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Author: azhartahir

Harga Emas Jatuh VS Ekonomi US

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Post time 16-9-2011 02:38 PM | Show all posts
oh ya? i plan to purchase some from public gold ---- yangletihnya nakmenyimpan silver -- main ki ...
sayawifenikmie Post at 16-9-2011 13:21

    simpan la dalam peti pastu simpan kat bank...setahun baru rm80 kot....lagipun silver ni simpan kat umah pun xpe..sebab bukan senang2 nak jual silver mcm gold klu jumpa boleh p jual kedai emas,,.,klu silver mana saya rasa nak simpan sendiri xdak masalah

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Post time 16-9-2011 03:07 PM | Show all posts
simpan la dalam peti pastu simpan kat bank...setahun baru rm80 kot....lagipun silver ni si ...
zanaim Post at 16-9-2011 14:38

macam tu yer? minat jugak nak simpan selver ni ---- boleh beli barang sekilo dua --- thanks for your explanation -- neway -- ko jual PG silver ke?

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Post time 16-9-2011 03:10 PM | Show all posts
macam tu yer? minat jugak nak simpan selver ni ---- boleh beli barang sekilo dua --- thanks for  ...
sayawifenikmie Post at 16-9-2011 15:07

yes..syarikat kami jual gold and silver...klu comfirm nak sy boleh order dulu..than pastu jumpa cik bayar than sy bg sendiri silver tu pada cik...

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Post time 16-9-2011 10:54 PM | Show all posts
tahun ni mmg xbest
akak dana rugi saham pun rugi
dah dekat 10 ribu akak rugi
rasa2 nak try melabur emas ... huhuhu

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Post time 17-9-2011 09:13 AM | Show all posts
tahun ni mmg xbest
akak dana rugi saham pun rugi
dah dekat 10 ribu akak rugi
rasa2 nak try melab ...
kasijelaya Post at 16-9-2011 22:54

boleh contact sy 0192609547...syarikat kami di  butterwort...boleh jumpa kita boleh bt suggestion cik nak invest gold nnt...

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Post time 17-9-2011 12:42 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by kasijelaya at 17-9-2011 12:44
boleh contact sy 0192609547...syarikat kami di  butterwort...boleh jumpa kita boleh bt suggestio ...
zanaim Post at 17-9-2011 09:13

camner nak mulakan ya
akak penah tanya kat bank
tapi akak langsung xde pengalaman dlm emas
x penah sekali pun main
boleh mintak citer sikit tak kat ni ?

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Post time 17-9-2011 12:47 PM | Show all posts
satu lagi akak nak tanya
kang akak dah rugi ampir 8000 dlm CIMB fund
adakah akak nak tetap letak je duit akak tu dlm CIMB fund
atau keluar kan semua duit tu dan melabur dlm BOND fund

akak xde idea la
risau betul akak dgn duit yg melabur tu

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Post time 17-9-2011 01:31 PM | Show all posts
satu lagi akak nak tanya
kang akak dah rugi ampir 8000 dlm CIMB fund
adakah akak nak tetap letak  ...
kasijelaya Post at 17-9-2011 12:47

Diversify kak, jgn tunggu...

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Post time 17-9-2011 01:39 PM | Show all posts
Harga emas tak tahulah, tapi nilai emas memang takkan jatuh.. yang aku tau le..
jaigoku Post at 15-9-2011 15:51

setuju...tu la fundemental emas ni. Yg buat huru hara ni bila Currency dah tak back by gold.
Semua currency dunia Amerika suruh follow dia punya USD!!

USD dah tak stabil sebab print sesuka hati. Slowly the 'real money' muncul semula: Gold & Silver.
sebab perananya as 'store of value'. Nilai emas tu kekal sebenarnya, tapi bila orang refer value as RM, USD, GBP then kita nampak pergerakan harga/nilai. Padahal yg tak menentu nilainya ni currency tu la...

Sebab tu org selalu refer citer: Nilai seekor kambing zaman nabi adalah 1 dinar (emas), dan sekarang setelah ribuan tahun pun masih 1 dinar juga. Nilainya kekal.

