Tarikh Peristiwa : 28 Mac 1992
Pada hari ini dalam tahun 1992, laluan Damansara-Sungai Buloh-Rawang dibuka secara rasminya oleh Menteri Kerja Raya, Datuk Leo Moggie. Laluan baru yang berharga RM232.1 juta itu menghubungkan Lebuh Raya Baru Lembah Klang (NKVE) dengan Lebuh Raya Utara-Selatan. Pengguna jalan raya dari Klang dan Petaling Jaya tidak perlu melalui pusat bandar untuk ke Utara. Laluan ini dapat mempercepatkan perjalanan sepanjang 52 kilometer dari Klang ke Rawang dengan hanya 30 minit berbanding 90 minit melalui pusat bandar Kuala Lumpur. Pembukaan laluan ini membolehkan pengguna jalan raya keluar masuk dengan mudah melalui lima persimpangan dari Bukit Raja ke Pelabuhan Klang, Subang ke Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur di Subang, Damansara ke Petaling Jaya, Sungai Buluh ke Kuala Lumpur dan Rawang ke Utara. Laluan baru ini dapat memberi keselesaan, mempercepatkan perjalanan dan menjimatkan masa pengguna-pengguna jalan raya untuk ke Utara tanah air.
Pada hari ini, lebuh raya NKVE sepanjang 35 kilometer bermula dari Kuala Lumpur (Jalan Duta) merentasi kawasan perindustrian baru Klang dan berakhir di kawasan bandar (Bukit Raja) digunakan oleh penduduk di sekitar Kuala Lumpur, Petaling Jaya, Subang, Damansara, Sungai Buloh dan Klang setiap hari.
Sumber : Arkib Negara Malaysia dan PLUS

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Tarikh Peristiwa : 03-04-1956
Pada hari ini dalam tahun 1956, telah berlangsung Mesyuarat Tertutup Ahli-Ahli Majlis Gerakan Darurat yang diketuai oleh YTM Tunku Abdul Rahman selaku Ketua Menteri Persekutuan Tanah Melayu. Mesyuarat yang dianggotai seramai tujuh orang ahli majlis itu telah diadakan bagi membincangkan hal berkaitan keselamatan negara khususnya berkenaan dengan ancaman daripada komunis. Satu kata sepakat telah dicapai oleh ahli majlis mesyuarat berhubung penolakan tawaran baru daripada pihak komunis untuk mengadakan rundingan semula dengan dengan mereka selepas kegagalan Rundingan Baling yang telah diadakan pada 28 Disember 1955. Tunku berpendapat bahawa sememangnya pihak komunis tidak boleh berkerjasama. Mesyuarat telah mengambil keputusan untuk membenteras dan mengapuskan pergerakan komunis secara besar-besaran dan seterusnya menamatkan Darurat yang telah diisytiharkan pada 19 Jun 1948. Sesungguhnya, kata sepakat yang dicapai di dalam mesyuarat ini dan sikap tegas ketua Menteri dalam usaha menghapuskan ancaman komunis merupakan antara faktor kepada kejayaan menumpaskan komunis yang membawa kepada keamanan dan kesejahteraan negara sehingga membawa kepada kemerdekaaan negara pada tahun 1957. |
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Tarikh Peristiwa : 12-04-1985
Pada hari ini dalam tahun 1985, Malaysia telah mengadakan perjanjian kerjasama dalam perdagangan bertukaran barang dengan Austria. Perjanjian yang ditandatangani di Kuala Lumpur itu bertujuan untuk menggalakan perdagangan dua hala antara Malaysia dan Austria berdasarkan kepada keuntungan kedua-dua pihak terutama melibatkan pertukaran barang-barang keluaran negara masing-masing. Upacara menandatangani perjanjian disaksikan oleh Perdana Menteri, YAB Datuk Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamed bagi pihak Malaysia dan Encik Rudolf Salinger bagi pihak Austria. Malaysia mula mengorak langkah mengadakan perdagangan secara langsung dengan pelbagai negara sama ada di rantau ASEAN ataupun di lain-lain rantau. Usaha-usaha awal yang dijalankan oleh kerajaan itu menggalakkan pertumbuhan perdagangan secara tukar barang. Tentunya usaha ini merupakan langkah bijak dan pandangan jauh pemimpin negara dalam mengatasi kemelut mata wang yang melanda negara pada masa ini.
