Massacre in Kenya : “All Muslims leave, we only want to kill non-Muslim...
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wkk5159 posted on 27-10-2013 08:44 AM 
Catholics are not known as defender of biblical truth in the church history......what do you know ...
I'm cool if you want to indirectly say that the whole Christian Arabs commits heresy and if you are indirectly saying that the Pope is doing nothing about this.
It's your religion, not mine. We are clear about our concept of monotheism. The allegation that Allah is a moon-god itself requires it's own thread and discussion. I won't hijack this one. Feel free to start a new thread on your allegation and we can have an honest, civilized discussion, insyaAllah. 
gunblade712 posted on 29-10-2013 07:05 PM 
I'm cool if you want to indirectly say that the whole Christian Arabs commits heresy and if you ar ...
The issue of Allah i have mentioned zillions time in this forum if you are more observant, my conclusion; archaeological evidences clearly show that Allah is a pagan god among many gods before Islam, Muhammad just get rid of the rest of gods and adopt solely Allah as his newly invented monotheistic religion.
"It is argued that "Allah" is just the word for "God" in Arabic, which ultimately derives from the same root as the Hebrew words "El" and "Elohim", both used in the Book of Genesis. Sociologist Lori Peek writes that, "Allah is simply the Arabic word meaning God. In fact people who speak Arabic, be they Christians, Jews or Muslims, often say 'Allah' to describe God, just as God is called 'Gott' in German and 'Dieu' in French."
See Allah was and is not the name for God, it is just a common term for god in Arabic language as a evolutionary adoption of moon god Allah.
I don't blame Arab Christians for using Allah because they worship in Arabian language but for East Malaysian and Indonesian Christians to worship God by refering God as Allah ??? East Malaysian and Indonesian Christians worshipping in Malay language and it is only natural that they use the term Allah as Malay language was deeply infulenced by Arabic language.
True genuine name for Abrahamic God is יהוה
Source : http://www.creationstudies.org/Education/moon-god.html
wkk5159 posted on 30-10-2013 08:07 AM 
The issue of Allah i have mentioned zillions time in this forum if you are more observant, my conclusion; archaeological evidences clearly show that Allah is a pagan god among many gods before Islam, Muhammad just get rid of the rest of gods and adopt solely Allah as his newly invented monotheistic religion.
"It is argued that "Allah" is just the word for "God" in Arabic, which ultimately derives from the same root as the Hebrew words "El" and "Elohim", both used in the Book of Genesis. Sociologist Lori Peek writes that, "Allah is simply the Arabic word meaning God. In fact people who speak Arabic, be they Christians, Jews or Muslims, often say 'Allah' to describe God, just as God is called 'Gott' in German and 'Dieu' in French."
See Allah was and is not the name for God, it is just a common term for god in Arabic language as a evolutionary adoption of moon god Allah.
I don't blame Arab Christians for using Allah because they worship in Arabian language but for East Malaysian and Indonesian Christians to worship God by refering God as Allah ??? East Malaysian and Indonesian Christians worshipping in Malay language and it is only natural that they use the term Allah as Malay language was deeply infulenced by Arabic language.
True genuine name for Abrahamic God is יהוה
Source : http://www.creationstudies.org/Education/moon-god.html
Ha ha , archeological evidence that Allah is the moon God from where? 'Answering Islam'?
Excerpt from the wiki link you posted :
Allah as Moon-God is a claim put forth by some Evangelical Christian groups that the Islamic name for God, Allah, derives from a pagan Moon god in local Arabic mythology. The implication is that "Allah" is a different God from the Judeo-Christian deity and that Muslims are worshipping a "false god". The claim is most associated with the Christian apologist author Robert Morey, whose book The moon-god Allah in the archeology of the Middle East is the most cited source of the meme that Allah is a moon-god. It has also been promoted in the cartoon tracts of Jack Chick.[1] The use of a lunar calendar and the prevalence of crescent moon imagery in Islam is said to be the result of this origination.
