추운겨울 잘 보내고 계신가요?
Are you guys doing well during this cold winter?
잠시 소식을 알려 드립니다.
I’m here to give a quick update.
지난 13일 한국, 일본, 태국의 방송인터뷰가 있었습니다.
On the 13th, we had broadcast interviews with Korea, Japan, and Thailand.
오는 19일 방송되는 MBC ‘기분좋은 날’에서 인터뷰 현장의 일부를 스케치 하였으니 13일 이민호씨의 모습을 방송으로 확인하실 수 있을 것 같습니다~^^
Upcoming on the 19th, you should be able to see some of the the interviews of Lee Min Ho taken that were taken on the 13th through MBC “Good Day”~^^
지난 7일에는 연극을 관람하였는데요, 관람을 가던 도중 MBC 7일간의 기적과 인연이 되어 촬영을 진행하게 되었습니다.
We attended a play on the 7th, and along our way to the play, we miraculously met with MBC “7 Days of Miracle” and proceeded with the shooting, thinking that it was fate.
7일간의 기적 이라는 프로그램은 7동안의 물물교환을 통해 작은 물품을 큰 물건으로 바꾸어 나가, 최종 바꾼 물건을 의뢰인에게 전달하는 의미 있는 프로그램 입니다.
“7 Days of Miracle” is a meaningful program where you exchange 7 small goods through barter for big goods, and the final exchange is delivered to the client.
이민호씨도 즉석에서 몇 가지 물품을 전달하게 되었습니다.
Lee Min Ho was able to deliver some of the goods on the spot.
이민호씨와의 즉석인터뷰! 20일 또는 17일 방송 될 예정입니다 ^^
Lee Min Ho’s impromptu interview! It will plan to air on the 17th and the 20th ^^
프로그램에 대한 궁금증은 아래의 사이트로 접속하여 문의 해 주세요.
If you would like to know more about the program, please visit the program’s site below.
추운날씨 건강 유의 하시고
Please take care of your health from the cold weather
즐거운 주말 보내세요.
and enjoy your weekend.
Happy New Year!
Original Source: leeminho.kr
Translated By: Solly @ Lee Min Ho’s World
Posted by admin on Jan 14, 2011
Filled under: Staff Diary
Pretty boy Lee Min Ho said, “I don’t have a youthful looking face.”
Born in the year of the rabbit and planning to appear in “City Hunter” which will broadcast in May, Lee Min Ho was also in MBC Drama “Personal Taste” and received nicknames such as, “Honey Eyes,” “Cold City Guy,” “Rich Guy,” etc. Lee Min Ho is especially receiving a lot more attention because of the photos shared by his fans and given new nicknames because of them. However, netizens were surprised and said, “He must be joking,” by the comment he made.
Netizens who saw him at the MBC Drama Awards, which aired in December, stated that they couldn’t find Jun Jin Ho, the character he played in “Personal Taste,” in him, and praised his appearance by calling him, “Lee Beauty,” “Juvenescence Min Ho,” and “Fairy Pitta.” [Note: Fairy Pitta is a type of bird found in Korea]
From an interview Lee Min Ho did for a Japanese broadcast, he stated, “I believe that I do not have a youthful looking face. It’s a disadvantage that I have as a human being Lee Min Ho, but I believe it’s an advantage as an actor.”
Some of the netizens commented, “Lee Min Ho’s blunder added for 2011,” “I was surprised to find out that he was born the same year as me. However, I still want to call him oppa,” “When he acts, he seems like an oppa, but when I look at his photos, he seems like a dongseng, so I like that,” etc.
Lee Min Ho received the Best Dresser Award from the Drama Awards which aired in December, and addition to it, he won the Male Excellence Award for his appearance in MBC Drama “Personal Taste.”
Original Source: osen.co.kr
Translated By: Solly @ Lee Min Ho’s World
Posted by admin on Jan 15, 2011
Filled under: News
During his “Entertainment Weekly“ interview on January 15th, the reporter asked, “Don’t you want to have a girlfriend?”
Min Ho replied, “I want to date, but I don’t go out to a lot of places. I always meet the same people, so I don’t have a chance to meet someone new.”
Seizing the opportunity, the reporter said: “Then try a reporter from ‘Entertainment Weekly’.” Responding with an awkward laugh, Lee Min Ho managed to side-step around the situation.