Sumber : http://hids.arkib.gov.my/-/perja ... gangan-tukar-barang |
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Tarikh Peristiwa : 12-04-1985
Yuri Gagarin was the first person to fly in space. His flight, on April 12, 1961, lasted 108 minutes as he circled the Earth for a little more than one orbit in the Soviet Union's Vostok spacecraft. Following the flight, Gagarin became a cultural hero in the Soviet Union. Even today, more than six decades after the historic flight, Gagarin is widely celebrated in Russian space museums, with numerous artifacts, busts and statues displayed in his honor. His remains are buried at the Kremlin in Moscow, and part of his spacecraft is on display at the RKK Energiya museum.
On April 12, 1961, at 9:07 a.m. Moscow time, the Vostok 1 spacecraft blasted off from the Soviets' launch site. Because no one was certain how weightlessness would affect a pilot, the spherical capsule had little in the way of onboard controls; the work was done either automatically or from the ground. If an emergency arose, Gagarin was supposed to receive an override code that would allow him to take manual control, but Sergei Korolev, chief designer of the Soviet space program, disregarded protocol and gave the code to the pilot prior to the flight.
Over the course of 108 minutes, Vostok 1 traveled around the Earth once, reaching a maximum height of 203 miles (327 kilometers). The spacecraft carried 10 days' worth of provisions in case the engines failed and Gagarin was required to wait for the orbit to naturally decay. But the supplies were unnecessary. Gagarin re-entered Earth's atmosphere, managing to maintain consciousness as he experienced forces up to eight times the pull of gravity during his descent.
Upon his return to Earth, Gagarin was an international hero. A cheering crowd of hundreds of thousands of people greeted him in Red Square, a public plaza in Moscow. A national treasure, Gagarin traveled around the world to celebrate the historic Soviet achievement.
When he returned home, Gagarin became a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union (the highest legislative body in the Soviet Union) and was appointed commander of the Cosmonauts' Detachment. Because the Soviets did not want to risk losing such an important public figure, they were hesitant about allowing Gagarin to return to space. He continued to make test flights for the Air Force, however.
On March 27, 1968, Gagarin was killed (along with another pilot) while test-piloting a MiG-15, a jet fighter aircraft. He was survived by his wife, Valentina Ivanovna Goryacheva, and two daughters.
Source : https://www.space.com/16159-first-man-in-space.html |
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Pada tarikh 15 Mac 1882, Mesyuarat Dewan Negeri Perak telah menukar nama Teluk Mak Intan kepada nama Teluk Anson dan pertukaran nama ini telah dicadangkan oleh Residen Inggeris di negeri Perak.
Residen Inggeris di negeri Perak pada waktu itu adalah Sir Hugh Low dan cadangan pertukaran nama Teluk Mak Intan kepada Teluk Anson adalah sebagai mengenang jasa General Archibald Anson iaitu individu yang pernah menjadi Pegawai Daerah Hilir Perak.
Terdapat cerita yang menarik untuk diketahui umum tentang bagaimana sebuah teluk di Kuala Sungai Perak telah diberi nama sebagai Teluk Mak Intan yang hari ini dikenali sebagai Teluk Intan.
Menurut cerita, antara penduduk yang mula-mula mendiami kampung ini adalah seorang wanita yang dikenali sebagai Mak Intan. Mak Intan ini adalah anak kepada seorang yang amat berpengaruh.
Pada satu hari, Mak Intan telah tercicir pacak intan di sanggulnya dan hilang ke dalam sungai. Oleh kerana itu, peristiwa tersebut seringkali disebut orang dan lama-kelamaan kampung tersebut digelar sebagai Teluk Mak Intan.
Dalam tahun 1880, iaitu enam tahun selepas campur tangan Inggeris di negeri Perak. Lokasi pusat pentadbiran Hilir Perak ialah di Durian Sebatang dan General Archibald Anson telah dilantik menjadi Pegawai Daerah Hilir Perak.
General Archibald Anson mendapati bahawa Teluk Mak Intan lebih sesuai untuk dijadikan pusat pentadbiran Inggeris. Oleh yang demikian, beliau telah memindahkan pusat pentadbiran ke lokasi baru.
