[BRF] Istana Bawang 16 - Meghan vs Buckingham , still !! ...Lilibet who ?
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Post time 18-6-2021 11:47 AM
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snazzydaisy replied at 18-6-2021 05:41 AM
Cerita psl disuruh balik UK utk Lili's christening tu mmg pure BS, mmg obvious kot it's a planted ...
Tu la klu baby lili balik nak tgk rupa cemana yg dok sorok sgt ...
Sbnrnya .. x de pon baby kan ... .
Tetiba announce mengandung ..
Tetiba announce beranak Lilibet ...
.baby mana baby ?
.hahhaha ...merepek |

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Post time 18-6-2021 11:56 AM
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snazzydaisy replied at 18-6-2021 05:51 AM
takde bukti pun yg baby Lili tu wujud, their team issued an announcement and that's it. Diaorg eve ...
Alahhh ... Kan duku kaka share .. sbnrmya xde bukti pon archie pernah leaving UK ...
Kat situ je mmg dah big kantoi archie tak wujud ...
So hantu apa yg BRF sorok and letak as heir to the throne ?
Remember masa meghan bawak archie doll ke taman yg ada semua anak2 cambridge for polo match ..
Bukan ke si louie tgk je archie baby yg x bergerak lgsg tu ..
Yg tu mmg obvious sgt baby doll
And cara smeg pegang baby , and style dia dress up mmg macam pompuan gila 
and now lilibet ? ... Macam mana la dia nak propa nanti |

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Post time 18-6-2021 11:59 AM
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snazzydaisy replied at 18-6-2021 06:33 AM
Adakah Smeg sengaja nak upstage si Bea, Smeg cepat2 namakan anak sheols Lili before Bea does.
Art ...
Mmg iyer laa kot saja dengki ...
Masa bea bertunang dia announce preg baby archie ..
At least bea ni bila beranak nanti mmg dapt di sahkan and ada bukti baby dia
Bukan macam smeg ..
Nandong bantal je mampu |

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Post time 18-6-2021 12:00 PM
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snazzydaisy replied at 18-6-2021 06:57 AM
Mcm Meghan, Princess Elia ni pun was an actress then kahwin dgn royal, elok je sheols share pix of h ...
Sedap nama geraldine .. |

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Post time 18-6-2021 12:02 PM
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snazzydaisy replied at 18-6-2021 07:12 AM
Lambat nau nak tunggu si Meghan ni rentung habis-habisan, fake pregnancies tu pun belum exposed la ...
Iols tak paham kenapa kuin tu macam selow sgt ..
Katanya dah buang dah konsep do nothing tu ...
Tapi xde peduli apa pon ...
Dgr macam charles je yg beria suruh cerai ...
Cerai je la
. Bukan ada anak pon ...
Klu ada anak , semua BRF akan ambik anak tu , lagi lagi yg dlm heir list |

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Post time 18-6-2021 12:03 PM
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Tinot7 replied at 18-6-2021 10:31 AM
Mmg takde pengesahan sbb deme pi spital last minute. Kalau deme serius psl kelahiran dek kwaci, de ...
Issue nya beranak ker ?
Bukan issue sign ke tidak ?
Is there any proof the baby come out from Meghan's body ? |
Tinot7 replied at 18-6-2021 10:31 AM
Mmg takde pengesahan sbb deme pi spital last minute. Kalau deme serius psl kelahiran dek kwaci, de ...
Bukan beranak kat rumah ke katenye, iols pun dah lost track sbb byk sgt putar belit. Takde royal doctors sbb meret tak nak (logik ler kalau guna surrogate, nak sorok), byk sgt secrecy, patut archie dgn baby bet tu tak boleh masuk list pun sbb takde saksi dpd pihak BRF. |
iols pun tak tau dia vranak ke tak.. depa jahh tau...
bg iols, kalau deme tak mau ikut protokol istana, voley la expect anak2 tak dpt special treatment drp istana gaks.. heri jah vongoks sbb pikiaq dia spesel sgt voley mintak mcm2... mentang2 la masa dia nak pi afghanistan nun, walopon asalnya kena halang tapi dia dpt apa dia nak gaks. nih nak cuba nasib dgn mekgan dan anak2... pelik btul. dia pikiaq dia tuh kesayangan sgt ka? dah le dok kutuk2 famili kat pelbagai interview.. masa interview dia dgn james corden tuhh yg paling ok, iols rasa.
arituh bocor yg dek kwaci lahir last minute kat portland hospital... berganda lagik mahai drp spital kelahiran pins george. last minute tukar ke sana sbb tukar pikiran last minute.. konon nak homebirth, last2 pi spital gaks.. giteww..
What Baby Archie Already Has in Common with Princess Beatrice and Princess EugenieAside from a familial relation.
MAY 17, 2019
But now, we've just learned a key detail about Archie's birth: where, exactly, he was born. His newly unveiled birth certificate reveals that he arrived at London's Portland Hospital—the very same place where both Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie were born.
While still obviously a royal-approved choice, Portland Hospital is not the Lindo Wing, which in the past few decades has become synonymous with royal births. Both Princess Diana and Kate Middleton posed outside the Wing with their newborns, after Princess Anne first chose the hospital for her deliveries.
Portland Hospital is also not Frogmore Cottage, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's home in Windsor. When Archie first arrived, there was some speculation that Meghan may have had a home birth, but this was not the case. "We were led to believe by palace aides that baby Sussex was born at Frogmore Cottage, but in fact he arrived at private London hospital the Portland," royal correspondent Emily Andrews tweeted at the time. "All other details still the same! Can’t wait to see a picture of him on Wednesday with his proud parents!"
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Tinot7 replied at 18-6-2021 02:20 PM
arituh bocor yg dek kwaci lahir last minute kat portland hospital... berganda lagik mahai drp spit ...
Sebab byk sgt secrecy pasal kelahiran archie ni ler lagi kuat rumours pasal surrogacy tu selain dpd perangai meret sendiri kat public termasuk bentuk bump yg berubah2 tu. Apa2 je ler, anak2 diorang ni pun jauh dpd throne, lepas anak2 PWKM beranak pinak nanti lagi jauh ke belakang |

