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Author: bella_bali

All About Bali Part III

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Post time 14-4-2009 05:04 PM | Show all posts

Balas #920 AboutJane甛 catat

Thanks for the info.  Bwk tripod sekali yek.  Biasanya kalau pakai DSLR nie mesti ada photoblog ke, flickrs ke.......bak la sini kalau tak keberatan nak gak nengok hasil2 photo yg u shoot.

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Post time 14-4-2009 06:39 PM | Show all posts

bali...been there day 2 part 1

sambung lagik...since ari ni aku cuti lagikan..hehe..tgh edit2 sket gambar n upload mana yg patut... esok2 aku dh keje susah sketla kot. so aku sambung cite aku

day 2 began with breakfast @ vilarisi. well not bad jugakla makanan dia...bolehla mengalas perut. ada juice, coffee, tea, roti, soup, nasi/mee goreng veggie ( sebab aku check xde apa2 sgt except sayur...member aku jer yg try), egg of your choice, salad and buahan.
anyway...hotel staff n service, i rate good. very friendly...after breakfast..jumpa yanto kat lobi and he took us to our 1st destination, watching Barong-Keris Dance..somewhere in Kuta. tiket harga IDR 80k. layaaann...entertaining gak pada aku..even aku rasa bile nengok dancer2 nye make-up tu..a bit scary hehehe...



dah setel tengok barong dance...kitaorg pun berangkat ke tanjung benoa utk watersports activties. memula isme dah tolong book kan pakej snorkelling+glass bottom boat ride+pulau penyu @ IDR750k for 4 pax, but sampai situ...kitaorg telah dipromote dgn jayanya oleh tokey kedai...untuk hamek diving package.lebey kurang dalam IDR 500k sorang.. x caya jer nk g diving sebab aku xpenah2 diving n x reti berenang. pakej yg kitaorg di offer - diving+ glass bottom boat ride+pulau penyu+ lunch. yg best..siap ada diver yg ikut amik gambar n recordkan underwater video utk trip kitaorg. hehehe.  anyway..member diving aku kata..kalao kat msia..ada gak pakej gini..they call it as Discovery, before korang start amik lesen diving betul2.

btw...since kitaorg juz diving area tanjung benoa tu..the coral etc. xdela breathtaking sgt. compared to coral2 kat malaysia nih..which i think waaaaaaay beautiful. but then kitaorg amik pakej tu..sebab nk rasa diving experience. bagus beb service dia..sebab relatively murah...and siap ada guide skali yang bawak n jaga kitaorg masuk kedalam laut tu...aku xreti berenang..siap ada sorang diver yg bawak aku jejalan bawah laut tu..hehe sedalam 5 meter main ngan ikan2 tu..hehe... well..for experience sake..  
after diving...kitaorg tengok VCD underwater kitaorg sambil relaks2...before pegi pulau penyu. it is basically private sanctuary utk penyu sisik and hijau, plus few binatang kelawar, helang laut ( jinak n cumil giler..sebab dh dari kecik diaorg jaga), hornbill, iguana and ular sawa.  kejap jer tour sini..but kitaorg siap main angkat2 lagik penyu yg besau2..and main ngan hornbill tu n amik gambar ..pastu kasila donation sket utk keep the place running. mamat yg guide kitaorg tu pun bagusla..kasik penerangan etc. dah sudah tu..kitaorg balik semula ke tanjung benoa and lunch kat situ. it's complementary lunch with the diving package tu..makan mee goreng ala2 indo mee tu. okla beb..kenyang gak.

pastu yanto bawak kitaorg gi solat kat masjid nusa dua. kat tempat nih ada 3-4 tempat ibadat utk setiap agama..sebelah menyebelah pulak tu.


[ Last edited by  AboutJane

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Post time 14-4-2009 08:55 PM | Show all posts

Reply #923 AboutJane

best siot hang dpt g diving,jeles plak ceem.
pic mmg cun habeh..:victory:
g uluwatu x,tgk kecak dance?

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Post time 14-4-2009 10:17 PM | Show all posts

Reply #925 AboutJane

hoccay will wait for ur experience..
btw suluban mmg cun yanto xsound awal2 kalo x boleh bwk bj siap2 sbb leh mandi
pantai dia mmg superb(pantai hoccay,mukan topless haha)

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Post time 15-4-2009 12:46 AM | Show all posts

Reply #925 AboutJane

tak bole lupa time gi dreamland 2thn lepas.

Toilet dia, da banjir ngan air jamban, ade pulak 1-2 "goreng pisang" terlepas

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Post time 15-4-2009 10:18 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ceempaka at 14-4-2009 22:17
hoccay will wait for ur experience..
btw suluban mmg cun yanto xsound awal2 kalo x boleh bwk bj siap2 sbb leh mandi
pantai dia mmg superb(pantai hoccay,mukan topless haha)

yeap..suluban beach tuh memang superb.