Beliau juga telah menyusun semula kedudukan dan pelan pekan Teluk Mak Intan. Sebagai mengenang jasa beliau dalam pembangunan di Teluk Mak Intan, maka nama Teluk Mak Intan ditukar kepada nama Teluk Anson selepas beliau bersara dalam tahun 1882.
Apabila nama Teluk Anson digunakan selama 100 tahun dan dalam masa yang sama negara juga sudah mencapai kemerdekaan, nama Teluk Anson kemudian telah ditukarkan ke Teluk Intan untuk menghidupkan semula sebahagian daripada nama asalnya.
R.J. Wilkinson, Council Minutes 1880 – 1882, Papers On Malay Subjects, hal. 36
Khoo Kay Kim, Teluk Anson 100 Tahun, hal. 4
Penerangan Malaysia
https://friendsofhastingscemetery.org.uk/andonsae2.html |
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Hari ni dalam sejarah. Saya tak balik kampung beraya. Tak rasa raya pun kat sini... |
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Tarikh Peristiwa : 19-06-1982
Pada hari ini dalam tahun 1982, Cik Rabiah Omar menempa sejarah apabila muncul sebagai seorang wanita Melayu pertama menerima ijazah kejuruteraan dalam tempoh 20 tahun. Beliau menerima Ijazah Kepujian Kelas Kedua Tertinggi di Majlis Konvokesyen Universiti Malaya menerima ijazahnya dari Pro-Chanselor Universiti Malaya Tun Mohd. Suffian Hashim bersama-sama dengan 19 mahasiswa Melayu lain.
Cik Rabiah Omar, 23 tahun telah melahirkan rasa kesyukurannya kerana telah menjadi wanita Melayu pertama yang memperolehi ijazah kejuruteraan. Beliau yang dilahirkan di Singapura adalah anak kepada seorang anggota Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) Encik Omar bin Sulong.
Kejayaan beliau sebagai wanita Melayu pertama memperolehi ijazah kejuruteraan ini akan memberikan semangat kepada kaum wanita yang lain. Kegigihan dan daya usahanya untuk belajar dan mencapai kejayaan itu perlulah dicontohi oleh para mahasiswa khususnya pelajar-pelajar Melayu.
Dengan kejayaan Cik Rabiah Omar yang menjadi wanita Melayu pertama memperolehi ijazah kejuruteraan tersebut telah membawa perubahan baru dalam dunia pendidikan negara khususnya pencapaian kaum wanita dalam bidang tersebut.
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Tanggal 7 Julai merupakan hari ke 188 (hari ke 189 dalam tahun lompat) dalam kalendar Gregory dengan tinggal 177 hari lagi sebelum memasuki tahun selepasnya.
Hari ini juga merupakan sambutan Hari Kemerdekaan di Kepulauan Solomon (1978), Tanabata di Jepun, Malam Kupala di Rusia dan Ukraine dan Perlumbaan Lembu di Pamplona, Navarre, Sepanyol. |
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Pada hari ini 9.7.1985, Perdana Menteri Y.A.B. Dato’ Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad telah melancarkan perasmian Proton Saga, kereta nasional pertama Malaysia. Ia menandakan detik-detik permulaan dalam pengeluaran automobil di Malaysia. Syarikat pengeluar kereta ini ialah Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional Sdn Bhd (PROTON). Nama SAGA telah dipilih daripada peraduan menamakan kereta Malaysia anjuran PROTON. Projek Kereta Nasional merupakan satu daripada projek perindustrian berat yang telah dilaksanakan oleh Perbadanan Perusahaan Berat Malaysia Bhd (HICOM). Syarikat yang bertanggungjawab mengeluarkan Kereta Nasional, PROTON, ialah sebuah syarikat usahasama antara HICOM dengan Mitsubishi Motors Corporation dan Mitsubishi Corporation dari negeri Jepun. Reka bentuk kereta ini dicipta khas oleh pereka-pereka Malaysia dengan rekaan terbaru untuk prestasi yang tinggi, penjimatan petrol serta ruang dalam yang luas dan selesa. Pengeluaran yang pertama adalah dalam dua variasi iaitu 1.3S dan 1.5S. Reka bentuk kereta yang aerodinamik bukan sahaja cantik dipandang malah ia juga adalah faktor utama yang membantu ke arah penjimatan penggunaan bahan api. Sesungguhnya, penubuhan PROTON membuka suatu era baru dalam industri automobil di Malaysia. Di samping memupuk pertumbuhan dan perkembangan industri komponen, projek ini juga diharap dapat menggalakkan peningkatan pengetahuan teknologi kejuruteraan dan kemahiran kepada negara. |
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Tarikh Peristiwa : 02-08-1784
