Konflik Israel - Palestin (Update : serangan ke atas Gaza)
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Balas #60 windof\ catat
Lepas tu baru la, kita ngan TNI fikir macamana nak deploy ke palestin....
Errr....triple 7 ade kosong ke? ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
Balas #61 tangopapa\ catat
moleh....moleh.... strawberry ripple triple, gajah madja, 33 teluq ayam....semua moleh pakai....demi mempertahankan agama n umat... |
Zionis laknatullah sudah mula merasa "dividen" yang mereka labur di Gaza semenjak 10 hari lepas
GAZA, (PIC)-- The Qassam Brigades, thearmed wing of Hamas, said on Sunday night that its fighters killed 11IOF soldiers and wounded 48 others since the start of the landoffensive 24 hours ago.
The sourcessaid that five soldiers were killed on Saturday night and six otherswere killed on Sunday, amongst them an officer with the rank of Colonel.
The Israeli occupation admitted to only one soldier being killed and 30 others wounded.
Meanwhile,Abu Ahmad, the spokesman of the Quds Brigades, the armed wing of theIslamic Jihad, said that Palestinian resistance factions managed todestroy seven IOF tanks int eh Zaitoun neighbourhood of Gaza City,pointing out that the invading troops fell in many ambushes carefullyprepared by the Palestinian resistance.
AbuAhmad added that the battle has not started yet as there are thousandsof resistance fighters waiting for the invading forces.
The Qassam Brigades, for its part, said that its fighters destroyed two IOF tanks using B-29 anti-armour rockets.
Furthermore, the Qassam Brigades, said on Sunday morning that its fighters managed to hit an Israeli helicopter.
Thiswas confirmed by Dizzi Rizova, the correspondent of the Bulgarian daily"telegraph" telling al-Jazeera.net that she saw the pilot parachuting,adding that he was not wearing paratroopers uniform which means hebailed out of the aircraft. to only one soldier being killed and 30 others wounded.
Meanwhile,Abu Ahmad, the spokesman of the Quds Brigades, the armed wing of theIslamic Jihad, said that Palestinian resistance factions managed todestroy seven IOF tanks int eh Zaitoun neighbourhood of Gaza City,pointing out that the invading troops fell in many ambushes carefullyprepared by the Palestinian resistance.
AbuAhmad added that the battle has not started yet as there are thousandsof resistance fighters waiting for the invading forces.
The Qassam Brigades, for its part, said that its fighters destroyed two IOF tanks using B-29 anti-armour rockets.
Furthermore, the Qassam Brigades, said on Sunday morning that its fighters managed to hit an Israeli helicopter.
Thiswas confirmed by Dizzi Rizova, the correspondent of the Bulgarian daily"telegraph" telling al-Jazeera.net that she saw the pilot parachuting,adding that he was not wearing paratroopers uniform which means hebailed out of the aircraft.
[ Last edited by babaq_net at 5-1-2009 10:14 PM ] |
Balas #63 babaq_net\ catat
baguih la...
citer macam ni la yang wartawa barat peram tak bagi orang tau.... :@
asyik duk tunjuk israel je... :@ |
Balas #62 windof\ catat
awat saudara kita kat indonesia sana, tak nak hantaq jin depa? |
Reply #65 tangopapa's post
Jin dia ada masalah projection capabilities macam navy Sg, dia hanya boleh mengganas round2 kat sini je dan tak boleh pi main jauh-jauh,,,![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif) |
Reply #65 tangopapa's post
Jin mana boleh cross laut...hehe. Kena ikut jalan darat...jauh woooo |
Reply #53 Debmey's post
Exactly the kind of words I expected to hear from this fella...
[ Last edited by alphawolf at 6-1-2009 08:11 AM ] |
Lets launch war campaign guys...
boycott this 'sheet' of jehuds...
[ Last edited by tangopapa at 6-1-2009 09:27 AM ] |
Reply #69 tangopapa's post
TP, kalau nak boikot Estee Lauder, Mark and Spencer, Sara Lee, Timberland even McD aku boleh gagah lagi..tapi nak boikot Intel dan IBM payah sikit..Intel centrino cores to developed di makmal Intel Tel Aviv, hampir semua laptop dan wireless adevices powered by this chip..IBM punya servers dan machines memang dah sejak azali beroperasi kat Mesia...![](static/image/smiley/default/funk.gif) |
Palestin tidak bersatu punca mudah diganyang
SAYA merujuk kepada keganasan Israel terhadap rakyat Palestin yangmemperlihatkan dunia Islam hanya mampu menunjuk perasaan dan OIC tidakberkesan.
