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Author: mbhcsf

Meh Meh Kongsi : Good Books JUALAN DISKAUN IKIM post#84

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 Author| Post time 2-10-2019 06:12 PM | Show all posts

Karya-karya yang ditulis Dr. Mohd Zaidi Ismail. Promosi 20% diskaun untuk setiap naskhah!

Hanya berbaki 2 hari sahaja untuk promosi tamat.

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 Author| Post time 9-10-2019 06:44 PM | Show all posts
Tentang wacana dan sejarah falsafah!

1) Wacana Falsafah Barat Tinjauan Dan Kritikan

Harga : RM30

Pengarang: Abdul Rahman Haji Abdullah
Penerbit: ITBM

dalam penulisan buku ini, penulis berpedomankan prinsip yang telah digariskan oleh Imam al-Ghazali. Imam al-Ghazali telah menulis Maqasid al-Falsafah untuk menjelaskan hakikat dan tujuan falsafah barat (Yunani). Kemudian, imam al-ghazali menulis pula buku yang kontrovensial iaitu Tahafut al-Falasifah yang menyerang ahli-ahli falsafah muslim kerana pandangan mereka dianggap terseleweng dan tersesat daripada hakikat kebenaran. Walaupun imam al-ghazali menyedari akan bahaya pegangan yang diwujudkan oleh falsafah barat, namun beliau tetap menyeru agar umat islam menguasai ilmu falsafah barat kerana penyebarannya sudah meluas dan mengancam akidah, syariat dan akhlak islam. Hanya dengan memahami dan menguasai kesesatan falsafah barat sahajalah, penyelewengan dan kesesatan tersebut boleh dibetulkan.

2) Sejarah Falsafah (Edisi Kedua)

Harga: RM 35

Pengarang: Ahmad Sunawari Long
Penerbit: Penerbit UKM

Falsafah adalah gabungan dua perkataan Greek, iaitu philein dan sophos yang bermaksud menyintai dan hikmah. Menurut Plato falsafah adalah kajian terhadap sesuatu yang benar, baik dan cantik. Aristotle pula mendefinisikan falsafah sebagai kajian mengenai hakikat ketuhanan (metafizik), struktur dunia fizikal, tujuan kehidupan manusia dan hubungannya dengan alam. Manakala al-Kindi, seorang ahli falsafah Islam mendefinisikan falsafah sebagai suatu ilmu mengenai hakikat sesuatu (tuhan) yang berada dalam kemampuan manusia untuk menanggapinya. Dalam al-Quran juga ada membicarakan persoalan ketuhanan, roh, hubungan antara keduanya, baik dan buruk, kebebasan memilih dan kehidupan selepas mati. Falsafah mempunyai bidang kajian yang begitu luas serta mencakupi keseluruhan bidang kehidupan manusia. Maksud sebenar hikmah yang diketengahkan dalam falsafah lebih terserlah kerana ia sebenarnya merangkumi beberapa komponen atau subjek utama, iaitu masalah, sikap, metodologi, aktiviti, kesimpulan dan kesan falsafah.

3) Wacana Falsafah Ilmu

Harga: RM 19.50

Pengarang: Abdul Rahman Haji Abdullah
Penerbit: Utusan Publication

Membahaskan tentang persoalan ilmu berdasarkan tiga komponen utama dalam falsafah: ontologi; epistemologi dan aksiologi.

4) Wacana Falsafah Sejarah: Perspektif Barat dan Timur

Harga: RM 13.50

Pengarang: Abdul Rahman Haji Abdullah
Penerbit: Utusan Publication

Membahaskan persoalan-persoalan falsafah dan metafizik melalui perspektif atau pendekatan sejarah. Perbahasan isu-isu falsafah sejarah dibuat melalui perbandingan antara tradisi Barat dan tradisi Timur.

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 Author| Post time 11-10-2019 02:47 PM | Show all posts
Dari penulis Prof. Madya Dr. Khalif Muammar.

1) Islam Dan Pluralisme Agama: Memperkukuh Tauhid Pada Zaman Kekeliruan (kulit keras)

