[Disney+] Grid - Seo Kang Joon, Kim Ah Joong, Kim Moo Yeol, Kim Sung Kyun, Lee Si Young
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tu lah ...masa geneticist tu sembang 2 , bincang bincang dengan Jung Saeb Byeok pasal benda ni terkejut jugak...
Jung Saeb Nyeok - ingat tak dia sorookan sample bekas plastik minuman sudu garpu dalam bekas makanan yg dijumpai bersama mayat lady janitor tu?
haa dia ambik sample ni sumer bagi kat unit genetic forensics...so one of them is dia bagi sample dia juga...hahahah jeng jeng jeng laaa..
so mimah ni macam half mad gi AB kat ground floor siap bawa pistol lagi armed, lepas tu gang gang AB dah acu pistol kat badan dia dah then the ex hubby tu selamatkan keadaan...baru dia verified that all this while sae Ha and Jung Saeb Byuk ni ada discuss pasal GHOST.
mbhcsf replied at 16-4-2022 07:09 PM
tu lah ...masa geneticist tu sembang 2 , bincang bincang dengan Jung Saeb Byeok pasal benda ni ter ...
Since dah 80% la kot kan ghost tu keturunan saebyok + kim ma nok, how the hell it happen kan? Kim ma nok in all timeline kira jahat/ criminal, even masa keje kat gym (saeha n parents idop kaya tu) pun mcm pelik kan dia. So how? Maybe not current time kot kan...generasi lepas ni, asal ghost 2091, so maybe 2 generasi? So keturunan ma nok + keturunan saebyok..maybe anak or cucu derang berjodohan.
Mula2 i ingat manok rape saebyok ke apa kan..tp pikir 2091 tu jauh sgt..so tak la kot.
Tp since ghost dah lahir in future, things has happen that dia blh wujud, so what actually happen yg menyebabkan ghost travel back protecting manok in 1997 ? Buksn mission dia set up grid je ke? Unless its threatening her existance she should have let fate play their role kan. Saeha cuba tukar fate parents dia n it always resulting in unfavourable outcome jugak.
Then ghost time travel betkali2 repeating cycle with different outcome since 1997? Eh makin byk soalan sbb semua in loop.
So before she travel, the future she live in 2091 was with or without grid? Grid wujud sebelum or selepas ghost wujud? Dah mcm chicke n egg dah ni. |
Edited by mbhcsf at 17-4-2022 12:56 AM
grid ni wujud untuk as you already knew to protect the whole wide world from the harmful radiation from the sun storms lah kononnya 2091. Ni kena tetengok balik narrative ep 1 masa memule tu...
So Ghost ni from 2091 - yes with GRID but ..remember back in 2005 , ingat tak when Saeha mentioned there was a mishap in 2005 where the gRID actually failed - well Saeha is the one who ? failed it, ingat kan the face of Soeb Byuk , half of her face was burnt by the sunrays tu...
so i speculate / tafsir dari situ he went to 1997 to see what had happened on the nite which his father Dr Kwon was murdered..
dan dia nampak GHOST tu cume bunuh his daddy just to get that ID card? but then GHOSt corrected something on the compuiter ....density of the GRID tu dan GRID tu bukan 100% harta intelek Dr Kwon actually kart IRR....sebab itu AB officers like Eo Jin tu macam kalut semacam je...
so...2091 kalau ikutkan ade grid
cume as the genetucist tu kata 3, 4 generation je genetics findings tu betul after that it gets all fuzzy ...
cume - GHOSt belah Paternal , but Jung Soeb Byuk belah maternal ....sebab tu kalau ikut kata geneticist tu sennag trace ( i think dia mentioned pasal maternal DNA being easy ) tapi itu sefaham i yg belajar dulu - ikut mitichondriae ( as u know kan mitokondria kita ade DNA tapi ini ikut mak punya ) sebba ia asal dari belahan ovum masa persenyawaan
but anyways- la ni Soen Byuk terkejut lah sama la macam i terkejut ...
like how come?
