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Author: errasazza

Hanazakari no Kimitachi e~Ella Chun & Jiro Part 3

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Post time 16-3-2008 04:11 PM | Show all posts

Reply #54 yufa_321's post

muka Chun skang ni dah kembali pada asal ...huhuh..lebih kurang cam zaman dia duk promot Hanakimi dulu ..sebab skang ni berat dia dah normal balik ..he puts on some weight ..ingat satu ketika time dia kurus giler tu ..sampai hidung dia pun nampak jelas dan muka cengkung ..masa tu kurang hensem skang ni dah hensem dan comel balik chunnie..huhuh..mmg cute banget!

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Post time 16-3-2008 04:12 PM | Show all posts

Reply #57 ChunElla's post

ehehe..hai eisya ..long time no see..tuh laa..same here..mmg happy giler2..what's more ,Chun bagi lagi hints ttg dia dengan Ella ni dlm interview dia..tunggu akak paste pas nii ..uhuks!

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Post time 16-3-2008 04:21 PM | Show all posts
Note: Please credit fishybizness of CEFCfor translation of article and do not edit any parts of this article.Please quote this translated article(including this note) in itsentirety. Thank you for your co-operation.

[2008.03.14]FRH talk about relationship , WZ admits he doesn't know how to be romantic

As someone who is very principled in his buddies' eyes, WZ when faced withrelationships is also as careful and rational, he said he neverbelieved in love at first sight, to him it's more realistic to developfeelings over time. "Whether two people when interacting are happy ornot, whether they can have a future with the other party, these aremore important than appearance or character." He admits that he is nota romantic person, doesn't know tactics like giving flowers to heat upthe love, only hopes that two people can be happy when together. "Ithink that it is really not easy to find someone to share your wholelife with, if that person appears, I will definitely make her feel veryblissful."

credits CEFC forum translated by fishybizness of CEFC forum

*huhuh..nampak nyer skang ni dah berubah sket pandangan Chun terhadap relationship masih berdasarkan benda yg sama..kalau dulu , Chun suka emphasize ttg feelings..skang ni Chun ckp yg pentingnyer bila dua pihak yg bercinta tu berinteraksi , diorang berdua akan bebetul happy ..dia dah tak pentingkan karekter atau penampilan orang tu dah ..yg penting sentiasa gembira bila bersama..adus!!dah la Chun siap ckp pada dia ,dia takkan jatuh cinta pada pandang pertama..dia hanya akan jatuh cinta setelah kenal beberapa lama dengan orang tu ..huhuhu..sebelum ni pun dia ade ckp , kalau pun pada mulanyer diorang hanya bermula sebagai kawan , tp kalau dia dapati diorang berdua ni ade persefahaman yg nyata , ade chemistry yg tinggi dan sentiasa gembira bersama ..tak mustahil dari hubungan kawan boleh bertukar kepada hubungan percintaan..untungnyer orang yg dicintai oleh Chun tu ..sebab Chun ade ckp kalau dia suka kan seseorang , dia akan buat orang tu bebetul gembira..dan yg bestnyer..Ella dalam blog entries dia  yg lepas2 ..dia ade ckp yg Xiao Kai selalu bagitau kat Ella bahawasanyer Ella ni selalu buat dia rasa gembira , kalau tgk muka Ella pun Xiao Kai dah rasa ckp happy ..lepas tu Ella pun ade ckp yg Xiao Kai ni sentiasa buat Ella happy ..adess...  jelas dan nyata orangnyer adelah Ella..bukan ke baru sehari dua ni kita tgk lam HITO awards tu , kemain lagi happy CE ni ..gambar2 pun ade utk dijadikan bukti ..huhuh..sorry..part Chun jer yg translated.sbnrnyer kena letak dengan original article in Chinese , unluckily CARI ni limited for 10 000 characters je each post .

nanti leen letak blog entries Ella yg Ella ckp Xiao Kai bagitau dia yg dia sentiasa buat Xiao Kai happy tu ..huhuh..