Harga: RM38

Penerbit: DBP

Agama tidak boleh bersandarkan spekulasi dan andaian tetapi mestilah bersandarkan ilmu dan kepastian. Ilmu dan kepastian ini ialah anugerah yang diberikan oleh Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala sebagai hidaya dan petunjuk kepada orang yang beriman. Oleh sebab itu, para ilmuwan Islam sejak dahulu kala besikap tegas terhadap golonga Sufasta'iyyah (Sophists), yang terdiri daripada golongan agnostik (a-la adriyyah) yang menafikan kemungkinan manusia memperoleh ilmu dan kebenaran; kelompok subjektivis (al-'indiyyah) yang menjadikan ilmu dan kebenaran bergantung pada kehendak manusia; dan kelompok yang keras kepala (al-'inadiyyah) yang berkeras menolak kebenaran meskipun ia terang dan jelas. Golongan Sufasta'iyyah ini jugalah, dalam wajahnya yang baharu, yang kini mencanangkan faham pluralisme agama dan menolak kebenaran mutlak agama Islam. Tujuan utama penulisan buku ini adalah untuk menjelaskan kekeliruan yang dicetuskan oleh faham pluralisme agama ini, dan meletakkan kembali sifat tegas dan jelas dalam mempertahankan Tauhid yang mencirikan agama Islam sebagai agama yang sebenar di sini Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.

2) Ilmu Ketatanegaraan Melayu Raja Ali Haji

Harga: RM 30

Penerbit: DBP
Bil Muka surat: 255

Raja Ali Haji (1808 - 1873) penerus tradisi ilmu para ilmuwan Islam terdahulu baik di Alam Melayu khususnya, dan peradaban Islam umumnya.
Thamarat al - Muhimmah dan Muqaddimah fi Intizam Waza'if al- Malik memiliki kekuatan tersendiri untuk dikaji. Oleh itu, buku ini diberikan tajuk sebegini atas sebab huraian terhadap dua asas ilmu penting menurut Raja Ali Haji.

3) Atas Nama Kebenaran

Harga: RM 45

Penerbit: Institut Alam dan Tamadun Melayu (ATMA)
Bil Muka surat: xxxviii, 338

Buku ini berusaha mempertahankan kebenaran Islam dan kemurniaan ajarannya. Pada hari ini Islam telah menjadi objek perombakan golongan sekular-liberal dengan menggunakan perangkat Sufasta'iyyah moden (pascamodenisme). Banyak konsep dalam Islam seperti Tawhid, al-Quran, Shari'ah dan peranan ulama' telah menjadi sasaran serangan dan distorsi golongan Islam liberal ini. Buku ini juga menjawab kekeliruan yang dicetuskan oleh golongan liberal seperti dekonstruksi Shari'ah, pluralisme agama, hermeneutika, kebebasan berijtihad, kesetaraan gender dan lain-lain yang dilakukan atas nama kebebasan berpendapat, relativisme dan subjektivisme.

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 Author| Post time 22-12-2020 08:43 PM | Show all posts


This collection of articles serves as the philosophical foundation for a research project on Thinking, Attitude,and Lifestyle Framework Among the Malaysian University Students, funded by the Ministry of Higher Education in 2016-2017.

This study identifies key problems among university students concerning their understanding on knowledge, their purpose and meaning while being at the university, their attitudes towards the national and social integration, and their engagement in social media. Confusion, lack of meaning, and purpose in life resulted in low-esteem and extreme tendencies in their thought and action making them vulnerable to extremist tendencies in the name of ethnicity, race, and religion. Some are detached from social reality because they have succumbed to a sieged mentality.

Place your order now! 🔥🔥

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 Author| Post time 22-12-2020 08:44 PM | Show all posts
Restocked! 😃 Blood And Faith: The Purging Of Muslim Spain, 1492-1614

In 1609, the entire Muslim population of Spain was given three days to leave Spanish territory or else be killed. In a brutal and traumatic exodus, entire families were forced to abandon the homes and villages where they had lived for generations. In just five years, Muslim Spain had effectively ceased to exist: an estimated 300,000 Muslims had been removed from Spanish territory making it what was then the largest act of ethnic cleansing in European history.
Blood and Faith is a riveting chronicle of this virtually unknown episode, set against the vivid historical backdrop of Muslim Spain. It offers a remarkable window onto a little-known period in modern Europe—a rich and complex tale of competing faiths and beliefs, of cultural oppression and resistance against overwhelming odds.


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 Author| Post time 22-12-2020 08:46 PM | Show all posts
Judul baharu di hujung minggu! 🔥 Judul yang menunjukkan bahawa bangsa Arab secara fitrahnya sangat mencintai rihlah dan kembara semenjak permulaan zaman lagi.
Siapa yang berkelapangan, kami buka kedai sehingga jam 6.00 PM. Boleh belek-belek buku ini terlebih dahulu sebelum dapatkannya! 🤭

"Risalah Ibnu Fadlan: Pengembaraan di Negeri Turk, Saqalibah, Rusia dan Khazar".



