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Author: Ley

♥ Goo Hye Sun (구혜선) a.k.a Geum Jan Di ♥Jib 2

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Post time 13-1-2010 10:58 AM | Show all posts
dia nih cute...

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 Author| Post time 13-1-2010 12:01 PM | Show all posts
annyeong yunt~~

salam lurve~~die mmg cute..natural beauty

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Post time 13-1-2010 12:08 PM | Show all posts
hai ley...dia mmg bercinta dgn min ho kan??abis sumer thread aku tanya...

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 Author| Post time 13-1-2010 12:16 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Ley at 13-1-2010 12:58

thanks susAmerica for the translation from soompi

A Male Lead for GHS' MAGIC has been selected.
His name is Kim Jung Wook. As my computer is slow, let me first post his picture and I will translate some of the articles.


2010-01-13 10:17:22    Reported by Edaily's Intern Baek Sol Mi
(I will just summarize)

Currently Kim Jung Wook is appearing in KBS' morning drama called I Will Give You Everything.. He portrays a soft and gentle character in the drama. However, for MAGIC, he will turn himself into a playful and unconventional musician. (Wow, I like it. He sounds different than most male leads in Korean dramas! Don't you think?)

Inbetween filming his drama, Kim has been practicing cello hard andgetting ready for the movie with passion and concentration. Hischaracter's name is Jung Woo in MAGIC and is born with a musical sensibility. His role faces conflict with another character named Myung Jin (played by Im Ji Gyu) and dreams of completing his composition for the final concert.

As we all know, the article also states that the filming will start on Jan.15th, 2010. GHS FIGHTING!!!!

Yet another pic of Kim Jung Wook:

i googled him and he seems to have much experience in acting~~which is agood news. I know nothing about him. do you?? He was born on April 10,1980 and has been acting since 1996 fairly steadily.

This is Im Ji Kyu playing the role of Myung Jin: (from Daum)

Im JI Gyu  is a movie actor and has appeared several movies
출생 1978년 3월 7일 (Date of Birth)
신체 키175cm, (height)
체중60kg (weight)
소속 블루드래곤엔터테인먼트  Agency~Blue Dragon Ent.
&#45936;&#48596; 2004&#45380; &#45800;&#54200;&#50689;&#54868; '&#54609;&#44144;&#54532;&#47536;&#53944;'  Debut~2004 short film called <Fingerprint>
&#54617;&#47141; &#44256;&#49888;&#45824;&#54617;&#44368; Education~Go Shin University
&#49688;&#49345; 2008&#45380; &#51228;17&#54924; &#48512;&#51068;&#50689;&#54868;&#49345; &#49888;&#51064;&#45224;&#51088;&#50672;&#44592;&#49345; Award: 2008 17th Boo Il Movie Award Popular New Male Actor
(Ithink this is the actor that I may have posted before who appeared in amovie called <Speedy Scandal>? and GHS told a customer/fan whocame to Manolin about this actor as one of the cast for her movie. Doany of you know anything about him as an actor?)

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Post time 13-1-2010 12:25 PM | Show all posts
hyesun~~truskn berkaryaaaaa~~ yossshhh!! :pompom:

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 Author| Post time 13-1-2010 12:36 PM | Show all posts
hai ley...dia mmg bercinta dgn min ho kan??abis sumer thread aku tanya...
lurve82 Post at 13-1-2010 12:08

hai lurve...peminat MinSun jugak ker

dia mmg bercinta ngan min ho kan??

soklan lurve

jwpan saya>>sebenarnya susah nk jwb soklan lurve nih...bukan ape..tkde bukti nk ckp derang berchenta...yala w/pn selama setahun kami sume mengikuti perkembangan dn sentiasa memerhati derang berdua ngan bukti2 tentang pakaian,kasut,gelang,cara derang berckp..cara memandang,ape2 jer la berkaitan pasal derang...kami peminat kipas susah mati MinSun sgt yakin,percaya yg derang nih mesti suke sama suke...nk kata bercinta...errkk susah nk ckp...sama ade betul atau tak....maybe imaginasi kami sume yg terlalu tinggi nkkan sgt derang berchenta...hmmmmm...lurve sebenarnya sy rasa berserabut bila pk pasal derang berdua..siang mlm pagi petang idop tk keruan pasal derang nk taw citer2 MinSun harap relationship  derang berdua berpanjangan....tapi apakan daya kan..dunia artis cm tuh...mana dengan netizan lagik...

