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Author: t@t

All About Proton Inspira

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Post time 13-10-2010 11:50 PM | Show all posts
sekali2 nmpk mcm buruk la plk kereta ni...

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Post time 14-10-2010 12:01 AM | Show all posts
Reply 711# cmf_rambutan

    biar la, diorg masih bersedih 2

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Post time 14-10-2010 02:19 AM | Show all posts
Sekali memang dia keluar sebijik2 stiker hitam mcm tu

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Post time 14-10-2010 02:24 AM | Show all posts
aku rasa ada keuntungannya juga pada mereka bila Inspira ni kuar...terutamanya dari segi sparepa ...
zzcbr Post at 13-10-2010 17:17

bukan ke tak jadi pasal isu halfcut tu?

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Post time 14-10-2010 03:54 AM | Show all posts
ada org dah butthurt

I had a lunch with one of the big guy today and got some info for our dear member.

1. Today we have CBU, CKD and Rebadge. Rebadge means that the car is CBU from oversea, bring in as bonded cargo, tranport to a warehouse, exchange the manufacturer badge with local and sell off without tax. Basically its a combination of CBU and CKD. Perodua and Naza is a good example of Rebadge company.

2. Proton is a manufactuer and they cannot afford to rebadge Lancer. If they do, their worker all will makan pasir dan rumput. So the only option left is CKD. If Lancer is going to be CKD in Proton, then MMM will stop selling Lancer. At MMM AGM, they inform that they are not going to stop selling Lancer. As we know they also launch Lancer Ex model. There will be another Facelift on the current Lancer GT in January. Suspect that all the upgrade and extra on Ex will also be given to Lancer GT. By the way, Lancer GT player is developed by Rockford Fosgate.

3. Proton's project on Exora, Savvy and Saga does not get the wildest rumor as this new Waja. Why is it so ? This is because last 2 years, Proton had been buying Lancer GLS from the used car dealers. As a used car, you will get the idea that Proton is going to start a Lancer project. Probaly that is the main reason that used car dealer pay such a low price for our car. 2nd hand car price is depend on market demand and supply. As we know the quees for Lancer is darn long, so the 2nd price should be good ! By the way, in June, Proton just brought another Lancer.

4. Proton is buying chasis and engine from Mitsubishi to be assemble here in Malaysia. Engine as we know earlier have "ciri ciri Mivec but not Mivec". Info I got it is the same engine Proton used in Putra and Wira 1.8, DOHC Mitsubishi engine. CVT gearbox with 4 speeds. ECU and Cambust is different from Lancer because of different engine. Mitsubishi SC had been given warning not to service walanjaw because of different system.

5. Conclusion that Walanjaw is NOT a rebadge because the car is not CBU Japan. Walanjaw is NOT a CKD Lancer because of different engine, technical spec and MMM is still selling Lancer. Walanjaw actually is a NEW project by Proton after 25 years using Mitsubishi chasis and engine only. It is the same scene as Iphone 4 vs China Iphone. Both also also have the same casing, but not hardware and software.

6. We should not be worry much because Vios and City should start panic. At price of RM 80k, Malaysian can choose 1.5 Japanese car or 1.8 Malaysian car. I told my source to bring up lgtc concern during their next meeting. He will suggest a special loyalty program or priviledge for current customer. He will also try to push MMM to request Ralliart to come in and setup. Ralliart is an external company recognized by MMC to tune Mitsubishi car. Ralliart is not owned by MMC. Thats why MMM cannot bring in Ralliart version because if they do, they need to deal with Ralliart, not MMC.

7. Lastly, we can all cool down and not worry because what we are hearing is rumors. Does that mean I'm not thinking of selling my white Lancer off. Yes, I'm thinking of selling off my car. This is because I got a latest news that Lancer Sportback had arrive on Malaysia shore. 2.4L, color will be blue, black and white. Price range will be RM 135k OTR !!!! Planning launch is next month..... MMM still never fail to surprise me.

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Post time 14-10-2010 03:55 AM | Show all posts
4. Proton is buying chasis and engine from Mitsubishi to be assemble here in Malaysia. Engine as we know earlier have "ciri ciri Mivec but not Mivec". Info I got it is the same engine Proton used in Putra and Wira 1.8, DOHC Mitsubishi engine. CVT gearbox with 4 speeds. ECU and Cambust is different from Lancer because of different engine. Mitsubishi SC had been given warning not to service walanjaw because of different system.

Ayat nak sedapkan hati...........

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Post time 14-10-2010 05:38 AM | Show all posts
awat depa ni megah sangat dgn mitsu depa tu aa.. ish ish ish

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Post time 14-10-2010 06:34 AM | Show all posts
Reply 5# dragger

....rupanya ader udang di sebalik char kuew tiaw

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Post time 14-10-2010 06:36 AM | Show all posts
Nko jangan coba2 nak tambahkan tekanan yg sedia ada kat zek tuh....nnt kang dia takmo tolong k ...
tossee Post at 13-10-2010 23:02

....harap abg zekk bertenang dengan situasi ini....toss alamat ko dah kasi bang zekk ka....aku baru nak bagi.....