Ini bukan pertama kali Israel mengganas tetapi telah banyak kalijuga resolusi yang tidak berguna dikeluarkan oleh PertubuhanBangsa-Bangsa Bersatu.
Apa yang patut dibuat? Saya berpendapat sudah tiba masanya umatIslam berdamai dengan Israel dan menerima kenyataan bahawa kewujudannegara Israel adalah ditentukan oleh Tuhan melalui kuasa-kuasa besarpada tahun 1948.
Takdir telah menentukan supaya rakyat Palestin perlu dipindahkan kesatu kawasan Bukit Golan dan Gaza diberikan kepada rakyat Palestin?
Tiada guna membiarkan rakyat Palestin yang tidak berdosa mati begitusahaja kerana pemimpin mereka tidak dapat menerima kewujudan Israel.Bagi setiap bom yang dilontar oleh pejuang Hamas ia akan membawa akibatserangan beribu bom dari tentera Israel.
Pemimpin Palestin mesti belajar hidup dalam aman dengan jirannyayang begitu kuat dan teguh dari segi kelengkapan tentera dankepimpinan.
Bukankah lebih baik hidup dalam keadaan aman dan memperkuatkan dirisupaya negara Palestin dihormati juga oleh Israel? Apabila kita lemahtidak ada gunanya melawan dengan membaling batu dan memanggilnyaintifada.
Islam adalah agama hebat dan kerana itu umatnya mesti hebat. Untukmenjadi hebat umat Islam kena belajar daripada orang hebat walaupunmereka bukan beragama Islam.
Lihat bagaimana pada tahun 1886 Jepun akui kehebatan teknologi Baratapabila ia dipaksa buka kepada Barat oleh tentera laut Amerika. Jepuntidak melawan tetapi sebaliknya menghantar anak mudanya ke Eropah danbelajar ilmu sains dan teknologi Barat. Hasilnya pada tahun 1905, Jepunberperang dengan armada Rusia dan menang. Jepun diisytihar superpower oleh Barat.
Israel mudah menyembelih rakyat Palestin kerana pemimpin Palestinsendiri tidak bersatu. Lihatlah sengketa antara Hamas dengan Fatah.Kerana merebut kuasa mereka sanggup bermusuhan dan memberi laluankepada Israel mengganas. Sikap mereka yang tidak sehaluan telahmembingungkan negara Islam yang lain.
Kerajaan Malaysia telah banyak berusaha membuka minda pemimpinPalestin di samping memberi pandangan-pandangan bernas kepada OIC.
Malangnya, walaupun beragama Islam budaya orang Timur Tengah tidaksama dengan orang Melayu yang meletakkan diplomasi dan keharmonian atassegala- galanya.
Barat sendiri kagum cara pelaksanaan Islam di negara ini. Merekamelihat Malaysia sebagai negara contoh mengamalkan Islam sederhana,progresif dan menghormati norma-norma kemasyarakatan.
Mengambil hubungan Malaysia-Singapura sebagai contoh, saya kirapemimpin Palestin boleh menggunakannya dalam hubungan dengan Israel.Sebenarnya banyak yang boleh dipelajari daripada kita jika dunia Arabakui kehebatan kita dalam aspek diplomasi dan kepimpinan.
penulis ni suruh palestin berdamai dengan israel..serah je tanah..rakyat palestin duk merempat tanah sendiri.tak kene batang idung sendiri takpe la..dah kena.. |
Originally posted by areguard at 6-1-2009 09:50 AM ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
TP, kalau nak boikot Estee Lauder, Mark and Spencer, Sara Lee, Timberland even McD aku boleh gagah lagi..tapi nak boikot Intel dan IBM payah sikit..Intel centrino cores to developed di makmal In ...
Buatan Taiwan Kan Ada....
Taiwan's Via to develop 'Pentium 4 clone' processor for high-end PCs
Mark LaPedus
Silicon Strategies
(10/16/2001 11:40 AM EDT)
SAN JOSE -- Continuing to walk on a legal tightrope, Taiwan's Via Technologies Inc. here let it slip out that it is working on a 2-GHz microprocessor, which is reportedly a "clone" of Intel Corp.'s Pentium 4 processor. During a presentation at the Microprocessor Forum on Monday, a Via executive briefly mentioned the processor while curiously raising questions about the need for 2-GHz processors.