It was also revealed that Lee Min Ho has a bit of a confidence issue with his kissing ability. “I’m not very good at kissing,” he confessed, but then he later mentioned, “I think female actresses were quite satisfied with my kiss scenes.”
Yes, you have read the header right! Heartthrob Lee Minho is on the search for a girlfriend.
On the latest episode of KBS2TV’s ‘Entertainment Weekly’, Lee Minho shared his thoughts about dating. When he was asked if he wanted a girlfriend, he replied, “Although I do want to date, I can’t go out that often”, adding, “Everyday , I always meet with the same people and never get the chance to meet anyone new”.
To which the reporter suggested, “You should become a reporter for ‘Entertainment Weekly’”, Minho awkwardly laughs this off, unable to hide his flustered face.
He also happened to confess, “I am not very good at kissing, but the female actresses seem to be satisfied with my kiss scenes”, causing laughter in the atmosphere.
There you have it girls, Minho is waiting for you, so what are you waiting for? Start queuing up now!
Lee Min-ho "I want to act with Jeon Do-yeon as my older girlfriend" confesses
Actor Lee Min-ho chose Jeon Do-yeon as the actress he most wants to act with.
Lee Min-ho spoke about this, being on MBC "Good Day".
Lee Min-ho proved his acting skills in the MBC Acting Awards last year, receiving the Best Actor Award and after MBC "Personal Taste", he is preparing for his next project.
He confessed, "It's true we have a big age gap but I would like to act with Jeon Do-yeon with her as my older girlfriend". He also picked Son Ye-jin and Lee Min-jeong as the actresses he worked best with.
This day, Lee Min-ho spoke about Park Myeong-soo as the best person to parody Koo Joon-pyo, and he also spoke about his best friends Jeong Il-woo. Son Ye-jin and Kim Soo-ro also talked about Lee Min-ho.
Source : news.nate.com/view/20... ( Korean )
Translation : Hancinema
Lee Min Ho surprisingly says, “I wanted to be like Bakjiseong.”
January 19, 2011 2:21 pm embassador
Seoul, Korea – Actor Lee Min Ho talked on a dream he had had in childhood.
Lee Min Ho recently talked about how he had been doing lately at an MBC morning talk show, ‘A pleasant day.’ Lee Min Ho, who got recognized for his acting ability by winning an acting award with a MBC drama ‘A personal taste,’ is currently preparing for the next one in which to star.
During the show said he, “When I was a child, I wanted to be a soccer player. Specifically, I wished to be an excellent player just like the player Bakjiseong.” Telling this, he also unveiled his growth process from the past.
As actresses he worked in perfect harmony with, he pointed out actresses Lee Min Jung and Son Ye Jin. As the one with whom he wants to work later on, he mentioned actress Jeon Do Yeon.
Not only that, but Lee Min Ho’s best friend Jeong Il U, and actress Son Ye Jin who worked with him for the drama ‘A personal taste,’ talked about what they had in mind on Lee Min Ho.
The true stories of Lee Min Ho including his growth process and latest news will be revealed to the public through the MBC talk show ‘A pleasant day’ at 9:45 am on the upcoming 19th.
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Lee Min Ho Gains Popularity in Japan, Requests for Interviews are Endless
Japan is heating up their interest towards the actor Lee Min Ho.
Lee Min Ho’s recent drama “Personal Taste” was aired in Japan which sparked the interest.
On January 22nd, the broadcast of Min Ho attending the charity event in Japan captured many hearts of the Japanese fans.
Last November, the International Peace Organization of the UN was held in Tokyo, Japan, and Lee Min Ho attended the “Love & Peace” charity event which was held for the victims affected by the Haitian and Chile earthquakes. The theme of the event was “friendship.”
Lee Min Ho was the only Korean actor who was invited to attend the “Love & Peace” event as a representative of Korea, and a crowd of 3,000 people gathered to see him receive his certificate of appreciation given by the UN.
A representative of Lee Min Ho’s agency stated, “The recent drama “Personal Taste” which Lee Min Ho starred in has gained popularity in Japan, and the requests for interviews have been endless,” and, “Not only Japan, but countries such as Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, and many others are also broadcasting the drama, and there are even reruns going on as well.”
On the other hand, Lee Min Ho is preparing for his upcoming SBS Drama “City Hunter” which will air in May.
Original Source: stoo.com
Translated By: Solly @ Lee Min Ho’s World