Such claim originated from the Christian Apologist Robert Morey with no qualification what so ever and being hawked around by Christian polemicist like you who probably got it from 'answering Islam'. Tsk - tsk - tsk , this is again evidence that Christians like you have absolutely no regards for works by academicians themselves.
The following is the refutation from a non muslim site with regards to this bullocks :
Professor Jonathan P. Berkey on p.42 The Formation of Islam (emphasis added):
'.. Behind the specific deities, the Arabs were also probably aware of Allah. For some he may have represented a remote creator god, possibly related to the Semitic El; some Western scholars have suggested (again, paralleling in a way the traditional Muslim account) that he represents a deus otiosus..'
Prof. Paul Fouracre puts it on page 320 of his book The New Cambridge Medieval History, the pre-Islamic Arabs “were animistic and varied; they worshiped stones, trees, and idols.” The fact that the pre-Islamic Arabs worshiped the moon doesn’t mean Allah is the moon-god any more than he is the stone, tree, sun, or star god.
It goes one further , the Quran mention of Sabian (وَالصَّابِئُونَ) not Sabean.
scholars are unsure whether or not the Sabeans are to be considered synonymous with the Sabians mentioned in the Quran, as the Arabic spelling of the two words differs significantly. What is perfectly clear, however, is that neither the Sabeans or Sabians were the predominant religious group at the time prior to Muhammad’s arrival.
In fact the orientalist like J Pederson and ES Drower [17] are in the opinion that the Sabiuns are monotheists or 'hanifs'
Pederson, however, took an exception to Chwolson's two-fold identification. He says that Sabi'un should be identified with the hanifs as
They too are people who believe in God, neither Jews nor Christians; the nearest model for the believers, as Abraham himself was hanif.[17]
Ha ha , it appears that your understanding of Allah being a pagan moon god originates from the dubious Christian apologist in Robert Morey who did not have any academic qualification and hawked around by 'answering Islam'. The real scholars whether muslims or otherwise states that there is no such thing. Poor you , choosing polemics over scholars. I am not surprised , lying is allowed ... romans 3:7 yeah ....
The moon god nonsense part 1
The moon god nonsense part 2
The moon god nonsense part 3
Ha ha , probably you and 'truth.8' would be too afraid to read.
Last edited by sam1528 on 30-10-2013 02:03 PM
wkk5159 posted on 26-10-2013 07:17 AM 
Nicuya-san ustazy.....Nicuya-san ustazy.....Nicuya-san ustazy.....Nicuya-san ustazy....Nicuya-san us ...
oh tak perasan this compliment message...miss me much huh? thank you so much for calling me that..
nicuya posted on 30-10-2013 02:40 PM 
oh tak perasan this compliment message...miss me much huh? thank you so much for calling me that.. ...
No, it was a compliment to your bretheren sam 1528 but now i have up graded his status to retarded islamic whore...
wkk5159 posted on 30-10-2013 02:57 PM 
No, it was a compliment to your bretheren sam 1528 but now i have up graded his status to retarded ...
really? wow....you're very kind-hearted person...your religion taught you that? i dont think so...fix yourself ok..
nicuya posted on 30-10-2013 03:20 PM 
really? wow....you're very kind-hearted person...your religion taught you that? i dont think so... ...
Nicuya is still a Nicuya........
wkk5159 posted on 30-10-2013 03:45 PM 
Nicuya is still a Nicuya........
back at you...
wkk5159 posted on 30-10-2013 08:07 AM 
The issue of Allah i have mentioned zillions time in this forum if you are more observant, my conc ...
Stating that "Allah is translated as God in Arabic" itself is already flawed. I assumed that you don't actually learn Arabic. If you do, and if you know Hebrew (as you've posted/copied some Hebrew words/terms/name), you would surely know that God in Arabic is "ilah", not "allah". The prefix Al- denotes a specification, Al-Kitab refers to The (specific) Book. By adding the prefix "Al-" in front of the word "ilah", comes the name "Allah". Hebrew (if I am not mistaken) doesn't have this kind of prefix.
