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Author: boyz_86


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Post time 11-2-2011 03:06 PM | Show all posts
E. Start to do the vandalism

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Post time 14-2-2011 11:24 AM | Show all posts
fazss pilih  A...

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Post time 14-2-2011 02:03 PM | Show all posts

Player Tips 6# - 3 Types of Women

According to Arthur Gordon there are 3 types of women out there:

1. the good girl. This is the type of B*tch whom a N*gga wants to marry or
settle down with. She is the nice one who does everything for her man. She
comes from her heart. Everything that she does is based around how in love with
you that she is.

2. The Freak. Ahhh the freak is the one who breaks N*gga's hearts, have them up
at night wondering where she is at and who she is kungfu queen. Freaks usually
become strippers or those bitches you see who dress like all she wants is
attention. Freaks come at you on the sexual tip. If you look like your packin
and can put it down then they will be all up on ya. These are usually the ones
you see chasin after brotha’s cause of our reputation for fawking and having
big dycks.

Which is exactly what they want, and they will get it from anyone. Most freaks
love sex and will always have a waiting list of N*gga's to call. You've seen
them with their garish outfits and overdone make up on. Usually they are the
freakiest dancers in the clubs. These are the bitches who just need a little
push to put them on the stage and from their onto a track selling that cat.

3. Ho's. These are the professional bitches who already ho. These bitches will
only do it for money or material gain of some sort. The mild form of a ho is a
gold digger. The serious form is your common street walking ho. According to
Gordon, many high school cheerleaders are ho’s in training. They sell their
bodies to the atheletes for the currency of popularity. I’m sure you’ve seen
fine women with old assed men. Look at Anna Nicole Smith. She is a ho. Many
ho’s become groupies for Sports or Entertainment stars. These are the ones who
marry those guys and then divorce them later for millions.

Knowing what type your dealing with will determine what type of game you spit
at her. Good girls you do the old fashioned Sh*t. Freaks since they only want
fun and sex, you show her how much fun it is hangin out with you. Freaks you
use your career or where your going in life and how much money and toys you
To try the approach of a ho on a good girl will get you nowhere. I’m sure many
people have seen or heard of idiots trying to impress a good girl with how much
money he makes and getting shot down.

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Post time 5-3-2011 11:57 AM | Show all posts

Player Tips 7# - The Game,What Is It

Tell me all bout game or what is it ur own words do u spit yo game , why do they call it " game " for ????????tell me how u use ur game

Some of my answers:

Your game is the arena that you enter to compete for something. It can be the arena of your business or job..or getting ho's. I even consider your entire life to be your game. You've prolly heard of the book 'the game of life'

How you handle your game will also determine how well you do in your life or arena.

When you are really aware of then approach each situation with the goal of coming out on top as a superior human being should do.

Your game is how you use what every you can to get on top of each situation. With most arena's it's how you communicate. When you communicate well you achieve things. When you communicate poorly your results are poor.

You've heard that a pimp is never at a loss for words. Look at your entire life as a representation of how you communicate. YOur entire life is communication in progress.

You communicate to your body and brain every day if you communicate well then you get results that are well. Poor communication produces posts like "I'm a loser please help me" no offense to anyone who communicates to themselves this way. This is why I get mad at people who do this type of negative communication.

With women how well you communicate will determine how well you do. So in short your game could be said to be how well you communicate in each situation. ie...job interview...spitting game (words) at ho's....selling ect..ect...

Let me add my final statement on this topic. Your game is how you handle your life. We each have our own game or life. When your pimp your on top of your game/life. In this state you can handle anything that comes your way. Your supremely confident. You are goal oriented. You are successful in everything that you do. You are motivated. You are the ultimate actor on your stage in your life.

Nothing else matters other than "you". You handle other people as you would any other tool in your life. You come from a perspective of being at the center of "your" universe.

I was talking to a bonifide mack recently and he stated that in order for a woman to break you off money, car's house, or anything of gotta have the ultimate confidence in yourself. This guy is not attractive at all....but yet he is now driving a brand new lexus and recently recieved $50,000.00 from another woman to buy a car of which he bought a mitzubishi sports car.

You must believe that your the sh*t! If you can get one woman to believe that your the sh*t and that she should be lucky to have you in her life then you got a team member.

“When you approach a woman you must put yourself over her and get her to believe that your better than she is”….he stated.

When you come at the game of your life from this perspective of being the sh*t...all obsticals will fall to the side.

Can you imagine having this kind of attitude about yourself and how different you would play your game of life on women? Take a moment to imagine how much different you would be.

*You would approach the finest women with supreme confidence.
*You wouldn't care who rejected you...cause it's there ultimate loss.
*You would attract women who would sense your ultimate confidence.

and so on and so on. The world would be your stage and your the star of your show....the director...the producer...the script writer...ward robe director....ect...ect..

