[16.02.09] Popular Girl Groups Have 'Foreigners'... Why?
Thesedays within popular girl groups there is a common factor. It's thatwithin the team there are members who grew up in foreign countries orstudied overseas.
9 member girl group SNSD who is receivinglots of popularity with their new mini album title song 'Gee', membersTiffany (20) and Jessica (20) are from overseas. Tiffany and Jessicagrew up in the States and to fulfill their dreams of becoming singersduring middle school and high school, they came to Korea.
5member girl group Kara's member Nicole (18) is from overseas. Kara'sentertainment company DSP Media informed on the 16th '' Born inAmerica, Nicole came to Korea around the age of 15 after living thereto become a singer."
New and superior girl group After School'syoungest Baekha (20) also came from overseas from Hawaii in America andbefore 1 year and 6 months ago, lived there since.
In popular girl groups, after being born in Korea, there are members who traveled overseas to study in America, Japan and China.
WonderGirls' Yoobin (21) went overseas for a year and 2 months after herfamily's business moved to the States and came back to Korea.
Jewelry'sHaJuyeon (23) also studied overseas. Jewelry's entertainment companyStar Empire informed "Ha Juyeon graduated in U.S.A, L.A's Granada HighSchool and while going to a college there, came back to Korea to becomea singer."
Kara's Han Seungyeon (21) attended one of America'stop high schools, Tenafly High School in New Jersey for about a yearand 6 months. Han Seungyeon told Star News saying "I didn't graduatefrom Tenafly High School, in the middle I wanted to become a singer andcame back to Korea." After returning from America, Han Seungyeongraduated from a high school in Korea through a G.E.D and afterstudying hard in 2008 was accepted at Kyunghee University for Theaterand Drama.
SNSD's Sooyoung (19) and Hyoyeon (20) studiedoverseas during their middle school days separately in Japan and China.SNSD's entertainment company SM Entertainment revealed "Sooyoungstudied in Japan and Hyoyeon studied in China for over 1 year" and "Thetwo went overseas to study during middle school and after living therehas become very familiar to the language."
Then why are thepopular girl groups these days have members from overseas as if it's agiven? About the topic, entertainment officials say "It is because themembers provide multiple benefits to the team and selling overseas."
Thereis also the positive factor that the foreign members could naturallydigest the English raps to songs when looking at the team internally.
Oneentertainment official said '' Within girl groups, the members fromoversea are fluent in English" and "These days, girl groups' songshaving English raps are common, its comfortable for the foreign memberswho are used to English and could express it better, making it apositive point." Wonder Girls' rapper Yoobin and Jewerly's Ha Juyeon isan exception.
In general, during oversea activities, the membersgive a lot of help to the team. Of course in Asia and America, whenpromoting, the members who are comfortable with English, Japanese andChinese are responsible for the role of introducing themselves to fansand local media members.
SM Entertainment informed "When SNSDmet with fans from China and Japan, Hyoyeon and Sooyoung who are usedto the culture are the one who mainly interact with the fans" andexplained that "In English interviews, Tiffany and Jessica are a bighelp."
Translations by juhyun ♥@ soshified.com/forums
Article by Reporter GilHyesung @ Starnews