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[Tempatan] Boleh murtad jika pertikai keputusan kalimah ALLAH

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Post time 16-10-2013 04:10 PM | Show all posts
akughi posted on 16-10-2013 04:01 PM
lain kali ko suh depa baca perjanjian antara wakil-wakil Sabah dan Sarawak dengan Landsdowne Commi ...

mengambil sarawak dan sabah
untuk sertai persekutuan malaysia
perlu juga ambil segala risiko dan keburukannya

isu istilah untuk bible ini salah satu daripada
yang buruk2 itu


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Post time 16-10-2013 04:12 PM | Show all posts
ogata posted on 16-10-2013 09:02 AM
deng so macam mana ni??

iola ada bersoal jawab dengan budak melayu xtrim dalam opis ini regardi ...

ahh..don't bother. It's not about's just all about MALAYnism.


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Post time 16-10-2013 04:13 PM | Show all posts
kambeng_masam posted on 16-10-2013 04:12 PM
ahh..don't bother. It's not about's just all about MALAYnism.

soalan dua dia atas kat aku tu malas nak jwab...

just like my malay fwends (lelaki) kalau tak sebab paloilitik benda ni tak risen up.

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Post time 16-10-2013 04:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ogata posted on 16-10-2013 04:00 PM
aku ltahu dek non..memang sedia awl dah bgtau dgn melayu xtrem dlam opis ni dulu dulu...

nak de ...

Bagi wana simple je.. ni undang2. semenanjung dan sabah /sarawak berlainan. Semenanjung xboleh complain kenapa sabah/sarawak benar guna allah semua sebab tu semua dalam perjanjian 19/20.begitu juga orang sabah /sarawak xboleh kata apa kalo semenanjung diharamkan menggunakan kalimah allah bagi penganut kristian sebab agama islam agama rasmi di tanah melayu. So, terimalah dengan hati terbuka

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Post time 16-10-2013 04:15 PM | Show all posts
leylapple posted on 16-10-2013 02:37 PM

kalo gitu, jangan sholat guna seluar, sebab seluar tu invented by org kafir...

kesian pulak aku tgk ko ni.....lain kali jangan belagak pandai dik oiiii......

ape yg kompair ni?....ko punye ilmu mantik sangat lemah, sbb tu la ko kompairkan seluar, baju, TV internet bagai....

jadi la cerdik sikit......lain kali rajin2 dengar ceramah agama, supaya ko boleh faham islam,

nnt bile dah faham tak la ko rase dah pandai sangat dgn kompairkn seluar, baju tu semua.....

ko kene mendalam lagi maksud "tiada tuhan melainkn Allah"

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Post time 16-10-2013 04:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Skit2 murtad..ape kes laaa

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Post time 16-10-2013 04:33 PM | Show all posts
leylapple posted on 16-10-2013 02:37 PM
UALA LUMPUR, — Penganut agama Yahudi dan Kristian sudah menggunakan kalimah “Allah” jauh lebih la ...

KUALA LUMPUR, — Penganut agama Yahudi dan Kristian sudah menggunakan kalimah “Allah” jauh lebih lama sebelum kedatangan Nabi Muhammad kata Prof Madya Datuk Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin (gambar) dalam sebuah kuliah di kala isu ini masih lagi hangat diperdebatkan dan menjadi tajuk utama diseluruh negara.
Penjelasan bekas Mufti Perlis ini muncul selepas perdebatan mengenai penggunaan kalimah Allah ini timbul kembali akibat daripada kenyataan Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang Lim Guan Eng yang menggesa kerajaan pusat membenarkan penggunaan perkataan Arab itu dalam kitab Injil berbahasa Melayu sempena perutusan Krismas pada 24 Disember lalu.
“Pertama, sebelum kita nak bincang Bible tak Bible ni, simple je. Bila orang Kristian ni pi kata, pi sebut Al- Masih anak Allah. Bila?
“Kelmarin dulu ka? Mula dengan geng Penang tu ka? Ataupun dah lama? Bila? Saya nak tanya, ada dak Yahudi dan Kristian di Madinah? Ada dak? Mereka hidup dak? Nabi benarkan tak mereka hidup?” tanya beliau.
Isa Al-Masih adalah nama Arab bagi Yesus Kristus yang Kristian percaya adalah satu aspek tuhan, tetapi masyarakat Islam di sini berhujah penggunaan perkataan “Allah” harus menjadi eksklusif kepada mereka atas alasan bahawa Islam adalah monoteistik dan perkataan bermaksud tuhan Islam.
Mohd Asri turut berkongsi pengalamannya di negara Arab di mana kitab Injil sememangnya menggunakan kalimah Allah dan ini menurutnya sudah berlaku sebelum Muhammad mengajarkan Islam.
“Tuan-tuan kalau pergi ke negara Arab, tuan-tuan tengok Bible dia memang Allah. Bukan mula kelmarin dulu, sebelum nabi lagi.
“Kalau tuan-tuan jumpa Kristian Arab, Daud... Ibrahim... Sulaiman... Alhamdulillah dia sebut,” kata Mohd Asri dalam sebuah kuliah bertajuk “Penggunaan Nama ALLAH Oleh Bukan Islam” yang dimuatnaik dalam laman social YouTube Sabtu lalu.
Menurut bekas Mufti Perlis itu, kekeliruan berhubung dengan penggunaan kalimah Allah oleh bukan Islam tidak seharusnya berlaku jika setiap umat Islam jelas dengan kepercayaan mereka.

