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Author: erleyna

All About Breast Feeding Part (9)

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Post time 20-6-2008 02:47 PM | Show all posts

Reply #857 Arianna_Muchtar's post


senangnya dalam hati...bila histopoint call tadi...(nyanyi cam rentak lagu madu 3 tuh hehe)
spectra ku dah kuar icu..dah in tip top condition
dia ckp ada setitik dua susu kt dalam...isk
sib baik motor still ok
tp next monday br dia nk kurier kt akak balik
meaning hr selasa baru dpt berjumpa 'kekasih hatiku' itewww

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Post time 20-6-2008 02:48 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ummimon at 20-6-2008 02:44 PM

kalau akak, trus letak senduk, tutup api he.. he.. dan jeng.. jeng.. jeng..
dah lama poser nih. ari ni day 41 tapi darah nifas ada sikit2 lagi. more like spotting sebenarnya.

sabau ummimon sabau...ada lagik 59 hari lg nak cukupkan 100 hari pantang..itu pun klu pantang 100 hari ler

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Post time 20-6-2008 02:50 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ummi_ina at 20/6/08 02:48 PM

sabau ummimon sabau...ada lagik 59 hari lg nak cukupkan 100 hari pantang..itu pun klu pantang 100 hari ler

jangan jadi cam saya sudah, cukup 100 hari.. terus on, terus lekat anak no 2

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Post time 20-6-2008 02:53 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ummi_ina at 20/6/08 02:47 PM

senangnya dalam hati...bila histopoint call tadi...(nyanyi cam rentak lagu madu 3 tuh hehe)
spectra ku dah kuar icu..dah in tip top condition
dia ckp ada setitik dua susu kt dalam...isk ...

fuhhh... sure lega kak ina dpt spectra balik

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Post time 20-6-2008 03:01 PM | Show all posts
Kenapa agaknya makin lama makin susah nak dpt letdown? Apa petua lagi utk senang dptkan letdown yek? Saya bila anak nyusu baru senang nak dpt letdown so selalu pam time dia menyusu..bila kat ofis susah sgt so skali perah dpt dlm 3 oz je..2x perah dptlah dlm 6-7 oz je..before ni blh dpt dlm 10-12 oz sehari sbb biasa ada letdown skali masa kat ofis..anak baru 4 bln..time perah dha cuba bayangkan muka baby, tgk muka dia dlm hp tp tak jadi gak.. ada sapa2 penah ada problem mcm ni tak?

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Post time 20-6-2008 03:48 PM | Show all posts
saya tak pernah dapat 2nd letdown..sekali jer masa awal2 perah..pernah try pam sambil membaca atau borak2, tak jalan gak..

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Post time 20-6-2008 03:51 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by bLUe_jaMBu at 20/6/08 03:48 PM
saya tak pernah dapat 2nd letdown..sekali jer masa awal2 perah..pernah try pam sambil membaca atau borak2, tak jalan gak..

mmg nak cipta letdown bukan senang.. kena ada skill
nih kite tempek sikit info pasal letdown