Kim Manok menikah ke dengan sape?
who ? what ? why ?
why GHOSt circa 1997 is protecting Kim Manok...
yes , Saeha tu kesian , macam mana backtracing back correcting pun , results sama je. |
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Post time 17-4-2022 01:05 AM
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Just managed to catch up sampai epi 9…one thing doesn’t make sense is deputy director ms. choi…kenapa dia x nampak tua? She’s supposed to be much older than lee si won/kim man ok tapi nampak mcm the latter is older than her in the current timeline (2021)…then kim man ok patut beza cuma beberapa tahun dgn sae ha, kim man ok was 9 on 1997 & sae ha maybe 5@6 years since dia dah blh cakap dgn ayah dia thru phone…maybe casting utk watak kim man ok ni x berapa tepat…
As at now makin byk persoalan yg timbul…can it be wrapped in 1 episode? Ataupun acah2 bagi laluan utk sambung season 2? |
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Post time 17-4-2022 01:22 AM
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sitisbp replied at 16-4-2022 08:03 PM
Since dah 80% la kot kan ghost tu keturunan saebyok + kim ma nok, how the hell it happen kan? Kim ...
2021 & 2091 ada beza 70 tahun…so possibly The Ghost anak Man Ok’s child & Sae Byeok’s child…another reason The Ghost come back other than to install Grid is to protect her existence…tapi bila pikir2 balik The Ghost memanglah kena wujud kan kalau tak, what could happen to the world? Kita dah nampak possibility apa yg jadi bila Grid ni xde melalui salah satu drpd Sae Ha punya time travel.., That’s why bila tgk citer2 time travel ni memang x boleh lari dari persoalan chicken & egg… |
mbhcsf replied at 17-4-2022 12:54 AM
grid ni wujud untuk as you already knew to protect the whole wide world from the harmful radiation ...
My understanding pasal when the grid ready is
1) the 1st sunstorm tu dah berlaku. People yg survived moved on , manage to create grid sometime wayyy later then manage to create that teleporter device in 2091. Ghost was born in that timeline...with genetically her ancestors adalah manok n saebyok. The difference is lbh kurang 70 years from 2021 where both manok n saebyok is adult. Ghost age is around 20-30 years old kan. It did not show us how that happen. But the future people 2091 yg communicate dgn ghost, hantar ghost back in 1997 to avoid the 1st sunstorm in 2005. However the result of that time travel ghost existance were threathen.
2. I rasa what they witnessed in 1997 video tu..that was not the 1st time ghost time travel back. Masa tu bapak saeha n janitor mati. But with their death, the grid was able to be develop n successfully and save mankind from 2005 disaster. Ghost ada ckp kan dia dah try mcm2 to get to that result. So when she volunteering kena tangkap by AB tu dia dah tau semua scenario, purposely nak saeha sendiri witness that nothing can be done in other way. Saeha sendiri jd saksi the cycle regardless how many time dia cuba tukar parameter (selamatkan bapak dia selamatkan janitor ) end up the same. And saeha jd saksi jugak, if dia alter 1997 , ghost will disappear fr existance.
3. Since then, the parameter to ensure grid was successful in 2005, manok n saebyok is the key thus ghost keep protecting manok. But because of the manok crime, 1997 video , saeha persistently pursuing ghost for his own revenge or grudge, ghost has to masuk campur lg to ensure manok safety. Ghost has been informed by whoever yg mesej dia each outcome. Semua dah berlaku n dia tau when n where manok gets into trouble. |
xyla73 replied at 17-4-2022 01:22 AM
2021 & 2091 ada beza 70 tahun…so possibly The Ghost anak Man Ok’s child & Sae Byeok’s child…an ...
Yes mmg chicken n egg..which one come first. But i do hope writernim can come up with a strong acceptable closure/theory about this roundabout loop. |
xyla73 replied at 17-4-2022 01:22 AM
2021 & 2091 ada beza 70 tahun…so possibly The Ghost anak Man Ok’s child & Sae Byeok’s child…an ...