Pada hari ini dalam tahun 1784, Belanda berjaya menawan Selangor setelah mula melakukan serangan pada 13 Julai 1784. Kemenangan Belanda ke atas pusat pemerintahan di Kuala Selangor itu menyebabkan Sultan Selangor, Sultan Ibrahim bersama para pembesar dan pengikutnya berundur ke negeri Pahang. Serangan Belanda ke atas Selangor ini adalah sebagai membalas serangan Selangor ke atas kedudukan Belanda di Melaka. Ini kerana, semasa peperangan Kerajaan Melayu Johor-Riau dengan Belanda pada tahun 1783, Sultan Ibrahim telah membantu Johor menyerang Belanda di Melaka dan menyebabkan Belanda hampir-hampir tewas sekiranya tidak mendapat bantuan dari Betawi, Jawa. Dengan kemenangan ini, Belanda telah memperkuatkan lagi kota di Kuala Selangor yang terletak di atas Bukit Malawati dan menguasai perjalanan lalu lintas Selat Melaka, perdagangan bijih timah dan gambir. Namun, Sultan Ibrahim telah menyerang dan menawan semula Kuala Selangor dalam tahun 1785 dengan bantuan tentera Bendahara Pahang. Kemenangan ini membolehkan Baginda menegakkan kembali Kerajaan Melayu Selangor serta memperbaiki dan memperkuatkan lagi Kota Malawati sebagai tempat kawalan pertahanan kerajaannya dari sebarang serangan.
Sumber : Arkib Hari Ini Dalam Sejarah |
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Edited by rookiecake at 5-1-2021 12:59 PM

On January 5, 1933, construction begins on the Golden Gate Bridge, as workers began excavating 3.25 million cubic feet of dirt for the structure’s huge anchorages.
Following the Gold Rush boom that began in 1849, speculators realized the land north of San Francisco Bay would increase in value in direct proportion to its accessibility to the city. Soon, a plan was hatched to build a bridge that would span the Golden Gate, a narrow, 400-foot deep strait that serves as the mouth of the San Francisco Bay, connecting the San Francisco Peninsula with the southern end of Marin County.
Although the idea went back as far as 1869, the proposal took root in 1916. A former engineering student, James Wilkins, working as a journalist with the San Francisco Bulletin, called for a suspension bridge with a center span of 3,000 feet, nearly twice the length of any in existence. Wilkins’ idea was estimated to cost an astounding $100 million. So, San Francisco’s city engineer, Michael M. O’Shaughnessy (he’s also credited with coming up with the name Golden Gate Bridge), began asking bridge engineers whether they could do it for less.
Engineer and poet Joseph Strauss, a 5-foot tall Cincinnati-born Chicagoan, said he could.
Eventually, O’Shaughnessy and Strauss concluded they could build a pure suspension bridge within a practical range of $25-30 million with a main span at least 4,000 feet. The construction plan still faced opposition, including litigation, from many sources. By the time most of the obstacles were cleared, the Great Depression of 1929 had begun, limiting financing options, so officials convinced voters to support $35 million in bonded indebtedness, citing the jobs that would be created for the project. However, the bonds couldn’t be sold until 1932, when San-Francisco based Bank of America agreed to buy the entire project in order to help the local economy.
The Golden Gate Bridge officially opened on May 27, 1937, the longest bridge span in the world at the time. The first public crossing had taken place the day before, when 200,000 people walked, ran and even roller skated over the new bridge.
With its tall towers and famous trademarked "international orange" paint job, the bridge quickly became a famous American landmark, and a symbol of San Francisco.
Sumber www.history.com/.amp/this-day-in ... gate-bridge-is-born
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Edited by Amandaminaj96 at 18-2-2021 12:04 PM
Sejarah yang berlaku pada tarikh 18 Feb:
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Date: July 26, 1945
Location: Potsdam
Participants: China Japan United Kingdom United States
Context: World War II Allied powers
Key People: Chiang Kai-shek Winston Churchill Danshaku Suzuki Kantarō Harry S. Truman
Potsdam Declaration, ultimatum issued by the United States, Great Britain, and China on July 26, 1945, calling for the unconditional surrender of Japan. The declaration was made at the Potsdam Conference near the end of World War II.
