Reply #80 Raja^Jogging's post
rumah nampak klasiknya...pegi bila? |
Reply #78 hotcup's post
Boleh...... takda masalah..... setiap gambar akan diberi kredit at least 10......... yang awak punya tu saya kasi +30 hehehe... Okay kan? |
Reply #79 IDB's post
boleh gak melalui travel agent sini, bukan murah kalau nak pegi pakej neil cruise 5 bintang ni, bajet mesti lebih dari RM6k utk sorang , hampir seluruh mesir boleh pi termasuk Alexenderia yg dikatakan tempat iskandar dzulkarnain tu |
Reply #83 chumpon's post
ok momod, tq
berilah lg byk lg byk sy leh citer |
tempat kawal air,
gambar ni aku snap dari neil cruise yg aku naik..
seberang sana air rendah/cetek, seberang sini air tinggi..
dia sekat air..tujuannya nak kawal pertanian orang2 disebelah sana, nak kawal banjir, menurut guide tour aku, benda ni dah wujud sejak ribu2 tahun dulu
dalam satu2 masa, berpuluh kapal dari kawasan air tinggi nak pergi ke kawasan air rendah sebelah sana...so kena que kat tengah2 ...time kat tengah2 tu air di bahagian belakang kapal ditutup dan air dibuang secara perlahan-lahan..
hhmm...susahnya aku nak explain, tak pandai sgt mengarang...
kapal kami kena que hampir 3 jam memandangkan pada satu2 masa ada berpuluh kapal nak pegi seberang sana...pada satu masa hanya 2 kapal shj yg boleh masuk ke "zon pengurangan air secara perlahan-lahan" |
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Reply #84 hotcup's post
masa hotcup pegi tu pakai travel agent mana?
terima kasih. |
Reply #89 hotcup's post
dah PM...please reply.
TQ |
Reply #85 hotcup's post
Okay.. |
IDOL This user has been deleted
[ Last edited by chumpon at 2-12-2007 10:43 PM ] |
IDOL This user has been deleted
[ Last edited by chumpon at 2-12-2007 10:48 PM ] |
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yu huuuu... aku baru balik fm Cairo smlm. Masih jet lag & aku tak leh tido lagi. Maybe pukul 3-4am nanti baru rasa ngantuk kut.
It's my 2nd time to Cairo but 1st time to Alex. Plan aku kali ni nak travel ala2 lonely planet since my husband is on his working trip, dia tak de masa nak jln2.
Oh well, it turned out quite differently. Sesampai shj aku kat Cairo, ada 'agent' meet & assist greeted me at the airport, supposedly to assist with my luggage/s & immigration clearance. Then, from the airport to hotel, disediakan driver. ok, so i thought, that's it. Then it turned out, staffs yg keje sana (or yg dtg kena keje sana, like my husband) mmg kena travel dgn driver,.. including wife sekali. So, anywhere we want to go, ckp je kat driver, dia bwk je lah.
When husband is at work, aku pun contact la kwn aku yg tinggal kat sana. Dia pun bwk lah aku ntah mana2 in Cairo tu. Ofis sana mmg jaga safety staffs diorg coz the way egyptians drive,... well noted la kan! but i'm amazed at their driving skills. In between 2 cars diorg boleh selit celah2 & without a single scratch by missing only a couple of centimeters! hahaha.. Mcm nak langgar je pedestrians tapi tak langgar pun! mmg sempat brake & i think diorg mesti selalu check brakes diorg lah! Unlike bus express of lori kat Msia yg selalu brake rosak. Aku sempat gak merasa naik taxi 'death wish' & microbus diorg! hehehe.. what an experience! rasa mcm ala2 Globetrekker plak!
Paling boring ialah orang sana sentiasa communicate dgn aku in Arabic! Whether it's casual conversation, or trying to tell me something, dlm Arab. Tgk muka aku yg blur & blank pun diorg nak carry on conversation. The only term aku sempat belajar ialah ' La afhamtu arabiah' Pastu baru diorg gelak kat aku.. pastu babbled in arabic again like "....bla.. bla.. Mesir?" aku pun jwb dgn agak2 je. "La! Malaysia" hehehe seronok gak ckp ayam itik ni. Aku pelik gak bila org ckp, Arab sombong nak mampus.. berlagak.. (in some ways, they are!) but sepanjang aku dok sana 9 days aku rasa only about 20% je yg berlagak eksyen nak mampus. oh well, yg penjual2 kat kedai tu can be snotty!
I love the local children. They are the friendliest! They love to have their pictures taken & best of all, they seemed to like me, for unknown reason! They are so excited to talk to me & the gilrs like to giggle at my husband!
My sweetest adventure is the horse ride to & at the pyramid. It's not so much about the pyramid yg aku excited but the horse ride around the pyramid yg aku syok sgt! Dulu, masa 1st time pegi, ikut tour.. part of umrah/ziarah package, so pegi pyramid naik bus, then stop, ambik gmbr etc.. this time, we spent about 3 hours kat pyramid, on our horses & we all perasan mcm cite The Mummy, where aku jadi Rachel Weiss. Our guide, Mohamed, let us ride on our own lepas we all rasa confident & the climax of tour is dia bwk kami naik kuda laju2 punya, mcm nak racing! mak oii! takut nya aku! aku rasa nak melayang & tergolek. I didn't think horse riding is that difficult & can be dangerous kalau tak ikut instruction betul! dia bwk kitorg kat pdg pasir yg jauh sikit fm the pyramid, away fm other tourists.. The next day i woke up with a body ache almost tak leh nak gerak!
Sebab aku happy sgn dgn service guide ni, aku nak share info dgn korang. Kalau ada sesapa nak pegi Egypt, nak pegi tour pyramid, pegilah dgn this guide, Mohammed. It's private & tak le bercampur dgn hundrends of other tourists yg dtg dgn bus semua.. besides, korang akan di bwk through entrance lain & away fm touts yg sibuk nak ketuk tourists beli souveneirs.
We also booked the dinner & belly dance on Nile.Guess what? we boarded the same boat dgn Pak Lah & his 40 UMNO entourage ( (hmmm..) |
hotcup... nak tahu jugak travel agent tuh bole...? tq |
Here are some pics
The long queue at the museum. It's weekend so ramai school children on field trip. Kitorang dgn baiknya, queue lah belakang budak2 ni.. lama jugak tunggu, then ada guard spotted my husband (obviously a tourist) & suruh kitorg ikut special gate for foreigners. Somehow, the locals think I'm also local.
[ Last edited by muslyn at 7-12-2007 12:43 AM ] |
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