err... apasal tak upgrade jer bangunan tu?
then apasal tinggal terbiar jer mcm tu???
sayang tul, bangunan luas, tapak pun luas.... |
Sesape nk komen pasal lukisan yg dibuat oleh sorang banduan sepanjang tembok penjara tuh..?
Last aku lalu....mcm dh terhakis lukisan2 pemandangan hijau tuh.. |
first time aku dgr cerita indon dgn kapal nya...
patut dicerita kan lagi nape indon tu dipenjara....mistik gak tu...
apa2 pun, kalo skrang naik monorel lalu kat area jln hang tuah dpt la tgk dlm kawasan pudu jail tu...
wa tak sanggup nak masuk la.....
baik masuk muzium negara.........he..he.. |
Reply #46 edmundo's post

As young pedestrians (R) walk past, the perimeter wall of the historic Pudu Jail displays the deteriorating artwork of what was once the world's longest mural painted by prison inmates in downtown Kuala Lumpur on November 1, 2007. Second World War veterans are up in arms over a decision to pull down Malaysia's historic Pudu jail as the country marks the 61st anniversary of Japan's brutal three and a half year occupation. The site of prisoner of war tortures, interrogations and infamous hangings is set to be torn down in 2008 in favour of a new commercial centre and condominium. |
Pudu Prison a prominent landmark in the city
The Star - Tuesday June 17, 2008
THE 113-year-old Pudu Prison in Jalan Hang Tuah, Kuala Lumpur, is a prominent landmark in the nation抯 capital city.
The prison, which was built in 1895 by the British colonial administration, had stood the test of time and gone through the crucial eras of the English, Japanese and Emergency in the country.
The prison was built at the then princely sum of $138,000. Its first governor was Lt-Kol J.A.B. Ellen.
Also known as Pudoh Gaol, most of its building materials were imported from India and Britain.
Its design of an X (cruciform) was copied from the Kandy Prison in Bogambia, Africa. It originally had 240 cells on three floors, but more cells were added over the years.
Its mass kitchen, bathrooms, administrative office, hospital and training centre are located outside the main X-building structure.
The prison抯 gruesome condemned cell is located at block D where those on death row were prepped before being hanged at the execution room in the same block. Between 1960 and 1993, 180 convicts were hanged there.
One of the infamous prisoners who served his time at the prison was armed gang leader Botak Chin who was executed by hanging in June 1981.
Convicted Australian drug traffickers Brian Chambers and Kevin Barlow were also sent to the gallows there in July 1986.
A famous saga that took place at the prison was when inmate Jimmy Chua and six other inmates took hostage of Dr Radzi Jaffar and Dr Abdul Aziz in 1985.
When the prison was first opened in 1895, it could only accommodate 600 prisoners but, since 1960, the number has increased gradually.
More prisons cells were added but the number was still insufficient.
In 1985, the prison recorded its highest number of inmates at any one time with 6,550.
This forced the prison authorities to arrange sleeping shifts for the prisoners.
A prominent feature of the prison is the mural painting on its outer walls done by former inmate Khong Yen Chong in the early 1980s.
Stretching out to more than 260m long, the mural used up nearly 2,000 litres of paint.
The painting earned Khong the Guinness Stout Effort Award for 搊utstanding achievement in his world record work of art |

Khong Yen Chong showing the award he received for painting the mural when he was an inmate at the prison in the 1980s |
Reply #19 Syd's post
ya sempat melawat gak.ton 1995 kalo aku tak silap. masa tu depa buka untuk org awam melawat...sbb ada ura2 nak diruntuhkan pudu jail itu. seram gak bila melawat sel2 banduan dan masuk kat bilik akhir banduan yg nak di gantung. mmg rasa cam real dgn audio dia semua. terserempak dgn ida nerina dan hubby mat saleh dia tu. |
jiran aku masuk senang jer...siap polis datang amik kat umah dia naik black maria trus p pudu jail... |
skg bukak lagi ke?  |
Reply #52 akinari's post
jiran kau keja apa??pengarah penjara ke |
denga citer mural kat luat tu dilukis oleh banduan pudu jail tu sendiri.. tul ke?
n kalu korang perasan, (ni aku perasan masa naik monorail).. rekabentuk bangunan penjara tu seolah2 org yg tgn nye diikat keatas dan kakinye dikangkangkan.. seolah2 penyiksaan gitu.. |
aku pi waktu dibuka utk lawatan tu, seram wooi, ms tu aku sekolah lg pi dgn famili aku. Mmg pudu tu diorg preserve je, x cuci langsung, kalau lalu kat jail tu, mak aii, hancing ya amat, sampai aku wonder diorang ni kencing dlm jail ke, kotorrr..
Betulla dlm jail bnyk lukisan dan luahan hati kat dinding2 tu. Tp seram sejuk ja tempat tu. Masa nk tgk persembahan org kena gantung mati tu, pegawai penjara tu warning, budak2, dan org mengandung dinasihatkan x tgk. Aku tgk je tp mmg scary gilee, aku tutup telinga n mata je. Mmg menginsafkan la, kalau nk wat jahat pk bnyk kali dulu la
Aku cadangkan diorg tayang visual hukuman gantung tu, biar org2 jahat takut sket, seram oiii... |
yg pasal banduan indon dan kapalnye tu aku penah terbaca dlm majalah mak aku.. kalo tak silap majalah keluarga, kat situ ada satu ruangan citer seram.. err.. majalah tu thn 1986-89 kalo tak silap.. ms aku baca tu aku kecik lagik.. aku igtkan ala2 citer dongeng je laa.. kot pon munkin berlaku kat lokap2 kecik je.. tatau plak berlaku kat pudu jail |
plan asal nak bangunkan shopping complex atas tanah penjara pudu tu tapi tatau le nape tak jadi. UDA pun tak sanggup nak buat kot, sapa nak sewa....sure serammm  |
jgnlah pudu jail ni diruntuhkan
malaysia ni suka tau nk runtuhkn bgnn bersejarah |
yer..jgn roboh..syg o..nkbina senang..tp nk simpan sejarah tu susah..
yg aku ingat pasal penjara ni..masa stil operate dulu...dlm thun 1994..aku g wakil skolah lumba lari..sewa bas skolah cacat pendegaran..bila lalu kt situ..leh la abg2 warden ni bntai bahasa isyarat ngn kitoerg satu bas...bantai gelak la aku masa tu..hik2.. |
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