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Author: ahasyraf80

Kucing mengawan

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Post time 8-2-2009 12:48 AM | Show all posts
nape erk kucen dh neuter time musim mengawan dia nk juga..??

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Post time 8-2-2009 12:52 AM | Show all posts

Reply #81 mr.kk's post

hormone die akan berubah juga gradually...bkn serta-merta.

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Post time 8-2-2009 09:46 AM | Show all posts

Reply #79 erdina's post

Sama dgn kucing kita yg hilang tu. Dia pernah 3 hari 3 mlm tak balik. Risau dibuatnya. Tiba2 lepas tu dia balik & lepas tu tak pernah tinggalkan rumah lagi. Yg buat dia roaming sebelah mlm tu sebab nak cari tempat tidur psl stray cats yg melepak kat backyard gaduh dgn dia. Yg sedihnya mlm yg dia hilang tu rupa2nya banjir di area tu sebelah pagi. Tu lah tak jumpa2 dia lagi. Khabarnya air banjir tinggi. Tak tau samada dia selamat atau lemas. Memang kesian bila mengenangkan kucing ni. Dah muka comel, mcm patung.

Tak sempat nak neuter/spay dia pun.

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Post time 8-2-2009 03:55 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2 lady_cactuss's post

Banyak2 tempat lain,kat tempat tu gak ko perasan ye

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Post time 13-2-2009 10:01 AM | Show all posts
Kucing kakcik ada sekor yg betina tu (namanya Kabu), dia jenis yg indoor & duk dlm umah je. Sampai umur dia dh lebih setahun pun dia mcm x minat into sex. Tp ada skali tu dia kena rape dgn janten2 gersang drp umah jiran masa g melepas kat laman umah... last2 terpeknen juga, kuar 3 ekor. Tp dia x pandai sgt jaga anak. X sampai 2 blan abis semua mati. Pastu sampai skrg (almost 9 bln) dia x peknen2 lg, tp asyik duk tperap kat dlm umah je.

Pelik gak, dia mcm x de nafsu je. Last time bulu dia mmg byk gugur & ada kudis2 sbb dia mkn nasi & ikan bilis. Skali tu kakcik paksa dia mkn frieskies barulah kudis2 bdn dia ilang & bulu dia dh kurang gugur. Skrg ni dia mkn nasi & ikan bilis semula sbb bapak kakcik bagi... kesian katanya. Skrg ni Kabu dh btambah gemuk, bulu dia dh smakin lebat & cantik. Tp dia masih x de nafsu... bygkan seumur hidup dia baru skali je branak... umur dia dh dkt 2 tahun. Geng sebaya dia dh 4-5 round branak!

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Post time 15-2-2009 11:18 AM | Show all posts

Reply #85 kakcik_iwa's post

kakcik nak dia banak ke ape ni?  x paham....
lau die xde nafsu,xdelah kakcik susah2 nak sekat nafsu die ek
ktorg ni have to spay our cats supaya xdelah over-populated plk.

kakcik,better mintak tolong sape yg bg makan kucing tu ikan bilis supaya stop bg ye..
ikan bilis ada byk kandungan garam.Garam tu mcm racun pd kucing.
Nnt akan build up batu karang dlm usus dia..sbb kucing ni bukan mcm manusia
manusia keluarkan garam dr tubuh melalui peluh,
tp kucing xde sistem perkumuhan sprti manusia utk mengeluarkan garam tu melalui peluh jgk...
so,nnt garam2 tu akan terkumpul dlm usus dia,boleh jadi kanser dan batu karang..bahaya sgt!

[ Last edited by  ati1402 at 15-2-2009 11:19 AM ]

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Post time 13-4-2009 02:43 PM | Show all posts
tumpang tanyaaa otai2.

kalo kucing kita lepasss habis heat. n dah habis mengawan..

ape tanda2 dia bunting ekk... adakah sama cam orang jugak??

die ada muntah tk?? moodswing?ke canee? tanda2 die awal die nak bunting camne yaaaa??

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Post time 13-4-2009 03:02 PM | Show all posts
ok ler ulat.. meh baca sini...

Don't Want Kittens? Keep Cats In Heat At Home!