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Post time 5-3-2011 11:59 AM | Show all posts

Player Tips 9# - The Scorpion and the Frog...a true story

One day this scorpion wanted to cross this great river and he looked hard for someone who would take him across since he couldn't swim.

He finally asked this frog if he would take him and the frog replied;
hell no scorpion, we would get half way across and you would sting me and then we both would drown.

The scorpion sensing weakness began to beg the frog and promising him that he wouldn't sting him and that he need to get accross cause his babies were sick and needed him.

After sometime the frog finally relented. On his back the scorpion climbed, looking to the opposite shore smiling with delight.

About half way across the great river......

the scorpion stung the frog.

And as they were both drowning the frog asked why?

and the scorpion replied "what the f*uck I'm a scorpion and stinging is what I do naturally"...

moral is you can't go against the natural grain of a person.

now add your own moral interpretation.

other story

A woman finds an injured snake on the road. She brings it home and nurses it until it recovers.
As soon as the snake is healed, it bites her. She says, 'How could you bite me after I did so much to help you?'
And the snake says, 'Lady, you knew I was a snake when you brought me home'.

A player is a player and women know what you are. They can tell if your a symp or a player. If your a symp you will get bitten. If your a player she will treat you with respect for fear of getting bitten.

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Post time 6-3-2011 11:58 PM | Show all posts
Nice :-)

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Post time 7-3-2011 12:12 AM | Show all posts
betul sangat

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Post time 7-3-2011 02:32 PM | Show all posts
the moral of the story...????

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Post time 8-3-2011 12:09 PM | Show all posts
Reply 4# lemontz

xfhm?? hmmm...

baca beberapa kali thread ni n faham...

for example: dont treat freak girl like a good girl or gold digger girl... treat as they nature are - a freak...freak girl need constant attention n male energy they dont even need your $$ n they not a family or wife stuff ...

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Post time 8-3-2011 12:15 PM | Show all posts
Reply 5# AadiGoth

    emm oo ok i got yr massege..thanks

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Post time 8-3-2011 12:38 PM | Show all posts

Player Tips 11# - PUA (Playboy)vs Player

Post Last Edit by AadiGoth at 8-3-2011 12:42

Download mp3 audio...

PUA (Pickup Artist) what a lame...

PUA (Playboy)vs Player

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Post time 4-5-2011 01:12 AM | Show all posts

Mendekati wanita yang kita minat (PUA)

korang semua mesti pernah meminati seseorang tapi hanya minat dari jauh disebabkan :-

a) korang tak berani

b) korang rasa tak layak

c) korang rasa dia dah ada bf/gf/tunang

tapi akhirnya korang sendiri terkilan apabila si dia berdampingan dengan orang yang korang rasa tak layak jadi bf/gf dia.

atau korang masih ternanti-nanti peluang untuk mendekati si dia tapi tak tau bagaimana.

Disini aku ingin menurunkan ilmu-ilmu approaching awek yang dah diperhalusi hasil daripada bertahun-tahun mencuba, mengkaji dan kecekalan approaching awek

begitu juga sapa-sapa yang ingin mengetahui cara-cara mendekati awek atau that guy yang korang minat..sila jangan segan-segan...aku tak kata aku terer, tapi aku rasa maybe sedikit sebanyak dari pengalaman aku, boleh tolong sikit sebanyak...

so any takers?

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Post time 4-5-2011 01:43 AM | Show all posts
apa meaning yg dalam kurungan tu (PUA)?

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Post time 4-5-2011 03:54 AM | Show all posts
korang semua mesti pernah meminati seseorang tapi hanya minat dari jauh disebabkan :-

a) korang t ...
cmf_king_kong Post at 4-5-2011 01:12

    sy rasa kalau setakat dapat tackle awek dengan teknik2 dan taktik yg banyak terdapat dalam IT ni just utk penuhkan koleksi itu tak di kira hebat...yang hebatnya dapat tackle awek dengan cara sendiri serta success dijadikan isteri..ini lagi hebat. Saya pun pernah terfikir, adakah orang yg karang ebook atau sbgainya ni sudah berumahtangga atau sampai lening still single...? Dah berpuluh dozen ebook dok karang...orang yg sama plak tu...mungkin sampai lening masih lum kawin lagi..

adakah TT sudah sampai ke tahap tu?

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Post time 4-5-2011 08:50 AM | Show all posts
Reply 2# otai_g

Pick-up Artist

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Post time 4-5-2011 09:37 AM | Show all posts
Reply 3# matlampir

Mendekati (approaching) tak sama dengan mengorat/tackle.

Mengorat ialah proses memenangi hati si dia disebabkan kita meminati dia secara holistik (luar dan dalam, keseluruhan)

Approaching lebih kepada external attraction di mana tarikan fizikal yang membuatkan kita berminat untuk mengenali si dia dengan lebih dekat. Dengan kata lain, kita meminati si dia kerana kecantikan, kecomelan, keayuan dan sebagainya as in we like what we see.