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Post time 13-1-2010 12:49 PM | Show all posts
miann hye sun....
lama x masuk sini very the bz...

app-per-por,how are you?

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 Author| Post time 13-1-2010 01:10 PM | Show all posts
thanks GHSfan for the article from soompi

Headline: Hanlyu goes and 'New Hanlyu' comes...First show in Japan, later Korea import
[Sports Chosun] 9/25/09 by Reporter Lee Hae Wan

Japan's capital + Korean man power = 'Shin Hanlyu' or 'New Hanlyu'

Japan broadcast first then domestic import "Hanlyu New Wind"
December planning for "Nah Rae"="Oars",,,,Next year, get down to serious business.

Japanis gettting heated up for "Shin Hanlyu" as the future investment/work.Shin Hanlyu may be fundamentally similar to Hanlyu but the differenceis that the ownership is changed.
People who operate the Hanlyubusiness in Japan claims that "Shin Hanlyu" concept is gaining muchpositive reaction from the Japanese entertainment investors andbusinessmen. One Hanlyu businessman states that: "For few years now,Japanese entertainment industry people have been fumbling with newtypes of business movements and one of them is the concept of "ShinHanlyu".
According to the information, Shin Hanlyu is acollaboration of Japanese capital investment and the Korean man powerto produce a new concept of business. With Hanlyu, a production thatwas initially televised in Korea was then exported to Japan. With ShinHanlyu, the concept is that the production is first televised in Japanand then exported to Korea.

This coming December, Japan Satellite Digital Broadcasting Co, BS Asahi, is planning for a Japan+Korea collaborative drama called "Oars" (12 episodes), which will become the foundation or cornerstone of Shin Hanlyu business concept.
"Oars" will be the result of Japan's funding with the Korean production team's expertise. Currently, Lee Tae Won PD is considered as the director and Lee is originally from the MBC production company. For the main cast, they are considering the currently highly recognized two Korean stars in Japan such as Yoon Gae Sang and Goo Hye Sun.

Shin Hanlyu is planning to get down to serious work starting next year.
OneJapanese drama associate states that, "Business associates of Japanesedramas have not been very happy with the system of importingKorean-owned dramas into Japan. They have been dreaming of implemetingthe new concept of owning the dramas themselves but wanting to utilizethe Hanlyu status Korean actors, directors and writers. Starting nextyear, Shin Hanlyu will be more firmly established to definitely andseriouly start its work.
 < &#51060;&#54644;&#50756; &#44592;&#51088; [email protected] >

according to sue`s old post:
Some of the fans who were able to go to GHS's birhtday party at her cafe, found these facts:
2. She is planning to focus on taking an acting role maybe by next summer..(this one refers to the current year 2010)

Goo Hye Sun & Yoon Kye Sang


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Post time 13-1-2010 01:27 PM | Show all posts
886# Ley

owh..kekdahnya dorg mmg bkn bercinta la ek..kecewanya aku...

