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Author: cmf_rambutan

1Malaysia F1 Team kebanggaan Malaysia

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Post time 28-9-2009 02:02 PM | Show all posts
57# kaeiri

bnyk cara utk mempromosikan negara melalui sukan permotoran..cuma musim F1 dh merosot..team2 banyak tarik diri..takut penonton pun niat nak promo negara tu takut tak samp ...
eco_internet Post at 28-9-2009 01:01 PM

sbb dah byk team tarik diri la peluang besar utk mesia serlahkan diri. kalo dah byk sgt team beso dlm tu....mesia masuk pon org tak pasan sgt. tp kalo dah event beso2 gini, ramai yg memerhati tak kira brapa kecik pon.

tunggu dan lihat je la jd cane nanti. pape hal dah alang2 tu support je la

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Post time 28-9-2009 04:00 PM | Show all posts
Tapi persaing lain kebanyakkannya guna enjin Merc dan Ferrari kalau F1 Malaysia dalam 10 terbaik pun dah ok....Kalau asyik tercurut aje mcm Minardi dulu tue pun lemau juga....Tak per.. Kalau fikiran positif ini lah tapak utk kita mencipta enjin F1 sendiri dan melahirkan perlumba anak watan bertaraf dunia satu hari nanti....

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Post time 28-9-2009 04:47 PM | Show all posts
aku tetap sokong..kita tgk jela camne..tapi kena taruk ke nama 1malaysia tu..kalau taruk lotus proton F1 takleh ke...A1 gp kan dh pakai nama negara...nnt org konpius..

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Post time 28-9-2009 05:15 PM | Show all posts
aku tetap sokong..kita tgk jela camne..tapi kena taruk ke nama 1malaysia tu..kalau taruk lotus proton F1 takleh ke...A1 gp kan dh pakai nama negara...nnt org konpius..
eco_internet Post at 28-9-2009 04:47 PM

bab 1Malaysia tu aku tak berani nak komen

tetiba aku terasa jarang dengar Malaysia Boleh lak skang ni

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Post time 3-10-2009 05:01 PM | Show all posts
Lotus F1 Team (1 Malaysia F1 Team)

Official Site :


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Post time 3-10-2009 05:20 PM | Show all posts
berapa juta abis nanti untuk F1 ni? Bila dah rugi terpaksa la naikkan harga minyak
suruh rakyat bayar

baik buat bullet train dari KL sampai KT..
leh aku balik tiap2 minggu sambil tido dalam ketapi..

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Post time 4-10-2009 01:38 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by the0ne at 4-10-2009 01:46

satu musim paling ciput pun 300 juta usd rasanya

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Post time 4-10-2009 01:41 AM | Show all posts
membazir saja benda ni...
paling kuat bertahan pun mungkin 2 tahun saja

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Post time 5-10-2009 10:18 AM | Show all posts
Aku pun agak benda nie tak akan bertahan lama....Nama besar pun boleh surrendder nie kan pulak si Tony tue. Mujur apa yg aku dengar kos utk pasukan F1 nie tidak dibiayai dgn wang kerajaan. Kalau sedikit inisiatif aku rasa tak salah....

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Post time 5-10-2009 05:28 PM | Show all posts
takpela, tgk dulu camne thn depan..

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 Author| Post time 6-10-2009 01:24 PM | Show all posts
aku rasa dorang bleh bersaing dlm group pertengahan dgn syarat driver kena hokey...... sbb ada 2,3 tim memang pakai henjin yg sama mcm dorang...........

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Post time 6-10-2009 05:38 PM | Show all posts
itula..yg penting boleh tamatkan perlumbaan tanpa ada masalah teknikal...kalau masalah teknikal je memanjang busan plak..

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Post time 6-10-2009 05:50 PM | Show all posts
memang diorg kata private funding....tapi kalau tak cukup wang nanti , gomen jugak nak kena top up..kalau tak malu laa sebab nama guna 1Malaysia

cuma aku rasa , idea ni agak optimis....negara lain yang lagi maju pun tak nak join F1 tapi Mesia beria nak turut serta dalam sukan bernilai jutaan ringgit ni..

btw , good luck 1Malaysia F1team....

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Post time 6-10-2009 05:50 PM | Show all posts
Berada dlm kedudukkan yg ada memberi mata ok gak antara 1 hingga 8 rasenya...Kalau selalu berada dlm kedudukkan podium pulak banyak lah penaja nak support tapi harapan mcm tue tipis sangat.