Two months after Germany surrendered, Allied leaders gathered in Potsdam, Germany, to discuss peace settlements, among other issues. However, although the European phase of the conflict had ended, the war continued in the Pacific theatre as Japan remained committed to fighting. U.S. Pres. Harry S. Truman, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Chinese Nationalist leader Chiang Kai-shek thus drafted a declaration that defined the terms for Japan’s surrender and made dire warnings if the country failed to put down its weapons; Soviet leader Joseph Stalin was not part of the ultimatum because his country had not yet declared war on Japan.
The declaration claimed that “unintelligent calculations” by Japan’s military advisers had brought the country to the “threshold of annihilation.” Hoping that the Japanese would “follow the path of reason,” the leaders outlined their terms of surrender, which included complete disarmament, occupation of certain areas, and the creation of a “responsible government.” However, it also promised that Japan would not “be enslaved as a race or destroyed as a nation.” The declaration ended by warning of “prompt and utter destruction” if Japan failed to unconditionally surrender.
At a press conference, the Japanese Prime Minister Suzuki Kantarō responded to the ultimatum with “mokusatsu.” The translation of the word would become the source of much debate. While the press largely reported that he was refusing or ignoring the declaration, others later noted that mokusatsu could be translated to mean “no comment.” However, Japan made no further statements in the ensuing days, and on August 6, 1945, the U.S. military dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan, destroying most of the city. More destruction followed as Nagasaki was bombed three days later. During this time, the Soviet Union also declared war on Japan. On August 15, Japan officially surrendered.
U.S. Pres. Harry S. Truman and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill at the Potsdam Conference, summer 1945.
Source: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Potsdam-Declaration |
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7 of the World’s Deadliest Shipwrecks
Travel by sea has always carried an element of risk. Accidents, human error, harsh weather, and actions during wartime are among the things that could send a ship to the bottom. While some nautical disasters such as the sinking of the Titanic have captured the popular imagination, others—some of which involved a significantly greater loss of life—have remained relatively unknown.
SS Eastland
Eastland disaster infographic, July 24, 1915, Chicago, Illinois. shipwreck
Quick facts about the Eastland disaster
The American passenger liner SS Eastland capsized on the Chicago River on July 24, 1915. It remains one of the worst maritime disasters in American history. This infographic includes a timeline of the disaster, a map of where it happened, and a list of possible causes.
Encyclopdia Britannica, Inc./Patrick O'Neill Riley
One of the worst maritime disasters in U.S. history occurred on July 24, 1915, when the SS Eastland capsized on the Chicago River. Packed with Western Electric employees on their way to a company picnic, the Eastland sank within yards of shore. Of the estimated 2,500 people on board at the time, more than 800 were killed.
The White Ship
In the 21st century, crossing the English Channel is a matter of routine. A high-speed ferry can make the trip in 90 minutes, and a rail journey through the Channel Tunnel takes only a half hour or so. This was not the case in the early 12th century, when the crossing was a much more-hazardous affair. On November 25, 1120, some 300 people were drowned when the White Ship sank off the coast of Normandy. While that total may seem slight in comparison with other nautical disasters, one of those lost was William the Aetheling, the only legitimate son and heir to King Henry I of England. William’s death shattered Henry’s succession plans, and, when Henry died in 1135, a period of civil war ensued as rival claimants pressed their cases for the throne. Chronicles of the day related that, in addition to those killed in battle, thousands starved to death as a result of the unrest. Peace would not be fully restored until the ascent of Henry’s grandson, Henry II, in 1154.
SS Kiangya
In late 1948 communist forces had gained the initiative in the Chinese Civil War, and thousands fled the Nationalist stronghold of Shanghai before the advancing People’s Liberation Army. On December 4, 1948, the SS Kiangya was officially carrying 2,150 refugees—almost double its rated capacity—but several thousand more had crowded onto the steamer before it left the docks. The ship exploded at the mouth of the Huangpu River, most likely as the result of its striking a World War II-era mine. Perhaps 1,000 passengers were rescued, but as many as 4,000 were killed in the explosion and subsequent sinking.