The sound cats in heat produce are spooky and almost pornographic at the same time. If you live in a city, it's likely you know the nightly growling, screaming, and repeated crying of mating stray cats.

There's no set period for which a queen comes into heat for the first time. Some are still kittens of only five months old. Other cats are ten months when they first 'call'.

Depending on environmental circumstances, female felines are fertile several times a year.

Climate and season are deciding factors. Three sexual cycles are normal, but up to four is very well possible. Each cycle spans about three weeks, of which cats are in heat for about four to six days.

Cats in heat behave restless and literally calls for a male.
The monotone call is easy to recognize, but for you as for the tom cat. Their urine also smells different, although usually only other cats will notice this. Spraying is also a common phenomenom.

Some felines ask for more affection when they are in heat. They twitch their tail to one side, lift their hindquarters, and press their head to the ground.

Appetite may also decrease. Or they sit howling at the window.

Don't get mad if their behavior annoys you. It won't help.

If you keep a cat in heat indoors, make sure she can't escape. Otherwise she might be gone for days, only to return after having mated. Or, if your neighbor has a cat too, it might take only a few minutes.

The results? Your queen and you are facing 65 days of cat pregnancy.

When cats in heat are mating, queens easily release their eggs when their vagina is stimulated by the penis.

Every breeding is likely to result in a litter of cute little kittens.

Tom cats start showing interest in sex when they are as young as four months old. But it takes a while before they are really capable of becoming a cat father. Once he is about one year old, a male is fully mature.

It is not known whether males have an annual sexual cycle that lasts for a certain number of days.

Usually the sexual condition of the female felines in the vicinity determines if a tom cat is interested or not. When they notice cats in heat of the opposite sex, they become restless and will try to get in contact with her.

Sexual activity remains a part of cat life as long as toms and queens are not neutered.

You think your cat is pregnant and don't know what to do? Follow the Pregnant Cat Care Course and you can't go wrong.



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Post time 13-4-2009 03:07 PM | Show all posts
Cat Pregnancy Signs Are Easy To Recognize
It takes three weeks before cat pregnancy signs become visible. Every cat owner will be able to recognize the symptoms.

During the first weeks of cat gestation, it's almost impossible to notice that a cat is pregnant. In general she will behave normally.

Check her nipples, if you think a cat is pregnant.

Her nipples become pink after about three weeks. This is most visible if it's the first time the queen is pregnant. From that moment it will take six weeks before the kittens arrive.

Your vet will be able to confirm if she's pregnant.

There are other cat pregnancy signs.

Pregnant queens become quieter and more loving.

They sleep more and are not interested in male cats. Heat cycles stop and a queen becomes more loving.

If your cat is used to walk outside, she will voluntarily spend more time at home during feline gestation. Here are useful pregnant cat care tips.

During pregnancy a cat will gain weight. But it lasts until the fifth week before this becomes visible.
After six weeks her nipples will also grow considerably. From then on they are filled with milk.

Your cat will want to eat more and more. This is good. Give her enough (her regular food mixed with kitten food), but don't overfeed her. A few days before birth, her appetite will decrease again.

One last thing. Sometimes a queen shows cat pregnancy symptoms, without actually being pregnant. This is called false pregnancy. However, this is quite rare.



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Post time 13-4-2009 03:12 PM | Show all posts
You Have A Cat Giving Birth? Here's What To Do!

If you have a cat giving birth, you should rely on her maternal instinct. Stay at her side and monitor what happens. Only take action if something goes wrong.

First, make sure everything is ready for a cat giving birth. About two weeks before the expected date of birth you should have a box placed in a location your pregnant cat frequently visits.

Your cat wants to have a cozy nest for her children.

Make sure the room is warm. The box should contain paper or a material that can be shredded. A cat giving birth is happy with paper. A blanket is only needed once the kittens are born.

Other necessities include towels, clean scissors and hemostats. The Pregnant Cat Care Course provides you with a full list of supplies that cat breeders use.

Keep doors closed. Your cat should not give birth outside.

Labor should start no earlier than day 61 of cat pregnancy. Otherwise chances are the kittens will not survive.

During the last days of feline gestation, you should watch your pregnant cat carefully. Several signs indicate that birth is imminent.

