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Post time 19-11-2020 10:37 AM
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adila39 replied at 17-11-2020 07:41 PM
just do what ever yg u comfortable with. Remember u yg deal with urself ni so u adjust aje ikut ap ...
U tgk ke video tu? Pjg kot huhu.. |
manjalara_01 replied at 19-11-2020 10:37 AM
U tgk ke video tu? Pjg kot huhu..
tgk, half je la... ![](static/image/smiley/default/sad.gif) |
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Post time 27-11-2020 03:07 PM
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adila39 replied at 20-11-2020 04:39 PM
tgk, half je la...
It's ok u asal u xde ADHD u slamat haha..
Ok actually hr ni ntah la rs upset btul. Byk jgk kes org yg ade mental illness ni i bc dlm tenet x dpt support yg sepatutnya. So from there sakit mcm ni lg lambat nk get better. Even with good support system sometimes it takes years to build your life back together or just to get back on track.
Ya in most cases bile buat sessi luahan org akan buruk sangka dgn u. Akan anggap u pemalas, ngada2...sj nk bg alasan etc.
Anyway right now i got good news i'm slowly recovering from dermatitis & exima. Ok i don't know how to spell. Alhamdulillah.
Ape2 pun i hope after this i ade courage nk mkn ubat Ratalin tu. |
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Post time 27-11-2020 03:11 PM
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Anyway kalau ade antara u all yg ade adhd tp slalu kena buang keje & x pernah la dpt keje tetap sila share pengalaman kat sini yea? I x nk la memalukan diri sorg2 kat sini. Ok g2g. Nnt i continue. |
manjalara_01 replied at 27-11-2020 03:11 PM
Anyway kalau ade antara u all yg ade adhd tp slalu kena buang keje & x pernah la dpt keje tetap sila ...
nothing to ashamed pun. Plus u lead ur life the way u want. If ada yg pandang serong... well sometimes... its ok to just middle finger.. tak show but in ur head. hahahaha... cuba tgk something else jugak.. anything yg inspire u.. try ok.
Hugs |
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Post time 27-11-2020 05:17 PM
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adila39 replied at 27-11-2020 03:17 PM
nothing to ashamed pun. Plus u lead ur life the way u want. If ada yg pandang serong... well some ...
Kalau kat sini shame2 i skit je, but in real life agak sukar nk lari from t shame. Tp pernah sorg makcik tu kata biar la org lain dgn tanggapan masing2 sbb at t end of t world t only thing that matters is what Allah SWT think of u. Judgement dr org lain xde maknanya dah kat akhirat esok. Lebih kurang gituww la.. |
manjalara_01 replied at 27-11-2020 05:17 PM
Kalau kat sini shame2 i skit je, but in real life agak sukar nk lari from t shame. Tp pernah sorg ...
makcik tu mmg superb!!! haaa so buat je apa u rasa betul... kat sini sejukkk manjalara_01... continue sharing okeh. |
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Post time 27-11-2020 10:10 PM
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adila39 replied at 27-11-2020 05:43 PM
makcik tu mmg superb!!! haaa so buat je apa u rasa betul... kat sini sejukkk manjalara_01... conti ...
Sini pun sejuk u..ok nnt i continue esok. |
mekasih cik seri
pencen terbitan tu macam mana
saya ni lemah sikit bab bab duit
Sama le kita, En. Ipes2...baru dengar pencen ni ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
manjalara_01 replied at 27-11-2020 10:10 PM
Sini pun sejuk u..ok nnt i continue esok.
so apa citer today? |
ipes2 replied at 29-11-2020 07:25 AM
mekasih cik seri
pencen terbitan tu macam mana
pencen terbitan ni usually untuk balu/duda yang pasangannya mempunyai kelayakkan dari perkhidmatan mereka. Boleh juga apply utk anak tapi ikut syarat la... ni kenalah berurusan dgn Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam |
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Post time 30-11-2020 01:54 PM
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Edited by manjalara_01 at 30-11-2020 01:55 PM
adila39 replied at 29-11-2020 12:42 PM
so apa citer today?
Ok sorry lambat.
Ni nk share lg 1 yg annoying bile gi giant. Hr tu nk beli laurier/kotex wings. Skrg u all ade mcm2 jenis & brand. Penuh rak dr atas ke bwh. So bile nk pilih tu mcm konfius. Ok ambik sampai rumah tgk silap beli. Beli yg xde wing. And again terjadi lg baru2 ni.
Nampak mcm benda kecik je kan? Tp bile asyik b'laku silap mcm ni kat tempat keje siap la. Dah la slow, careless, inattentive. Package lengkap fail di tempat keje.
Skali tu i keje kat company besar. Keje gaji below RM 1000. Ok, kalau u all keje gaji ciput mcm ni pun fail , ape perasaan u all? Self-esteem rs mcm mana?
Antara tugas i send invoice ke ape kat cawangan2 lain dlm 10. Tup2 senior complain 3 branch tu u silap bg la. & Mcm2 lg kesalahan last2 kena fire. |
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Post time 30-11-2020 02:06 PM
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Edited by manjalara_01 at 30-11-2020 02:13 PM
Lg 1 nk share pengalaman keje org lain yg ADHD. Die struggle jgk mcm i. Byk dpt relate dgn die.