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Post time 14-10-2010 07:23 AM | Show all posts
Naturally the 1.8 liter manual felt like the best driver’s car of the lot. The steering somehow felt more precise and had better feedback compared to the other models. According to Proton, the entire setup was designed mainly on the 1.8L manual version so that could be why it felt sharper, and it could also be that the 1.8L manual had a lighter front end compared to the models with the presumably heavier CVT transmission and even the larger engine block for the 2.0L model. Ride comfort is better than the Lancer GT, because of the different tyres used, and the P3-90A just had a natural stability that’s hard to unsettle even at the extremes, and that helps the driver feel so much more confident in controlling the vehicle. I didn’t feel any issues with the 5 gear ratios of the manual transmission nor the way the gears slotted into position so I suppose if I don’t feel annoyed they should be properly spread. The clutch is also light and easy to control. I think the model I like the most is the manual.

I can’t push the car to the kind of crazy limits that some senior journalists can, so I was lucky to be in the same car as them. There’s no need to waste your money on roller coaster rides, just ring up a certain FS or SY, thanks for the ride guys! The roads down from Genting and the Karak Highway blurred by as the long sweeping corners were taken at mad speeds of even 180km/h at times and I noticed that never once did I feel the car was about to lose control and there was only occasional times where the tyres started to protest. The Lancer GT drives well but a lot agree that its 18 inch Yokohama Advans are doing a lot of the work while the P3-90A has its good ride and handling built into the chassis settings and once you have a good base from there it’s hard to go wrong!

nampaknya 1.8 manual lagi lazatt

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Post time 14-10-2010 08:13 AM | Show all posts
1.8L manual had a lighter front end compared to the models with the presumably heavier CVT transmission and even the larger engine block for the 2.0L model.

block 2.0 lagi heavy tu boleh terima..tapi CVT lagi heavy ? pakai rubberband aje pong benda alah tu

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Post time 14-10-2010 08:22 AM | Show all posts
ramai la pasni owner Protong Inspira cocok2 muntot Matsubasi Lancer GT kat hiway...

kalu owner inspira 1.8 manual mesti nak menyucuk punya nnt tu...gearbox lancerGT pakai CVT je macam honda city lama..tak boleh handle high torque sebaik gear manual conventional...kalau proton keluarkan model 2.0 manual lagi gembira la geng-geng ahbeng..

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Post time 14-10-2010 08:50 AM | Show all posts
adehla, ada gaduh2 ker
aku tak paham la bab2 keta nih
pandu jer leh ah

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Post time 14-10-2010 09:16 AM | Show all posts
nanti namakan Proton Lancar sbb nak bg sama dengan Lancer

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Post time 14-10-2010 09:33 AM | Show all posts
Reply 4# tossee

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Post time 14-10-2010 09:56 AM | Show all posts
proton masih nak "tegakkan benang yg basah" ..... sbb tak mau ngaku rebadge. ingat org skrg ni msh bodoh lg ke ... mcm "katak bawah tempurung".

Tak dinafikan, waja lancer ni mungkin akan dpt sambutan yg tinggi.
Bagus pd pembeli nt.

tp rebadge tetap rebadge ..... kalau mau guna enjin, gearbox, chasis atau platform tu ok gak ..sbb byk kompeni keta lain buat buat camtu. Tp bukan tiru design luaran bulat2 ... (oppsss ada benjol skit sbb tukar bumper je!!!!).

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Post time 14-10-2010 10:36 AM | Show all posts
sejarah bakal berulang. satu ketika dulu ada beribu ekor wira on the road. ada macam2 variant dari style mivec hingga ke "tap-R". utk angkut bohsia...
popular choice utk golongan bujang..
lepas ni kita tengok beribu inspirasi on the road. musti ada macam2 variant jugak.
terbakar kampung nampak asap. terbakar hati siapa yg tahu.

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Post time 14-10-2010 12:02 PM | Show all posts
Thats why MMM cannot bring in Ralliart version because if they do, they need to deal with Ralliart, not MMC.
carbike Post at 14-10-2010 03:54

hidup lagi ralliart nie eee??

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Post time 14-10-2010 12:16 PM | Show all posts
tapi harganya agak mahal berbanding keta local lain~
tak tau lagi akn cam keta proton lain tak~
qualiti baik kah?
siapa2 boleh komen siket~

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Post time 14-10-2010 12:22 PM | Show all posts
bila nak launch nie...??? bape rege...???
maksubita Post at 13-10-2010 19:38

sudah launch ni~
harga agak mahal nie~
1.8 MT – RM79,999
1.8 CVT (Auto) – RM87,000+
2.0 CVT Premium – RM94,000+

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