But later, in interviews, a Via engineer described the new "Pentium 4 clone"--dubbed the CZA--a device that utilizes the same design concepts as Intel's Pentium 4 chip. Based on 0.10-micron process technology, Via's CZA is being designed as a 2-GHz processor that can be scaled up to 3-GHz speeds.
The processor could be launched in 2003 or 2004, according to managers at Via, which is already being sued by Intel for allegedly violating patents in processors and new chip sets for Pentium 4-based systems.
During a presentation at the Microprocessor Forum on Monday, Taipei-based Via also announced the C5X and C5XL processors, which run at speeds from 1.1-to-1.5-GHz. The C5X and C5XL will ship by the first half of 2002. At present, Via's fastest processor runs at 866-MHz. Dubbed the C5C or C5M, that processor line from Via can also be scaled to run at 1-GHz clock frequencies.
But the real Microprocessor Forum showstopper seems to be the CZA.
During a presentation, however, an executive from Via was reluctant to discuss its new CZA processor in detail. He dropped hints about the CZA, and then insisted that 90-to-95% of the world's population does not require a PC, based on a 2-GHz processor.
Given its past history in processor designs, Via has been somewhat reluctant to develop high-end MPUs. The company specializes in low-cost processors. But still, it may have no choice but to jump into the processor-performance race to keep up with rivals Advanced Micro Devices Inc. and Intel, according to analysts.
However, Via still is not convinced that most of the market needs high-end PCs. "Why does the world need a 2-GHz system?" quizzed Glenn Henry, president of Via's Centaur Technology Inc. subsidiary in Austin, Tex., which develops x86-based processors. Via acquired Centaur from Integrated Device Technology Inc. in 1999.
"Obviously, Intel wants to shove a 2-GHz system down our throats," said the outspoken Centaur executive during his presentation at the Microprocessor Forum. He said Intel believes "they will build 2-GHz processors and the market will come."
Via has another strategy. "We set out to build products that people need," he contended. "We are building products for 95% of the homes out there."
But still, Via is pressing on with the development of its CZA processor, reportedly to hedge its bets. Based on Via's new CZ microarchitecture, the CZA will utilize the same technologies and concepts as Intel's Pentium 4, according to information presented at the forum on Monday.
Like the Pentium 4, the CZA will use Intel's "Pentium 4 bus" and a "deep 18-stage pipeline architecture," according to C.J. Hothaus, an engineer at Centaur. "It's a 'Pentium 4' clone," said Holthaus in an interview on Monday. Sources believe the processor is Socket-478-compatible to the Pentium 4.
Via provided few details about the CZA. How Via will develop a "Pentium 4 clone" remains unclear. The Taiwanese company may have to obtain a license from its rival--Intel, which has recently filed several suits against Via in the past month.
Last week, for example, Intel fired the latest shot in its legal battle, claiming that Via's C3 microprocessor infringes on five of its patents. Earlier, Intel had accused Via of infringing upon its patents in new chip sets for Pentium 4 processors.
But the suits are not stopping Via, however. "We're still in business," Henry said. "We're alive and well."
Balas #58 windof\ catat
cadangan bagus. tapi macam mana tentera ATM hantar kat sana? pinjam C-17? ![](static/image/smiley/default/biggrin.gif) |
Balas #70 areguard\ catat
huh? tu pun masalah gak tuh... kita terlalu bergantung ngan dunia luar, sampaikan underwear pun import dari China.
adekah kemungkinan spyware dalam cip intel ni yang kita tak tau? ![](static/image/smiley/default/funk.gif) |
Kilang INTEL kat Kulim Hi Tech Kedah.... dengar citer dah 2 bulan shutdown production.... |
Originally posted by tangopapa at 6-1-2009 01:54 AM ![](http://mforum2.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
awat saudara kita kat indonesia sana, tak nak hantaq jin depa?
tak baik main jin2 nih...bukan ciri pejuang Islam sejati....