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Post time 15-4-2009 10:52 AM | Show all posts

test 123

123 123..napa x nampak reply nih...

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Post time 15-4-2009 11:50 AM | Show all posts

Balas #923 AboutJane甛 catat

Jane jgn ler lama sgt buat kami menungggu laporan TBC hang tu.....

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Post time 15-4-2009 11:52 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 15-4-2009 12:32 PM | Show all posts
gilos nyer tread...mendapp dah 2 ari

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Post time 15-4-2009 02:22 PM | Show all posts

been there...bali day 2 part 2

..penat aku type...tersalah tekan butang plak..ilang semuanya td....hilang momentum aku.

ok meh aku apdet what happened next. after solat, yanto bawak kitaorg pegi Bali Cliff. But kitaorg tak turun ke pantainya sebab hari panas bangat and tak sanggup nak turun and daki anak tangga yg hampir 500 tu. even amik gambar dari atas pun, xde nampak apa2 sangat. so korang kalau ada banyak masa and sanggup naik turun tangga tu...bolela kot..else better skip.

after that, kitaorg proceed to Dreamland Beach...and kitaorg access via KLAPA. clubhouse nih memang very posh. ada spa, swimming pool infinity, cafe and access to the beach. kat beach adala org berjemur, mandi-manda and surfing.

lepas tu..kitaorg pegi Padang-padang Beach. Nothing interesting. this beach mcm blum dicommercialised lagi sebab xde la clubhouse cam dreamland etc. tu..juz few stalls. but for those nk sunbathing..agaknya peace sketla kat sini. pantainya pun xdela besar sgt...this one boleh skip jer.
after padang-padang...barula kitaorg gerak pergi Suluban Beach. Wow...breathtaking. kat tepi cliff tu..ada resort and on the way turun tangga tu..ada kedai2, cafe etc. The beach is known as the best surfing spot and masa aku gi tu...adala 4-5 org surfing...pantai dia pun best. Kat cliff tu..ada disediakan tempat view...which u can see uluwatu cliff if not mistaken. however..nak turun ke beach dia tu agak mencabar with tangga-tangga kecil..but it worth..sebab pantai dia cantik.

i would love to go back here. and lepak for sunset and photographing the surfing activities there. kat situ masa aku turun ke beach..ada satu photography gallery on suluban beach nye surfing activities..rugi plak tak visit..sebab tak sempat nk gerak g uluwatu dah masa tu.  

after that since dah kul 5.00pm..kitaorg pun gerak ke Uluwatu untuk tengok kecak dance. sampai ajer..dah ramai org..and yanto terpaksa parking jauh sket...pastu aku plak pakai spek and terpaksa simpan awal2 spek aku...dari monyet2 kat situ. sedey gak sebab takde spek..susah ler aku nk amik gambor. tgh jejalan ke tempat kecak dance tu...ingat nak amik gambar uluwatu cliff tu..but depan mata aku makcik tu kena curik sunglass oleh monyet2 di situ. aku jalan jerla.....

sampai kat tempat kecak dance tu...lebih half of the seat dah fill in...but masa kat situ..yanto dh pass balik spek bolela amik gambar balik. Alhamdulillah...ptg tu nye sunset..mak aiii cantek bangat...and aku manage to shoot from tempat duduk aku.

kecak best tengok show nih. recommended! yanto cakap kat uluwatu nih paling best.


after..tengok kecak dance...kitaorg pun gi dinner kat jimbaran. amik ikan 2 ekor, cumi2, udang etc. a bit pricey...but sedap and make our trip yang memenatkan tu worth. plus with the ambient kat situ..seronot.

hehehe...after dinner..kitaorg balik that ends my story on my 2nd day di bali....


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Post time 15-4-2009 02:29 PM | Show all posts
wwwooowww very detaill....kalau honeymoon nati aku nkpi sini la

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Post time 15-4-2009 02:35 PM | Show all posts

Balas #932 AboutJane甛 catat


Gambar2 u taken mmg cantik plus with very gud story.  Tak sabar nak nunggu version baru masuk.

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Post time 15-4-2009 03:01 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Suhazlina at 15-4-2009 14:35

Gambar2 u taken mmg cantik plus with very gud story.  Tak sabar nak nunggu version baru masuk.

TQ2.. ... i was thrilled with the trip..tu yg excited sgt nk shared with u guyz. hehe.
next entry ( iskk...mcm blog la plak)...lambat sket.. gambar2 fr ari ke 3-6...semua dlm raw file lagi..blum convert to jpeg.
sabar ek...

