awek last tu yo bole masuk..yang lain takleh masuk |
Reply #80 dainese's post
ko tepek gambar orang ni dah mintak izin ke blom dainese... |
Balas #82 ryo_takahashi1\ catat
tak yah mintak ijin..ini negara demokrasi berparlimen kata od..... |
lama tak jumpa derang ni.... ko cilok dari MBC ekkksss...?
wa ka ka..
awek naik aprillia tu, dah upgrade ke cbr ... dekat je rumah dia ngan rumah aku.... laki dia sporting, tapi tak main motor... pelikkan?
last jumpa derang, masa dlm gambar tu lah... MBC family day 2006 di pantai balok.. t-shirt oren tu pun dah lama tak pakai.... wa ka ka
nah amik ko obat.... motor sumbat turbo... gambar penuh tak bleh... bahaya!!!! tengok turbine je cukup... buat merembes malam ni |
Balas #85 geng_tx\ catat
ni motot yg nak jcustom made tuh ka?
aku ada tengok SBK custom made punya, letak turbo..
280HP + |
sekutu rapat...
ghost rider kuantan....
sekarang sudah mellow, pengantin baru... |
Originally posted by <i>are_keem</i> at 5-12-2008 09:12 PM <a href="http://forum.cari.com.my/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=27598003&ptid=389139" target="_blank"><img src="http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif" border="0" onload="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open(this.src);}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" /></a><br />
ni motot yg nak jcustom made tuh ka?<br />
aku ada tengok SBK custom made punya, letak turbo..<br />
280HP + <img src="images/smilies/sweat.gif" smilieid="32" border="0" alt="" /> <br />
dia punya enjin dan bodi adalah suzuki... lain lain rahsia.... itu je aku boleh cakap...sebab tu motor , bukan aku punya...
hp? tak de sapa yg nak bawak motor tu pi dyno kat KL....
hanya terdapat di kuantan darul bohsan... |
Originally posted by orangdalam at 5-12-2008 09:28 AM
adola dlm masa sebulan nih..R1 kaler kelabu ekjos bwh seat..tu 2007 kan?
bawah seat kalu, 2004 - current.. sume bwh seat.. jatuh kat ne? |
moto ni buleh tak? |
Reply #64 ryo_takahashi1's post
ni satu lagi gambar "The Stig"...
BSundayB.. mintak izin tepek gambo ko...
btw, bile lar KLR nie nak keluar ni... dah berhabuk helmet aku neh... |
Reply #94 zzcbr's post
yeap bro.. last 2 weeks dah dijual.. new owner mmg happy..
tapi... MotoMilia buat hal skit... member tu nak tukar parts sbb exhaust patah bila tgh ride.. tapi motomilia TAK PERCAYA... tak bagi claim 2 Years Parts Warranty lak.. gila apa nak bawa motor tu ke motomilia dgn exhaust patah kat KL ni... mesti lar exhaust tu kasi welded dulu...
apa punya customer service daaa... no trust at customers.... dulu sebelum beli punya lar beria-ria promote 2 Years Warranty for Parts and Labour...
aku bagitau kat member tu suruh report kat tribunal dan tulis skit kat media... Kasi gelabah itu motomilia..
[ Last edited by BSundayB at 7-12-2008 11:13 AM ] |
Anyway, Aprilia is owned by Moto Guzzi...
and now, Moto Guzzi is owned by Harley Davidson...
and NOW, Naza has the ownership to sell Harley Davidson...
how about Motomilia?? O-o... |
Balas #95 BSundayB\ catat
kat mesia ni kalu sampai part after sales servis...semuanya hancus, aku dulu ngan naza pun hangin semacam... |
hi hi hi
mu kenal dia dari mana?
[ Last edited by geng_tx at 8-12-2008 01:08 AM ] |
Reply #98 nik2121's post
Sir Alba dari kuantan ke, bro?? |
| |