Berbaloi x iols nk layan drama ni uols?
Iols mmg peram tunggu matang sbb kuar satu epi je kan..tp skrg byk plak drama iols tgh tgk..kalau best nk gak selit2 ngam2 smpai final..xnk layan marathon kemudian sbb nnti mood dh lain..hahaha |
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Post time 17-4-2022 12:57 PM
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wima replied at 17-4-2022 12:34 PM
Berbaloi x iols nk layan drama ni uols?
Iols mmg peram tunggu matang sbb kuar satu epi je kan..tp ...
Berbaloi sgt2…recommended kalau suka tgk citer time travel…tinggal 1 episod je lagi…blh start marathon skrg… |
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Post time 17-4-2022 01:46 PM
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sitisbp replied at 17-4-2022 11:05 AM
Yes mmg chicken n egg..which one come first. But i do hope writernim can come up with a strong acc ...
Fenomena chicken & egg dlm time travel theory ni dipanggil grandfather paradox…iols pernah post pasal ni dlm thread sisyphus dulu…sbb utk time travel kena ada time machine & kena ada keperluan utk someone invent time machine tu…utk citer ni dah tunjuk dari awal lagi yg the world perlukan Grid utk block the solar wind…utk ada Grid, kenalah ada The Ghost…n Manok is The Ghost punya grandfather dari sebelah lelaki…so skrg ni kalau Manok mati sebelum dia ada anak ataupun xkan ada anak sebab duduk dlm penjara, The Ghost xkan dilahirkan & secara x langsung Grid pun x wujud…tapi kalau Grid x wujud, it will be bad to the future mankind…so nak xnak the ghost has to go to the past to install Grid ni which require time machine…masalahnya time machine device ni blh sebabkan endless loop mcm apa yg jadi kat the ghost & saeha…iols xtau camna writer nim will conclude the story…harap2 ending blh diterima akal…
Actually dari awal lagi iols suspect the ghost & manok ada pertalian darah, cuma iols ingatkan manok tu keturunan the ghost, rupanya terbalik…tapi yg x sangka sae byeok tu pun ada kaitan dgn the ghost… |
xyla73 replied at 17-4-2022 12:57 PM
Berbaloi sgt2…recommended kalau suka tgk citer time travel…tinggal 1 episod je lagi…blh start m ...
Yup..mmg suka sgt time travel..wokay..tq..iols nk pegi donlot sekarang jugak..
Ot jap..uols x layan green mothers club?mcm xde lg benang tu kat sini..syok jugak drama tu..pasal mak2 yg obses education mcm sky castle tu jugak..cuma ni budak kecik tadika..ada selit2 pasal relationship...mcm ada potensi makjang sket kot..tp bg iols okla setakat 4 epi ni... |
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Post time 17-4-2022 02:21 PM
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wima replied at 17-4-2022 02:05 PM
Yup..mmg suka sgt time travel..wokay..tq..iols nk pegi donlot sekarang jugak..
Ot jap..uols x lay ...
Oh citer mak kau hijau tu ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif)
Ada tgk sikit tapi faham2lah bulan puasa ni asyik ngantuk je x blh layan byk2 drama sgt…nantilah iols bukakkan benang citer tu… |
for your no. 3, yups tylah tu kesannya
ni lah yg i think , kita saksikan a sikit ripple in the background di mana something which was not supposed to be disclsoed and get known by Jung Soeb byuk well...has already leaked, inadvertently. dan iniah yg berlaku in the last 10 mins of ep 8...mana tak terkejut Jung Soeb Byuk when she found out about GHOST and dia ade sharing similar DNA , Kim Manok sumbangkan GHOSt punya paternal ancestoral genes while her maternal's DNA are matching that of Soeb Byuk.
yg pasal Seahe nak tuntut bela avenging the crime which that GHOST did in 1997 , well yups done and he couldn't do anything with it anymore because of this catch 22 situation, dia buat macam A, nanti GHOST will perish , dia matikan ayah dia juga terpaksa then that thing works.
