Reply 59# sekngucing
nobito? |
rothschild ni kaye bukan sebab die nak beli ferrari, beli banglo, bayar hutang negara, nak popular, tapi die kaye sebab nak lengkapkan plan untuk kemunculan dajal atau org kristian panggil anticrist. rothschild ni pon watak utama dalam freemason.
1 plan jangka masa panjang yg mungkin dah dimulakan sebelum zaman nabi muhammad lg, oleh beberapa legasi, sebelum disambung oleh legacy rothschild.
pada kemunculan dajal nanti, die akan bawa 1 fitnah paling besar, tapi sebelum tu, kite sume ni pon dah hidup dalam dunia yg memang penuh dengan fitnah.
ape fitnah yg tengah kite tengah hadapi skang ni?? sebelum kedatangan dajal ni, kite sume pon xtau benda ni fitnah, mungkin hutang u.s, ekonomi krisis, harga emas yg akan sentiase naik, perang situ sini, ni sume mungkin dikawal oleh satu kuase yg besar iaitu rothschild, kite pulak percaye je sume tu, sedangkan ni sume fitnah gak
apabile sume manusia percaye fitnah ni sume, nanti bile kemunculan dajal, lagi senang die nak buat 1 fitnah paling besar skali.
tapi ni pon teori konspirasi gak, xtau sejauh mane kebenaran die |
ramai yg percaya fitnah sekarang ni
-fitnah dan kebenaran susah nak dibezakan
-internet, facebook, laptop, henpon canggih, pad, tab dll gajet jadi alat utama penyebaran fitnah |
itu semua medium untuk memudahkan fitnah.nak buat fitanh sekarang semudah ABC  |
Fitnah disuntik kpd manusia utk:
- mensyirikkan tuhan
- menggalakkan riba
- mendekatkn zina
- memperkasakan wanita
- menafikan hak anak²
- memusnahkn Islam
Bg saya, semua pn dh berjaya.
Tgk lah Palestine... |
Reply 65# Dzulqarnain
memang..aku bajet tahun ni mesti something teruk berlaku..
paling kurang pun ekonomi jatuh teruk..
perang memang tunggu nyala je..
kalo tengok report kat akhbar oversea, ekonomi memang teruk.. |
Reply Dzulqarnain
memang..aku bajet tahun ni mesti something teruk berlaku..
paling kurang pun ...
pawangBuaya Post at 30-1-2012 02:03 
Kuasai Nuklear dan Ekonomi,
x menjamin apa², senang² diperhambakan.
Yg berkuasa mestila nk menguasai.
China PR, negara terbaik utk dijadikan mangsa...
Kita tengok bagaimana China diperhambakan.
Spt mana Indonesia, Bangladesh, etc. |
Kuasai Nuklear dan Ekonomi,
x menjamin apa2, senang2 diperhambakan.
Yg berkuasa me ...
Dzulqarnain Post at 30-1-2012 02:27 
semua ni dalam perancangan rotschild |
Bila mana² negara jenis menentang,
ekonomi la diserang dulu...
Somalia dan Zimbabwe pn dh kena.
Yg angguk², ikut telunjuk...disapu la belakangnya. |

ni logo house of rothschild. menakutkan. huhu |
Reply 52# Yustan
Rockerfelller ni minyak bang.. pengasas Standard Oil. Standard Oil ni kemudian jadi company terbesar di Dunia, kemudian diipaksa berpecah oleh undang-undang USA sebab monopoli. Standard Oil ni berpecah jadi 13 syarikat kecil.
Antara syarikat 'kecil' tu,, ESSO, Caltex, Chevron, Mobil, Sonoco, dan kebanyakan syarikat minyak tua yang kita kenal hari ni..
Satu-satunya syarikat yang setara dengan standard Oil dulu adalah SHELL. |
apa yg ai tau helena bonham-carter tu ada related dgn someone with surname rothschild... |
ade sorg model us tgh bpacaran ngan slh sorg pewaris rothschild ni rasenye..bce dlm majalah.. |
rothchilds menapakkan dirinya kat england zaman bila?
bila zamannya yg keluarga rothchilds start berpengaruh?
saya nak tahu selepas Napoleon kalah ke sebelum ? Remember Waterloo - Lord Wellington ? yg mana tentera British menang mengalahkan tentenra France in that war . |
bingo dia naik nama di england sekitar perang waterloo... yup 1760s kan? sedangkan waterloo war - england versus france circa 1800.
they have the money ...
england baik ke sangat dengan germany masa tu? tapi depa bagi peluang kan?>interesting. |
kalau rothchilds ni ada dibelakang strukutr US, kenapa diorang tak bayarkan je hutang US yang berlambak tu? setakat 5 trilion dari ratusan juta trilion......alahai...ciput jer.
thessailly Post at 25-1-2012 22:28 
wat pe nak bayar....nih cerita diahttp://www.realjewnews.com/?p=288
cost something
when it is
created out of thin airby the Zionist Jews who own & run the
Federal Reserve Bank. A simple book-entry is all that is needed when the Fed provides George Bush with an interest-bearing loan to pay for his wars. But it costs the tax payers’ hard earned dollars to pay off the debt PLUS the interest on the Fed’s
The Rothschilds, who are Zionist Jews, are the principal owners of the Federal Reserve Bank. The Rothschild trick is that there is no real money in the system, no goods that they provide, only debts with compounded interest - chargeable to the ‘dumb goyim’ US taxpayers.
