Reply 4# noraienz
ok...thanks...resume nak hantar ke alamat yang diberi tu ke? ok..jap lagi saya pos..... |
Post Last Edit by Iqbal_Absmd at 1-11-2010 11:32
ahh dulu aku penah try ni..ade post pereka ke ape ntah...haram x dpt...:@:@ |
Reply 4# noraienz
puan, kalau resume scan & sent by email boleh tak ? |
soanya nka send kat mana ada email address ke dia bagi |
tanye dulu... kalau boleh baru mintak email puan noraienz ni he he.... |
Reply 6# pluto
hantar pada:
Noraien Abu Samah
Unit Pelantikan, Bahagian Sumber Manusia
Aras 1, Bangunan Canseleri
Universiti Malaya
50603 KL |
Reply 8# Iqbal_Absmd
salam, sy baru take over untuk handle pelantikan kumpulan sokongan ni. mungkin permohonan saudara tidak memenuhi syarat lantikan seperti dalam skim atau jabatan yg perlukan pereka tu decide utk hold sementara pelantikan, sy tak pasti. resume yang dihatar pada kami ada dalam simpanan. bila kami perlu kami akan cari calon yg sesuai dari situ. setakat ni kami tak pernah buang resume yg dihantar kepada kami. |
Reply 9# sumimasen
kami prefer dalam bentuk hard copy.  |
Reply 10# pluto
address ada dlm iklan tu dan juga dlm reply sy di atas. |
Reply 13# noraienz
x memenuhi syarat apekah???? ade je la alasan..xpe2...jgn riso..aku dah x apply dah kt "UM" tu...
masuk sana kroni, masuk sini kroni...fedup...
ape2 pon time kaseh byk la ye pn 
mungkin betul la kot aku x cukup syarat tuh...
(ntah ape syarat ntah ) |
walaupun ads aku before2 this mcm tak laku, aku tetap gak nak buat iklan
kalau korang:
1 ...
geenie Post at 26-10-2010 20:26 
personal asst ker , secretary ker or admin tak ada ker in that area..kalau ada aku nak cuba.. |
Reply 15# noraienz
salam Puan Noraienz
saya ada send PM pada puan.
puan balas yer   |
Reply 17# kaishi
salam kaishi..sudah reply ya |
Trainee - Semiconductor Analog IC Design R&D Eng (NEW INTAKE !!!!!!)
Post Last Edit by Just_a_Student at 29-12-2010 14:53
Nampak ni kat Jobstreet, nak share wth u
training ni bagus utk uni grad
Be Part of the Nation’s High Income Talent
for Semiconductor Electronics Industry
This Special Programme is brought to you by Selangor Human Resource Development Centre to support the Malaysia’s Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) vision to produce 157, 000 high-skilled and medium skilled workforce in Malaysia Semiconductor Electronics & Electrical sector by 2020.
Industry Approved Specialized Program:
* Intensive 9 months application & hands-on IC Design training conducted by the industry highly experienced trainers using the state-of-art technology EDA tools.
* 6 months On the Job Training (OJT) placement in reputable organizations upon successful training completion such as Spansion, Renesas, HIP Semiconductor, Silterra etc.
* Distinguished, Value-Added & Hands-On Experience
* Competitive advantage over fresh university graduates.
* Training allowances is provided throughout the program.
Semiconductor Analog IC Design R&D Engineers
* Minimum CGPA of 2.80 and above or equivalent
* Malaysian with Degrees in Engineering Electrical/Electronics/Microelectronics/Physics/Computer Engineering or related field.
* Fresh graduates are strongly encouraged to apply
* Must not be employed at the time of joining
To apply:
If you are committed to make a head start in your career, send your detailed curriculum vitae, full transcript & certificate to :
Trainee - Semiconductor Analog IC Design R&D Eng
( http://siva-my.jobstreet.com/_ad ... 10/1170968.htm?fr=R )
SALARY : Based on experience
Sila email ke [email protected] for interview.
thanks |
Reply 936# adieqchomelz
nk cpt ke?
nak lelaki ke pmpn? |
klu dpt secepat mungkin lg bagus...
laki ke pompuan tak kisah..tp lg baik pompuan...sbb byk dok opis jer... |
kalo xde exp?
adik ipar tgh cari keje.. |
Hurry up...... recruitment in progress!!! |
| |
Category: Belia & Informasi