SS Sultana
On April 27, 1865, the deadliest maritime disaster in U.S. history occurred when the side-wheel steamship SS Sultana exploded on the Mississippi River just north of Memphis, Tennessee. The American Civil War had ended just weeks before, and repatriated Union prisoners of war, having endured hellish conditions in Confederate military prisons, were eager to return to their homes in the North. To facilitate that journey, the federal government paid steamship operators handsomely for each soldier they carried. That practice led to astonishing levels of corruption as well as neglect of the most-basic safety concerns. In the case of the Sultana, that meant cutting corners on the repair of a leaky boiler and carrying as many as 2,300 people—more than six times the vessel’s rated capacity. When the overtaxed boiler ruptured, hundreds were killed in the initial explosion, and more were trapped when the overloaded decks collapsed. Although some 1,800 people were killed, the incident was largely overshadowed in the press by the ongoing coverage of the Lincoln assassination.
RMS Lusitania
Sinking of the Lusitania Infographic, map and ship illustration. World War I.
The British ocean liner Lusitania was sunk by a German U-boat on May 7, 1915.
Encyclopdia Britannica, Inc./Kenny Chmielewski and Christine McCabe
Perhaps the highest-profile casualty of Germany’s policy of unrestricted submarine warfare during World War I, the RMS Lusitania was attacked by a German U-boat on May 7, 1915, and sank in just 18 minutes. The ship was regarded as a legitimate target by the Germans, as they believed that it was being used to transport war matériel (evidence has since emerged that the Lusitania was, in fact, carrying more than 170 tons of artillery shells and ammunition at the time of its sinking). Nevertheless, the loss of 1,198 passengers, including 128 Americans, would eventually serve as casus belli for U.S. involvement in World War I.
MV Doa Paz
Maritime traffic has played a vital role in the growth and development of Southeast Asia, and ferries transport hundreds of millions of people throughout the region each year. Accidents have been far too common an occurrence, however; in the 21st century alone, international regulatory agencies documented some 17,000 fatalities as a result of ferry sinkings in Southeast Asian waters. The worst such accident—indeed, the deadliest civilian maritime disaster in history—occurred on December 20, 1987, when the passenger ferry MV Doa Paz collided with the oil tanker MT Vector in the Tablas Strait, roughly 110 miles (180 km) south of Manila. Eager to reach their destinations prior to the Christmas holiday, an estimated 4,300 people (more than double the ship’s official capacity) had crowded onto the Doa Paz prior to its departure from Tacloban, Philippines. At the time of the collision, no senior officers were on the bridge of the Doa Paz, the Vector was traveling without a lookout, and it is likely that both ships lacked a functioning radio. Despite clear visibility and relatively calm seas, neither ship gave any indication that it was aware of the other. The collision ignited the 8,800 barrels of oil and gasoline on the Vector, and both ships were quickly engulfed in the blaze. Of the more than 4,400 passengers and crew on both ships, just 26 people were rescued from the oil-slicked waters.
MV Wilhelm Gustloff
The MV Wilhelm Gustloff was the pride of the Nazi Kraft durch Freude (“Strength Through Joy”) program, which provided leisure activities for German workers and served as an important propaganda tool for the Third Reich. The ocean liner carried holidaymakers on cruises of the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean, and, with the outbreak of World War II in 1939, it was converted into a hospital ship. It later served as a floating barracks and, in the closing months of the war, was called upon to evacuate German troops and civilians from East Prussia ahead of advancing Soviet armies. By that time, in accordance with the laws of war, the Wilhelm Gustloff had shed the white paint and red crosses that had marked it as a noncombatant, and the presence of troops on board and antiaircraft guns on deck made the ship a viable military target. Refugees streamed into the port of Gotenhafen (now Gdynia, Poland) in the hopes of escape, and thousands crowded onto the Gustloff. Built to accommodate 1,900 people, the ship left port on January 30, 1945, carrying an estimated 10,000. Just after 9:00 PM that evening, three torpedoes fired by a Soviet submarine slammed into the port side of the Gustloff. Ice had rendered many of the ship’s lifeboats inoperable, and the crew members best trained to deal with an evacuation had been killed in the torpedo attack or were trapped below deck. The Gustloff slipped below the frigid Baltic waves just over an hour later. Although rescue efforts began within minutes of the ship’s initial SOS call, only 1,200 people could be saved. The sinking claimed 9,000 lives, making it history’s deadliest shipwreck.