Yes. The US taxpayers are the ones IN DEBT due to the bankrupt US government’s spending. And the ‘dumb goyim’ are in debt to Zionist Jews. Which Zionist Jews in particular? The Rothschilds, the Jews on the Fed’s Board of Governors, and the rest of theirsynagogue buddies at Goldman Sachs (Lloyd Blankfein), Washington Mutual (Alan Fishman), and AIG (Martin Feldstein).
America is bankrupt. How then does a bankrupt entity pay off the debts of other bankrupt entities?
The Paulson-Bernanke Zionist bailout plan is nothing less than letting Jewish criminals go free while US taxpayers go deeper into debt. The Jews get the assets — the US taxpayers get higher inflation and more financial stress.
The shadow government operating behind the scenes of America is an elitist cabal of Jewish banksters headquartered in London. This shadow government, run by Jacob Rothschild and his son & heir, Nathaniel Rothschild, has no code of ethics, no moral compass, no Christian sensibilities, and certainly, no loyalties but to worldwide Jewry.
moral of the story : Jom sokong penggunaan dinar emas dan perak ikut sistem perbankan Islam yg bersandarkan pada sesuatu yg berharga bukan pada sekeping kertas bodoh yg takde nilai |
Post Last Edit by kekbelacan at 13-2-2012 07:00
kalau rothchilds ni ada dibelakang strukutr US, kenapa diorang tak bayarkan je hutang US yang berlambak tu. setakat 5 trilion dari ratusan juta trilion......alahai...ciput jer ...
thessailly Post at 25-1-2012 22:28 
wat pe nak bayar....nih cerita nya
Money does cost something especially when it is created out of thin airby the Zionist Jews who own & run the Federal Reserve Bank. A simple book-entry is all that is needed when the Fed provides George Bush with an interest-bearing loan to pay for his wars. But it costs the tax payers’ hard earned dollars to pay off the debt PLUS the interest on the Fed’s created money.
The Rothschilds, who are Zionist Jews, are the principal owners of the Federal Reserve Bank. The Rothschild trick is that there is no real money in the system, no goods that they provide, only debts with compounded interest - chargeable to the ‘dumb goyim’ US taxpayers.
Yes. The US taxpayers are the ones IN DEBT due to the bankrupt US government’s spending. And the ‘dumb goyim’ are in debt to Zionist Jews. Which Zionist Jews in particular? The Rothschilds, the Jews on the Fed’s Board of Governors, and the rest of theirsynagogue buddies at Goldman Sachs (Lloyd Blankfein), Washington Mutual (Alan Fishman), and AIG (Martin Feldstein).
America is bankrupt. How then does a bankrupt entity pay off the debts of other bankrupt entities?
The Paulson-Bernanke Zionist bailout plan is nothing less than letting Jewish criminals go free while US taxpayers go deeper into debt. The Jews get the assets — the US taxpayers get higher inflation and more financial stress.
The shadow government operating behind the scenes of America is an elitist cabal of Jewish banksters headquartered in London. This shadow government, run by Jacob Rothschild and his son & heir, Nathaniel Rothschild, has no code of ethics, no moral compass, no Christian sensibilities, and certainly, no loyalties but to worldwide Jewry.
Moral of the story : Jom sokong penggunaan dinar emas dan perak ikut sistem perbankan Islam yg bersandarkan pada sesuatu yg berharga bukan pada sekeping kertas bodoh yg takde nilai. Guna lah dinar emas kelantan dalam urusniaga anda |
tak pernah amek tau pasal rothschild nie...
nampak benang nie terus teruja membaca.
kiranya dorang nie la yang start sistem tak yah guna duit ek?
contohnye cam paypal..
hanya ada nilai dalam acc and jual beli guna transaksi gtew.. |
kalau korang nak tau si rothschild ni la bapak kapitalis dunia......kat mana yg tak dak riba???? aku nak tanya????...ko beli kereta, rumah, barang keperluan, cukai....apa2 je ada unsur riba tu.......memang tak boleh lari lg, melainkan ko buat benda2 tu sundri...... |
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