Finally lepas i kena diagnosed last year baru la i dpt jumpe kisah2 struggle begini kat work. This person keje die di supermarket. So antara tugas kena jd cashier, susun2 brg, stokis, angkat brg2 & mesti la kena cepat buat keje.
Baru je keje sana mcm2 silap dah die buat.Accuracy cth kira2 duit..byk silap la sbb keje cashier. Same as me dulu. I keje kat bookshop skolah kira duit x pernah tepat. FAIL. Then mula la gosip kwn2 keje x suke die ni sbb slow careless. Sampai ade yg complain kat bos. Kalau u all kat tempat die ni ke rs malu x? Mesti la malukan?
Dari 1 a simple task to another semua ade je silap die. Same as me. Teruk kena marah. Last2 kena fire. |
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Post time 30-11-2020 02:19 PM
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Edited by manjalara_01 at 30-11-2020 02:21 PM
Another work i pernah buat data entry. Guess what byk silap jgk la kan. Then slalu kena sound sbb slow. Sampai workmates pun make fun of me sbb i slow.
Another work i buat keje telemarketing. Mudahkan? Sepatutnya la but for antara 10 org yg keje situ akhirnya i kena panggil dgn senior. Die complain kat i die kata i ni slow sgt dlm sehari calls yg i buat paling skit skali banding dgn workmates lain...Gitu la antara pengalaman perit bekerja selain slalu kena buli.
![](static/image/smiley/onion/cryrun.gif) ![](static/image/smiley/onion/limp.gif)
Patut la ADHA ni kadang + Anxiety + Depression. Sbb asyik kena marah, buli & frust dlm hidup.
manjalara_01 replied at 30-11-2020 01:54 PM
Ok sorry lambat.
Ni nk share lg 1 yg annoying bile gi giant. Hr tu nk beli laurier/kotex win ...
i rasa bab beli pad tu, utk i yg xd isu adhd.. still salah jugak... infact i xpenah betul tiap kali i beli sbb i xkisah... as i akan belek benda tu tiap kali i nak beli... or i beli banyak terus... i xtau ada 14cm and 32cm..so ni benda baru i baru perasan... hahaha as u know carefree brand. Anywy my point is.. what d heck... it just a pad.. it won't control ur life!
Bab keje tu, okay.. faham.. but u mybe boleh start.. twist ur thinking.... i ingat ada ke yg mampu keje with less a thousand and kena hantar invoices... me personally untuk turun naik hantar invoices lecehnya... ingat senang ke nak masuk opis memana without registering kat counter lobby or pak guard? sooo.. its an achievement for u.. what the heck!! u did it.. u kena fire pun u still bleh masuk forum and enjoy sharing... so? senyumla babe! |
manjalara_01 replied at 30-11-2020 02:19 PM
Another work i pernah buat data entry. Guess what byk silap jgk la kan. Then slalu kena sound sbb sl ...
u anggap ni a good experience utk u... u ingat depa x pressure ke keje.. ingat x penat ke? padan muka depa call banyak banyak... masa i baru keje... my first job is receptionist kat foreign company.. so setiap hari angkat call akan say good morning abc. com (cth la)... so kalau sehari mau 50 calls jwb... balik rumah angkat phone pun hello abc com ya... hahhaa so good for u. hahahha sory manja im just trying to make u feel better... life is just how u see things... i pun kena perli or yeah bully... but instantly i changed... i react awesomely... hopefully and insyaallah |
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Post time 30-11-2020 04:35 PM
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adila39 replied at 30-11-2020 02:55 PM
i rasa bab beli pad tu, utk i yg xd isu adhd.. still salah jugak... infact i xpenah betul tiap kal ...
Ok some people x kisah psl pad. Tp i need yg ade wing kalu x spender i jd mangsa. 4 sure u phm part ni. Lain org lain keperluan la kot. & Yes pad nowadays mmg mahal. Kalau gaji ribu2 xde masalah. |
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Post time 30-11-2020 04:44 PM
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adila39 replied at 30-11-2020 03:01 PM
u anggap ni a good experience utk u... u ingat depa x pressure ke keje.. ingat x penat ke? padan m ...
U 4 me mmg pengalaman mcm ni berlanjutan about 10 years bertukar2 keje every 2, 3 months sbb incompetence diri sendiri how is that a good experience for anybody?? Stress gile! Especially bab nk beli mkn suap perut sendiri financial indepence. Infact asyik b'tukar keje pun stressfulkan?
I thought masa tgh covid ni mungkin org lg phm kot sbb ramai hilang keje. Perit kan? Ade yg sampai bunuh diri.
How about for most of your working life asyik kena fire/ undur diri sblum kena fire. NOT cause company gulung tikatr tp sbb u X bleh buat keje yg level gaji ciput less than RM1000??
Bleh je buat list side effect pd self-esteem etc...tp rs bleh fikir sendiri kot.
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Post time 30-11-2020 05:42 PM
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Lg 1 lepas bc info2 psl adhd & tgk youtube channel ade je disebut huyperfocus. Kelebihan ni sgt m'bantu espcially ditempat keje. Tp obviously i xde kelebihan ni. Kalau ade rsnya xde la teruk sgt pengalaman bekerja..level2 bleh keje + keje elok bleh buke youtube channel adhd & share pengalaman. Not t shame2 level like me.![](static/image/smiley/onion/bite.gif) |
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