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Post time 16-3-2008 04:36 PM | Show all posts
Note: Please credit fishybizness of CEFCfor translation of article and do not edit any parts of this article.Please quote this translated article (including this note) in itsentirety. Thank you for your co-operation.

Fahrenheit's Secret Chatroom
Everything you wanted to know all in here!

epop: Can you tell us your height, weight, shoe size and visual acuity?
J: 181cm; 70kg; 10.5; vision after wearing contact lenses is 2.0
A: 177cm; 60kg; 10; 2.0 and 1.25
C: 184cm; 64kg; 10.5; 5.5
WZ: 181cm; 72kg; 10.5; 5.5 + astigmatism 1.25

epop: Which number do you like best?
J: My favourite number is 9, because it represents continuation, moreover it sounds like 'long-lasting'.
A:8. Because my favourite basketball player Kobe Bryant's number is 8,and my nickname "Ah Bu" is also taken from his name. (taken from Kobe'stranslated Chinese name)
C: 7! Because Lucky Seven! At that timeduring the Sunshine Boys competition, my performance number was also 7,it is my lucky number.
WZ: My birthday is 10th day of the 10th month, so it's 10! (laughs) My car number plate in Brunei is also 1010.

epop: Tell us which part of your body are you most pleased with?
J : If it's the face then I like my mouth and face outline best. Heard mymom say that when I was young I liked to suck the pacifier, that's howit became this sexy lip shape, I also like my face outline. If it's thebody I like the inverted V body shape, narrow waist, broad shoulders,when you take off your clothes it looks very promising!
A: Eyes!Because lower lashes are long, pupils are large, would often bemistaken to have applied eyeliner or to be wearing glasses that havemagnifying properties, (convex lens?) but I still like them lah!
C:Should be my smile bah! Also like my quick mental reaction, in additionresisting going to the toilet is also my specialty, so I also like mykidneys!
WZ: Bone frame! If your bone frame is good, your style would also become better! (laughs)

epop: If you use one phrase to describe your personality, what phrase would you use?
J:Never say die. No matter what difficulties I face I would face itbravely, definitely would not give up, would work hard to live on.
A: A Scorpio who is mysterious and has very high expectations of self.
C: Optimistic and jovial.
WZ: Does not waste time. I like to make use of my time effectively.

epop: If you use one word to represent yourself, what word would you use and why?
J : Dong. Because this word appears in my name. The name "Dong Cheng" mydad picked has very deep meaning. It means being as stable as a citystate, and also hope that as a person from the East I would beaccomplished.
A: Shen. Not "shen" as in God, but "shen" as in "jingshen" (inner energy). To have different types of energy to respond todifferent situations, that's why I picked this word.
C: Real. Youcan tell whether I'm happy or not right now by looking at my face, thatis to say that I'm more direct, won't mask myself. If choosing anotherword it would be rare. Such a good guy like me is very rare nowadays!(laughs)
WZ: Courage. It requires great courage to enter theentertainment circle. Those who know me would definitely not dream thatI would have the courage to enter the entertainment circle. Even thoughthere are many challenges, however, if you're afraid you wouldn't beable to advance. Because I'd grasped my courage and worked hard untiltoday, I choose the word "courage" to represent myself.

epop: What food do you dislike?
J:Spicy stuff. Those around me all like to eat "mala" hotpot, but fromyoung I could never handle it, whenever I ate spicy stuff I would keepperspiring, it was very torturous. However I'm ok with wasabi, becausewasabi's spiciness is momentary, but mala hotpot's spiciness lingers,so it's harder for me.
A: Chocolate. They're often either too dense or too sweet.
C: Nothing in particular that I dislike.
WZ: Pork lard.

epop: What place do you dislike?
J: Where there is cigarette smoke. I don't smoke, so whenever I smell cigarette smoke it would be very unbearable.
A: Dance pubs. I don't like places that are too noisy, also places where there is a strong smell of cigarette smoke.
C: Nowhere in particular. If I have to say then probably it's those places where you have to entertain people.
WZ: Nowhere in particular.

