Originally posted by lillet at 24-3-2009 06:35
itch becos she got eyes for yr Rachel
u lack vitamin in yr brain
adam performance must be weird to alot of common people
only unique people like me appreciate this style of ART
pola n simon's coupling was sumetime embarassing , keep the itchiness behind the scene pliss
go for adam all the way
my brain need overhaul i guess
but still i think ur adam got chance to win
n i laik dis 1 guy...looks laik justin timberlake..i think his name is matt
that's d way they attract d people i guess...
u jeles bcoz u laik simon ehh
Originally posted by lillet at 24-3-2009 07:54
dun care thats ma job or else no food to eat
not greedy but just wanna have extra money so i can help u
no way the river also lap me, river will get dry when see me
and autogate will open 24 hrs to release extra load
ma soulmate cant sleep n work if i dun smile to him
toy aeroplane no need gas, this is jumbo airplane alot tongs needed
u can eat d gas...n ur belly becomes more n more airy
laik a 5 month's pregnant lady
u wanna help me wif what...selling my gas
river will flow to d sea...
autogate shud have taim to rest oso....stop pushing okayy
ur smile look horrible...he afraid akceli
donno bout jumbo aeroplane onli knoe bout mc value jumbo...got burger n drink
Originally posted by lillet at 24-3-2009 08:01
tone LESS
golden rubbish box lined with golden gas produced by u know who
termite queen even bigger carrying fat stomach full of gas
i dun see u talking abt yr love anymore, love lost in space
u got hat look like the chicken feather
pity u, u can work with me as chef in training
ma mouth only swallow sweet and delicious food
ms orange mandarin always not doing work , maybe time to give her warning letter
sing LESS
the u know who...reminds me of voldermortu knoe him or not
not full of gas but full of babies...
aim afraid if i keep on talkin bout him...u ll get bored
but tell you 1 thing...
i miss him more n more everday
that hat i bought in paris u knoe.....on d street
no need ...i got new job oredi...
4 u its taste delicious...but d truth u r eating rotten food
ms mandarin laik a mother wif 5 children...so bizi rite now..taim 4 her to retire i guess
Hearing your most favorite song
Your love's embrace so sweet and long
A full moon smiling back at you
A goodnight kiss, or maybe two
Never taking, only giving
You're smile makes my life worth living