sekngucing posted on 16-3-2014 09:22 PM 
percayalaa xerxes gay mcm tu
xerxes sebenar pakai jubah
betul Busana Parsi pun ada yang tak betul...
manjalara_01 posted on 15-3-2014 12:48 PM 
manja dh tgk dh..mlm tadi...i pun bg 7/10....
Dari Graphic Novel...

HangPC2 posted on 18-3-2014 02:09 PM 
betul Busana Parsi pun ada yang tak betul...
ade lagi yg terpesong..ceritanye...
ntah ape2..
tp x tau la info ni betul ke x..
manja ambik dari wiki...
Historical accuracy
Paul Cartledge, a professor of Greek culture at Cambridge University, noted that the film contains historical errors. For example:
1- Darius was not killed as depicted as neither Xerxes nor Darius were present at the Battle of Marathon.
2- Artemisia did not command the Persian fleet at the Battle of Salamis.
3- She in reality argued against sailing into the straits and survived the Persian Wars.
4- The Spartan navy contributed a mere 16 warships to the Greek fleet in the ending battle scene, and not a huge army.
P/S:..is it just me..tp mmg kalau musuh they allz..dlm movie..mmg nampak wicked yg amat...or..in this case..gay yg amat..??
and they allz..pulak..nampak mcm bidadari gituww..eh!..bidadara... Last edited by manjalara_01 on 19-3-2014 01:16 PM
Citer ni best gila. Sedar2 je dah habis. Rasa nk sambung lg. |
best, aku bagi 7/10..
apa pun, movie kali ni lack of memorable scene/quote..
tak macam yang 1st..
this is SPARTA !
Spartans ! what is your profession ?!
Spartans! Ready your breakfast and eat hearty... For tonight, we dine in hell !
dan banyak lagi scene lain..
yang 1st dulu aku rate 9/10.. Last edited by capiloton on 20-3-2014 10:23 PM
View Rating Log
hanna88 posted on 17-3-2014 12:33 AM 
nk donlot..tgk online buffering lama hihi..maklum la pakai pakej internet yg biase2 jek..
alaa xyh donlod beb, tgk online jer dah ok..
sekngucing posted on 16-3-2014 09:22 PM 
percayalaa xerxes gay mcm tu
xerxes sebenar pakai jubah
dari part 1 lg dah aku dok gelak pkaian si Xerxes tu.. xde maknanya pkaian org Persian (Parsi) mcm tu.. biasa laa cite omputih, saje nk bg gempak hihihiii
lasagna posted on 16-3-2014 12:53 PM 
Betul ckp kau final battle tu mcm tergantung sket laa.. compare yg first semangat Sparta tu lebih ...
akak harap sangat, janganlah nak kena tunggu 8 tahun baharu ada sequel nya  |
ok aku bagi 6.5/10 . Aku suka tengok Eva Green bawak watak Komandar Artemisia. Sangat menjadi.. ni nak kena cari dvd sebab bab main ngan General Themistokles kena cut! ahaks |
emmm..pada ak,muvee neh patot beri nama , 300 :the stori of artemesia, bukan nya rise of an empire...
bercerita ttg darah,..darah memang banyak sekali dalam muvee 300(2007)..tetapi dlm muvee kali neh...darah nya digambarkan semacam susu pekat manis perperisa cokelat gitu,bergitu kental !.
xalue posted on 27-3-2014 10:06 AM 
ok aku bagi 6.5/10 . Aku suka tengok Eva Green bawak watak Komandar Artemisia. Sangat menjadi.. ni n ...
pastikan import dari luar negara tau, kalau tak kena censored dengan LPF part mengeseks tu  |
aku baru tgok
hubungan sex antara artemisia dan therm,ictocles sangat intense dlm kapal, ganas betul 
kecewa artemesia mati
aku menyebelahi persian dlm film ni, sebab aku benci dgn greek yang nampak mcm gay tu semua  |
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