apa yg perlu orang2 Islam buat ialah senjata setaraf musuh utk melawan secara optimum, termasuk la pesawat2 dan kapal2 perang n pengangkut utk mengangkut tentera Islam ke merata dunia di mana umat Islam tertindas |
Balas #73 nando\ catat
rujuk post #62...![](static/image/smiley/default/tongue.gif) |
Berikut adalah senarai Syarikat dan produk mereka serta sumbangan mereka ke rejim Zionis dan Amerika
Syarikat : Phillip Morris Produk : Rokok dan Makanan Jenama : Marlboro, Virginia Slims, Benson & Hedges, Winston, Gold Coast, Merit, Parliament, Alpine, Basic, Cambridge, Bristol, Bucks, Chesterfield, Collector's Choice, Commander, English Ovals, Lark, L&M, Players and Saratoga, C? e d'Or, Philadelphia, Polo, Milka, Malabar, Marabou, Prince Fakta : 12 % keuntungannya adalah untuk Israel, Setiap hari umat Islam membelanjakan USD 800 juta untuk membeli rokok mereka, keuntungan purata 10% atau USD
Syarikat : Coca-Cola - McDonalds - Burger King - Pizza Hut ?KFC Produk : Minuman Jenama : Light Coke, Fanta, Sprite, Canada Dry, Crush, Schweppes, Minute Maid, Nestea, Dr. Pepper Fakta : Sejak 1966 Coca Cola meyokong penuh negara Israel. Coca Cola telah menerima anugerah tertinggi dari kerajaan Israel kerana lebih 30 tahun menyokong mereka serta membantah boikot Liga Arab terhadap Israel.
Syarikat : Nestle Jenama : Kit Kat, Perrier, Libby?, Nescafe, Maggie, Buitoni, Nestea, Freskies, Vittel, Pure Life, Nido, Smarties, Lion, Polo, After Eight, Coffee Mate, Nesquik, Aero, Quality Street, Felix (cat food), Crosse & Blackwell, Milkmaid, Carnation, Shreddies, Baci Baby Ruth, Butterfinger, Milkybar, Frutips Fakta : Syarikat Swiss ini dimilikki 50.1% oleh syarikat Israel, Osem Investments. Pada tahun 2000 mengumumkan untuk melabur berjuta-juta dolar di Israel dalam R & D. Pada tahun Peter Brabeck-Letmathe bagi pihak Nestle menerima Anugerah Jubli daripada Perdana Menteri Netanyahu.
Syarikat : Disney Produk : Disneyland, Euro-Disney, Jenama Disney, Kartun, Filem Fakta : Pameran Walt Disney Millennium di Epcot Centre Florida menonjolkan Jerusalem sebagai ibu negara Israel. Kos US 8 juta untuk pameran ini dibiayai US
1.8 juta oleh Israel untuk menentukan isi kandungan pameran. Ini adalah kempen Israel menggunakan Disneyland untuk menguasai Jerusalem sepenuhnya.
Syarikat : Delta Galil Industries Ltd. Produk : Pasaraya, Pakaian dan Kasut Jenama : JC Penney , Carrefour Nike, Reebok, Converse, Calvin Klein, Gap, Boss, Ralph Lauren, Banana Republic, Bauer, Wrangler, Dim, Old Navy Dockers, Celio, J. Crew , Caterpillar, Lou Riders, Pryca Fakta : Syarikat kain terbesar Israel. Pengasasnya Dov Lautman adalah kenalan rapat Presiden Israel ketika itu Ehud Barak.
Syarikat : Nokia Produk : Telekomunikasi, talipon bimbit dan elektronik Fakta : Nokia melabur begitu banyak di Israel dan memanggilnya PROJEK ISRAEL.
Syarikat : Danone Produk : Makanan, minuman dan biskut Produk : Evian, Alpina, LU Biscuits, Tuc, Volvic, Strauss dairy, Jacob biscuits, Danone yogart, HP foods, LEA & PERRINS, Sant? Galbani, Danao, Danette Fakta : Pada tahun 1998 Franck Riboud bagi pihak Danone menerima Anugerah Jubli daripada Perdana Menteri Israel, Netanyahu. Anugerah tertinggi negara Israel untuk syarikat yang memperkukuhkan ekonomi Israel. Institut Danone, satu institut Penyelidikan dan Pembangunan telah di tubuhkan di Israel pada tahun
Syarikat : Johnson & Johnson Produk : Kesihatan. Fakta : Pada tahun 1998 Roger S. Fineon bagi pihak Johnson & Johnson, menerima Anugerah Jubli daripada Perdana Menteri Israel Netanyahu.
Syarikat : Revlon Produk : Kosmetik Fakta : Jutawan Ronald Perelman yang memilikki Revlaon adalah seorang Zionis. Penyokong kuat Zionis Merupakan pemegang amanah Pusat Simon Wiesenthal Center yang menggunakan Holocaust untuk mendapatkan sokongan Zionisma dan Israel.
Syarikat : AOL Time Warner Produk : Media Elektronik dan Cetak Jenama : ICQ, Warner Bros, CNN, AOL, Times magazine Fakta : AOL memperuntukkan 30% daripada portfolio keuntungan di Israel. Pada tahun 1998 AOL menerima anugerah Jubli daripada Perdana Menteri Netanyahu.
