Post time 15-11-2023 07:08 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by stingerbumpy at 15-11-2023 07:13 AM
MatDeghem replied at 15-11-2023 06:38 AM
Pak gad ajak kamu engage communication dgn dia...
Bukak mata je suara halus neelofa berd ...
Cucuk api cucuk api jgn tak cucuk...
Khen betul.aku cakap?...dari memegang watak tom hanks ala ala forrest gump yg masih memerlukhen dialog (life is but a box of chocolate).... lebih baik watak charlie chaplin.....misai pun dah tak payah alter...tak payah script reading terus...utk watak charlie bisu kheun?
Post time 15-11-2023 09:13 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
MatDeghem replied at 15-11-2023 06:38 AM
Pak gad ajak kamu engage communication dgn dia...
Bukak mata je suara halus neelofa berd ...
Oh ye ke?? Naseb dh x nampak apa dia komen tp naik notification dia komen bila bukak mcm kosong .. elok lah jd cmtu xde lah nk serabut baca komen dia yang mcm ank kutip tepi longkang tu
Post time 15-11-2023 07:34 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
codenamedream replied at 14-11-2023 10:13 PM
Bukan. Slot Akasia mesti at least berbelas episod.
Mungkin flow production yg berbeza.
Meols ras ...
Oh itu maksud live production.
Mcm agak berisiko buat shooting drama style mcm tu. Buatnya lah ade problem ke, pelakon2 utk scene2 tu tak boleh dtg set ke...padahal next episod dah kena tayang kat tv.
Post time 15-11-2023 07:58 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by stingergrumpy at 15-11-2023 07:59 PM
Pak.dolla replied at 15-11-2023 07:42 PM
btoi ckp ko....
minggu dpn abdol nk konvo....kalu tgh shootng camne dia nk konvo kan?
aku bc kat t ...
Nama besar in the industry....tak boleh make the uni change the date to suit ko punyer timing keww? You are PATAH AL KEJONG that everybody knows termasuk pelacuq2 lorong...the celebrity in demand...
Atau setakat jika filming kat las vegas sekalipun...tak boleh mintak time off or 2-3 days attend the convo?
Lu sudah actor premium gred A superstar...semua patut akur dgn your timing....
Post time 15-11-2023 07:59 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by Pak.dolla at 15-11-2023 12:00 PM
AbdulSmokeyy replied at 15-11-2023 11:54 AM
Ofcoz la bukan tangan heols, gagah perkasa gitu tangan cameraman tu Sudu senget who? Beautipu ...
dul....ko tgk x td kat ig kakja? kakja la dlm film awang tu kan? tgk ia naik kuda sambil.memanah....
patut le ada makhluk tu baru habis pantang x sempat² nk blaja naik kuda terkedek² kan? patut beginner mcm makhluk tu naik kuda padi dulu kan? atau naik kuda kepang dulu...
Suruh dia naik kuda mainan billie je. Sbelum dia naik kuda btol2, baik la dia pi naik treadmill dulu lagi baguih. Da mcm sejambak batu kat atas kuda tu da tgk haritu. Haihhhh