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Post time 17-9-2011 02:00 PM | Show all posts
camner nak mulakan ya
akak penah tanya kat bank
tapi akak langsung xde pengalaman dl ...
kasijelaya Post at 17-9-2011 12:42

Asasnya: akak simpan emas utk 'store value of your wealth'

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Post time 17-9-2011 03:07 PM | Show all posts
Reply 66# kasijelaya

    akak boleh call sy berjumpa dgn consultan kami..kami akan bg cadangan akak patut bt mcm mana nnt

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Post time 23-9-2011 09:12 AM | Show all posts
Sekarang ni, pasaran ekonomi global mengalami sedikit kelembapan, berikutan krisis kewangan Eropah, krisis hutang Greece dan US dan kelembapan ekonomi jepun akibat gempa bumi.Jadi pelabur2 mengambil jalan selamat untuk melibatkan diri dalam pasaran saham yang agak tidak menentu dan beralih kepada pelaburan emas.
pasaran di Asia turut mengalami masalah yang sama, dengan masalah ekonomi eropah dan US, pasaran Asia bergantung kepada ekonomi jepun dan china.Tetapi masalahnya Jepun turut mengalami masalah akibat gempa bumi manakala China turut terseret akibat menyimpan stok dollar yang tinggi walaupun pada masa yang sama mempunyai stok simpanan emas yang tinggi.Atas sebab itu ekonomi Asia juga turut terjejas terutama negara yang bergantung penuh pada ekonomi US.
jadi kebanyakan negara mengambil jalan selamat dengan menyimpan emas, seperti India, menyebabkan harga emas dunia melonjak dengan ketara.
tetapi baru2 ini harga emas kembali merundum akibat permainan spekulator terkenal Goarge Soros.Soros dilihat mengambil kesempatan dari kenaikan harga emas tinggi dunia dengan menjual hampir kesemua simpanan emasnya yang bernilai berbillion dollar, telah menyebabkan harga emas jatuh pada satu tahap.Kenapa soros menjual hampir kesemua emasnya???

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Post time 23-9-2011 09:13 AM | Show all posts
Why is George Soros selling gold and buying farmland?

Mike Adams
Natural News
August 15, 2011

(NaturalNews) Food prices are skyrocketing all across the globe, and there’s no end in sight. The United Nations says food inflation is currently at 30% a year, and the fast-eroding value of the dollar is causing food prices to appear even higher (in contrast to a weakening currency). As the dollar drops in value due to runaway money printing at the Federal Reserve, the cost to import foods from other nations looks to double in just the next two years — and possibly every two years thereafter.

That’s probably why investors around the globe are flocking to farmland as the new growth industry. “Investors are pouring into farmland in the U.S. and parts of Europe, Latin America and Africa as global food prices soar,” reports Bloomberg magazine (…). “A fund controlled by George Soros, the billionaire hedge-fund manager, owns 23.4 percent of South American farmland venture Adecoagro SA.”

Jim Rogers is also quoted in the same story, saying, “I have frequently told people that one of the best investments in the world will be farmland.”

That’s because demand for food is accelerating even as radical climate changes, a loss of fossil water supplies, and the failure of genetically engineered crops is actually reducing food yields around the globe. Ceres Partners, which invests in farmland, has produced astonishing 16 percent annual returns since its launch in 2008. And this is during a depressed economy when most other industries are showing losses.

Why growing and storing your own food can be a goldmine

All this means we can count on three things happening in the years ahead:

Prediction #1) Food supplies will become more scarce.

Prediction #2) Food prices will double over the next 2-3 years, and then probably double again in another 2-3 years.

Prediction #3) When food prices are 400% of today’s levels, backyard farming or gardening pays off big in terms of real dollar savings.

In other words, as food prices skyrocket, it becomes increasingly more financially viable to grow your own food (or store it now while prices are low). I’m listing some resources below where you can learn more about growing your own food or storing high-density superfoods right now, but in the mean time, I’d like you to start considering the idea of starting your own garden in the spring.

You can’t grow gold. You can’t print your own currency (unless you’re the Fed). But you CAN grow something more valuable than gold and money: Food!