epop: What animal do you dislike?
J: Spider. Don't like how its body is small but legs are so long.
A:Bugs! Very ugly and revolting, especially those bugs/worms that crawlaround on the grass are loathsome. So I don't like to sit on the grass,completely cannot imagine having a picnic on the grass!
C: Savage animals.
WZ:Mosquitoes. It's really miserable if you get bitten by a mosquito onthe face the day before a press conference or a photoshoot! (laughs)

epop: What is your method of relieving stress?
J:Sleep! In the past I couldn't sleep if it was not my bed, but nowwhenever there is free time I would make up for lost sleep. My latestmotto is: How to achieve sleep during all times outside of officialfunctions! (laughs)
A: Sing! I would sing at home, would often singKTV too. And everytime I would pretend it's my own concert, I oftensing Jay Chou, Lee Hom, Gary Chaw's songs, but would never sing FRH'ssongs, because I would feel embarrassed!
C: No matter how tired Iam, when I get home I would go online, read the news, check email, orchat with friends on MSN. Even though the body is tired, the spirit isable to gain release.
WZ: Eat good food. Nothing else to do,moreover I'm happiest when eating. (laughs) Moreover when I go out tobuy things I would get recognised, in comparison it's easier to eat.

epop: What actions of others are you unable to accept?
J:Nothing in particular. Everyone makes mistakes, and I'm a peace-lovingperson, there is nothing that cannot be forgiven. Ah, but stealing andcommitting crimes are both no-nos!
A: Having your trusted friends repeat what you told them to other people, being betrayed by people.
C: Being betrayed and being deceived.
WZ:Betrayal! If I'd been betrayed by a trusted friend once, I would neverbelieve this person again, would also turn to hate him.

epop: Talk about who are in your family?
J: My mom and I, just two people.
A: Dad, mom, younger sister, total four people.
C: Dad, mom, a sister two years older than me, and myself.
WZ: Dad, elder brother, elder sister.

epop: Who do you think understands you most?
J: My mom. She understands me most, and is also the person most concerned about me.
A: The person who understands me most... is myself ba!
C: There are two each from my middle school and high school days. Total four people.
WZ:My dad. Whether it's my good points or bad points, he understands themall, if I have any troubles I wouldn't hesitate to discuss them withhim. In the past it wasn't like this, but ever since I left Brunei towork, and my mom passed away, it became that I would look for him todiscuss if anything cropped up.

epop: What item do you like most in your room?
J:Stereo. In the past I often hid in my bed the entire day listening tothe stereo, this was what I loved to do most! So I cannot do without agood sound quality stereo, it is the most important and also the mostexpensive thing in my room.
A: Piano. Because I wanted to be able topractice without considering the time, so I bought an electric one. Butthe most important is still my family members bah!
C: Branded bag. Because I like a certain brand, so I love it.
WZ : Computer! The things stored inside are extremely important to me, if Ilost them I think I would be very depressed for two months!

epop: What thing if lost would make you unable to live on?
J:Friends! Even though the stress from work is getting heavier, I wouldstill pour out my troubles to friends from my student days. They reallyunderstand me, if I no longer have friends I wouldn't be able to liveon bah!
A: Confidence! I used to lack confidence, that period oftime was really hard to get through. After some time I talked to theboss and my family, it was only after fixing down my own goals that Imanaged to find my confidence again.
C: Contact lenses, because my eyesight is very bad.
WZ: Family members!!

epop: When do you feel most manly?
J:That time when my dad fell ill and couldn't work, when I came out towork in the first year of high school to support the family finances.
A:When I work hard at what I want to do and what I have to do, when Itake responsibility for what I need to be responsible for, the feelingis great.
C: Especially towards girls, when friends are in trouble, when I reach out to help them.
WZ: When I have plans for the future. A guy must have goals and plans for the future.

Source: epop no:147
credits and CEFC forum
translated by fishybizness of CEFC forum

to be continued in next post

[ Last edited by  myst_leen at 16-3-2008 04:39 PM ]

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Post time 16-3-2008 04:38 PM | Show all posts
kali ni Chun bagi lagi hintss....ekeke..yg mana satu leen maksudkansebagai hint ?yg ni ..

epop: If you use one word to represent yourself, what word would youuseand why?