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 Author| Post time 22-12-2020 08:47 PM | Show all posts
Stealing from the Saracens

Against a backdrop of Islamophobia, Europeans are increasingly airbrushing from history their cultural debt to the Muslim world. But this legacy lives on in some of Europe’s most recognisable buildings, from Notre-Dame Cathedral to the Houses of Parliament.
This beautifully illustrated book reveals the Arab and Islamic roots of Europe’s architectural heritage. Diana Darke traces ideas and styles from vibrant Middle Eastern centres like Damascus, Baghdad and Cairo, via Muslim Spain, Venice and Sicily into Europe. She describes how medieval crusaders, pilgrims and merchants encountered Arab Muslim culture on their way to the Holy Land; and explores more recent artistic interaction between Ottoman and Western cultures, including Sir Christopher Wren’s inspirations in the ‘Saracen’ style of Gothic architecture. ... 6/3643329352398790/


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 Author| Post time 22-12-2020 08:50 PM | Show all posts
New arrival!
Islam and the Abolition of Slavery by William Gervase Clarence- Smith

In this important book, Clarence-Smith provides the first general survey of the Islamic debate on slavery. Sweeping away entrenched myths, he hopes to stimulate more research on this neglected topic. He draws on examples from the ‘abode of Islam’, from the Philippines to Senegal and from the Caucasus to South Africa, paying particular attention to the period from the late eighteenth century to the present. Once slavery had disappeared, it was the Sufi mystics who did most to integrate former slaves socially and religiously, avoiding the deep social divisions that have plagued the Western societies in the aftermath of abolition


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 Author| Post time 22-12-2020 08:51 PM | Show all posts
Judul baharu!
"Solusi Islam Buat Para Pemuda" karya Sa'id Ramadan Al-Buti yang diterjemahkan ke bahasa melayu 😃.

Dalam kehidupan manusia, golongan belia adalah kumpulan tenaga dan daya yang bercita-cita tinggi. Sekiranya tenaga tersebut digunakan ke arah kebaikan dan kejujuran, maka umat Islam keseluruhannya akan memiliki kumpulan tenaga besar yang sangat baik. Sebaliknya, sekiranya tenaga tersebut dibiarkan bergerak ke arah penyelewengan dan kejahatan, maka umat Islam keseluruhannya akan menghasilkan kumpulan tenaga yang keji dan terkutuk.
Oleh sebab itulah Rasulullah meletakkan tangga kemuliaan dan kelebihan golongan pemuda yang membesar di atas jalan istiqamah dan ketaatan pada kedudukan kedua selepas kelebihan pemerintah yang adil. Adapun lima golongan lagi yang disebutkan oleh Rasulullah, meskipun setiap golongan itu mempunyai kelebihan di sisi Allah, mereka tetap berada di bawah darjat pemerintah yang adil dan pemuda yang bertaqwa.
Hadis tersebut memberi suatu petanda bahawa golongan belia yang membesar dalam ketaatan memiliki suatu keupayaan untuk mengubah keadaan masyarakat ke arah yang baik sebagaimana seorang pemerintah boleh mengubah keadaan rakyatnya ke arah yang baik. Pemuda itu mampu mengubah dengan kekuatan diri dan fizikalnya, manakala pemerintah itu pula mampu mengubah dengan kekuatan pangkat dan kekuasaannya.
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 Author| Post time 22-12-2020 08:53 PM | Show all posts
Restocked! 😍

The Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Science 📘
To the medieval thinker, man was the center of creation and all of nature existed purely for his benefit. The shift from the philosophy of the Middle Ages to the modern view of humanity’s less central place in the universe ranks as the greatest revolution in the history of Western thought, and this classic in the philosophy of science describes and analyzes how that profound change occurred.

A fascinating analysis of the works of Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Descartes, Hobbes, Gilbert, Boyle, and Newton, it not only establishes the reasons for the triumph of the modern perspective, but also accounts for certain limitations in this view that continue to characterize contemporary scientific thought. A criticism as well as a history of the change that made possible the rise of modern science, this volume is also a guide to understanding the methods and accomplishments of the great philosopher-scientists of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. ... 6/3637870069611385/


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 Author| Post time 22-12-2020 08:54 PM | Show all posts
Tuhfat al-Mujahidin

First written in Arabic in the late sixteenth century, Tuhfat al-Mujahidin is a pioneering historical work dealing with the struggles of the Malabar Muslims in southern India against the Portuguese colonisers' encroachment in India, and the rise of Malabar as a medieval naval force under the Zamorin of Calicut. Based on the author's own first hand information of events and what he could gather from reliable sources, it was written to motivate Muslims for the struggle against the invading Portuguese. Thus the republication of this anti-colonial manifesto could not have been more timely at a time when Muslims continue to be the only obstacle to the Western imperialistic ambitions. This translation of the Tuhfat is extensively annotated with more than 200 notes explaining local backgrounds and clearly identifying the names mentioned in the original Arabic work. The Tuhfat is compulsory reading for anybody trying to learn about post-Cordova episodes of Muslim history. ... 6/3640298582701867/