Sapa pemandu yg ok erk...kena pujuk flying Finn kot....Miahahahaakakaa

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Post time 7-10-2009 09:42 AM | Show all posts
pada pendapat aku hal ni bukan satu optimistik or fantasi we need a reality..

kos pengurusan,kemampuan bersaing,persiapan team dll.. byk menda kena amik kira..

berapa lama kita nak stay kat race then kalo kita tarik dir tiba2 adakah nnt kita akan dibanned.. byk lagi fktor2 yg x tentu..

bg aku ler kite dah ade team A1 malaysia yg patut diberi sokongan dr segala aspek.. untuk bersaing di F1 adalah x relevan kerana nama2 besar pon dah tarik diri n kurang menarik..

kalo dilihat pada A1 Malaysia team nie dah ade tapak yg kukuh n bersaing dgn negara2 lain.. race diorg pon ade byk point yg ditawarkan so peluang sama rata ditambah setiap team beraing pakai nama negara..

adakah logik sesebuah organisasi yg hemdak main F1 pakai nama negara then hanya semata2 show off memag aku xleh terima.. kite msk satu pertandingan dgn mentaliti utk menjadi juara n jaguh bukan hanya dibuli n dipromosikan semata2.. pliz kite dah ade A1 malaysia yg bagus tp no body support then we want to create another team utk race F1 yg mmg bg aku cam belagak jer... podahh..

bukan aku x patriotik tp kena realistik adakah projek nie akan dpt untung?tipu kalo gomen x support sbb semua sponser2 tu ade kaitan dgn gomen.. duit rakyat juga tu..

jgn ler wat semata2 utk show off kite support A1 malaysia lg bagus..

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Post time 7-10-2009 09:57 AM | Show all posts
support budak2 rempit masuk MotoGP pun ada pekdah jugak... Shahrul Yuzi dah buktikan seblom ni utk kelas 250... cuma lepas TVK tarik diri takde plak kerajaan mesia nak support...

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Post time 15-10-2009 10:58 AM | Show all posts

1 malaysia - Lotus F1 race car model ...

Post Last Edit by waksir at 16-10-2009 09:20

ni model Lotus F1 utk test di windtunnel je ......


berita lanjut ..

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Post time 15-10-2009 11:39 AM | Show all posts
ok least dah nampak kretenyer...

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Post time 15-10-2009 07:09 PM | Show all posts
Lotus F1 Racing Wind Tunnel Model

Interview with Mike Gascoyne ‐ Lotus F1 Racing Chief Technical Officer

How important is the completion of Lotus F1 Racing’s first windtunnel model ?

“The start of any windtunnel testing is an important step in the development of a new Formula 1 car, but it is particularly exciting for us as we continue preparations for our first season. It has been a very busy time since our entry was confirmed by the FIA. We had been working on the entry for several months so we already had aspects of the team infrastructure in place; the finances, the factory and the top management. Once our entry was confirmed in mid‐September, we were able to accelerate our recruitment and car development process and this is really where we are at now.”

What precisely is the involvement from Malaysia ?

“Our entry has only been made possible thanks to financing from the Malaysian private sector, so Lotus F1 Racing will be a Malaysian team through and through. Additionally we have valuable support from the Malaysian government through its 1Malaysia initiative, so we will essentially be flying the Malaysian flag in Formula 1. I am liaising with our Team Principal Tony Fernandes about our plans on a daily basis and am currently spending some time in Malaysia interviewing potential candidates for technical roles. The team is also in the process of recruiting Malaysian employees for other positions, including administration, marketing and PR.”

The team is currently based in the UK, but is there a long‐term plan to move to Malaysia ?

“The longer‐term vision is to create a centre of technical excellence at the Sepang circuit which we have already started planning together with Tony Fernandes and his associates. Naturally this takes time, so we have opted initially for a UK base at the RTN facility in Hingham from where we will run the F1 operations while we establish our Malaysian facilities. Ultimately, the team will be headquartered in Malaysia, but we will keep a small UK base which will give us a logistical advantage when we are racing within Europe.”

What technical partnerships do you already have in place ?

“We have been working with Fondtech to develop the aerodynamics, as well as with gearbox specialists Xtrac. We have an engine supply deal in place with Cosworth and we also have the support of engineering and composites teams in Malaysia who will play an integral role in developing the car.”

Is there really enough time to get a car and a team up and running before the first race in Bahrain?
“There is no escaping the challenges that we face simply to get the car ready for the first race of next season, but I am confident that we are up to the task in hand. Our target is to get the car ready for a roll out by the middle of February so that we can carry out pre‐season testing in preparation for Bahrain in mid‐March.”

What are your expectations for the first year ?

“We need to remain realistic in our aims for the first year. We are a new team and we are starting our development late, so it will be an achievement just to get two cars on the Bahrain grid. I hope by the middle of the season we will have established ourselves as the best of the rookie teams and then continue to make forward progress for the rest of the year.”

How integrated will the F1 team be with other Lotus groups ?

“It is a big honour to be associated with such an historic and prestigious Formula 1 brand as Lotus for whom I have a lot of respect. We will have a close relationship with other Lotus groups and we will do all we can to ensure that the Lotus name is treated respectfully with our new team.”

Finally, has there been any decision made on drivers for next year ?

“We have been looking closely at the driver market to determine our best options for next year including Malaysian drivers, but no decisions have been made yet. We need versatile drivers. We need reliable and technically‐minded drivers who can help us develop the car during the season, but at the same time we need drivers who are hungry for results and who can extract every little bit of performance from the car at all times.

Sources :


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Post time 16-10-2009 09:22 AM | Show all posts
6 driver dah di shortlisted ........... patut la kat A1 team takde driver ...

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