WZ: Courage. It requires great courage to entertheentertainmentcircle. Those who know me would definitely not dreamthatI would havethe courage to enter the entertainment circle. Eventhoughthere aremany challenges, however, if you're afraid you wouldn'tbeable toadvance. Because I'd grasped my courage and worked harduntiltoday, I choose the word "courage" to represent myself.

*dulu pun masa Hanakimi period , Chun pernah ckp yg courage adelah mottohidup dia..huhuh..dan nak tau kenapa kitaorang sebenarnyer kaitkandengan Ella ? ingat tak ..leen pernah ckp dulu ..nama Ella sebenarnyerterbentuk hasil dari satu ujian personaliti yg diambil oleh Ella..Ellameans/represent COURAGE ,kiranyer hasil dari ujian tumendapati Ella niseorang yg berani , oleh sebab tu pihak kompeni amik keputusan nak letakstage name Ella sebagai Ella..camner laks tetiba Chun punyer moto hiduppun COURAGE jugak .

Use magic Report

Post time 16-3-2008 04:45 PM | Show all posts
Note: Please credit fishybizness of CEFCfor translation of article and do not edit any parts of this article.Please quote this translated article(including this note) in itsentirety. Thank you for your co-operation.





[2008.03.16]S.H.E shooting commercial in Hainan

S.H.Erecently flew to "China's Hawaii" Hainan Sanya to shoot the 2nd seriesof commercials for a certain brand of yoghurt. Selina took the chanceto bring her parents along to Sanya for a holiday. Selina said, "Lastyear when we flew there during winter to shoot the commercial, alreadyfelt that this place was too beautiful." Hebe like Ella also fell inlove with self-photography, posting her own works on their blog

S.H.Eare currently enjoying the privilege of having commercials to shoot fornonstop, coupled with various magazine interviews, feature articles, inaddition to next week the Spanish media coming to interview them, thethree shouted, "Even though we seem to be lying low recently, we'reactually busy to death! This time coming to shoot the commercial it'salso a chance for a holiday." Their new album has also lately seen noaction, fans everywhere have been waiting till they are agitated, Hebeexpressed, "Actually this album is still in the planning stages, tryingto experiment a change in style, the company has been in contact withteacher Chen Sun Hua, we have been receiving songs due to us by ourgood friends! Was it rumoured boyfriend Jay Chou's new work? Hebelaughed impatiently, "He... it's a secret lah."

In addition Ellais also considering several movies, the company and her are seriously choosing scripts, there are even scripts which require all three S.H.E members, HIM expressed, "The new album will be pushed out first, thenwe'll let them film movies and idol dramas." Selina and Zhong Tian arealso coming out with a new programme, currently Zhong Tian is lookingfor a male host, they're considering Ethan Ruan, Ming Dao etc.

credits : CEFC Forum
translated by fishybizness of CEFC forum

*yeayy!!! Ella skang ni sedang mempertimbangkan beberapa filem baru ..huhuh..tak sabo dah nak tunggu apa filem terbaru Ella tu ..kalau boleh nak Ella berlakon dalam idol drama jugak ..sebab instinct leen menyatakan yg citer Hanakimi 2 akan dishoot jugak nanti ..uhuks..and guess what?? skang ni Korea laks sedang tayangkan citer The Rose lakonan Ella dan Joe ..kalau hari tu , diorang tayang Hanakimi lakonan Ella dan Chun ..skang The Rose , means after this ..Ella akan semakin dikenali kat Korea..yess!!! satu lagi berita baik ..Hanakimi skang ni sedang  ditayangkan di Thailand , Jepun dan Filipina . hopefully diorang akan berpeluang pergi promot Hanakimi lg kat negara2 yg baru tayangkan Hanakimi ni ..dan yg bes jugak , S.H.E mmg akan muncul dengan album baru jugak plg tak sabar nak tgk kemunculan Ella kat skrin laa..huhuhh..