Let-down as a conditioned reflex Let-down is partially a conditioned reflex, or one acquired as a result of repeated "training." The pioneer of research into what he called conditioned reflexes was the Russian neurophysiologist Ivan Pavlov. A typical experiment of Pavlov's was as follows: On numerous occasions a bell is rung just before a dog is fed. The dog salivates as usual on receiving its food. Then the bell is rung without any food being presented. The dog salivates in response to the bell ringing.
Let's put this in terms of nursing. Use a "let-down cue" just before you nurse (for example, deep breathing or drinking a cup of tea). Your milk then lets down in response to baby nursing. Once you have established a conditioned reflex, you will begin to let-down in response to the let-down cue, without baby needing to nurse (or nurse as long).
In Pavlov's terms:
  • the food (nursing) is an unconditioned stimulus
  • the salivation (let-down) in response to the food (nursing) is an unconditioned reflex
  • the sound of the bell (let-down cue) is the conditioned stimulus
  • the salivation (let-down) to the stimulus of the bell (let-down cue) alone is the conditioned reflex.
Pavlov also found that:
  • It is much easier to form a conditioned reflex if the unconditioned stimulus follows the conditioned one (i.e. the food follows the bell)
  • It is easier to form a conditioned reflex if the conditioned stimulus (bell) occurs very close in time to the unconditioned stimulus (food)
  • The intensity of the stimuli is important - a dog salivates more if trained on larger pieces of food; and it also salivates more in response to a louder bell
Transferring this to nursing and let-down, we can surmise that:
  • Your let-down cue should be used directly before and just as you begin nursing.
  • Intensity makes a difference: Using a couple of different nursing cues at the beginning of nursing (for example, sitting down, getting a drink of water, and doing some deep breathing) should work better than just sitting down to nurse.
While you're having problems with let-down, it may be helpful to try to nurse in as close to the same setting and same circumstances every time, or have at least one thing that you do that's the same every time you nurse (deep breathing, visualization, the same drink in the same cup, etc.). If you begin routinely using a few of these let-down cues, your let-down should kick right back in.   Let-down cues that have proven helpful Use all of your senses to facilitate let-down. Concentrate on the sight, sound, smell and feel of your baby. Have a certain beverage that you drink (the sense of taste) at the beginning of every nursing session, have a certain song that you listen to, etc. Directly before nursing:
  • Take a warm shower or bath prior to nursing.
  • If you are in any pain, consider taking some Advil or Tylenol about 30 minutes before you expect to nurse. Pain can cause stress and inhibit let-down.
  • Choose a calm, less distracting setting for nursing.
  • Turn on some music that you enjoy.
  • Undress baby to his diaper and yourself from the waist up to increase skin-to-skin contact.
  • Get something to drink, like a glass of water or a cup of tea.
  • Sit in a comfortable chair with arm support and good back support or better, nurse while lying down.
  • Get in a warm bath with baby and nurse there.
  • Before putting baby to breast, massage your breasts and do some nipple rolls and gentle tugging. Moist heat on the breasts should be helpful, too. See "Assisting the Milk Ejection Reflex" in this information on the Marmet technique of manual expression.
  • Reverse pressure softening helps let-down for some moms.
During nursing:
  • Deep breathe or use other relaxation techniques at the beginning of a feeding, like the techniques that are taught for childbirth
  • Singing or humming can also speed let-down.
  • Use visualization. Take several deep breaths and close your eyes as you begin. Try to visualize and "feel" what the let-down response feels like for you (if you normally feel anything). Some women imagine their milk flowing or use images of waterfalls. Some women concentrate on looking at baby's soft little hand moving at mom's breast, with fingers curled under. Some women use visualizations such as being on the beach or any other relaxing place. Use all five senses; imagine the sights, smells such as the salt air, sensations such as the feel of the sand under you or the warmth of the sun on your skin, imagine tastes and what you might hear too. An excellent book on visualization techniques is Mind Over Labor by Carl Jones.
  • The opposite can also be helpful: watch TV, talk on the phone, read a book, etc. - whatever will relax you and get your mind off it.
  • Place a heating pad on your shoulders and back. Get someone else to massage your back and shoulders before and while you nurse.
  • Switch nurse: move baby back and forth frequently between breasts until let-down occurs
  • Continue to massage and use breast compression as you nurse.
Additional suggestions if you're pumping while separated from baby:
  • Look at a picture of your baby (nursing, if possible).
  • Try listening to a tape recording of your baby fussing before nursing and/or feeding sounds. Use a portable tape player with headphones if needed. Or just visualize what he sounds like when he's ready to nurse.
  • Put a sleeper or t-shirt or blanket that baby has worn in a ziplock bag. Open it up when ready to pump - smell and touch it.

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Post time 20-6-2008 03:53 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by cyrus at 20/6/08 03:01 PM
Kenapa agaknya makin lama makin susah nak dpt letdown? Apa petua lagi utk senang dptkan letdown yek? Saya bila anak nyusu baru senang nak dpt letdown so selalu pam time dia menyusu..bila kat ofis ...

kalau tanya rata-rata nursing moms, mesti dpt sekali je letdown time mengepam
so chill out ok, you are not alone

benda ni mmg perlukan masa untuk cipta skill letdown

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Post time 20-6-2008 04:00 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ummi_ina at 20-6-2008 02:48 PM

sabau ummimon sabau...ada lagik 59 hari lg nak cukupkan 100 hari pantang..itu pun klu pantang 100 hari ler

pernah nak try 100 hari. kencundang jua...