[ Last edited by  AboutJane

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Post time 15-4-2009 03:17 PM | Show all posts

Balas #935 AboutJane甛 catat

to be honest bro tak sabar sebenarnya.............teruja with all your photo.  i really can't wait for my time la tp tu la lambat lagi bulan 12 tu hu hu hu

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Post time 15-4-2009 06:20 PM | Show all posts
wow..tq bro for u'r pic..aku lagi teruja nak g nih..lagi sebulan jer lagi aku nak g sana..tapi aku tak diving kot..aku ngan isteri aku nih dua2 tak reti berenang  nanti aku nak suh pak aris suggest ler tempat mana yg romantik sikit tuk aku p...he..he..

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Post time 15-4-2009 06:41 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by bendera at 15-4-2009 18:20
wow..tq bro for u'r pic..aku lagi teruja nak g nih..lagi sebulan jer lagi aku nak g sana..tapi aku tak diving kot..aku ngan isteri aku nih dua2 tak reti berenang  nanti aku nak suh pak aris  ... entry ada tempat best kalo ko nak lepak2 n beromantis bersama luv one. wait aaa...

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Post time 15-4-2009 08:20 PM | Show all posts

been there...bali day 3 part 1

ok..meh aku sambung cite on hari ke-3 nye. bermula dgn drama, as aku rupanya tertinggal CF card untuk kamera aku di malaysia. stress giler ...sebab aku ingat dh setel packing tinggal CF 4gb aku jer yg almost dh nak full. so nak tak nak kena gak gi cari..else tadela men-shooting etc. jumpa kat satu kedai di denpasar...and since  CF card nih not very common di utk 4gb extreme 3 sandisk..abes duit aku.... ..taper-taper...nak amik gambar punya pasal.

our first stop was Taman Ayun Temple. based on my understanding pura nih is tempat diaorg simpan abu mayat raja dan orang-orang kebesaran. yanto cakap, tinggi dia nye atap tu..tinggi la darjat/pangkat nye. but pura nih xbleh masuk for visit...just jalan di sekeliling dia jer. okla kot...but i think u can skip it.


after that kitaorg terus berangkat ke bedugul area. kitaorg stop di jatiluwih and minum kopi kat saranam eco-resort sambil nengok sawah padi bertingkat yg luas tu. ehhe..kitaorg minum kopi bali dan goreng pisang...

breathtaking! ..anyway..saranam eco resort nih sesuaila kalao korang nk stay berhoneymoon..sebab view dia cantek...nk best boleh amik villa kat betul2 depan sawah padi tu...cantek beb. yanto tanya rate dia ...kalao x silap murah gakla... somehow we didnot manage to turun bawah kat area sawah tu sebab turun punya turun..tangga from cafe tu..x sampai bawah...kena lalu the other entrance utk pegi area villa (gambar tengah).

dah puas ambil gambar etc. kitaorg pun bergerak ke air terjun gitgit..kita akan lalu jalan tanah tinggi yang selekoh tak hengat. impressed aku nengok yanto bawak suzuki APV 1.3l tu...hehe. along the way..boleh lihat tasik-tasik tanah tinggi cam buyan and tamblingan lake. anyway...towards the destination...suasana agak mendung sebab area tu berkabus etc.. sejuk gakla.

akhirnya kitaorg sampai gak kat waterfall tu. well..kena jalan dalam 350m (ikut sign tu)...which aku rasa cam lagi jauh jer. hehe...sampai apa lagi...kitaorg ler yg memecah keheningan di situ dgn terjun tiruk etc. hehehe. sejuk gilos air dia...dahler atas gunung. btw...air terjun nih digelar twin tu sebab korang tengok gambar tu..dia 'terjun' dr 2 arah tu. but kolam dia xdela besar sgt...and takdela bertingkat2 cam air terjun sekayu etc. so up to u guyz nk g ke tak...sebab agak jauh..and if time is constraint u can skip...but kitaorg enjoyz.

so that conclude half of day 3 kitaorg.... tbc.

just a tip : singgah jatiluwih and watch the rice terrace first..sebab towards seems like area tanah tinggi kat bali nih berawan, berkabus and ujan..

[ Last edited by  AboutJane

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Post time 15-4-2009 08:45 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Suhazlina at 15-4-2009 15:17
to be honest bro tak sabar sebenarnya.............teruja with all your photo.  i really can't wait for my time la tp tu la lambat lagi bulan 12 tu hu hu hu

Bulan 12 bila?..saya pergi 30/11-4/12...


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Post time 15-4-2009 09:21 PM | Show all posts

Balas #939 AboutJane甛 catat

nice pics ....ko xpi Lovina ke tgok dolphin?

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