 20-8-2011 03:43

i tak layak lagi pikul tanggunjawab itu..kurang pengalaman lagi katanya..

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Post time 20-8-2011 09:39 PM | Show all posts
Reply  ShaCroft

   sama2 dah msk BAM nnt jgn lupe weols kat porem nih taw...hahaha
maya_27 Post at 20-8-2011 09:46

tanak juin ke?post secretary vacant lagik neh

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Post time 20-8-2011 09:40 PM | Show all posts
we ols kompem arena badminton kite akan gemilang kalo kami yg terajuii pucuk pimpinan... ...
micha Post at 20-8-2011 12:40

betol betol betol...meeting dlm negeri je..abeh jauh pon kat pangkor <motip??>

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Post time 20-8-2011 09:41 PM | Show all posts
i tak layak lagi pikul tanggunjawab itu..kurang pengalaman lagi katanya..
miyoma Post at 20-8-2011 18:20

loh..yeke...kalo kurang pengalaman mmg tak leh laaa..nnt squad China komplen2 lak kalo ada masalah masa tournament nnt....

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Post time 20-8-2011 10:00 PM | Show all posts
loh..yeke...kalo kurang pengalaman mmg tak leh laaa..nnt squad China komplen2 lak kalo ada masalah ...
ShaCroft Post at 20-8-2011 21:41

kalo diorang komplen lbeh2..i akan refer pada presiden n vice presiden wanna to be..

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Post time 21-8-2011 02:18 PM | Show all posts
tanak juin ke?post secretary vacant lagik neh
ShaCroft Post at 20-8-2011 21:39

xpe laa..i tukang perati n kritik korang sume mane yg patut, ape2 cadangan dari poremer i akan smpaikan okay

one more thing, kalo korang sumer tak focus dlm bam nnt..iols akan mengetuai barisan
laharina mengutuk korang di porem nih

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Post time 21-8-2011 05:55 PM | Show all posts
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                                                                                        21.08.11 Sweet 16 for Adcock and Bankier
Chris Adcock and Imogen Bankier’s inspirational run at the World Badminton Championships has pushed the pair up to 16th  in the world rankings, amassing 10,200 ranking points during their giant killing exploits at Wembley Arena.

The Anglo-Scottish pair, who were ranked 50th at the turn of the year, moved up 2 places and now sit within achievable reach of the Top 10 places having closed up a significant points gap.

Adcock and Bankier’s rivals for the London 2012 places enjoyed mixed fortunes on the latest world standings.  Nathan Robertson and Jenny Wallwork dropped out of the top 10 to 11th  in the world following their surprise early 2nd round exit in London but still enjoy a  4,932 points margin over their closest GB rivals.

Gabby White and Rob Blair [Sco] make it a triple threat in the Mixed Doubles rankings - moving up 2 places into 27th, despite not featuring at the World Championships due to BWF regulations on change of nationality.

The qualification race is also gathering pace in the Mens Doubles event where England have 3 pairs heading in the right direction.

At their highest ever ranking of 21st in the world, Chris Adcock and Andy Ellis head the trio.

However, after their 1st Round giant killing act at the World Badminton Championships, Chris Langridge and Anthony Clark climbed 5 places to 35th.  The exciting pair started the year in 79th position and the latest placings give Clark a shot at capping his fine career with an Olympics appearance on home soil.

Marcus Ellis and Peter Mills also moved up 2 places to 33rd in the world.

In the Womens Doubles, where Mariana Agathangelou and Heather Olver moved to 24th  whilst Jenny Wallwork and Gabby White fell 3 places to 33rd as both suffered 1st Round exits at the World Championships.   

Agathangelou and Olver have been as high as 18th this year.

Hot prospects, Lauren Smith and Alex Langley saw their Wembley Arena appearances increase their world standing to 66th – a 12 improvement.
Elsewhere, whilst it is very early in terms of Olympic qualification period, Elizabeth Cann opened up some breathing space over GB rival, Susan Egelstaff as the race for the Womens Singles gathers place.
Cann reached the 2nd Round at Wembley Arena and rose to 31st in the latest world standings whilst Egelstaff fell out at the 1st Round stage and slipped down to 35th.   Sarah Walker, who will have her hopes set on Rio 2016, made good progress – up 15 places to 119th.
In the Mens Singles rankings, Rajiv Ouseph saw his bad draw, and subsequent exit to Peter Gade, result in a 6 place fall, leaving him in 30th place in the World standings.

Ouseph, who was as high as 11th in the standings in December 2010, still enjoys the stranglehold over Carl Baxter in the qualification race.  Baxter fell 4 places to 59th.

On the back of his appearances at Wembley Arena as a wild card entry, Toby
was the highest riser on the entire ranking – climbing 82 places to 205th in the world.

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 Author| Post time 21-8-2011 08:31 PM | Show all posts
korangggg... aku dgr kat berita dlm radio yg thomas & uber cup 2014 akan dibuat kat china sinunnnnn... hampeehhhhh...
asyik2 diaorg aje jadi tuan rumah... sudirman cup laa... asian games laa...  

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 Author| Post time 21-8-2011 08:48 PM | Show all posts
Zakry and Fairuzizuan decide to become independent players                                       
PETALING JAYA: Two of the longest serving doubles players Mohd Zakry Abdul Latif and Mohd Fairuzizuan Mohd Tazari have left the national badminton team.

It was revealed at the Badminton Association of Malaysia (BAM) exco meeting last night that Zakry and Fairuzizuan have left the national elite squad after 15 years of service.

The departure of Zakry and Fairuzizuan will not be good news to doubles head coach Rexy Mainaky, who is currently on holiday, with the London Olympic qualifying campaign in full swing.

The qualifying campaign began in May and it has narrowed down to Koo Kien Keat-Tan Boon Heong as the only strong candidate to represent the country in men’s doubles at the London Olympics next year.
   On their own: Mohd Fairuzizuan Mohd Tazari and Mohd Zakry Abdul Latif have left the national team set up.

It has also left BAM without a capable second or third doubles pairing as they prepare for the Thomas Cup Finals in China next year.

BAM president Datuk Seri Mohd Nadzmi Mohd Salleh said they have accepted the resignation of the duo without setting any conditions.

“Zakry and Fairuziziun sent their resignation letters to BAM on Aug 17 stating their intention to become independent players.

“We took into account their contributions to the country all this while, including the Thomas Cup, World Championships and SEA Games.

“The exco decided to let them go without tying them to any conditions,” he said.

Fairuzizuan was partnering Ong Soon Hock while Zakry’s last partner was Hoon Thien How.

Fairuzizuan and Zakry savoured the best moments of their career when they won back-to-back titles – the Singapore and Indonesian Super Series not long after they were teamed up by Rexy in 2008.

The pair reached as high as No. 4 in the world rankings but they struggled to find their footing on the international scene after that and Rexy subsequently split them.

Fairuzizuan-Soon Hock did not qualify for the recent World Championships in London but Zakry-Thien How were invited to take part and reached the second round.

On the positions of Thien How and Soon Hock, Nadzmi added he will leave it to the training and coaching committee to decide.

The BAM exco also decided yesterday that any independent players who qualified for the London Olympics on merit will be assured of participation.

BAM secretary Ng Chin Chai said it is two separate criterias when it comes to the world meet and the Olympics.

“BAM can decide on whom are the more suitable players to carry the challenge for the country at the world championships but at the Olympics, the rules are clear – who makes the cut, they will go regardless of whether they are in the national team or not.”



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