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 Author| Post time 22-12-2020 08:56 PM | Show all posts
Culture and Imperialism 😃

A landmark work from the author of Orientalism that explores the long-overlooked connections between the Western imperial endeavor and the culture that both reflected and reinforced it.
In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, as the Western powers built empires that stretched from Australia to the West Indies, Western artists created masterpieces ranging from Mansfield Park to Heart of Darkness and Aida. Yet most cultural critics continue to see these phenomena as separate. Edward Said looks at these works alongside those of such writers as W. B. Yeats, Chinua Achebe, and Salman Rushdie to show how subject peoples produced their own vigorous cultures of opposition and resistance. Vast in scope and stunning in its erudition, Culture and Imperialism reopens the dialogue between literature and the life of its time.

>>> wow Austen's work on Mansfield park auww....
Chinua achebe - Things fall apart - onkonkwo... ... 6/3637636586301400/

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 Author| Post time 22-12-2020 08:58 PM | Show all posts
The Closing of the Western Mind! Restocked! 😁

When the Emperor Contstantine converted to Christianity in 368 AD, he changed the course of European history in ways that continue to have repercussions to the present day. Adopting those aspects of the religion that suited his purposes, he turned Rome on a course from the relatively open, tolerant and pluralistic civilization of the Hellenistic world, towards a culture that was based on the rule of fixed authority, whether that of the Bible, or the writings of Ptolemy in astronomy and of Galen and Hippocrates in medicine. Only a thousand years later, with the advent of the Renaissance and the emergence of modern science, did Europe begin to free itself from the effects of Constantine’s decision, yet the effects of his establishment of Christianity as a state religion remain with us, in many respects, today. Brilliantly wide-ranging and ambitious, this is a major work of history.


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 Author| Post time 22-12-2020 09:00 PM | Show all posts
more books ....hahahaha


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 Author| Post time 22-12-2020 09:04 PM | Show all posts
Mohammed And Charlemagne ... 6/3624791854252540/

Pirenne's masterly study is essential reading for history students, medievalists, and general readers with an interest in the decline of the Roman Empire and the beginnings of the Middle Ages.


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 Author| Post time 22-12-2020 09:05 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 22-12-2020 09:07 PM | Show all posts
New arrival! The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind 😀

One of the most influential works of social psychology in history, The Crowd was highly instrumental in creating this field of study by analyzing, in detail, mass behavior. The book had a profound impact not only on Freud but also on such twentieth-century masters of crowd control as Hitler and Mussolini — both of whom may have used its observations as a guide to stirring up popular passions. In the author's words, "The masses have never thirsted after the truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim."
Although the volume focuses on crowd psychology, it is also brilliantly instructive on the effects of the generally accepted beliefs of a nation's citizenry on the processes of history. Among the topics covered here are general characteristics and mental unity of the crowd; the crowd's sentiments and morality; its ideas, reasoning power, and imagination; opinions and beliefs of crowds and the means used by leaders to persuade; classification of crowds, including criminal and electrical assemblages, as well as the functioning of criminal juries and parliamentary assemblies. ... 3/3621617344569991/


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 Author| Post time 22-12-2020 09:09 PM | Show all posts
Dalam buku ini, Za‘ba menegaskan peranan agama sebagai asas penting bagi pemantapan tingkah laku bangsa Melayu. Pada pendapat Za‘ba, usaha membaiki akhlak orang Melayu perlu disandarkan pada agama kerana agama Islam menjanjikan pahala dan dosa serta balasan syurga dan neraka dan asas itu dapat menjadi dorongan orang Melayu mematuhi perintah Tuhan dan mengelakkan larangan-Nya. Untung rugi di dunia dan di akhirat dapat menjadi pertimbangan untuk seseorang memilih untuk berbuat baik atau berbuat jahat. Secara tersirat Za‘ba telah menyemaikan pentingnya menolak sekularisme, iaitu pemisahan kehidupan di dunia daripada kehidupan di akhirat. Namun, berkali-kali Za‘ba menegaskan peri pentingnya kekuatan pertimbangan akal dalam melaksanakan ajaran agama, bukan anutan dan amalan secara melulu, dengan pengertian pentingnya ajaran agama dipelajari dengan pemahaman yang betul dan mendalam.


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 Author| Post time 22-12-2020 09:10 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 22-12-2020 09:12 PM | Show all posts

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