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RunDeeMC replied at 26-7-2021 11:07 AM
Date: July 26, 1945
Location: Potsdam
Participants: China Japan United Kingdom United States
Makasih Momod.  |
Sesamer ..
Ada masa ... boleh buka Thread kat sini 
Edited by RunDeeMC at 27-7-2021 08:57 AM
This is so relatable during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.
Date: 27 July 1377
Historical Event: First Quarantine
First example of quarantine in Rugusa (now Dubroknik); city council passes law saying newcomers from plague areas must isolation for 30 days (later 40 days, quaranta in Italian).
Historical Context: Black Death
The Black Death was the single worst pandemic in the history of the world. Peaking between 1347 and 1351 in Europe, estimates of the death toll vary widely, but is generally believed to have killed between 50 to 125 million people. The Black Death was essentially the spread of the disease known as plague (which is sometimes used to refer to the pandemic itself), caused by the Yersinia pestitis bacterium which was carried by the fleas on black rats.
The infection is believed to have originated in China or Inner Asia. Carried along the Silk Road trading route, it destroyed the army of the Mongol ruler Jani Beg, who was besieging the Genoese town of Kaffa in the Crimea. Attempting to weaken the defenders, he flung infected corpses at the Genoese inside the city. Infected sailors went back to their hometown in Genoa, Italy, thus beginning the European outbreak.
The bubonic plague (a distinct form of plague) would cause large swollen spots under the armpits and on the legs, neck and groin; this was followed by vomiting of blood and acute fever. Bubonic plague had a fatality rate of around 80%.
The Black Death had a vast effect on European society. Jewish people were persecuted relentlessly by many during the outbreak, as rumors spread that Jews had deliberately poisoned wells combined with a deep reservoir of medieval antisemitism. On February 14, 1349, several hundred Jews were burned to death in the city of Strasbourg.
Since around half of Europe's population was wiped out in an exceptionally short period of time, labor suddenly became extremely scarce, and wages for peasants much higher. Tensions around this would be one of the causes of the Peasants' Revolt in England in 1381.
Recurrences of the plague happened throughout the centuries. Europe's population did not recover to pre-Black Death levels for 200 years; some places that were extremely hard hit, like Florence, took until the 19th century to recover.
Medieval painting from 1353 showing the citizens of Tournai (today in Belgium) burying victims of the Black Death
Source: https://www.onthisday.com/date/1377/july/27 |
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Edited by RunDeeMC at 27-7-2021 09:16 AM
Date: 27 July 1996
Event: The Atlanta Olympic Park bombing
The biggest hero of the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta won no medals, broke no records and signed no endorsement deals. It was neither a lithe sprinter nor a limber gymnast. He was a 33-year-old security guard on temporary hire who lived with his mother.
The name of Richard Allensworth Jewell will forever endure in Olympic lore for the early morning of 27 July 1996, when he spotted an unattended green backpack beneath a light and sound tower at Centennial Olympic Park, the designated town square of the Atlanta Games. He immediately alerted Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) officers and began clearing the area. The pipe bomb within the knapsack exploded minutes later, causing the death of two people and injuring 111 others, but Jewell’s vigilance had spared countless lives and his hometown the gruesome legacy of what could have been the worst tragedy in Olympic history.
Richard Jewell
The bombing, which came only 10 days after the explosion of TWA Flight 800 killed all 230 people on board, cast a pall over the remainder of the Olympics and prompted heightened security measures that presaged America after 9/11. With the FBI under pressure to make an arrest and news organizations desperate for the scoop, a miscarriage of justice followed as Jewell went from a hero to a suspect within days, a burden that haunted him long past his ultimate exoneration until his 2007 death.
Twenty years on, as the Rio Olympics draw near amid an ever quickening news cycle with media outlets subject to even more competitive pressures, the saga of Jewell raises the question: what have we as an industry – and to a wider extent as a society – learned from the destruction of a man’s name? The answer is, not much.