[ Last edited by  myst_leen at 16-3-2008 04:47 PM ]

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Follow Us
Post time 16-3-2008 05:03 PM | Show all posts
tadi leen dah janji kan nak pos kan pasal msg Ella ttg Xiao Kai yg Xiao Kai ni selalu buat dia happy ..bahkan Xiao Kai pernah ckp kat Ella yg dia sentiasa happy bila bersama dengan Ella..tgk muka Ella je pun dah boleh buat Xiao Kai sgt happy dan tersenyum ..huhuh.

ehehee..suddenly this happy talks reminds meabout Ella's entries on Xiao Kai ..she has always said that Xiao Kaireally knows how to make her happy ...

quoting few phrases of Ella's different entries on Xiao Kai

He really is a Xiao Kai ye
Always know how to make me happy
I like him more and more

tease me until made me really happy (how to explain this one?)
dunno if this is how he make girls happy

really know how to talk

shealso mentioned about this in her other entries about Xiao Kai ..almostall of the entries mentioned about Xiao Kai made her happy ..then Iremember Ella also mentioned before that Xiao Kai told her , Xiao Kaiwould be very happy with her ..he can be very happy only by seeingElla's face I'm sure that Xiao Kai is Chun and Chunis really mentioning Ella in the news above. huhuh..

Use magic Report

Post time 16-3-2008 08:47 PM | Show all posts

Reply #62 myst_leen's post

tu lah kak..comel giler...tak puas tgk...
pas ni dah start blk sekolah..cbuk blk..susah nk msk cni..
msti rindu lah kat ce dgn semua....

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Post time 16-3-2008 08:59 PM | Show all posts

Reply #68 myst_leen's post

kak leen..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
semua yg akak post kat atas ni dah terang lg b'suluh mmg chun ckp psl ella dan ella ckp psl chun...:bg: :bg: :pompom: :pompom:

tak sabar nk tgk ella b'lakon lg.....nnt ella msti popular kat korea...sbb citer hana kimi dgn the rose tu mmg best...

Use magic Report

Post time 17-3-2008 03:00 AM | Show all posts
yufa , mmg tak syak lg ... yg Chun dan Ella berckp ttg diri masing2...huhuhuh...and guess what ? today Chun gives out hints again ...ades!! ekekeke..sebabnya Chun kan gi promot RP kat Hong Kong ..pastu dia kena menari dengan fans dan akak dah tgk gambo2 dia menari dengan fans tu ..mmg nampak kekok giler..berbeza giler berbanding dengan dia menari bersama Ella..ekekeke..dan yg akak maksudkan Chun bg hints lagi tu ..sebab nyer Chun ckp dia cuma akan menari waltz ni dengan gf atau isteri dia jer..sebab tarian waltz tu dikira terlalu intim ..hahaha.,,ades!! bukan 2 kali dah ker dia menari waltz dengan Ella ..??sekali dalam MV , sekali kat pentas..and he was so willing to dance with what does he mean with his statement ?? Ella's his gf or wife ??

Note: Pleasecredit summersnow of CEFC for translation of article and do not editany parts of this article. Please quote this translated article(including this note) in its entirety. Thank you for your co-operation.

Wu Zun Waltz - Only with Wife

WuZun, Calvin, George Hu and Eric Lee attracted more than a thousand fansto the RP promo. The organisers arranged for them to pair up with 4female fans to take part in a waltz competition.

Wu Zun wasinterviewed on his feelings regarding the waltz, he says, "We onlyspent 10 min to rehearse for this, so I was rather nervous. I havesigned up for such courses back in Brunei back then, and when I havemore time in future, I would like to continue learning, but I will onlypair up with my wife or gf, because it is too close" (I think he meantto say intimate? keke)

credits CEFC

translated by summersnow of CEFC forum

*ehehehe..ok..mmg la dia ckp in future ..but then the way he said it actually already reveals yg dia cuma bleh menari dengan orang yg dia anggap sebagai gf atau isteri dia jer..huhuh..and only with Ella that he danced so intimately ..takde langsung gap badan dengan ella..dengan orang lain kekok gileer..

antara gambo Chun menari dengan fans/instructor

huhuh..see what I mean ? dia nampak kekok giler and can see that he tried to distance himself from the fans .no chemistry at all ..very different from what we see between him and Ella, right?dengan Ella..natural giler..

