nak wat hikayat skit ni..camane leh minat kat suju ni..
sbnrnye dah tau dah pasal dieorg ni taun lepas lagi..
mule2 tau sbb tgk MV timeless yg junsu nyanyi tu kan..ade siwon ngan minat gile kat junsu time tu ..mmg tiap2 ari tgk MV tu..pastu nmpak siwon ni cam ensem la kan..suke la jgk tgk die..pastu ade kwn tu pun cite la pasal suju ni..pastu die ckp la siwon ngan hannie ni dr group suju..pastu die cite la bagai2 time tu rase cam mls nak amik tau sgt..dgr2 lagu skit2 mcm tu je la..time tu mcm takde rase nak minat pun..ust cari info pasal siwon sikit2 e..
pastu knal plak eunhyuk..die kan bestfriend junsu..tu yg terkena eunhyuk time tu mcm takkesah je pasal suju ni..siap tgk movie dieorg lagi..pastu EHB yg ade dbsk tu kan..time tgk EHB tu mcm suke je tgk ade seorg mamat time tu mls plak nak tanye kat kwn..sape name mamat mmg nak tergelak tgk die duk lompat2 asyik menurun je..
pastu kenal lak ngan kangin..sbb WGM tu..pastu ade kwn tu bagi tgk fullhouse tgk je la..walaupun fullhouse tu mmg klaka tp tak tau la nape cam mls nak minat..time tu dah knal la gak kibum ngan heechul...
last2..ade kwn tu bg tgk EHB dr episod 1 smpai la 13 tu..time tgk tu..suke gile tgk yesung..sbb slalu sgt fail...pastu ngan muke die chubby tu..tu yg wat terjatuh hati tu.. saye mmg suke ngan org yg unpredictable..sbbnye..saye pun mcm tu gak orgnye..hehe..
pastu time tu lagu sorry2 baru kuar kan..dah la lagu tu best..tu yg wat lagi jatuh hati kat SUJU..hehe..
smpai sini je la kot hikayat nye..huhu..sory la duk merepek2 je ni..hehe
..just like that without any worries..radiantly.... that the little dimple dent on my left cheek will come back..
..even if my dimples comes back.. i really have no idea how to smile..
source; jungsoo's cy
translated by; carolyn @
omo chagiya T_T
just smile la
aish~~ nnt me trbg gi korea men cak2 dgn mung
wei, ko beli pepsi yg biasa2 je ke, or ada muka dorg kat tin tu??
@ SB
wah, hikayat ko... mula2 sumer pun ko x amik kesah ek. lama2 terus ko hook dgn suju!! aku pun kena siwon & haanie dulu dr MV timeless tu, tp mcm ko gak aku pun buat x kesah jer!! tp biler kenal dgn mulan, hana, hadiff dll time g gathering, dorg lak mmg heboh citer psl suju, aku aper lg terus la masuk rumah suju ni... kira aku pun dr 1st rumah dh wujud la even aku muncul pun dlm page 250!!
[090615/Kyuhyun] Suju Kyuhyun's "7 years' love" music video teaser poster revealed
Begin from June 15th, the teaser poster of "7 years' love" music video has been revealed with the image of actress Choi JeongYoon.
Kyuhyun's "7 years' love" is a remake song with beautiful bossa nova style of Yoo YoungSeok's group White's hit.
Netizens have showed their attention a lot to the teaser poster "I'm curious about Suju's remake song", "I hope the song will released soon" and "When will be music video be released ?"
The music video is planned to be released via online music site in this month.
original article is here
translated by [email protected]
may take out with full credits
aish, awat la abg long semenjak 2 menjak ni dlm cy dia asyik sebut psl depress jer??
kak long, cepat2 la trbg ke korea nun, g merawat hati abg long yg lara tu!!
owh, dh tgk dh it's you dance version only tu... aku pasan sumthing yg ntah kenaper boleh aku tergelak dgn tiba2!! korg check ah part yg mula2 heechul masuk tu, kan dorg bg ruang kat heechul kan... yg si wookie kat teepi sekali belah kanan tu dh nk terjatuh je kekdah nyer!! pastu time inki smlm masa last chorus part wookie tu, kan dorg akan ke belah kiri pentas @ kanan audience... kyu yg dok hujung sekali dh nk jatuh ke bwh dh, nasib baik dia dpt balance. kyu dh dok sengih2 jer... & nasib baik la pentas tu x tinggi maner!!
aku dah baca kat umah sebelah.. tapi aku tak berani nak tepek kat sini sebab aku tau sure ko susah ati nih...teukie nih naper sodih memanjang jer nih...
aku lak nyesal tak sebab tak join dak2 nih pi stalked suju mase diorg wat MV dancing out kat mesia seb baik ler dpt tgk diorg live mase kat konsert ngan kat genting... tertebus gak ler keciwa aku
ooo..time dieorg dtg MTV award tu ye..bace kat umah lame tu..gigih tul korang ngekor dieorg kan..mcm2 hikayat ade time tu..hehe best nye la korg dpt tgk dieorg live2..
tu la packed kalo xde aktiviti emo gak die tuh
dimple die tuh ilang sbb muke die makin xde lak gemok2 die neh
neh dorg ade cter dlm sukira
12. Sleepless Eunteuk + The Dimple抯 Whereabouts
Eunhyuk: Recently, I had something similar to a sleeping disorder, the few hours of being asleep but not really sleeping were very uncomfortable, so I went on the internet and searched, there is a method where you eat chocolate and do simple exercises. So in the middle of the night, I went to the living room and did exercises, and there happened to be chocolate in the fridge, so I ate it. And I really fell asleep.
Leeteuk: I want to sleep more too.
Eunhyuk: Then you should try this method.
Leeteuk: I抦 too busy, I don抰 have the time to sleep.
Eunhyuk: In the middle of the night, I really did exercises in the living room by myself, you should give it a try too.
Leeteuk: I抳e been exercising recently, but my sleep is really insufficient. Today, I went to record a program, the staff said if I had recorded any longer, I would have fainted.
Eunhyuk: yeah, your condition today really isn抰 good.
Leeteuk: So they sent me over, if I said I was to say I wasn抰 feeling well, I was afraid I would get sacked. They said I couldn抰 faint*, they even sent me to the hospital, so I conveniently asked about my dimple problem.
Eunhyuk: Oh, asking directly at the hospital.
Leeteuk: Yeah, I asked a skin specialist, he took a look and laugh for awhile. He said 揥hy did this fellow suddenly disappear. This is because your face is fatter, so it disappeared.
Originally posted by miss_mulan77 at 15-6-2009 22:37
@ SB... alkisah... sejak dua menjak nih saham yesung memang naik mendadak
naik sebb pasal yg die ckp kat kuiz tu ke??kalo psl tu..bgus la jgk..populer skit..slame ni org asyik tak kenal die je...ahjussi yg kat starking ari tu pun tak knal die..padehal die la slalu wat adlib dlm lagu...
tp tu le..mulut abe sung ni mcm takde insuran plak..noty tul die nie..