dik...sebab tu la kite kene membaca.....selain tu kite kene jugak mendalami islam....pah ni ko bace balik pasal 4 kitab yg diturunkan oleh Allah.....kitab2 tu membawa agama Allah, dah tentu la terkandung nama Allah dlm kitab tu, mmg betul yahudi n kristian dah guna kalimah Allah sblm nabi Muhammad lagi...sbb 3 kitab sblm al quran turun dulu....kitab asal suruh sembah Allah, agama islam pun dibaikpulih sehingga kitab yg terakhir iaitu al quran, alquran adalah kitab yg paling sempurna dan diguna pakai smp kiamat, sbb tu 3 kitab yg atas tu tidak diguna pakai....

jadi ko kene la belajar atau mengkaji...sikit je pasal asal usul kitab ni dan sejarahnye.....

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Post time 16-10-2013 04:36 PM | Show all posts
kambeng_masam posted on 16-10-2013 04:12 PM
ahh..don't bother. It's not about's just all about MALAYnism.

stinky goat oso want
to have a word or two
regarding holly shit eh


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Post time 16-10-2013 04:43 PM | Show all posts
d'zeck posted on 16-10-2013 11:36 AM
stinky goat oso want
to have a word or two
regarding holly shit eh

ahhh...wat to do? In humble I say...I cannot be compared to you, keyboard warrior.

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Post time 16-10-2013 04:48 PM | Show all posts
kambeng_masam posted on 16-10-2013 04:43 PM
ahhh...wat to do? In humble I say...I cannot be compared to you, keyboard warrior.

seems you like to be kambing,

you must be really stinky
and masam at the same time
in real life


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Post time 16-10-2013 04:52 PM | Show all posts
‘Allah’ is not exclusive to Islam

National Editorial

October 14, 2013 Updated: October 14, 2013 12:14:00
Like the history of most religions, the history of Islam is complex and much debated. But there are a few elements that are not in dispute, chief among them that the God of the Quran is the same as the God of the Bible and of the Torah before it. The mission of Islam, as expressed in the Quran, is not to bring a new faith, but to update the messages of the monotheistic faiths before it.


■ Malaysia court rules non-Muslims may not use the word ‘Allah’
Malaysia would be misguided to ban Arabic word for God
Turning a linguistic term political
■ Malay churches firebombed in riots over non-Muslim use of 'Allah'

It is therefore surprising to see, as The National reports today, that a Malaysian court has ruled that a Christian newspaper may not use the word “Allah” to refer to God. The court overturned a previous decision by a lower court, ruling that “Allah” as a term is not exclusive to Islam. This causes a problem for the country’s substantial Christian minority, who have used the word “Allah” to refer to God for decades.

In a fellow Muslim country with substantial Christian and Hindu populations, this feels like the wrong decision. The UAE is rightly proud of its society that allows people from all over the world to practise their faiths openly and without discrimination. Indeed, that inclusiveness is inherent in Islam. One of the reasons Islam was able to spread so far, so rapidly, was the inclusive nature of the faith: for at least two centuries after the coming of Islam, the Arabs ruled vast regions where the majority were not Muslims. The word “Allah” is never exclusive to Islam – indeed, both Christians and Jews used the word “Allah” to refer to God even before the coming of Islam.

That remains the case today. When Christians across the Middle East pray to God, they use the term “Allah”. Walk into a church in Cairo, Baghdad or Beirut this coming Sunday and you will hear the name of “Allah” invoked. That also applies to the Jews of the Arab world, who for centuries have prayed to “Allah”. The Quran itself is explicit on this subject, declaring, in Surah Al Ankabut, that Muslims should tell People of the Book (Christians and Jews) that “our God and your God is one”.[/

The Malaysian decision overlooks not merely the theology, but also the etymology of the word. The word “Allah” is derived from the Arabic “al-ilah”, the god. It’s found its way across the world and entered Malay from Arabic.

