Bad Indigo Nafi Tayang Kekasih Dengan Niat Untuk Bersaing Dengan Ashira
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kerani_je replied at 19-5-2023 11:11 PM
Kalau btul kekasih nye x wujud hanye love scam je, ape motif nk scam die..bkn berduit pun die dgn l ...
Kan.. Iols pun trtanya2 kalau dia nk scam bad ni apa yg dia dpt?? Bad pun bukannya ada duit sgt.. Keje pun apa je kan..kaki pun dh kene potong sebelah... Fikir logik sape je yg nk kan if keadaan org tu mcmtu.. |
catfish bukan scam sebab nak duit
nak kacau perasaan
realitynya tak cantik, hidup tak best, x ada boyfriend offline
so bila masuk watak catfish dia akan berasa diri dia sgt terpaling sebb berjaya kuasai hati lelaki
sebab tu org yg kena catfish ni kalau tak kuat emosi dan iman boleh lingkup
tengok anak khatijah tan terus senyap lepas kena catfish
mcm iols tgh dkt netflix yg pemain rugbi luar kena catifsh pun jadi emosi tak stabil , rasa malu dan sebagainya
Begitu lah cinta... ni cinta jarak jauh ke? |
Hello, Regarding the issue of my partner being referred to as just an illusion, I would like to clarify that this is a colleague of mine. They have indeed met my partner before. My name is Bad Indigo, also known as Badrul Izhan Yeop Abdullah, and I believe it is my right to keep this matter private or share it with others. Best regards, Bad Indigo
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