Jewell was one of about 30,000 police and guards, the largest peacetime security force in US history, enlisted to protect the Atlanta Olympics. He’d been hired as a temporary contractor by the security firm Anthony Davis Associates and had been on duty for nearly seven hours in Centennial Park when he spotted the unattended pack beneath a bench near the tower at 12.58am. Nine minutes later a 911 call from a nearby phone booth told dispatchers: “There is a bomb in Centennial Park. You have 30 minutes.”
At 1.15am, a team of security officers including Jewell began clearing the area. The contents, three pipe bombs surrounded by masonry nails, detonated roughly 10 minutes later before all spectators could be removed. Among the fallen were Alice Hawthorne, a 44-year-old cable TV company receptionist from Georgia who died of “multiple penetration injuries” from the flying metal fragments, and Turkish cameraman Melih Uzunyol, 40, who died of a heart attack while rushing to film the scene.
Olympic officials called a 5.15am press conference to say the Games would continue just as they had in Munich 1972, when Palestinian terrorists killed 11 Israeli team members. Around 10am, President Bill Clinton condemned the bombing as a “pure act of terror” and an “act of cowardice which stands against the courage of the athletes”. He praised the security who spotted the package, called it in and prevented severe loss of life.
Behind the scenes Jewell was interviewed by the secret service, the GBI and the FBI. That night CNN reported that he was the first to catch sight of the suspicious bag and he was lauded as a hero in the next day’s papers. But when Piedmont College president Ray Cleere phoned the FBI the following afternoon to suggest that Jewell, a former campus security guard at the school with a reputation for overzealousness, might have planted the bomb himself in order to play the hero, the FBI looked further into his background.
A postmortem later filed by the justice department’s internal watchdog unit indicates that by Monday morning, Jewell had emerged as the FBI’s “principal (though not the only) suspect in the Centbom investigation”, saying that he fit the profile of a wannabe cop who believed that making himself a hero at the Olympics would help him land a permanent job in law enforcement. Sometime over the next day, an FBI source leaked Jewell’s name as a person of interest in the case.
At 4.50pm on Tuesday, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution published a special edition led by a 10-paragraph, 365-word story with no attribution that stated Jewell was the “focus of a federal investigation”. The banner headline screamed: FBI suspects ‘hero’ guard may have planted bomb.
Seven minutes later CNN broadcast the story, holding the Journal-Constitution up to the camera. At 5.11pm, the Associated Press released a wire story attributed to its own sources. Shortly after, NBC Nightly News anchor Tom Brokaw said on air: “The speculation is that the FBI is close to ‘making the case’, in their language. They probably have enough to arrest him right now, probably enough to prosecute him, but you always want to have enough to convict him as well. There are still some holes in this case.”
A second-day opinion piece in the Atlanta newspaper only doubled down on the scoop: “Like this one, he became famous in the aftermath of murder. His name was Wayne Williams,” columnist Dave Kindred wrote, referencing the serial child murderer. “This one is Richard Jewell.’’
Over the next few weeks information exonerating Jewell came to light. Ten days after the bombing it was confirmed that Jewell could not have placed the 911 call given his established whereabouts. An exhaustive search of his mother’s apartment where he stayed turned up nothing. On 20 August, the Journal-Constitution reported that Jewell passed an polygraph test denying any involvement. “He didn’t do it,” retired FBI polygraph expert Richard Rackleff told the paper. “There’s not any doubt in my mind. He had no knowledge about the bomb ... The tests show he absolutely was not involved.”
On 26 October – nearly three months after that fatal night in the Olympic Centennial Park – US attorney Kent Alexander sent Jewell’s legal team a letter formally confirming that he was no longer a target of the investigation.
Six years later Eric Rudolph, a former US Army explosives expert, was convicted of the bombing – and the bombing of three abortion clinics across the south and – sentenced to four life terms without the possibility of parole at Colorado’s ADX Florence supermax prison.
The settlements Jewell won in subsequent years from NBC, CNN and the New York Post failed to grab a fraction of the headlines. The only law enforcement jobs he could land were $8 per hour jobs in tiny Georgia towns – Luthersville, Senoia, Pendergrass. He died of heart failure in 2007. He was 44.
Lin Wood, Jewell’s attorney, holds a copy of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution extra edition that branded his client as a suspect. Photograph: Doug Collier/AFP/Getty Images
Source: https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2016/jul/27/olympic-park-bombings-atlanta-1996-richard-jewell |
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