credits to CEFC for all the pictures provided

a'ah yufa..tak sabar jugak nak tgk lakonan ella lg..seems that she's getting popular in ckp , nama Ella antara nama yg popular dalam searching engine semer pasal Hanakimi rasanyer..lepas ni nanti org dah tgk the rose kat sana , lg la ramai yg kenal dia

[ Last edited by  myst_leen at 17-3-2008 03:03 AM ]

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Post time 17-3-2008 03:07 AM | Show all posts

Ella's latest entry about Xiao Kai

Note: Pleasecredit fishybizness of CEFC for translation of article and do not editany parts of this article. Please quote this translated article(including this note) in its entirety. Thank you for your co-operation.

Such true love, only exists once in a lifetime


Xiao Kai bought DVDs of two classic movies
He said he wanted to share them with me
One is "Bridges of Madison County"
He said
This movie was introduced to him by his mom
So he bought it
"The Shawshank Redemption"
I'd heard of both movies before
But never watched them before
He'd watched them
He really wished to share them with me
Bridges of Madison County
Both actors acted really well
I asked him what was the plot like
He wasn't able to describe it in words
He said he only wished to watch it again with me
He also hoped to meet, such a true love in his lifetime
When I heard it
I was so nervous
Was this a confession?
Would he say something to me while watching the movie?
Perhaps I'm thinking too much
But girls
Always love to fantasise
But he said
You really must savour this movie properly
I promised him, so we will have one DVD date

The Shawshank Redemption
Quite a good script
Rather excellent actors
Really have to watch this carefully to the end, it's really full of surprises
He told me to recommend it to others too
These two movies
Let's all watch them together ba
After watching them do share your thoughts online
Anticipating the date with Xiao Kai
I want to eat popcorn together with him

*huhuhu;..nampaknyer Ella pun sama makin rancak duk bg hints pasal Chun ni ..ermss..mmg boleh agak Xiao Kai ni Chun ..sebab Ella ckp Xiao Kai ni berharap dapat jumpa cinta yg macam dalam citer yg diorang nak tgk tu nanti ..uhuh..betul ke ni diorang akan ader DVD date ni ?yg ni tak dapat nak diagak sebab selalu nyer Ella sendiri yg buat aktiviti tu , cuma dia inject Chun's traits into Xiao Kai kalau betul la diorang date tgk movie ni..ahaks..tak dapat nak bayangkan ..mesti romantik .

Use magic Report

Post time 17-3-2008 12:15 PM | Show all posts
wah dah ada rumah baru ye...
encemnya chun ...tak tahan nengok...

yg pastinya tak sabar nak nunggu hanakimi 2 nie

Use magic Report

Post time 18-3-2008 03:11 AM | Show all posts

Reply #72 myst_leen's post

LEEN!!! muka NYL kuar gak dlm blog album wu chun kat malaysia!!!! hahahaha

Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 20-3-2008 07:37 PM | Show all posts

Reply #74 runnyl's post

akak dah tgk...leen ke yg pakai tudung putih tu..

Use magic Report

Post time 20-3-2008 10:43 PM | Show all posts

Reply #75 errasazza's post

iye la kak erra. nyl la tuh. heheheh.

Use magic Report

Post time 21-3-2008 12:48 PM | Show all posts
takde apa2 berita ke pasal ce??

Use magic Report


Post time 22-3-2008 07:18 AM | Show all posts

Reply #74 runnyl's post

sorry...lama tak mereply kat umah ni sket...a'ahh..leen dah tgk dah muka nyl ..ekeke..siap 2 kpg lagi tu gambo chun letak situ ..sayangnyer nyl palingkan muka..kalau tak , leh nampak jelas lg muka kiut nyl . .

Use magic Report

Post time 22-3-2008 07:19 AM | Show all posts

Reply #77 babyface76's post

ekeke..ade banyak jgk ..klip pun banyak ..cuma leen tak tereply kat sini jer..sori ..uhuh..nanti leen try update slow2..