If, and IF, "Allah" truly denotes a moon-god, the FIRST person who would point out this mistake would be the Jewish rabbis and the Christian priests during Muhammad s.a.w's time. They will obviously knew about Arabs and it's culture, and they obviously knows about the 'gods' people worship during that time. Plus, they would certainly knew about God according to the Abrahamaic faith. At least, they know it better than you and me.
However, no record shows that a Jewish rabbi and/or a Christian priest rise up and point directly to Muhammad s.a.w's face that Allah is a moongod. This happens only today, when Muhammad s.a.w has passed away, and only doctrinated by those who doesn't live in Arab world, doesn't speak Arabic and doesn't even know a single Arabic letter.
This is only the dalil aqli, proof according to the human minds. Do you want dalil naqli, proof which is written in scriptures? Let me know by starting a new thread and perhaps we can discuss it nicely and with manners. 
wkk5159 posted on 30-10-2013 02:51 PM 
Too afraid to read what my Zakir Naik wannabe ???...
Your bretheren in paganic religion, gunlade 712 can't stand my on slaught and have to seek help from you ah ???
Do you even understand what does excerpt from http://www.creationstudies.org/Education/moon-god.html means ??? Most likely written by a secular atheist.
"It is argued that "Allah" is just the word for "God" in Arabic, which ultimately derives from the same root as the Hebrew words "El" and "Elohim", both used in the Book of Genesis. Sociologist Lori Peek writes that, "Allah is simply the Arabic word meaning God. In fact people who speak Arabic, be they Christians, Jews or Muslims, often say 'Allah' to describe God, just as God is called 'Gott' in German and 'Dieu' in French."
What does the above sentence means my retarded islamic whore sam1528 ah ???
Do you even know how to differentiate between Common Term and proper designated Name ???
Need extra spanking ??? 
Ha ha , you don't even understand your own argument. Where in that link that states Allah is the moon God? In your wet dreams again? I quote your link :
the historical record, “Allah” is not related to the ancient Babylonian culture that created the Tower of Babel. Indeed, many of the roots of Islam seem to be found in the pantheon of deities associated with the mythology of the Arabian Peninsula. Archaeology has uncovered temples to the moon god dating back to ancient times. In ancient Syria and Canna, the Moon-god Sin The name of the moon God is Sin not Allah.
If Allah is the generic meaning of God , why are you arguing that Allah is the moon God? I am sure bro 'gunblade' can handle himself as you are now agreeing with his argument that Allah just mean 'the God'.
You just shot yourself in your foot.
Last edited by sam1528 on 30-10-2013 07:06 PM
sam1528 posted on 30-10-2013 07:01 PM 
Ha ha , you don't even understand your own argument. Where in that link that states Allah is the m ...
Can you even read proper English ah ???
What ? The excerpt from Wikipaedia is too much for you to handle ???
Retarded Looney Ustazy.....Looney.....Looney.........Looney 
wkk5159 posted on 30-10-2013 07:39 PM 
Can you even read proper English ah ???
What ? The excerpt from Wikipaedia is too much for you to handle ???
Retarded Looney Ustazy.....Looney.....Looney.........Looney 
Ha ha , your wiki reference states that such claim of moon God comes from Evangelical Christian groups and teh source is Robert Morey , a Christian apologist. When we dig further , this person does not even have any proper qualification. Now your argument is dependent on a person who have no qualification in this matter. Poor you.
No wonder you are going bezerk.
Pssst ..... moon God is Sin not Allah .... according to your reference .... ha ha
I agree, a troll. Keyboard warrior, if you must.
And I'm still waiting for @wkk5159 to explain to us why is this issue not brought up during the Prophet s.a.w's time? Was the whole of Christianity sleeping? Was the Jewish rabbis and the Pagan chief busy playing around that they didn't realize that, according to wkk5159, that "Allah is a moon god"?
It's weird that someone who seems to have little to no knowledge about the vast Arabic language wanted to speak about an Arab name/term and it's originality. Plus, all of the points came from other sources which are highly dubious.
This dude does reminds me of someone back in those days. I hope it's not the same troll. |
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