Syarikat : IBM Fakta : Mempunyai 1700 pekerja di Israel. Satu dari 3 syarikat yang disanjung semasa Jamuan Makan Malam Liga Persahabatan Amerika-Israel Untuk Demokrasi pada 25 Jun 2001 bersama Ariel Sharon.
Syarikat : L'Oreal Jenama : Giorgio Armani, Lancome, Biotherm, Garnier, Helena Rubinstein, Donna Karan, Vichy, Cacharel, Maybelline, Redken, La roche-posay, Carson Fakta : Setelah disaman US 1.4 juta kerana menulis surat pada Liga Arab bahawa mereka menutup kilang di Israel, mereka kemudian malbur dengan begitu banyak di Israel. Kongres Yahudi Amerika amat berpuas hati dengan L? real dan menganggap mereka sahabat akrab.
Syarikat : Intel Produk : Perkakasan komputer Fakta : Intel adalah penyokong kuat Israel. Pusat pembangunan pertama di luar Amerika didirikan di Haifa pada 1974.
Syarikat : Est? Lauder Jenama : Clinique, Tommy Hilfiger, DKNY, Aramis, Origins, Ko Malone, La Mer, Prescriptives, Bobbi Brown Essentials, Aveda, Jane, MAC Cosmetics, Kate Spade, Fragrances, Stila Fakta : Pengerusinya, Ronald Lauder, pernah menjadi pengerusi Persidangan Utama Kesatuan Amerika Yahudi. Juga adalah presiden Tabung Kebangsaan Yahudi yang fungsinya ialah untuk menghalalkan pengambilan tanah rakyat Palestin oleh Israel.
Syarikat : News Corporation Produk : 20th Century Fox, Star, SKY, New York Post, National Geographic Channel, News of the World, The Times, The Sun, Nursery World, The weekly Standard, Daily Telegraph, Harper Collins Fakta : Murdoch's New Corp. melabur dengan begitu banyak di Israel.
Syarikat : Kimberly-Clark Produk : Huggies, ****x, Kleenex, Scott, ANDREX products Freedom, Scottex Fakta : Pada tahun 1998 Robert P. Van der Merwe , Pengerusi Kimberly Clark , menerima Anugerah Jubli daripada Perdana Menteri Israel Netanyahu, kerana sumbangan mereka dalam membangunkan ekonomi Israel.
Syarikat : Procter and Gamble Produk : Kesihatan, sabun, syampu Jenama : Head & Shoulders, Pert Plus, Pentain, Always, Tide, Crest, Pampers, Lux, Palmolive, Camay, Zest, Ariel, Fairy, Signal 2, close up, colgate, Monsieur Propre, Oil of Olaz, Petrol Hahn, Pringles, Sanicroix, Tampax, Tempo, Vicks, Vizir, Yes Swiffer, Ace, Action
500, Bonux, Mr Clean
MARS INC - Bounty, M&M's, Mars, Snickers, Twix, Uncle Ben's, Whiskas, Pedigree, Balisto, Brebbies
HASBRO - Parker, Pokemon, Star Wars, Episode I, Monopoly, Brothers, MB, Playskool, Tiger
GILETTE - Braun, Duracell, Gillette, Oral-B, Paper-Mate, Parker, Waterman
COLGATE PALMOLIVE - Ajax, Palmolive, Tahiti, Axion, Bingo, Fabe, Felire, La croix, Mennen, Murphy, Paic
Haagen ?Dazs Ben & Jerry? CAMPBELL Kellogg? Canderel Levis Raid Heinz
* Sumber fauzynm.tripod.com |
Originally posted by tangopapa at 6-1-2009 21:02 ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Berikut adalah senarai Syarikat dan produk mereka serta sumbangan mereka ke rejim Zionis dan Amerika
Syarikat : Phillip Morris Produk : Rokok dan Makanan Jenama : Marlboro, Virginia Slims, Ben ...
Sekadar renungan jek.....
Beb.... Kalau tengok pada senarai tu, apa yang tinggal dan yang tidak melibatkan Jews dan Barang Uncle Sam? Pendikkata boleh dikatakan hampir keseluruhan keperluan harian ada tersenarai diatas.OK lah kita pulau barangan depa, jawab nya makan Nasi dengan Telor Asin jek nampak nya kita. Yang merokok pulak jawab nya gulung rokok pucuk (daun) dengan tembakau Siam je le. (Jangan mare)
Kalau boleh senarai pulak alternative kepada barangan yang diblacklist diatas tu? |
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