Jadi approaching ini lebih kepada proses pengenalan dan bukannya mengorat.

Mengorat bagi aku ialah stage selepas mendekati (approaching) dan proses pengenalan di mana kita dah yakin bahawa si dia memang pasangan yang kita mahu dan kita mahu dia menerima kita seadanya sebagaimana kita menerima si dia.

Disini ramai yang salah faham, bila cakap pasal approaching ramai ingat nak mengorat dan ramai juga silap apabila menyamakan approaching dan mengorat as single entity.

Secara logiknye, just because kita approach sorang perempuan ni, tak semestinya kita nak mengorat. Cantik dan comel saje tak cukup untuk seal off the deal dan terus jump to the next stage dengan mengorat. Ramai lelaki take into account personaliti seseorang wanita sebagai priority dan meletakkan rupa sebagai secondary. Tetapi disebabkan kita tak kenal dengan si dia dan hanya paras rupa sahaje menjadi daya penarik, jadi di situlah terjadinya sesi mendekati atau approaching.

Approaching tak semestinya jadi measurement tool of how masculine you are as in how many chicks you got. Ianya lebih kepada social skill on how to make yourself more presentable in a social event. Tak semestinya untuk tambah koleksi awek, mungkin sebagai tambah koleksi kenalan? more networking?

Secara umumnya mengorat lagi penting dari approaching. Kita sebagai lelaki meletakkan proses mengorat tu on the pedestal so to speak.

Tapi proses permulaan sesi pengenalan itu lah yang paling susah nak dibuat. Lagi-lagi dengan orang yang kita tak kenal. Tak ramai yang berani nak approach perempuan yang dia minat dan tak ramai juga yang berjaya dengan proses approaching diaorang dan end up dimalukan...disebabkan oleh tu aku lagi pentingkan approaching dari mengorat. Mengorat masih penting tapi it needs the requisite of a good approaching skills and technique.

apa2pun aku cuma nak share this little knowledge yang aku ade dan maybe it can helps few people yang mahu tapi tak tahu bagaimana...

btw aku tak kahwin lagi, jodoh belum sampai

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Post time 4-5-2011 11:48 AM | Show all posts
kdg2 dlm tak sedar,si gadis pun mungkin meminati anda dlm tak sedar..
tapi nak tgu respon anda yg lehembab yahamat tu mmg takkan ade punye.. gadis pun amik langkah sape yg dtg ngorat dulu,tu la jadi teman idup die..
sbb kengkadang si gadis suke lelaki yg berani dan gentle..
die rase selamat..
bukan la taknak diri sendiri yg approach..
tapi kdg2 mulut lelaki ni lagi hebat dr pompuan..
bila pompuan yg approach kang..dikate nye pompuan tu itu ini..kan dah tak sedap nak didengar..
bak kata org..bila suke dan syg,sume nye baik..pijak semut tak mati..kentut pun wangi..sanggup itu dan ini..
tapi bila da benci..keluar la sume buruk pompuan tu...
sekian terima kasih..

moral of the story..sila2 la beranikan mengayat pompuan yg anda suke..nanti melepas kang putih bijik mata..

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Post time 4-5-2011 02:24 PM | Show all posts
kdg2 dlm tak sedar,si gadis pun mungkin meminati anda dlm tak sedar..
tapi nak tgu respon anda yg lehembab yahamat tu mmg takkan ade punye.. gadis pun amik langkah sape yg dtg ngorat dulu,tu la jadi teman idup die..
sbb kengkadang si gadis suke lelaki yg berani dan gentle..
die rase selamat..
bukan la taknak diri sendiri yg approach..
tapi kdg2 mulut lelaki ni lagi hebat dr pompuan..
bila pompuan yg approach kang..dikate nye pompuan tu itu ini..kan dah tak sedap nak didengar..
bak kata org..bila suke dan syg,sume nye baik..pijak semut tak mati..kentut pun wangi..sanggup itu dan ini..
tapi bila da benci..keluar la sume buruk pompuan tu...

lelaki oh lelaki..lagi rumit dari wanita..

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Post time 4-5-2011 02:40 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1# cmf_king_kong

    PUA only for a NERD... you cant analysing attraction using left brain...

only go to the women that choose you. By that you not waste your energy approaching a wrong girls that not feeling you. If she is ot feeling you, dont waste you time n energy.  You cant build rapport if she is not feeling you first.

Dont hate the Player, Hate the GAME


my GURU...


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Post time 4-5-2011 02:43 PM | Show all posts
Reply 8# AadiGoth

    lupa nak bagitau, kalu korang ni pretty boy like Brad Pitt, PUA might work. If not, go to a gym...improve your self...

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