But then he saw kan bagaimana in 2005 , his parenst were still alive , jadi tak baik atau corporate yg pentingkan diri apabila dia try to save his dad in 1997. kita dah tengok kan dia jadi kaya and he , himself was one of the important figure in his father's corporate.
then dia tengok burnt effect kat muka Soen Byuk then tak boleh jadi ni , dia patah balik, i guess he 's pretty much done with the revenge.
ini dah macam...okaylah on his part.
cuma.....now explaination on DNA depa dua ni....macam mana boleh crossed path Kim Mnakok and jung soen Byuk ni i mean wow....DNA tu accurate within the 1st - 3rd generation ...so ...great grand X GHOST ........1st gen GHOST -----GHOST ..2091 , something had happenened..
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Post time 20-4-2022 09:47 PM
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Apo ni? Terpinga2 daku tgk ending citer ni…x faham satu hapa pun kat epi 10…satu jelah yg iols faham, Sae Byeok dpt baby & i assume Eonji is the father…iols x berapa sure deols kahwin semula ke apa…ending memang mcm sengaja nak sambung season 2 kan…
Sapa2 yg faham tolong bagi pencerahan…Saeha sengaja korbankan diri dia utk apa? n kenapa dia ada balik kat ujung2 tu? Tu Saeha ke ayah dia? Who is another person besides the ghost yg time travel jugak tu (cameo by lee hong ki)? Yoo Jae Myung tu sapa pulak? Last episode bukan bagi jawapan tapi makin byk persoalan yg timbul… |
xyla73 replied at 20-4-2022 09:47 PM
Apo ni? Terpinga2 daku tgk ending citer ni…x faham satu hapa pun kat epi 10…satu jelah yg iols fah ...
I rasa episod 10 ni mmg nak bukak another puzzle hahaha. Al fenin la sbb kena tunggu jawapan next week or finale nnt![](static/image/smiley/default/mad.gif)
Masa awal2 tu pun dah 2 kali scenario saeha mati. 1st kena tikam dgn manok. 2nd kena ketuk dgn spanar dgn manok. Dedua scene mati tp masa frozen time yg kedua tu, ghost sempat pesan kat saebyok utk selamatkan saeha. Maybe ada different meaning or another scenario yg saeha survived this scene tp belum tunjuk lg.
Masa ghost1 bgtau saeha dia dah try mcm2 saeha tetap mati tu (flashback 1997 tepi tingkap) adakah dgn penglibatan ghost no 2 ke tak. Maybe ghost1 pun cought by surprise sbb ghost no 2 muncul kali ni thus alter lg scenario yg berlaku selepas kematian saeha. Or ghost1 and saeha dah tau n cheat/ fake his death sbb tu saeha idop lg kat ujung2...kira dia n ghost1 lay low setahun.
And kenapa tiba2 saebyok ehem2 dgn eojin? Sedangkan dia takmo eojin tu? So maybe la antara pesanan ghost1 masa time frozen tu bgtau dia kena ada anak dgn eojin utk teruskan generasi sampai ghost1.
Writer omitting some crucial info skrg utk create cliffhanger kot. Scene darah saeha kejap mengalir kejap reverse tu pun maybe clue ada benda jd masa tu.
Masa dlm keta eojin tu bila saebyok ckp pasal dok hutan etc, next terus irr n ab meletop2. So confirmed by that ghost2 n chairman itaewon class grid dah takde selari dgn apa yg saebyok pikirkan. While the future ghost1 terbaring dorman, in 2022 dia tgh amik baby tu..maybe bakal jd mak dia? If manok pun mati ghost1 patutnya dah tak exist tp since dia ada lg, Manok pun survived kot.