Use magic Report

Post time 22-3-2008 08:00 AM | Show all posts

CE "The Summer" MV

hurm ..MV ni sedeh giler..actually MV ni menceritakan saat2 getir yg dilalui oleh CE dan jugak CE fans pada musim summer thn lepas..saat masa mula2 Chun nak shooting RP , di mana tetiba muncul 'DJ' . erms..pada sesiapa yg tgk MV ni mesti akan faham kenapa CE fans begitu kuat dengan intuisi kitaorang mengatakan CE ni mmg bercinta .. takde subtitle utk MV ni ..oleh sebab tu , leen akan terangkan serba sedikit apa yg diinclude dalam ni ..leen ingat semuanyer sebab mmg masa tu follow bebetul perkembangan CE ..MV ni bermula dengan statement CE masa Chun memula nak shooting RP ..wartawan tanya pada Ella ,apa perasaan Ella bila tau Chun akan bekerjasama dengan Angela utk drama RP ..then Ella jawab yg dia tak risau sebab dia tau yg Chun cuma jalankan tanggungjawab dia sebagai seorang pelakon , jadi kiranyer itu adelah urusan kerja semata2..jawapan Ella tu menimbulkan tanda tanya , jadi Selina cecepat ckp , "kalau awak dah ckp macam tu , maknanya betul la awak dengan Chun ni ade sesuatu ?" then Ella tetiba dah tergamam tp sambil gelak2 ckp ."takdela..saya dan Chun cuma kawan baik jer."lebih kurang macam tu la..

Chun pun ditanya soal yg sama , wartawan tanya Chun samada Chun tak risau ke Ella akan marah Chun berlakon dengan Angela , Chun jawab benda yg sama ..pada Chun , ianya dikira sebagai urusan kerja ..jadi dia risau ..lepas tu dia cam tergagap2..sebab dia tau jawapan dia tu mmg boleh menimbulkan syak wasangka ..kiranyer masa ni la CE dikatakan slipped out something ..padahal shooting RP dah nak bermula , tp gossip CE masih belum reda..oleh sebab tu , pada tarikh 10.05.2007 , beberapa hari je lepas interview CE tadi ..pada hari pelancaran album baru S.H.E ..Ella ditanya pasal kemunculan DJ dalam hidup dia..dalam MV tu ade tunjuk wajah Chun tak ceria pada hari yg sama pelancaran album tu berlangsung..Ella pulak nampak macam ade yg tak kena..ade tunjuk Ella tetiba menangis lepas diorang nyanyi ..CE fans syak yg Ella nangis sebenarnyer sebab dia tau dia kena berbohong pasal kewujudan DJ ..

then tunjuk part2 Ella masih lg berckp ttg Chun secara simbolik walau pun ms tu DJ dah wujud ..Chun msh fikirkan Ella walau pun tgh shooting RP , sebab tu Chun ade ckp dia belajar bind script dari Ella..ade lagi hints yg lelain Chun nyatakan leen dah ingat2 lupa..cuma leen ingat Chun tak pernah ubah statement dia ttg ciri2 wanita yg dia sukai ..then dalam klip ni tunjuk macam mana air muka Ella bila mana dia ditanya ttg DJ dan nampak tak hepi bila bercerita psl DJ ..perangai dia lain giler masa ni ...Selina dan Hebe pun tak hepi dengan kemunculan DJ ..disebabkan reaksi Ella yg macam tu la , CE fans percaya kewujudan DJ hanya utk redakan gossip CE sebab Chun tgh shooting RP ..dalam pada tu , wartawan ade tanya kat Ella pasal Chun ..Ella ttp ckp dia dengan Chun kawan baik .ade sekali tu , masa mata Chun cedera disebabkan contact lense pecah dalam mata dia ..wartawan tanya Ella tau tak pasal ni ..Ella ckp dia tau , sebab dia ade tanyakan pada staff diorang ttg hal ni ..then Ella ckp dia pernah nasihatkan Chun supaya pakai daily lense , bukan monthly lense yg Chun pakai tu sebab mmg dah tau lense yg macam tu boleh mendatangkan masalah kepada mata..

