aku ade tgk hyunjoong ngan tifany cut dlm starking..part diorg tolong magician duk dlm kotak kayu..cute je hyunjoong offer teman tifany..show tu lama dh ke?ada x link full nyer sbb dak2 ss501 ngan dak snsd ramai gk dlm starking tu
ok thanx..aku ingt show tu lps geng dobel ss balik korea sbb tgk hyunjoong cam time dia dlm wgm..btw,aku tgk tifany skrg lain la muka dia..xcomel cam aku tgk dulu..
mmg part sooyoung curik mkn tuh, x sangka giler... dia kan diam2 jer, tau2 MC 2-2 tuh dok bising biler dia kongsi mknn tuh dgn sica & sunny!! biler jaedong tnya naper dia curik mkn, dia ckp org depan jer dpt mkn. yg blkg2 nk gak mkn, tu yg dia curik tuh!! dorky hbs ah!!
psl tiffany lak, smpi yuri naik bengang jer biler dia syik buat slh. smpi kena duk kt kerusi blkg skali!!
ogae, mwuyah?? mmg lawok babas ah. dr mula smpi ke sudah aku gelak x berenti!! hyungdon jd taeyeon!! bagus sgt la tuh!! masing2 nyer ekspresi muka mmg xleh blah... yg aku tgk ok skit, si junjin la.. tp yg lain2 pun cute sgt!!
Members of Korea’s representative idol group So Nyeo Shi Dae YoonA and Big Bang DaeSung has met for a pure and romantic ‘date’. YoonA has appeared as guest appearance on SBS Family Outing on 22nd February. With YoonA’s appearance, DaeSung onceagain cannot run away from the talk about the previously discussed’scandal’ where he had exchanged phone messages with member of acertain female idol group.
But when it comes to making a bean-paste soup and a certain vegetable Shepherd’s purse was needed, DaeSung had went out to dig for the plant together with YoonA. YoonA has proclaimed to be DaeSung’s fan. And DaeSung hadsaid while standing in front of the stone pile and making a wise, “Thistype of thing is originally be done by couples.” and stole a look at YoonA, which YoonA had caught him doing so and the both had burst out laughing. And YoonA added with a praise, “I like DaeSung’s oppa’s humorous look. Your eyes are not especially small, they are really pretty.”
Meanwhile, YoonA also presents her own version of Hyori’s ‘10 minute’ dance on this week’s Family Outing