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Post time 13-1-2010 01:31 PM | Show all posts
arini HS gi taiwan??????
harus tunggu dengan saba nk taw info selanjutnya~~PD-GOO~Hwaiting:pompom:


luper plak..yunt..baca pm yunt...tkyah la sedey...kalo sedey pon tk gune ...
Ley Post at 13-1-2010 10:46

aii memang banyak nak bg pendapat pasal GHS nih
tp.. tak besh moyan siang2... malam2 kang lah moyang pasal GHS

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Post time 13-1-2010 01:48 PM | Show all posts
hai lurve...peminat MinSun jugak ker

dia mmg bercinta ngan min ho kan??

soklan lurve

jwpan saya>>sebenarnya susah nk jwb soklan lurve nih...bukan ape..tkde bukti nk ckp derang berchenta ...
Ley Post at 13-1-2010 12:36

kaka Ley my twin2 mmg sgt memahami~~jwpn ku adelah same dgn jwpn kaka Ley~makenye....kali ni dilantik bhwsenya kaka Ley adelah jurucakap bg pihak aku!!! memandangkn, aku hny msuk curik2 n moyan bwh tanah saje~~

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 Author| Post time 13-1-2010 02:30 PM | Show all posts
886# Ley

owh..kekdahnya dorg mmg bkn bercinta la ek..kecewanya aku...
lurve82 Post at 13-1-2010 13:27

lebih kurang cm tuh la lurve~~tapi jauh di sudut hati nk jugak derang real couple

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 Author| Post time 13-1-2010 02:32 PM | Show all posts
aii memang banyak nak bg pendapat pasal GHS nih
tp.. tak besh moyan siang2... malam2 kang lah moyang pasal GHS
soebyuk Post at 13-1-2010 13:31

bagus~ai tunggu yu mlm nnt..insyahAllah tenet tk wat hal
harusla kalo siang ari tersgt pon curik2 masuk..w/pn bos jeling2 kt ai

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 Author| Post time 13-1-2010 02:34 PM | Show all posts
kaka Ley my twin2 mmg sgt memahami~~jwpn ku adelah same dgn jwpn kaka Ley~makenye....kali ni dilantik bhwsenya kaka Ley adelah jurucakap bg pihak aku!!! memandangkn, aku hny msuk curik2 n  ...
anonymous5050 Post at 13-1-2010 13:48

terima kasih..terima kasih...kalo nony ade event berkaitan MinSun jgn lupe carik jadik juruckp wakil nony my twin2

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 Author| Post time 13-1-2010 03:10 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Ley at 13-1-2010 15:12

thanks for sharing credits to Beth from soompi

Beth & Migs~~ ur awesome girlsss~~i love itttttt~~~


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 Author| Post time 13-1-2010 03:39 PM | Show all posts
adeh semmgnyer tk saba tunggu summer~yeah buleh tengok HS belakon drama lagik~:pompom:

awat aku rase bila HS nk belakon drama terbaru tk rase berdebar..nape kalo si budak tinggi  lampai itu nk ade drama terbaru rase berdebar....pelik la:geram:

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Post time 13-1-2010 03:54 PM | Show all posts
terima kasih..terima kasih...kalo nony ade event berkaitan MinSun jgn lupe carik jadik juruckp wakil nony my twin2
Ley Post at 13-1-2010 14:34

harusssssss~~!! harusssss~~

sbb kaka Ley lg pndi berkate2 drpd diri ku ini........

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Post time 13-1-2010 03:55 PM | Show all posts
895# Ley

balik....balik kang aku sebbbbbbbbbbbb!!!

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Post time 13-1-2010 03:57 PM | Show all posts
adeh semmgnyer tk saba tunggu summer~yeah buleh tengok HS belakon drama lagik~:pompom:

awat aku rase bila HS nk belakon drama terbaru tk rase berdebar..nape kalo si budak tinggi  lampai itu n ...
Ley Post at 13-1-2010 15:39

sbb kite fomfuan kaka Ley~~ lain la klu kite .....harus xsabar tggu derama bru hye sun~~tp hati xdela berdegup kencang spt derama si bdk tggi lampai itu...... :geram:

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 Author| Post time 13-1-2010 04:40 PM | Show all posts
harusssssss~~!! harusssss~~

sbb kaka Ley lg pndi berkate2 drpd diri ku ini........
anonymous5050 Post at 13-1-2010 15:54

uikssss~~~ kaka ley tidak pandai berkata2...sesungguhnya nony adelah org yg sungguh bijaksana dlm berkata2

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