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Post time 20-6-2008 04:13 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by cyrus at 20-6-2008 03:01 PM
Kenapa agaknya makin lama makin susah nak dpt letdown? Apa petua lagi utk senang dptkan letdown yek? Saya bila anak nyusu baru senang nak dpt letdown so selalu pam time dia menyusu..bila kat ofis ...

saya saya sayalah orangnyer huhuhu...masa awal masuk kerja memang tak boleh nak buat letdown kat ofis terpaksa pump n dapat susu foremilk jer...semua tips dah cuba dah tapi masih tak berjaya...masuk minggu ke dua kerja baru pandai buat letdown...

sebenarnya kene pandai adapt dengan suasana tempat kerja untuk dapatkan letdown kalau stress n susah hati lagi susah nak dapatkan letdown...kene tenang n jangan terlalu fikirkan pasal letdown masa mengepam tu...cuba khayalkan benda lain...atau salah satu cara boleh stimulate bahagian nipple tu bgi ada skit sensation jgn horney sudah opssss...  

kalau pakai manual pump cuba pump laju2 mcm baby isap susu yang awal2...maybe it can help...

letdown is skill...badan kita hanya kita yang tahu mcm mana nak buat letdown...try n error...

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Post time 20-6-2008 04:14 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ummimon at 20-6-2008 04:00 PM

pernah nak try 100 hari. kencundang jua...

kak ummi/limau

sepakan penalti terus gol.....

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Post time 20-6-2008 04:20 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by koci at 20/6/08 04:14 PM

kak ummi/limau

sepakan penalti terus gol.....

koci, lepas dah wean danish (insya Allah lepas danish 2 years).. ko pun boleh le sepakan penalti

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Post time 20-6-2008 04:20 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by limau_nipis at 20-6-2008 01:23 PM

ariys.. welcome welcome.. mmg laju.. nih dha thread no 9.. bayangkanlah punya rancak mak-mak susuan borak

ariys, limo ni bab buat pap smear ke IUD ke mmg ngilu je rasa... tu pun my  ...

aku ingat lagi aku joint thread ni masa tu baru #2 skrang dah sampai #9...isk isk isk...

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Post time 20-6-2008 04:21 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by koci at 20/6/08 04:13 PM

saya saya sayalah orangnyer huhuhu...masa awal masuk kerja memang tak boleh nak buat letdown kat ofis terpaksa pump n dapat susu foremilk jer...semua tips dah cuba dah tapi masih tak berjaya. ...

yup yup.. aku notice kalau aku terpaksa ke HQ atau training di mana-mana, susu agak down sebab tak biasa dengan persekitaran

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Post time 20-6-2008 04:22 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by limau_nipis at 20-6-2008 04:20 PM

koci, lepas dah wean danish (insya Allah lepas danish 2 years).. ko pun boleh le sepakan penalti

boleh boleh sebelum 30 atau by 30 nak sorang lagi hu hu hu...gegirl lak...

mcm muke danish ke? huhuhuhu...

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Post time 20-6-2008 04:24 PM | Show all posts

Reply #871 koci's post

bukan sepakan panalti daa.... itu peluru berpandu topedo daaa..... tak bley lari punye, misti kene punye...

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Post time 20-6-2008 04:29 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by koci at 20/6/08 04:22 PM

boleh boleh sebelum 30 atau by 30 nak sorang lagi hu hu hu...gegirl lak...

mcm muke danish ke? huhuhuhu...

amin amin.. next baby gegirl la yer..

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Post time 20-6-2008 04:32 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 20-6-2008 04:32 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by koci at 20-6-2008 04:14 PM

kak ummi/limau

sepakan penalti terus gol.....

tak rela you. akak ni ala2 nak buat penutupan kedai dah nih... ni atas permintaan suami akak nih. dia lak dah takmo menambah anak! nx week post-natal check-up. nak soal selidik my obgyn pasal contraceptive pulak.

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Post time 20-6-2008 04:32 PM | Show all posts
kat sini ujan lebat.. sejukkk... tgh minum milo panas plak... jemput minum semua....

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