*Drop of temperature with 1癈 (or 2癋). Normal is 38.6



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Post time 13-4-2009 03:54 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by leotazz818 at 13-4-2009 15:07
Cat Pregnancy Signs Are Easy To Recognize
It takes three weeks before cat pregnancy signs become visible. Every cat owner will be able to recognize the symptoms.

During the first weeks of cat ...

tgh monitor one of my cat. last month dia on heat n mengawan with the boys.kot kot dia tgh early pregnancy.
semalam dia muntah. takut pulakkk die sakit ke apee..tapi nampak ok cam demam...cuma byk makan..

mebbe tgh expecting .....

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Post time 13-4-2009 09:01 PM | Show all posts
kucing aku pernah kene rogol dengan kucing jantan jiran. tapi yg peliknya kucing aku pun jantan jugak! gay ke kucing tuh?

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Post time 14-4-2009 02:03 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by obelisk at 13-4-2009 21:01
kucing aku pernah kene rogol dengan kucing jantan jiran. tapi yg peliknya kucing aku pun jantan jugak! gay ke kucing tuh?

mungkin jugak obe.. sbb kucing jugak berpotensi membawa virus HIV... kucing cikgu anak akak mati disebabkan HIV... kucing kawan akak dulu pon mati sbb sakit HIV... kalau obe x mau kucing tu kena virus HIV, elakkan dr kucing gay merogol kuicng obe.. unless kalau dia pon gay gak...haha

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Post time 14-4-2009 04:00 PM | Show all posts

Reply #93 leotazz818's post

alhamdulillah masih panjang umo dia skrg. kucing gay tu pun so far takde kaco dia lagi...
kucing pon ada HIV jugak yer...   
agak2 manusia boleh jangkit Aids jugak tak dari kucing ni..

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Post time 14-4-2009 04:04 PM | Show all posts

Reply #94 obelisk's post

virus kucing ni dipanggil FIV (FELINE Immunodeficiency Virus) = yg manusia punya dipanggil HIV (HUMAN Immunodeficiency Virus).
strain virus manusia punye dgn kucing punya lain so tak leh jangkit yg kucing punya ke manusia...

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Post time 14-4-2009 04:28 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by obelisk at 14-4-2009 16:00
alhamdulillah masih panjang umo dia skrg. kucing gay tu pun so far takde kaco dia lagi...
kucing pon ada HIV jugak yer...   
agak2 manusia boleh jangkit Aids jugak tak dari kucing ni..

x jangkit.. jgn risau...
haahh.. tu boocik ada citer sikit pasal FIV tu.. kalau manusia kita panggil HIV.. kalau kuicng jadik FIV le..

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Post time 14-4-2009 04:34 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 14-4-2009 04:43 PM | Show all posts

Reply to leotazz818's and Boocik04's post

i see...hmm so kalo virus FIV termasuk dalam badan manusia takde kesan negatif la ek..
anyway, thanks for the info guys.

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Post time 17-4-2009 01:46 PM | Show all posts
nak tanya senior2 kat sini , mcm mana sy nak handle kucing sy yg tgh on heat ? skrg ni kucing sy dah cukup umur, tgh dok gatal nak cari kucing jantan. selalu sngt buat bunyi bising, sy takut mengganggu jiran sebelah lagipun sy tinggal di nak neuter kucing sy tu tapi nak tunggu dapat gaji.......kalau lepas neuter kucing tu nanti akan buat lagi tak bunyi bising tuh ?

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Post time 17-4-2009 02:01 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hear2heart at 17-4-2009 13:46
nak tanya senior2 kat sini , mcm mana sy nak handle kucing sy yg tgh on heat ? skrg ni kucing sy dah cukup umur, tgh dok gatal nak cari kucing jantan. selalu sngt buat bunyi bising, sy takut meng ...

dear heart..
jika heart tak bersedia utk beri pasangan utk kucing betina heart.. seelok2nya neuter aje kucing tersebut.. tetapi kalau heart perlu menunggu budget utk sampai ke hujung bulan, sebaiknye kurungkan kucing betina tersebut didalam cage jika tidak.. takut nanti kucing tersebut cari jalan keluar samaada melompat dr mane2 tingkap atau lubang yg ada sekeliling rumah... kalau tak nasib baik takut kucing tu cedera atau terus hilang dari jagaan heart...

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