Senanglah cakap u re not at that person's position, nanti ko kalau ada anak autism, baru ko tahu, how challenging it can be most times. Good luck, semoga Allah tak beri u dugaan ini.
Post time 30-9-2022 09:05 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
makkaucun18: Edited by makkaucun18 at 30-9 ...
Ada je yg niece normal je.tkde plak pelik2 tantrum ke apa.cuma bab belajar tu slow.n perangai dia tk sepadan dgn umo.lambat matang.dia bercakap elok je
Post time 30-9-2022 09:08 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Hypothetically replied at 30-9-2022 09:01 AM
Tak payah sibuk nak analyze anak org, ko jaga anak sendiri, didik dia jadi manusia yg berguna lagi ...
I dont think i am insensitive. Bila u ada anak autistic somehow u akan nampak apa yg normal parents x nampak sbb u dh before this over analyze anak u jgk.
Sesama parents autism pun mmg discussion mcm tu jgk. Like “anak i ada hyper sensory to sound what about anak u.” “Oh anak i lak hypo to sound.”
“Anak i kan mmg kalau bercakap xkn pandang mata org tp mata dia meliar.” “Oh ank i pun sama!”
Mcm tulah perbualan2 ibu ibu yg ada autistic.
And this is a forum kan. Semua pun throw their opinions her like urs. Did i tell scha or faz or anyone directly ke.. i dont think so..
Kalau semua benda nk sensetip sgt susahlah. Adeh..
Post time 30-9-2022 09:10 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Kita x tau betapa strugglenya parents yg ada anak autism ni especially anak2 autism yang susah untuk dikawal semasa tantrum.. sebab itu kesedaran amat perlu.. ambik masa untuk tenangkan emosi anak. Public perlu peka.
Autism is a spectrum, can range from mild to severe. Mungkin adik u ada mild disorder, so tak byk meragam. Syukur sgt. Like my son he cant even hear sound like police or ambulance siren, he will go into meltdown because it will hurt and iritate his nerves, mungkin anak sedara faz meragam sbb the air pressure on the plane masa take off that hits his nerves. So yg acah2 anak autism but dont even know the real deal, poodaahhhh.
Post time 30-9-2022 09:22 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Budak2..biasa lah...mana2 n siapa2 pun boleh tantrum...Kita adults ni yg kena sabar and pandai kawal .Especially lagi kalau anak autistic yg kena extra needs. Yang penumpang mengamuk tu tak kenal fattzura ke....atau gang benak...
Post time 30-9-2022 09:27 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
I think di Malaysia perlu ada private entity to educate autism kids, family and publics. All these while, special kids selalu di simpan oleh parents dan masyaraket. Who knows some kids yang ada mild autism, boleh di train untuk
bekerja in the future.
I rasa bila masyarakat lebih expose dgn special needs kid, we know how to see things and react. Parents pun, sepatutnya kalau dah tau anak autism yang tantrum, kasi lah medication to calm the kids down.