Lessons from post World War II Taiwan and why food is more valuable than gold

I lived in Taiwan for two years, and I’ve had the opportunity to talk with people there who lived through the post World War II recovery. During the war, of course, Taiwan was occupied by the imperialist Japanese empire, and Taiwan existed in a state of military occupation (with perpetual martial law).

A d v e r t i s e m e n t
After the war ended and the Japanese left, Taiwan bootstrapped its own government into power under Chiang Kai-shek. The old Taiwan currency was immediately printed in large quantities by the Taiwan government leading to a runaway inflation scenario for what is now called the “old Taiwan dollar.” Very quickly, however, the government launched a new currency called the New Taiwan dollar (NT$). By 1949, the old Taiwan dollar was being exchanged for the New Taiwan dollar (NT$) at a ratio of 40,000 to 1. (Yep. You had $40,000 and now it’s worth a buck…).

During those years after WWII, if you wanted to rent an apartment, buy a house or find a place to live, cash was worthless and even GOLD wasn’t considered very useful. The only thing that represented real wealth was FOOD. If you had food, you could trade it for anything: an automobile, a home, tools, clothing or even land. If you didn’t have food, you were bankrupt; regardless of how much cash or gold you had.

A chicken that could lay eggs was worth more than an ounce of gold!

You can’t eat gold, folks. And you can’t eat silver. Everybody has to eat to stay alive, and that means everybody needs a constant stream of food just to keep breathing. That’s why investing in food makes so much sense.

And by “investing in food,” I mean any or all of the following:

• Investing in storable food that you can save on the shelf and keep for future use or barter.

• Investing in your own gardening skills so that you have the know-how to produce food when needed.

• Investing in non-hybrid garden seeds so that you have the genetic blueprints to grow food that can propagate itself generation after generation.

• Investing in farmland — especially farmland with water — that offers the fertility and climate to produce food.

• Investing in educational courses that teach you how to create food through a variety of methods: Wildcrafting, gardening, sprouting and so on.

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Post time 25-9-2011 12:29 PM | Show all posts
Kalau tengok sejarah, memang biasa le yang naik tu akan turun. Kepada yang berduit tu, cari le peluang utk masuk market.

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Post time 26-9-2011 01:13 PM | Show all posts
Reply 10# rimau_belang

siyes next year (2012) ekonomi tumbang then harga rumah jatuh?

cer detailkan sikit...

sbb aku tgk harga rumah tiap thn mencanak naik ajek...

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Post time 26-9-2011 02:30 PM | Show all posts
satu lagi akak nak tanya
kang akak dah rugi ampir 8000 dlm CIMB fund
adakah akak nak tetap letak  ...
kasijelaya Post at 17-9-2011 12:47

    CWA ker?

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Post time 26-9-2011 04:41 PM | Show all posts
artikel kata soros jual 15 aug; bukan ke emas melonjak2 sampai 2,000 usd masa 1 september?

apa kene mengene dgn soros jual?

jgn bawak citer tahyul sesedap molot boley?

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Post time 26-9-2011 04:58 PM | Show all posts
Reply  rimau_belang

siyes next year (2012) ekonomi tumbang then harga rumah jatuh?

cer deta ...
afja Post at 26-9-2011 13:13

Harga rumah kat mesia takkan jatuh
W/pon harga rumah skrg juta2x ada je org beli
If bkn kita, byk foreigner yg beli
Harga property mesia still rendah banding ngan kat Spore, Indon, Thailand & Hong Kong
Yg makin susah nak beli rumah kita sendiri ler
Kat KL mmg tak dptlah nak beli rumah
Kawasan luar KL maybe affordable lagi

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Post time 26-9-2011 05:00 PM | Show all posts
Reply 78# Calla lily

setuju... setuju

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Post time 26-9-2011 05:26 PM | Show all posts
Reply 77# baghal_bortuqal

    Bro, tak paham bahasa inggeris rupanya??

Baca betul2 bro artikel tu, ,
kemudian search kat internet bila soros jual, bila soros beli.Kalau tak paham jugak mintak kawan tolong translate.baru kita boleh bercerita kena mengena soros dgn emas.

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