Since Ghost1 keep on nak selamatkan saeha sbb tu ghost2 dihantar utk intervened kot. |
Edited by mbhcsf at 21-4-2022 06:09 AM
Ep 10
ending yg merapu , penat je tengok. too many untied loose ends, really messy endings.
Tak ada kesinambungan yang jitu dan memuaskan pun dalam ep 10 .
so apa yg Jung Soeb Byuk temui dalam ep 9 tu macam - disimpulkan dalam eye /visual gesture Kim Saeha je ketika dia nak mati dah atas ribaan Jung Soeb Byuk tu , di mana Saeha tanya ( ketika dah nak mati di ribaan tu ) you knew ( to Soeb Byuk tu ) laaa..like as if senang je simpulkan macam semua : that i know you knew then ...okay ..then die..
kalau macam tu, amboi senanglah.
alih alih last sekali , Kim Manok tergelimpang cam tu je, so much oh hypes lah. apa ni...
Apa yg dapat disimpulkan ialah GHOST lady tu nak selamatkan Saeha juga and grid tu ...and well , in case of Saeha ni , hmm... well apa apa pun strategy - dia akan mati anyway.
Tiber ade GHOST num. 2 yang ni mai mana pun tatau. Void of context : what ? why ? how?
tapi - Jung Soeb Byuk ade cakap dia nak padamkan semua ? and nip the thing in the bud ( apa maksud dia ketika ni , nak pre emptive apa tu ..tak nak kIm Manok? tanak lady GHOSt ? what ? ? ? ) - dia tak nak GHOST 2091 wujud ke? selepas dia hinted kat Saeha masa depa depan khemah kat tempat sembunyian Kim MAnok tu ...
lagi babak ni:
GHOST ( masa flash back dengan Saeha dalam bilik computer tu ) sangat haertless...cakap ttg kematian Sahe just like macam tuang coffee je, oh you figured outlah sapa nak jaga mak you -? like that?
giler ...
babak akhir pulak :
i tatau - sebab merapu sangat dah dah - ade satu org yg tidurkan lady GHOST ni and depa ( is it) ? musnahkan IRR and AB.
Jung Soeb Byuk i presume rekindle her relationship with her ex masa hari pengebumian Saeha and they ? 12 months later - they have a daugher ? so what 's with the daughter ? hidup dalam pelarian...and the the ex pun macam tolong Soeb Byuk pulak...
and the end tu ade ...jeng jeng jeng?
lawak kan?
atas misi - nak nip something inn the bud - because she found out about something.
but what ? dia nak matikan traces Kim Manok ke? atau ape ke?
what ?
GRID ni ep 10 dah habis i tengok kat aisan wiki kate sampai ep 10 and mydrama list pun ep 10
tapi ending cam hape , tak memuaskan langsung
banyak filling the inbetweeners kite sendrik kena tafsir
penatlah tengok arghh...citer ni teruk betul ...last last masuk hutan and siapa yg nak buru Soen Byuk and baby daugter dia? Gang 2091 or AB?>
Edited by mbhcsf at 21-4-2022 01:46 AM
ade satu part di mana hanya jasad Jung Soen Byuk and GHOSt 1 je yg terapung apung dalam time - space lapse tu and dia ade sebut something , u came here to save him ...gitu...???
so yg tak boleh hadam ialah - well kim manok wasnt the real target ke? the actual target is Saeha?
i mean....at the end depa GHOST 1 and GHOST 2 tak bother to revive / ressus Kim Manok , kan? |
Edited by mbhcsf at 21-4-2022 01:37 AM
u see...kalau bulgasal tu i tak lah u know left feeling unsettled and puzzled macam ni...at least ade jugak point point dia , ni citer ya ALLAh , dah lure me in but at the end ? lebih banyak persoalan and sedikit je rungkaian malah tak rungkai pun ep 9 tu ...
at the end depa musnahkan GRID tu...i mean that was what happened ???? then IRR and AB HQ meletup?
then GHOST 2 asked that OBi Wan like boss - is it over ? ape ni...
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