lepas tu , ade tunjuk part yg wartawan suruh Chun congratulate Ella dengan DJ ..Chun menolak ..Chun ckp dia sendiri tak tau samada benar ke tak gossip tu ...kalau dia confirm gossip tu benar je , baru dia akan congratulate Ella..kalau tak , buat per dia congratulate..erms..masa ni mmg jawapan Chun sgt mencurigakan sebab boleh kesan riak cemburu dalam jawapan dia..dan dr jawapan tu CE fans dapat agak yg CE tau keadaan sebenar antara diorang ,Chun tau DJ tu cuma 'smokescreen' , tp perkara ni terpaksa dirahsiakan ..

akhirnyer bila shooting RP tamat , Ella pun announce yg hubungan dia dengan DJ dah tamat..memula dia ckp on pause jer, tp lepas tu dia confirmedkan mmg dah takde apa2 antara dia dengan DJ ..CE fans mmg tak pernah percaya pun dengan keujudan DJ ni ..takde bukti langsung..tambahan pulak boleh nampak Ella , Selina dan Hebe mmg langsung tak ceria sepanjang tempoh fiasco tu ..lepas tu tunjuk macam mana Chun ceria balik ..masa promo RP dia mmg ceria ..huhuh..masa tu CE fans geram dengan cerita2 yg direka2 pasal Chun dan Angela pulak ..sebab kitaorang boleh nampak interaksi sebenar diorang berdua , tp pihak media mereka2 cerita utk timbulkan gossip CA sebab nak naikkan rating citer RP .

then tunjuk , masa dalam tempoh duk promot RP pun Chun masih fikirkan Ella..ade tunjuk yg Chun tetiba sebut mushroom dan bagitau Ella suka sebut perkataan tu masa diorang shooting Hanakimi dulu ..Chun siap ajuk lagi camner Ella sebut perkataan tu , sebagai bukti ..creator ni selitkan sekali klip Ella sebut mushroom . ehehe..Chun siap ckp kiut giler cara Ella sebut mushroom ..nampak sgt masa tu dia hepi berckp ttg Ella..padahal rancangan tu dihadiri oleh Chun dan Calvin utk promot RP Chun tak bercerita mana pasal RP , Calvin yg citer ttg RP .ehehe..lepas tu , tunjuk yg Calvin tanya Chun ..dalam bebanyak kissing scenes Chun , kissing dengan saper yg Chun rs paling ade feel ..lepas tu Chun ckp , kali ni dia mmg akan bagitau bebetul jawapan nyer..masa tu dia ckp dengan serius..ekeke..sekali Chun ckp , "Han Bao (Hamburger) " . fans yg tak follow CE , diorang takkan tau Han Bao tu adelah special nick Ella ..sebagai bukti , creator ni selitkan sekali klip di mana Selina dan Hebe panggil Ella dengan panggilan Han Bao ..lps tu tunjuk Ella pakai baju t shirt yg ade gambo hamburger tu ..ekeke..sweet giler muka Chun masa sebut Han Bao tu ..pandai la Chun ..dia ingat semua fans tak tau agaknyer Han Bao tu Ella.. . masa tu sebenarnyer tgh dalam jangka masa promo RP jugak.

then tunjuk akhirnyer hubungan CE pulih macam biasa..sebab tu diorang boleh bergurau senda dengan mesra balik depan kamera....

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Post time 22-3-2008 02:58 PM | Show all posts

Ella's latest Daphne shoes ads photoshoot

huwaaaa!!!! Ella gorgeous gilerrr!!!! serius tak puas pandang dia ..sebab pose dia mmg unik giler..pastu ..cantik sesangattt masa niii ..dah la dia mmg pandai bermain dengan ekspresi muka dia..mmg macam model professional . huhuh... major nosebleed right here!

paling suka  gaya pose dia dan jugak outfit dia yg ni ..coz she looks so pretty and gorgeously feminine right here..dengan matanyer ..huhuh

pose yg unik giler..bukan senang nak buat pose gini ..

she's such a talented model ..

credits : Baidu and CEFC

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