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Post time 18-6-2021 03:45 PM
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Edited by adelea at 18-6-2021 05:26 PM
delia3003 replied at 18-6-2021 02:40 PM
Sebab byk sgt secrecy pasal kelahiran archie ni ler lagi kuat rumours pasal surrogacy tu selain dp ...
Tu la .. satgi pwkm kids married especially george .. yg lain lain boleh mereput dlm list ...
Harry and meghan ni butthurt sbb anak depa xde royal title and jauh from the throne .. even harry himself ..
Tu yg dok buat onar dgn apa cara pon so that the world aware .. ' we are here' we are here |
X suka scammers anak raja british nie.. scammers org ramai under charities support lifestyle mereka.. bab1 la mereka ni.. x mustahil kot keturunan harrry pun perangai mcm mak n ayah mereka... |

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Post time 18-6-2021 04:33 PM
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fizamn replied at 18-6-2021 04:28 PM
X suka scammers anak raja british nie.. scammers org ramai under charities support lifestyle mereka. ...
Elok pon xde waris .. waris bantal ada ler ...
Kalau keturunan scammer macam ni nak jadi ruler .. mmg baik tak payah ada ..
Keje tak mo, duit mo pulak....
Ini baru betul2 mengabihkan borehh .. eh.. gandumm hahaha |
org suspicious kenapa nak hide sumer tuh... dah kawen brf.. mmg kena life in public yacchh
kalau pins charles naik takhta, ada kebarangkalian anak2 heri dpt title pins dengan syarat pins charles yg pada masa itu jadi king charles mewartakan dlm letters patent... tapi sbb dah pompang burukkan apak sendiri, kalau pins charles bg title pins and pincess kat anak2 heri, mmg pelik la...
pins charles mmg nak keep the senior members sikit2 jahh...
Tinot7 replied at 18-6-2021 05:08 PM
org suspicious kenapa nak hide sumer tuh... dah kawen brf.. mmg kena life in public yacchh
Lagi pulak laki bini monte tu senior royals sblm ni, patut tak boleh private. Pelik bila semua nak rahsia dari mengandung sampai ler budak tu lahir, lepas lahir pun byk sorok, christmas dgn Sandringham pun tak pegi. Ntah BRF pun berapa kali je jumpa budak tu, mmg takde bonding langsung |
adelea replied at 18-6-2021 03:45 PM
Tu la .. satgi pwkm kids married especially george .. yg lain lain boleh mereput dlm list ... :l ...
Bila anak2 PWKM besar nanti spotlight mesti ke arah diorang, tgk je ler apa laki bini monte tu buat pulak utk stay relevant, kot ler guna anak2 pulak utk lawan. Takkan nak jual cerita BRF sampai AJM, lama2 orang akan muak jugak. |
dgn bebi gegurl deme lagi laa takkan jumpa langsung...

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Post time 18-6-2021 07:21 PM
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Edited by adelea at 18-6-2021 07:30 PM
delia3003 replied at 18-6-2021 05:28 PM
Lagi pulak laki bini monte tu senior royals sblm ni, patut tak boleh private. Pelik bila semua nak ...
In brf history , ada ke history yg sorok2 ?
Even masa wallis simpson pon xde sorok sorok macam ni ...
Sbnrnya sgt contradict karakter mereka yg gila limelight tapi sorok anak sbb nak privacy .. sgtah tidak masuk akal

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Post time 18-6-2021 07:22 PM
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delia3003 replied at 18-6-2021 05:33 PM
Bila anak2 PWKM besar nanti spotlight mesti ke arah diorang, tgk je ler apa laki bini monte tu bua ...
Itu pon klu archie and lili benar2 wujud and mmg born from meghan's body .. uhuhuh |
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