Arabic as a language is a vehicle for faith, be that Christianity, Judaism or Islam. The God of the three monotheistic religions is the same god. It is unsurprising, therefore, that all three faiths in the Arabic-speaking world (and beyond) refer to God as “Allah”. And if they have the same God, they should have the right to call their deity by the same name.

Read more: ... islam#ixzz2hsBwifsQ
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   Jom join aku migrate ke UAE..

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Post time 16-10-2013 05:01 PM | Show all posts
leylapple posted on 16-10-2013 01:21 PM
aku rasa byk lagi isu yang blh memurtadkan org islam.. tapi tak diambik serius..

hal2 mcm nie jug ...

Sbb mfitnah Allah mpunyai anak sesuatu yg serius,,kalau ko kne fitnah pon ko marah..inikn tuhan ko kne yg christian tu dorang percaya satu tuhan nabi ade ckp akhir zaman penuh dgn fitnah...ko nk biarkn tuhan ko kena fitnah ke??

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Post time 16-10-2013 05:03 PM | Show all posts
akughi posted on 16-10-2013 04:00 PM
sabah n serawak mmg makin ramai yg murtad.....rajin2 membaca dik oooiiiii....

tolong jangan tuduh sembarangan.

Sabah memang ramai Moslem celup murtad. pasal apa? tengok saja sejarah pengIslaman haram oleh UMNO dan USNO di Sabah ini bagaimana.

kadar murtad di Semenanjung itu lebih tinggi daripada Sarawak.

malu la sikit. kata Islam nenek moyang. tapi boleh kalah dengan ummah Sarawak yang baru berapa generasi menjadi Muslim.


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Post time 16-10-2013 05:05 PM | Show all posts
melayu UMNO kunun sibuk pasal Allah.

tapi bila disuruh baca doa qunut haram sikit pun tak tahu.


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Post time 16-10-2013 05:05 PM | Show all posts
chazey posted on 16-10-2013 05:03 PM
tolong jangan tuduh sembarangan.

Sabah memang ramai Moslem celup murtad. pasal apa? tengok saja ...

malaysiakuno ni pakar
memanipulasi data dan fakta no

patut la selamanya macai
bodo lagi membodokan


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Post time 16-10-2013 05:05 PM | Show all posts
The word “Allah” is derived from the Arabic “al-ilah”, the god. It’s found its way across the world and entered Malay from Arabic.

  Patutla bila aku tengok movie kat GCC ni, bila ada dialog Oh my God , sarikata dalam bahasa arab.. Ya Ilahi..

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Post time 16-10-2013 05:05 PM | Show all posts
kelana36 posted on 16-10-2013 04:52 PM
‘Allah’ is not exclusive to Islam

National Editorial

Aku ada bace dkt forum lain..dia kate Allah tu translation je..dia nk namakn anjing sbgai Allah pon boleh..irg christian tak sama mcm islam..dorang maki tuhan dorang..ko nk dengar ke Allah kne maki..or dengar dorang pgl anjing sbgai Allah??atau buat tatu kalimah Allah....

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Post time 16-10-2013 05:06 PM | Show all posts
chazey posted on 16-10-2013 05:05 PM
melayu UMNO kunun sibuk pasal Allah.

tapi bila disuruh baca doa qunut haram sikit pun tak tahu.

siapa tu yang tak tau baca
doa qunut?

bapak ko ke


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Post time 16-10-2013 05:08 PM | Show all posts
tinker_bell posted on 16-10-2013 05:01 PM
Sbb mfitnah Allah mpunyai anak sesuatu yg serius,,kalau ko kne fitnah pon ko marah..inikn tuhan ko ...

aku dah malas nak bertekak dgn org2 yang kompius word Allah kononnya conclusive hanya utk muslem ajer..

ko baca lagi buku atau ikut lagi kelas agama...

sebab agama anutan/ikutan korang nie tidaklah se complicated seperti yang dicetuskan..

btw, yang Allah ada anak tu engko, bukan aku..

jangan samakan fahaman songsang engko dgn aku...sebab aku berpegang teguh bahawa Allah tidak diberanakkan dan tidak beranak...

p/s.. tgk, satu perkataan dah kompius mcm2... belum lagi duduk ramai2 bangsa....


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Post time 16-10-2013 05:10 PM | Show all posts
depa patut pakai sajalah nama Siva ke Ganesh ke untuk ajaran kan senang.takdelah berbalah macam ni

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